336 research outputs found

    Rapid Integration Of WiFi Hotspots With A Cloud-based AAA Service

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    Public WiFi is typically provided by a network of smaller (local-area), independent service providers internetworked by a larger (wide-area) service provider. Currently, integration between the local-area and the wide-area service providers is a tedious process. This disclosure describes a set of vendor-agnostic application program interfaces (APIs) that enable a WiFi hotspot provider to integrate its control plane with a cloud-based authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) service in a self-service manner, without the direct involvement of personnel from the cloud service. This set of APIs enable a WiFi provider to self-register and self-configure its WiFi devices, such as controllers, with the cloud-based AAA service. Once registered and configured, the WiFi device can send requests to the cloud-based AAA service for creating WiFi sessions to control and account for users’ network access

    Randomized Differential DSSS: Jamming-Resistant Wireless Broadcast Communication

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    Abstract—Jamming resistance is crucial for applications where reliable wireless communication is required. Spread spectrum techniques such as Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) and Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) have been used as countermeasures against jamming attacks. Traditional antijamming techniques require that senders and receivers share a secret key in order to communicate with each other. However, such a requirement prevents these techniques from being effective for anti-jamming broadcast communication, where a jammer may learn the shared key from a compromised or malicious receiver and disrupt the reception at normal receivers. In this paper, we propose a Randomized Differential DSSS (RD-DSSS) scheme to achieve anti-jamming broadcast communication without shared keys. RD-DSSS encodes each bit of data using the correlation of unpredictable spreading codes. Specifically, bit “0 ” is encoded using two different spreading codes, which have low correlation with each other, while bit “1 ” is encoded using two identical spreading codes, which have high correlation. To defeat reactive jamming attacks, RD-DSSS uses multiple spreading code sequences to spread each message and rearranges the spread output before transmitting it. Our theoretical analysis and simulation results show that RD-DSSS can effectively defeat jamming attacks for anti-jamming broadcast communication without shared keys. I

    Spin-flip reflection at the normal metal-spin superconductor interface

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    We study spin transport through a normal metal-spin superconductor junction. A spin-flip reflection is demonstrated at the interface, where a spin-up electron incident from the normal metal can be reflected as a spin-down electron and the spin 2Ă—â„Ź/22\times \hbar/2 will be injected into the spin superconductor. When the (spin) voltage is smaller than the gap of the spin superconductor, the spin-flip reflection determines the transport properties of the junction. We consider both graphene-based (linear-dispersion-relation) and quadratic-dispersion-relation normal metal-spin superconductor junctions in detail. For the two-dimensional graphene-based junction, the spin-flip reflected electron can be along the specular direction (retro-direction) when the incident and reflected electron locates in the same band (different bands). A perfect spin-flip reflection can occur when the incident electron is normal to the interface, and the reflection coefficient is slightly suppressed for the oblique incident case. As a comparison, for the one-dimensional quadratic-dispersion-relation junction, the spin-flip reflection coefficient can reach 1 at certain incident energies. In addition, both the charge current and the spin current under a charge (spin) voltage are studied. The spin conductance is proportional to the spin-flip reflection coefficient when the spin voltage is less than the gap of the spin superconductor. These results will help us get a better understanding of spin transport through the normal metal-spin superconductor junction.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure
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