78 research outputs found

    Opinia wyborców o integracji Polski z Unią Europejską a preferencje i aktywność wyborcza

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    The present article aims to describe the relationship between political preferences of voters in different types of Polish elections (local, parliamentary, presidential) or of citizens inactive in the elections and their opinion on the integration of Poland with the EU as positive or negative. The results are based on a poll carried out at the end of 2010. The voters were asked about the political parties and groups they support in different elections (or specific person

    President in the political system of Turkey

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    W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono główne cechy tureckiego modelu systemu prezydenckiego, a także historyczne uwarunkowania pozycji prezydenta w strukturze organów państwa w Turcji. Praca składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej z nich omówione zostały podstawy parlamentaryzmu, co jest kluczową kwestią dla ukazania kształtu tureckiego systemu przed reformą. Kolejnym zagadnieniem omawianym w tej części artykułu jest proces ewolucji prezydentury od pierwszych lat powstania Republiki do zmian wprowadzonych po wyborach prezydenckich i parlamentarnych w 2018 r. W drugiej części pracy wskazano uwarunkowania zmiany systemowej. Wreszcie w ostatniej dokonano analizy nowego systemu, określanego jako prezydencjalizm „w stylu tureckim”, i ukazano jego charakterystyczne cechy.This article presents the main features of the Turkish presidential system and historical conditions which shaped the president’s position in the power structure in Turkey. The work consists of three parts. The first part discusses the basics of Turkish parliamentarism, which is a matter crucial for understanding the organization of the Turkish system before the reform. Another issue discussed in this part is the process of evolution in the Turkish presidency from the first years of the Republic’s founding to the changes introduced in 2018. The second part of this work focuses on the conditions necessary for changes in the system. Finally, the last part of the article is the analysis of the new system defined as Turkishstyle presidentialism and its distinctive features

    Anomalies in the assessment of pollution seepage time through the vadose zone based on formulas used in hydrogeological practice

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    Polish practitioners of hydrogeology normally use the formulas by either Bindeman, Bindeman as modified by Macioszczyk or by Bachmat and Collin to calculate the time of seepage of conservative pollutants through the vadose zone. These calculations require the knowledge of several hydrogeological parameters (coefficient of vertical permeability, effective porosity, volumetric humidity, intensity of filtration), and the lithology and thickness of the vadose zone. The results obtained depending on the formula used vary considerably, even by more than 1 order of magnitude, which results in differences in technical recommendations for water protection formulated on their basis, and thus has impact on the costs of this protection. Moreover, this variability of results negatively affects the credibility of hydrogeological studies, enhancing the possibility of manipulating the output values. Credibility of calculations depends essentially on two factors: choice of formula, as each has its drawbacks and restrictions, and correctness of the adopted calculation parameters, which are often only unverified estimates. The paper analyzes the most common mistakes and their impact on the calculated seepage time. The author signals the need further theoretical and practical studies (including fieldwork and laboratory testing using modeling methods) of this problem. Research on the vadose zone should be one of the primary topics pursued, as risks of pollution in this zone results in the quality of water occurring below

    Crew resouce management as the way of avoiding management failures

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    Artykuł przedstawia rys historyczny procesu wdrażania szkoleń z zakresu zarządzania zasobami załogi, istotę i cele programu oraz wpływ CRM na jakość świadczonych usług przez linie lotnicze. Omawia także najpopularniejszą teorię bezpieczeństwa lotu, „Model Sera Szwajcarskiego”. Ponadto zwraca również uwagę na problemy wynikające z niewłaściwej komunikacji między członkami załogi samolotu oraz ich potencjalny wpływ na bezpieczeństwo pasażerów. Artykuł przedstawia także generacje szkoleń w kontekście ewolucji CRM oraz zakres tematyczny modułów szkoleniowych obowiązujących w Unii Europejskiej.The article presents a historical overview of the crew resource management training implementation process, essence, aims and the impact of CRM on the quality of service providing by different airlines. It also describe the most popular theory of safety flights, “Swiss Cheese Model”. Furthermore, it draws its attention to problems caused by bad communication between aircraft crew members and their potential impact on the passengers safety. The article also presents five generations of training in context to evolution of CRM program and the topics of training modules which are obligatory in European Union

    “Perpetual Peace of the End of History”. Geopolitical Ideas of Immanuel Kant and Francis Fukuyama

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    The article is linked with a well-known historiosophical concept of Francis Fukuyama on the “end of history”. Author tries to point out important links of the concept of Immanuel Kant suggested by the concept of perpetual peace. Referring to Kant Fukuyama asks again the question of directionality of universal history and the possibility of the end of history. It should be noted that Kant is one of the first authors who attempt to create a universality-historical concept. Fukuyama proclaimed the superiority of liberal democracy, which in turn beat systems such as monarchy, fascism, communism and the end. It is not only far from reaching the Western civilization, but the heritage and the triumph of humanity. Democracy sets the last phase of ideological evolution of humanity, and marks the end of the search the best form of government, and thus the end of the story. History has reached an end, as has come to the point where the existing form of socio-political organization fully meets the man in his innermost being. Let us vote Fukuyama, who wrote: “Human nature is not made once and for all, but it creates over time historically, within it is the same creation, the historical development of man tends to a certain point”

    Poland, European Union and the crisis. Do Poles blame Europe?

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    The paper focuses both on results of own research (national poll conducted in Poland) and results of other polls concerning perception of the impact of the crisis in Poland. The results were analyzed in terms of correlation between political preferences (both partisan and ideological) and perceived severity of the crisis in Poland, as well as relationship between political preferences and seeing the EU as cause of the crisis in Poland, or at least reason behind growing seriousness of its signs in Poland. A vast array of other polls – both national and European (mainly eurobarometer, but not only), as well as global – were analyzed, to verify whethere opinions of the Poles changed over time, and how they place in comparison with views of other nations. Overall, the Poles seem less pessimistic regarding the crisis than other nations, mainly due to comparatively better economic outlook, and their opinion on Polish membership in the EU remains very strongly positive. A significant percentage of respondents blamed – at least in part – EU for the crisis, but it did not translate into negative view on EU accession overall

    Wieczysty pokój końca historii. Koncepcje geopolityczne

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    The aim of this paper is to present the concept of The end of History by F. Fukuyama and compare it with the philosophical concepts of I. Kant. The text is describing the main elements of liberal democracy promoted by Fukuyama comparing them to philosophical proposals of Kant. Both authors paid attention to the importance of human rights in international relations. Both also expressed their hope for the existence of global peace. The factor that diff ers them is the attitude towards the democracy.</h1

    Determinants of public support for Polish membership in the European Union as well the implementation of the euro in Poland and the information campaign importance on the common currency

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    The present article has a double purpose. Firstly, the author examines the evolution of public support levels for both the Polish EU membership, and euro introduction in Poland; correlations between them are briefly presented. The data is presented chronologically for both datasets, and in the case of EU membership support included the results of own research on relationship between partisanship and EU accession support. The author analyses the literature on the subject, indicating the factors thought to influence public consent in both cases, discussing in particular the impact of personal choice of supporting a given political party (and political stance) on the individual’s view on EU membership and euro introduction. Furthermore, a more detailed analysis of other factors influencing the acceptance of euro introduction in new countries is shown – once again based on recent literature, with particular attention paid to recent studies carried out in Poland, drawing attention to differences with the overall European studies – grouped by type, and supported by results of numerous polls conducted in Poland over the last several years. In the second part, the author presents a diagnosis of the drastically falling support for euro introduction in Poland – compared with steady acceptance for Polish EU membership – in correlation with the importance of correct information campaign as regards the euro. Here, the public›s own assessment of their level of knowledge about the euro currency is juxtaposed with the results of polls on euro support levels in Poland in historical approach, indicating the clear correlation between the two elements. Finally, a short analysis of the information campaign requirements and the current state of the same in Poland is presented