213 research outputs found

    Wireless Data Acquisition for Edge Learning: Data-Importance Aware Retransmission

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    By deploying machine-learning algorithms at the network edge, edge learning can leverage the enormous real-time data generated by billions of mobile devices to train AI models, which enable intelligent mobile applications. In this emerging research area, one key direction is to efficiently utilize radio resources for wireless data acquisition to minimize the latency of executing a learning task at an edge server. Along this direction, we consider the specific problem of retransmission decision in each communication round to ensure both reliability and quantity of those training data for accelerating model convergence. To solve the problem, a new retransmission protocol called data-importance aware automatic-repeat-request (importance ARQ) is proposed. Unlike the classic ARQ focusing merely on reliability, importance ARQ selectively retransmits a data sample based on its uncertainty which helps learning and can be measured using the model under training. Underpinning the proposed protocol is a derived elegant communication-learning relation between two corresponding metrics, i.e., signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and data uncertainty. This relation facilitates the design of a simple threshold based policy for importance ARQ. The policy is first derived based on the classic classifier model of support vector machine (SVM), where the uncertainty of a data sample is measured by its distance to the decision boundary. The policy is then extended to the more complex model of convolutional neural networks (CNN) where data uncertainty is measured by entropy. Extensive experiments have been conducted for both the SVM and CNN using real datasets with balanced and imbalanced distributions. Experimental results demonstrate that importance ARQ effectively copes with channel fading and noise in wireless data acquisition to achieve faster model convergence than the conventional channel-aware ARQ.Comment: This is an updated version: 1) extension to general classifiers; 2) consideration of imbalanced classification in the experiments. Submitted to IEEE Journal for possible publicatio

    Bayesian Over-the-Air FedAvg via Channel Driven Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics

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    The recent development of scalable Bayesian inference methods has renewed interest in the adoption of Bayesian learning as an alternative to conventional frequentist learning that offers improved model calibration via uncertainty quantification. Recently, federated averaging Langevin dynamics (FALD) was introduced as a variant of federated averaging that can efficiently implement distributed Bayesian learning in the presence of noiseless communications. In this paper, we propose wireless FALD (WFALD), a novel protocol that realizes FALD in wireless systems by integrating over-the-air computation and channel-driven sampling for Monte Carlo updates. Unlike prior work on wireless Bayesian learning, WFALD enables (\emph{i}) multiple local updates between communication rounds; and (\emph{ii}) stochastic gradients computed by mini-batch. A convergence analysis is presented in terms of the 2-Wasserstein distance between the samples produced by WFALD and the targeted global posterior distribution. Analysis and experiments show that, when the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficiently large, channel noise can be fully repurposed for Monte Carlo sampling, thus entailing no loss in performance.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 26 references, submitte

    Task-Oriented Over-the-Air Computation for Multi-Device Edge AI

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    Departing from the classic paradigm of data-centric designs, the 6G networks for supporting edge AI features task-oriented techniques that focus on effective and efficient execution of AI task. Targeting end-to-end system performance, such techniques are sophisticated as they aim to seamlessly integrate sensing (data acquisition), communication (data transmission), and computation (data processing). Aligned with the paradigm shift, a task-oriented over-the-air computation (AirComp) scheme is proposed in this paper for multi-device split-inference system. In the considered system, local feature vectors, which are extracted from the real-time noisy sensory data on devices, are aggregated over-the-air by exploiting the waveform superposition in a multiuser channel. Then the aggregated features as received at a server are fed into an inference model with the result used for decision making or control of actuators. To design inference-oriented AirComp, the transmit precoders at edge devices and receive beamforming at edge server are jointly optimized to rein in the aggregation error and maximize the inference accuracy. The problem is made tractable by measuring the inference accuracy using a surrogate metric called discriminant gain, which measures the discernibility of two object classes in the application of object/event classification. It is discovered that the conventional AirComp beamforming design for minimizing the mean square error in generic AirComp with respect to the noiseless case may not lead to the optimal classification accuracy. The reason is due to the overlooking of the fact that feature dimensions have different sensitivity towards aggregation errors and are thus of different importance levels for classification. This issue is addressed in this work via a new task-oriented AirComp scheme designed by directly maximizing the derived discriminant gain

    Heart–brain interaction in cardiogenic dementia: pathophysiology and therapeutic potential

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    Diagnosis and treatment of patients with cardiovascular and neurologic diseases primarily focus on the heart and brain, respectively. An increasing number of preclinical and clinical studies have confirmed a causal relationship between heart and brain diseases. Cardiogenic dementia is a cognitive impairment caused by heart dysfunction and has received increasing research attention. The prevention and treatment of cardiogenic dementia are essential to improve the quality of life, particularly in the elderly and aging population. This study describes the changes in cognitive function associated with coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure, atrial fibrillation and heart valve disease. An updated understanding of the two known pathogenic mechanisms of cardiogenic dementia is presented and discussed. One is a cascade of events caused by cerebral hypoperfusion due to long-term reduction of cardiac output after heart disease, and the other is cognitive impairment regardless of the changes in cerebral blood flow after cardiac injury. Furthermore, potential medications for the prevention and treatment of cardiogenic dementia are reviewed, with particular attention to multicomponent herbal medicines

    Untargeted Safety Pharmacology Screen of Blood-Activating and Stasis-Removing Patent Chinese Herbal Medicines Identified Nonherbal Ingredients as a Cause of Organ Damage in Experimental Models

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    Blood activation and stasis removal from circulation is a central principle for treatment of syndromes related to cerebral and cardiovascular diseases in Chinese herbal medicine. However, blood-activating and stasis-removing patent Chinese herbal medicine (BASR-pCHM) widely used with or without prescription in China and elsewhere are highly variable in composition and manufacture standard, making their safety assessment a challenging task. We proposed that an integrated evaluation of multiple toxicity parameters of BASR-pCHM would provide critical reference and guidelines for their safe clinical application. Examination of standardized extracts from 58 compound BASR-pCHM in vivo in VEGFR2-luc mice and in vitro in cardiac, renal, and hepatic cells identified Naoluotong capsule (NLTC) as a potent organ/cell damage inducer. Composition analysis revealed that NLTC was the one that contained nonherbal ingredients among the BASR-pCHM collection. In vivo and in vitro experiments confirmed that NLTC, as well as its chemical supplement tolperisone hydrochloride, caused organ and cell damage by reducing cell viability, mitochondrial mass/activity, while the NLTC herbal components did not. Taken together, our study showed that safety evaluation of patent herbal medicines already on market is still necessary and urgently needed. In addition, chemical/herbal interactions should be considered as an important contributor of potential toxicity when evaluating the safety of herbal medicine

    Data-importance aware user scheduling for communication-efficient edge machine learning

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    With the prevalence of intelligent mobile applications, edge learning is emerging as a promising technology for powering fast intelligence acquisition for edge devices from distributed data generated at the network edge. One critical task of edge learning is to efficiently utilize the limited radio resource to acquire data samples for model training at an edge server. In this paper, we develop a novel user scheduling algorithm for data acquisition in edge learning, called (data) importance-aware scheduling . A key feature of this scheduling algorithm is that it takes into account the informativeness of data samples, besides communication reliability. Specifically, the scheduling decision is based on a data importance indicator (DII), elegantly incorporating two “important” metrics from communication and learning perspectives, i.e., the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and data uncertainty . We first derive an explicit expression for this indicator targeting the classic classifier of support vector machine (SVM), where the uncertainty of a data sample is measured by its distance to the decision boundary. Then, the result is extended to convolutional neural networks (CNN) by replacing the distance based uncertainty measure with the entropy. As demonstrated via experiments using real datasets, the proposed importance-aware scheduling can exploit the two-fold multi-user diversity, namely the diversity in both the multiuser channels and the distributed data samples. This leads to faster model convergence than the conventional scheduling schemes that exploit only a single type of diversity

    Pushing AI to Wireless Network Edge: An Overview on Integrated Sensing, Communication, and Computation towards 6G

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    Pushing artificial intelligence (AI) from central cloud to network edge has reached board consensus in both industry and academia for materializing the vision of artificial intelligence of things (AIoT) in the sixth-generation (6G) era. This gives rise to an emerging research area known as edge intelligence, which concerns the distillation of human-like intelligence from the huge amount of data scattered at wireless network edge. In general, realizing edge intelligence corresponds to the process of sensing, communication, and computation, which are coupled ingredients for data generation, exchanging, and processing, respectively. However, conventional wireless networks design the sensing, communication, and computation separately in a task-agnostic manner, which encounters difficulties in accommodating the stringent demands of ultra-low latency, ultra-high reliability, and high capacity in emerging AI applications such as auto-driving. This thus prompts a new design paradigm of seamless integrated sensing, communication, and computation (ISCC) in a task-oriented manner, which comprehensively accounts for the use of the data in the downstream AI applications. In view of its growing interest, this article provides a timely overview of ISCC for edge intelligence by introducing its basic concept, design challenges, and enabling techniques, surveying the state-of-the-art development, and shedding light on the road ahead
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