21 research outputs found


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    At present, there is no consistent definition of the term «personalized nutrition». The paper presents existing descriptors in this field of food science: precision nutrition, nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, individual nutrition and so on. It is noted that cardiovascular diseases occupy the first place among noninfectious diseases associated with malnutrition. Optimal nutrition leads to a reduction in the risk of their occurrence. The methodology of structural-parametric modeling, which allows designing personalized optimal human nutrition based on medical indicators, is presented in terms of minimization of the risk function. The algorithm of a substantiated optimal choice of mass fractions of components (ingredients) of the food recipe composition is given. The main descriptors of a food product with the antisclerotic action for its designing using structural-parametric modeling are shown.At present, there is no consistent definition of the term «personalized nutrition». The paper presents existing descriptors in this field of food science: precision nutrition, nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, individual nutrition and so on. It is noted that cardiovascular diseases occupy the first place among noninfectious diseases associated with malnutrition. Optimal nutrition leads to a reduction in the risk of their occurrence. The methodology of structural-parametric modeling, which allows designing personalized optimal human nutrition based on medical indicators, is presented in terms of minimization of the risk function. The algorithm of a substantiated optimal choice of mass fractions of components (ingredients) of the food recipe composition is given. The main descriptors of a food product with the antisclerotic action for its designing using structural-parametric modeling are shown


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    The overview of studies of freezing and defrosting of raw meat, conducted during the recent years, is presented in the article. The freezing is the most effective method of preserving meat, so developments in this area are in demand by the food industry. There is noted the work on the creation of innovative technologies aimed at the optimizing of the freezing conditions (time, speed), reducing the loss of quality of the frozen products. Affected problems, which are appearing during the defrosting of meat, frozen in fresh and chilled condition. The interest of the use of the meat in the fresh state, which has not been in demand by the industry so far, is returning.The overview of studies of freezing and defrosting of raw meat, conducted during the recent years, is presented in the article. The freezing is the most effective method of preserving meat, so developments in this area are in demand by the food industry. There is noted the work on the creation of innovative technologies aimed at the optimizing of the freezing conditions (time, speed), reducing the loss of quality of the frozen products. Affected problems, which are appearing during the defrosting of meat, frozen in fresh and chilled condition. The interest of the use of the meat in the fresh state, which has not been in demand by the industry so far, is returning


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    Modern technologies of food production that often lead to losses in the main nutrients of processed raw materials, incorporation into  food recipes of large amounts of ingredients, which are sometimes  not scientifically substantiated, lead to a necessity to find a new way  for increasing the nutritional value of modern products and making  them healthier. Functional foods are one of the ways to solve this  problem, which have long been of great interest to Russian and  international scientific society. The paper presents the information  about the history of creation and trends in the development of the  functional food industry in Russia and abroad, as well as the  materials about the modern directions of designing meat-based  functional foods, innovative methods for their production and problems arising in the process of their designing.Современные технологии производства пищевых продуктов, часто приводящие к потери основных нутриентов перерабатываемого сырья, введение в рецептуры пищевых продуктов  огромного количества, ингредиентов, в некоторых случаях научно не обоснованных,  приводит к необходимости изыскания нового пути повышения питательной ценности и  оздоровления современных пищевых продуктов. Функциональные пищевые продукты — один из путей  решения данной проблемы, который давно интересуют ученое сообщество, как за рубежом, так и в России. В статье представлена информация по истории создания и тенденциям развития  индустрии функциональных пищевых продуктов в России и за рубежом. Представлены  материалы по современным направлениям создания функциональных продуктов на основе  мясного сырья, инновационным способам их производства и проблемам, возникающих при их создании


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    The paper examines the issues associated with the integration of knowledge in meat product technology + computers + mathematical methods. The possibilities to use a computer system and mathematical methods for an optimal solution to tasks in the field of food biotechnology and meat product technology are demonstrated.The applied software program SSS Bio realized in the computer system was developed and described. Using the one-way analysis of variance, which is one of the system modules, a comprehensive amount of statistical data for interpretation of the results was obtained. The program modules (correlation and regression analysis) allow establishing the model structure and parameters that link quantitative resulting and factorial variables, as well as assessing a degree of their correspondence with the experimental data. This kind of statistical analysis makes it possible to solve the main task of an experiment when the observed and resulting variables are quantitative.Based on the experimental data obtained with the use of the computer system SSS Bio, the mathematical models of moisture binding capacity (MBC), moisture holding capacity (MHC) and fat binding capacity (FBC) in sausage meat were calculated for sausages with isolated soya protein depending on the fat and protein content using the module of multiple regression of the computer system.The obtained stochastic dependence of changes in MBC (Y) on the total protein (X1) and fat (X2) content in sausage meat shows that at the constant level of fat, an increase in total protein favors a growth in MBC of sausage meat. However, a growth in MBC per unit of protein decreases with an increase in the fat amount.В статье рассмотрены вопросы, связанные с  интеграцией знаний «технология мясных продуктов + компьютеры + математические методы». Показаны возможности использования компьютерной системы и математических методов для оптимального решения задач в  области пищевой биотехнологии и технологии мясных продуктов.Разработана и описана прикладная программа SSS Bio, реализованная в  компьютерной системе. При помощи однофакторного дисперсионного анализа, являющегося одним из модулей системы, получены исчерпывающее количество статистических данных для интерпретации результатов. Модули программы (корреляционный и  регрессионный анализ) позволяют установить структуру и  параметры модели, связывающей количественные результирующую и факторные переменные, и оценить степень ее согласованности с экспериментальными данными. Этот вид статистического анализа позволяет решать главную задачу эксперимента в  случае, если наблюдаемые и  результирующие переменные являются количественными.На основе экспериментальных данных при помощи компьютерной системы SSS Bio рассчитаны математические модели влагосвязывающей (ВСС), влагоудерживающей (ВУС) и жиросвязывающей (ЖСС) способностей в фарше для колбасных изделий с использованием соевого изолированного белка в зависимости от содержания жира и белка с использованием модуля множественной регрессии компьютерной системы.Полученная стохастическая зависимость изменения ВСС (Y) от содержания общего белка (X1) и жира (X2) в колбасном фарше показывает, что при постоянном уровне жира увеличение общего содержания белка способствует росту ВСС фарша. Однако рост ВСС на единицу белка уменьшается с увеличением количества жира

    New Nanostructured Carbon Coating Inhibits Bacterial Growth, but Does Not Influence on Animal Cells

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    An electrospark technology has been developed for obtaining a colloidal solution containing nanosized amorphous carbon. The advantages of the technology are its low cost and high performance. The colloidal solution of nanosized carbon is highly stable. The coatings on its basis are nanostructured. They are characterized by high adhesion and hydrophobicity. It was found that the propagation of microorganisms on nanosized carbon coatings is significantly hindered. At the same time, eukaryotic animal cells grow and develop on nanosized carbon coatings, as well as on the nitinol medical alloy. The use of a colloidal solution as available, cheap and non-toxic nanomaterial for the creation of antibacterial coatings to prevent biofilm formation seems to be very promising for modern medicine, pharmaceutical and food industries


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    In the experiment, beef samples were used with the marbling scores «moderate» and «good» (n = 4). Half of the samples were packaged in a plastic film under vacuum, while the rest ones were left unpackaged. Aging was carried out for 4, 16, and 28 days in a storage chamber at a temperature of 2 ± 1 °C and a relative humidity of not more than 90 %. During beef aging, pH, sensory indicators of quality and freshness, microstructural indicators, and shear force were evaluated. Regardless of the marbling score, on day 28, sensory indicators of unpackaged beef had the signs of non-fresh meat, while the packaged samples had no deviations. Regardless of the marbling score, sensory evaluation indicated the high quality of boiled meat and broth during the entire aging period for packaged beef and during 16 days for unpackaged beef. Histological studies found that with the increase in beef aging period, the destructive changes in tissues increased as well. On days 16 and 28, samples of packaged beef, both with marbling score «good» and «moderate», corresponded to the second and third stage of meat aging. Changes in unpackaged beef at the corresponding days of aging were less pronounced. The results of a shear force study indicated that, during the entire observed aging period, a gradual decrease in shear force occurred.В эксперименте использовали образцы говядины степеней мраморности «умеренная» и «хорошая» (n=4), половину образцов упаковывали в полимерную пленку под вакуумом, половину оставляли в неупакованном виде. Созревание проводили в камере хранения охлажденного мяса при температуре 2 ± 1 °C и относительной влажности не более 90 % в течение 4, 16 и 28 суток. В процессе созревания говядины исследовали величину pH, органолептические показатели уровня качества и свежести, микроструктурные характеристики, усилие резания. По органолептическим показателям свежести вне зависимости от степени мраморности на 28 сутки говядина в неупакованном виде имела признаки несвежего мяса, в упакованных образцах отклонений не установлено. Органолептическая оценка уровня качества свидетельствовала о высоких показателях вареного мяса и бульона в течение всего времени созревания для упакованного мяса и в течение 16 суток для неупакованного вне зависимости от уровня мраморности. В результате гистологических исследований установлено, что с увеличением срока созревания говядины усиливался характер деструктивных изменений тканей. Образцы упакованной говядины, как с мраморностью «хорошая», так и «умеренная», на 16 и 28 сутки соответствовали второму и третьему этапу созревания мяса, изменения неупакованной говядины на соответствующие сутки созревания были менее выражены. Результаты исследования усилия резания свидетельствовали о том, что в течение всего наблюдаемого периода созревания происходило постепенное снижение усилия резания


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    Modern technologies of food production that often lead to losses in the main nutrients of processed raw materials, incorporation into  food recipes of large amounts of ingredients, which are sometimes  not scientifically substantiated, lead to a necessity to find a new way  for increasing the nutritional value of modern products and making  them healthier. Functional foods are one of the ways to solve this  problem, which have long been of great interest to Russian and  international scientific society. The paper presents the information  about the history of creation and trends in the development of the  functional food industry in Russia and abroad, as well as the  materials about the modern directions of designing meat-based  functional foods, innovative methods for their production and problems arising in the process of their designing


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    The overview of studies of freezing and defrosting of raw meat, conducted during the recent years, is presented in the article. The freezing is the most effective method of preserving meat, so developments in this area are in demand by the food industry. There is noted the work on the creation of innovative technologies aimed at the optimizing of the freezing conditions (time, speed), reducing the loss of quality of the frozen products. Affected problems, which are appearing during the defrosting of meat, frozen in fresh and chilled condition. The interest of the use of the meat in the fresh state, which has not been in demand by the industry so far, is returning


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    At present, there is no consistent definition of the term «personalized nutrition». The paper presents existing descriptors in this field of food science: precision nutrition, nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, individual nutrition and so on. It is noted that cardiovascular diseases occupy the first place among noninfectious diseases associated with malnutrition. Optimal nutrition leads to a reduction in the risk of their occurrence. The methodology of structural-parametric modeling, which allows designing personalized optimal human nutrition based on medical indicators, is presented in terms of minimization of the risk function. The algorithm of a substantiated optimal choice of mass fractions of components (ingredients) of the food recipe composition is given. The main descriptors of a food product with the antisclerotic action for its designing using structural-parametric modeling are shown


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    The paper presents definitions of digital twins. The authors examine a hypothesis that a digital twin of a food product is a mathematical (simulation) model that includes the whole variety of factors influencing quality and safety. An approach to the mathematical setting of the structural optimization task at different stages of description of the technology for a food product digital twin is analyzed. The first stage, which has several levels, is connected with correspondence of the nutritional and biological values to the medico-biological requirements. The second stage is linked with predetermination of structural forms, the third with perception of sensory characteristics (color, odor and so on). The universal method for assessment of quality and efficiency of a food product digital twin using the generalized function (integral index) is described. Different individual responses can be components of the additive integral index: physico-chemical, functional-technological and organoleptic