85 research outputs found

    Identification of Plk4 interacting partners and establishment of Plk4 stable cell lines.

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    <p>Each error bar is one standard error. CK, control; NN, ambient CO<sub>2</sub> with N fertilizer; CC, elevated CO<sub>2</sub> without N fertilizer; CN, elevated CO<sub>2</sub> with N fertilizer. (a-c) <i>A</i>. <i>acuminatissima</i>; (d-f) <i>S</i>. <i>hancei</i>; (g-i) <i>C</i>. <i>hystrix</i>; (j-l) <i>O</i>. <i>pinnata</i>; (m-o) <i>S</i>. <i>superba</i>.</p

    Tree diversity depending on environmental gradients promotes biomass stability via species asynchrony in China's forest ecosystems

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    There is mounting evidence that biodiversity promotes ecological stability in changing environments. However, understanding diversity–stability relationships and their underlying mechanisms across large-scale tree diversity and natural environmental gradients are still controversial and largely lacking. We used thirty-nine 0.12 ha long-term permanent forest plots spanning China's various forest types to test the effects of multiple abiotic (climate, soil, age and topography) and biotic factors (taxonomic and structural diversity, functional diversity and community-mean traits, and species asynchrony) on biomass stability and its components (mean biomass and biomass variability) over time. We used multiple analytical methods to identify the best explanatory variables and complicated causal relationships for community biomass stability. Our results showed that species richness increased biomass stability by promoting species asynchrony. Structural and functional diversity had a weaker effect on biomass stability. Forest age and structural diversity increased mean biomass and biomass variability significantly and simultaneously. Communities dominated by tree species with high wood density had high biomass stability. Soil nitrogen enhanced biomass stability directly and indirectly through its effects on mean biomass. Soil nitrogen to phosphorus ratio increased biomass stability via increasing species asynchrony. Precipitation indirectly increased biomass stability by affecting tree diversity. Moreover, the direct and indirect effects of soil nutrients on biomass stability were greater than that of climate variables. Our results suggest that species asynchrony is the main mechanism proposed to explain the stabilizing effect of diversity on community biomass, supporting two mechanisms, namely, the biodiversity insurance hypothesis and complementary dynamics. Soil and climate factors also play an important role in shaping diversity–stability relationships. Our results provide a new insight into how tree diversity affects ecosystem stability across diverse community types and large-scale environmental gradients

    Tree girdling increases soil N mineralisation in two spruce stands

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    Tree girdling is a common practice in forestry whenever trees are to be killed without felling. The effect of tree girdling on soil nitrogen (N) mineralisation was estimated in both an old and a young spruce forest. The dynamics of mineral N (NO3-–N and NH4 +–N) and soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and N (MBN) were determined for different seasons. The in situ net N mineralisation was measured by incubating soil samples in stainless steel cylinders and the gross N mineralisation rates were measured by 15N pool dilution method. Mineral N concentrations increased significantly in the girdled plots in both old and young spruce forests and showed variations between soil horizons and between sampling times. Tree girdling significantly increased net N mineralisation in both spruce forests. Annual net N mineralisation was 64 and 39 kg Nha-1 in O horizon of the girdled plots in old and young forest plots, respectively, compared to 25 and 21 kg Nha-1 in the control plots. Annual N mineralisation in A horizon was similar between girdled and control plots (31 kg Nha-1) in the old forest whereas in the young forest A horizon N mineralisation was about 2.5 times higher in the girdled plots. As a result, the annual carbon budget was significantly more positive in the girdled plots than in the control plots in both old and young forests. However, we found significantly higher gross N mineralisation rates in both horizons in the control plots than the girdled plots in the old forest, but no differences between the treatments in the young forest. The MBC and MBN contents only showed significant changes during the first three months of the experiment and were similar later on. They first decreased as girdling removed the root carbohydrate, amino and organic acid exudation from the C sources for microorganisms then increased two months after the treatment root dieback acted as a new source of C. Mineralising microorganisms enhanced the mineral N concentrations in girdled plots as a result of greater activity rather than larger population size

    Molecular distributions of phospholipid ester-linked fatty acids in a soil profile of the Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve

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    Phospholipid ester-linked fatty acids (PLFA) were used to investigate the microbial ecology and its association with carbon accumulation in one soil profile from the Dinghushan Biosphere Preserve in south China, in order to probe the mechanisms that control the carbon accumulation at the depth of 0 - 20 cm in the Dinghushan forest soil profile. The data show that sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) occur in the top 10 cm, and methanotrophic bacteria and fungi are not present below 10 cm, and the gram-negative bacteria are reduced with gram-positive bacteria dominating at that depth; all of which indicated that the activities of some of the microorganisms were inhibited, from which we infer that the available carbon source and oxygen content of micro environment may be reduced below 10 cm of the profile. The shallow depth (top 10 cm) of the soil anaerobic zone at the Wukesong profile, compared to the normal soil anaerobic zone (top 20 - 30 cm), is considered to be mainly the result of the high precipitation of acidic rain. The physicochemical reactions caused by acid rain in the soil system result in a decreased soil porosity, and a correspondingly decreased porosity-dependent oxygen concentration, leading to the thriving of SRB in the shallow depth. Although the increase of soil organic carbon stock is attributed to numerous factors, the decreasing rate of litter decomposition in the topsoil layer, together with the rise of the depth of the anaerobic zone, may play key roles in the carbon accumulation in the depth of 0 - 20 cm in the soil profile from the Dinghushan Biosphere Preserve

    Differential Responses of Stomata and Photosynthesis to Elevated Temperature in Two Co-occurring Subtropical Forest Tree Species

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    Global warming could increase leaf transpiration and soil evaporation, which can potentially cause water deficit to plants. As valves, leaf stomata can control plant water loss and carbon gain, particularly under water stress conditions. To investigate the responses of stomata to elevated temperature in Schima superba and Syzygium rehderianum, two co-occurring subtropical forest dominant tree species, functional traits related to gas exchange, stomatal anatomy, and drought resistance were measured under control and warming environment (ca. 2°C higher). We found that leaf water potential at both predawn and midday significantly decreased for the two species grown under warming conditions compared with those grown in the control environment. Warming resulted in significant decrease of stomatal size in S. rehderianum, but had no obvious effect on that of S. superba. By contrast, stomatal density of S. superba significantly decreased under warming conditions, while non-significant change was observed for S. rehderianum. In addition, warming significantly reduced photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and stomatal sensitivity to leaf water potential of S. superba, but had non-significant effects on those of S. rehderianum. Overall, our results demonstrated that, confronting water deficit caused by elevated temperature, the two co-occurring subtropical tree species responded differently through the adjustment of stomatal morphology and photosynthetic function. Consequently, S. rehderianum was able to maintain similar carbon assimilation as under control environment, while S. superba showed a decrease in carbon gain that might bring adverse effect on its dominancy in subtropical forest community under future climate change

    Soil carbon and nutrient pools, microbial properties and gross nitrogen transformations in adjacent natural forest and hoop pine plantations of subtropical Australia

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    Background, Aims, and Scope. An improved understanding of important soil carbon (C) and nutrient pools as well as microbial activities in forest ecosystems is required for developing effective forest management regimes underpinning forest productivity and sustainability. Forest types and management practices can have significant impacts on soil C and nutrient pools as well as biological properties in forest ecosystems. Soil C and nutrient pools were assessed for adjacent natural forest (NF), first rotation (1R) (50-year-old), and second rotation (2R) (1-year-old) hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii Ait. ex D. Don) plantations in southeast Queensland of subtropical Australia. Materials and Methods. Five transects spaced 3 m apart with 9 sampling points along each transect were selected (9.6 m x 12.0 m each site), with 45 soil cores (7.5 cm in diameter) collected and separated into 0-10 and 10-20 cm depths. These soils were analysed for total C, total nitrogen (N), C (delta C-13) and N (delta N-15) isotope composition. The 0-10 cm soils were analysed for pH, CEC, exchangeable cations, total P and total K, and assayed for microbial biomass C and N, respiration, metabolic quotient, potential mineralizable N (PMN), gross N mineralization (M) and immobilization (I). Results. Total C and N in 0-10 cm soils were higher under NF and 1R plantation than under 2R plantation, while they were highest in 10-20 cm soils under NF, followed by the 1R and then 2R plantation. delta C-13 was lower under NF than under the plantations, while delta N-15 was higher under NF than under the plantations. Total P was the highest under NF, followed by the 1R and then 2R plantation, while total K was higher under the 2R plantation. No significant differences were detected for pH, CEC, exchangeable cations, microbial C and N, respiration and metabolic quotient among the 3 sites. PMN and M were higher under NF, while 1 was the highest under the 2R plantation, followed by the NF and then 1R plantation. Discussion. Soil total C and N in 0-10 cm depth were significantly lower under 2R hoop pine plantation than those under NF and 1R hoop pine plantation. There were significant reductions in soil total C and N from NF to 1R and from 1R to 2R hoop pine plantations in 10-20 cm depth. This highlights potential N deficiency in the 2R hoop pine plantations, and application of N fertilizers may be required to improve the productivity of 2R hoop pine plantations. There were no significant differences in other soil chemical and physical properties in 0-10 cm depth among the 3 sites under NF, 1R and 2R hoop pine plantations, except for soil total P and K. Soil microbial biomass C, CO2 respiration and metabolic quotient did not differ among the 3 sites assessed, perhaps mainly due to these biological variables being too sensitive to variations in soil chemical and physical properties and thereby being associated with a larger variability in the soil biological properties. However, soil potential mineralizable N, gross N mineralization and immobilization were rather sensitive to the conversion of NF to hoop pine plantation and forest management practices. Conclusions. Total C and N in the top 20 cm soil were highest under NF, followed by 1R and then 2R hoop pine plantations, indicating that N deficiency may become a growth-limiting factor in the 2R hoop pine plantations and subsequent rotations of hoop pine plantation. The sample size for Soil delta C-13 Seems to be much smaller than those for soil total C and N as well as delta N-15. The significant reductions in soil total P from NF to 1R and then from 1R to 2R hoop pine plantations highlight that P deficiency might become another growth-limiting factor in the second and subsequent rotations of hoop pine plantations. Soil microbial properties may be associated with large spatial variations due to these biological properties being too sensitive to the variations in soil chemical and physical properties in these forest ecosystems. Recommendations and Perspectives. Soil potential mineralizable N, gross N mineralization and immobilization were useful indices of soil N availability in response to forest types and management practices. The sampling size for Soil delta C-13 was much smaller than the other soil chemical and biological properties due to the different patterns of spatial variation in these soil properties

    Response of soil respiration to acid rain in forests of different maturity in southern China.

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    The response of soil respiration to acid rain in forests, especially in forests of different maturity, is poorly understood in southern China despite the fact that acid rain has become a serious environmental threat in this region in recent years. Here, we investigated this issue in three subtropical forests of different maturity [i.e. a young pine forest (PF), a transitional mixed conifer and broadleaf forest (MF) and an old-growth broadleaved forest (BF)] in southern China. Soil respiration was measured over two years under four simulated acid rain (SAR) treatments (CK, the local lake water, pH 4.5; T1, water pH 4.0; T2, water pH 3.5; and T3, water pH 3.0). Results indicated that SAR did not significantly affect soil respiration in the PF, whereas it significantly reduced soil respiration in the MF and the BF. The depressed effects on both forests occurred mostly in the warm-wet seasons and were correlated with a decrease in soil microbial activity and in fine root biomass caused by soil acidification under SAR. The sensitivity of the response of soil respiration to SAR showed an increasing trend with the progressive maturity of the three forests, which may result from their differences in acid buffering ability in soil and in litter layer. These results indicated that the depressed effect of acid rain on soil respiration in southern China may be more pronounced in the future in light of the projected change in forest maturity. However, due to the nature of this field study with chronosequence design and the related pseudoreplication for forest types, this inference should be read with caution. Further studies are needed to draw rigorous conclusions regarding the response differences among forests of different maturity using replicated forest types

    Correction: Effects of Precipitation Increase on Soil Respiration: A Three-Year Field Experiment in Subtropical Forests in China.

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    Background The aim of this study was to determine response patterns and mechanisms of soil respiration to precipitation increases in subtropical regions. Methodology/Principal Findings Field plots in three typical forests [i.e. pine forest (PF), broadleaf forest (BF), and pine and broadleaf mixed forest (MF)] in subtropical China were exposed under either Double Precipitation (DP) treatment or Ambient Precipitation (AP). Soil respiration, soil temperature, soil moisture, soil microbial biomass and fine root biomass were measured over three years. We tested whether precipitation treatments influenced the relationship of soil respiration rate (R) with soil temperature (T) and soil moisture (M) using R = (a+cM)exp(bT), where a is a parameter related to basal soil respiration; b and c are parameters related to the soil temperature and moisture sensitivities of soil respiration, respectively. We found that the DP treatment only slightly increased mean annual soil respiration in the PF (15.4%) and did not significantly change soil respiration in the MF and the BF. In the BF, the increase in soil respiration was related to the enhancements of both soil fine root biomass and microbial biomass. The DP treatment did not change model parameters, but increased soil moisture, resulting in a slight increase in soil respiration. In the MF and the BF, the DP treatment decreased soil temperature sensitivity b but increased basal soil respiration a, resulting in no significant change in soil respiration. Conclusion/Significance Our results indicate that precipitation increasing in subtropical regions in China may have limited effects on soil respiration
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