4,943 research outputs found

    Gravitational microlensing in Verlinde's emergent gravity

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    We propose gravitational microlensing as a way of testing the emergent gravity theory recently proposed by Eric Verlinde~\cite{Verlinde:2016toy}. We consider two limiting cases: the dark mass of maximally anisotropic pressures (Case I) and of isotropic pressures (Case II). Our analysis of perihelion advancement of a planet shows that only Case I yields a viable theory. In this case the metric outside a star of mass Mβˆ—M_* can be modeled by that of a point-like global monopole whose mass is Mβˆ—M_* and a deficit angle Ξ”=(2GH0Mβˆ—)/(3c3)\Delta = \sqrt{(2GH_0M_*)/(3c^3)}, where H0H_0 is the Hubble rate and GG the Newton constant. This deficit angle can be used to test the theory since light exhibits additional bending around stars given by, Ξ±Dβ‰ˆβˆ’Ο€Ξ”/2\alpha_D\approx -\pi\Delta/2. This angle is independent on the distance from the star and it affects equally light and massive particles. The effect is too small to be measurable today, but should be within reach of the next generation of high resolution telescopes. Finally we note that the advancement of periastron of a planet orbiting around a star or black hole, which equals πΔ\pi\Delta per period, can be also used to test the theory.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Pion-nucleon Sigma Term in the Global Color Model of QCD

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    We study the pion-nucleon sigma term in vacuum and in nuclear matter in the framework of global color model of QCD. With the effective gluon propagator being taken as the Ξ΄\delta-function in momentum space of Munczek-Nomirovsky model, we estimate that the sigma term at chiral limit in the vacuum is 9/2 times the current quark mass and it decreases with the nuclear matter density. With the presently obtained in-medium pion-nucleon sigma term, we study the in-medium chiral quark condensate and obtain a reasonable variation behavior against the nuclear matter density.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    The primordial black hole from running curvaton

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    In light of our previous work \cite{Liu:2019xhn}, we investigate the possibility of the formation of a primordial black-hole during preheating period, in which we have implemented the instability of the Mathieu equation. For generating sufficient enough enhanced power spectrum, we choose some proper parameters belonging to the narrow resonance. To characterize the full power spectrum, the enhanced part of the power spectrum is depicted by the Ξ΄\delta function at some specific scales, which is highly relevant to the mass of the inflaton due to the explicit coupling between the curvaton and inflaton. After the inflationary period, the effective mass of inflaton is determined by its derivative with potential, thus the mass of inflaton can vary from the initial value satisfying with the COBE normalization up to the vanishing. Thanks to the huge choices for this mass parameter, we can simulate the value of abundance of primordial black holes nearly covering all of the mass ranges, in which we have given three special cases. One case could account for the dark matter in some sense since the abundance of a primordial black hole is about 75%75\%. At late times, the relic of exponential potential could be approximated to a constant of the order of cosmological constant dubbed as a role of dark energy. Thus, our model could unify dark energy and dark matter from the perspective of phenomenology. Finally, it sheds new light on exploring Higgs physics.Comment: 23 pages 4 figures, discussion significantly improved, some errors are change

    Inflation in an effective gravitational model & asymptotic safety

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    We consider an inflationary model motivated by quantum effects of gravitational and matter fields near the Planck scale. Our Lagrangian is a re-summed version of the effective Lagrangian recently obtained by Demmel, Saueressig and Zanusso~\cite{Demmel:2015oqa} in the context of gravity as an asymptotically safe theory. It represents a refined Starobinsky model, Leff=MP2R/2+(a/2)R2/[1+bln⁑(R/ΞΌ2)]{\cal L}_{\rm eff}=M_{\rm P}^2 R/2 + (a/2)R^2/[1+b\ln(R/\mu^2)], where RR is the Ricci scalar, aa and bb are constants and ΞΌ\mu is an energy scale. By implementing the COBE normalisation and the Planck constraint on the scalar spectrum, we show that increasing bb leads to an increased value of both the scalar spectral index nsn_s and the tensor-to-scalar ratio rr. Requiring nsn_s to be consistent with the Planck collaboration upper limit, we find that rr can be as large as r≃0.01r\simeq 0.01, the value possibly measurable by Stage IV CMB ground experiments and certainly from future dedicated space missions. The predicted running of the scalar spectral index Ξ±=dns/dln⁑(k)\alpha=d n_s/d\ln(k) is still of the order βˆ’5Γ—10βˆ’4-5\times 10^{-4} (as in the Starobinsky model), about one order of magnitude smaller than the current observational bound.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Charm-strange baryon strong decays in a chiral quark model

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    The strong decays of charm-strange baryons up to N=2 shell are studied in a chiral quark model. The theoretical predictions for the well determined charm-strange baryons, Ξcβˆ—(2645)\Xi_c^*(2645), Ξc(2790)\Xi_c(2790) and Ξc(2815)\Xi_c(2815), are in good agreement with the experimental data. This model is also extended to analyze the strong decays of the other newly observed charm-strange baryons Ξc(2930)\Xi_c(2930), Ξc(2980)\Xi_c(2980), Ξc(3055)\Xi_c(3055), Ξc(3080)\Xi_c(3080) and Ξc(3123)\Xi_c(3123). Our predictions are given as follows. (i) Ξc(2930)\Xi_c(2930) might be the first PP-wave excitation of Ξcβ€²\Xi_c' with JP=1/2βˆ’J^P=1/2^-, favors the $|\Xi_c'\ ^2P_\lambda 1/2^->or or |\Xi_c'\ ^4P_\lambda 1/2^->state.(ii) state. (ii) \Xi_c(2980)mightcorrespondtotwooverlapping might correspond to two overlapping Pβˆ’wavestates-wave states |\Xi_c'\ ^2P_\rho 1/2^->and and |\Xi_c'\ ^2P_\rho 3/2^->,respectively.The, respectively. The \Xi_c(2980)observedinthe observed in the \Lambda_c^+\bar{K}\pifinalstateismostlikelytobethe final state is most likely to be the |\Xi_c'\ ^2P_\rho 1/2^->state,whilethenarrowerresonancewithamass state, while the narrower resonance with a mass m\simeq 2.97GeVobservedinthe GeV observed in the \Xi_c^*(2645)\pichannelfavorstobeassignedtothe channel favors to be assigned to the |\Xi_c'\ ^2P_\rho 3/2^->state.(iii) state. (iii) \Xi_c(3080)favorstobeclassifiedasthe favors to be classified as the |\Xi_c\ S_{\rho\rho} 1/2^+>state,i.e.,thefirstradialexcitation(2S)of state, i.e., the first radial excitation (2S) of \Xi_c.(iv). (iv) \Xi_c(3055)ismostlikelytobethefirst is most likely to be the first Dβˆ’waveexcitationof-wave excitation of \Xi_cwith with J^P=3/2^+,favorsthe, favors the |\Xi_c\ ^2D_{\lambda\lambda} 3/2^+>state.(v) state. (v) \Xi_c(3123)mightbeassignedtothe might be assigned to the |\Xi_c'\ ^4D_{\lambda\lambda} 3/2^+>,, |\Xi_c'\ ^4D_{\lambda\lambda} 5/2^+>,or, or |\Xi_c\ ^2D_{\rho\rho} 5/2^+>state.Asabyβˆ’product,wecalculatethestrongdecaysofthebottombaryons state. As a by-product, we calculate the strong decays of the bottom baryons \Sigma_b^{\pm},, \Sigma_b^{*\pm}and and \Xi_b^*$, which are in good agreement with the recent observations as well.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure
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