29 research outputs found
Digital Life, Digital Tattoo and the Filter Bubble: raising the awareness and the cautions on online activities through information literacy education
Digital life has become an extension of human existence, therefore everyone may now take digital life for granted. Many activities, such as communicating, finding and sharing information, etc. which used to be done through the analog media are now conducted through digital ones. However, many of us may not realize the consequences we have to bear with these online activities. An activity done in the digital environment will affect one’s real life. Being recorded and archived, these activities will be our digital tattoo. They stay forever. This digital tattoo will not only affect one’s reputation but also one’s infosphere. Some may be aware of, first, crafting information about themselves, but most do not realize the second. They are not aware that their infosphere is pretty much determined by their digital tattoo. Many search engines and websites recorded every online activity. They create personalization of information services by applying algorithms based on the archives they stored. This seems to be a convenient way to get information. However, it has its own harm. Such service prevents us from getting information beyond our habits and preferences, thus, it prevent us from having a wider perspective. Eli Periser (2011) called this filter bubble. Everyone needs to know this. Through information literacy education, librarians can help to spread the knowledge on how to maintain digital tattoo and to minimize the filter bubble
The Impact of Human Capital on Information Literate Behavior Among Librarians:A case study at University of Diponegoro
Information literacy has become one of the key competency needed by any individual in the information age. Librarians as information professionals are required to play its part in developing this competency. For librarians themselves, this competency become a twofold obligation. First, they have to be information literate so that they can make the most use of information for their own need, for any purposes. Second, they have the obligation to teach this competency to library users, so that they can access, evaluate and use information critically and wisely. The competency itself can be gained through various ways (Bruce, 1997) : including information literacy education. However, in Indonesia, information literacy education for librarians has not been widely available. While information resources proliferate, librarians have not been formally armed with skills to critically harness new formats of information resources. Therefore their information literacy competency development rely more on the knowledge of information skills gained through life experiences. This phenomena can be analyzed by using the sociological perspective of human capital. Through the lens of human capital theory, information literacy is the accumulation of one’s knowledge through general education, training (either general or specific) and other life experiences related to information handling, such as technology use, access to sources of information, etc. These three factors will help individuals develop their information literacy. This paper try to examine the relationship between human capital development and information literate behavior among librarians
It’s Time to Give Back : The role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Supporting Library Development in Indonesia
In recent years, there has been a wider acceptance among companies for their social obligations. It suggested that a company serves not only for a profit making function but also obligation of a service to the community and to the society as a whole. The same consciousness had also grown among companies in Indonesia. Under “Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility)” or “Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (hereafter shortened to PKBL), they have started to make Corporate Social Responsibility program. Such program had been studied by Zaidi and Abidin, who identified four patterns in CSR practices in Indonesia i.e : direct involvement, corporation’s social organization; partnership with other institutions, or by joining a consortium (Saidi and Abidin, 2004). Among the many sectors of the CSR program is education, particularly library development. One of the organization who work hand in hand with the companies in doing CSR, especially in developing libraries in Indonesia is Yayasan Pengembangan Perpustakaan Indonesia (hereafter is called YPPI). The reason why those companies develop such program is because they are concerned with Indonesian human resources quality and community’s quality of life. They believed one of the many ways to improve these is by providing bettter education facilities. This is the reason why they want to give access to library services for Indonesian. They hope that through the program, people will have more access to good readings and various informations, thus, leading to human resources development. Their commitment is proved by their support to the improvement of library facilities, library staff training and library activities. Nevertheless, there is only limited number of companies who have a CSR on developing library, and the financial contribution is very little compared to the budgets for CSR in other sectors. These should be seen as an opportunity for libraries, since there will be more and more companies are joining the trend of CSR. Furthermore, the constitutional court has decided that CSR is mandatory to firms, thus encouraging more companies to do CSR. How about CSR in library in Indonesia? Do they really do CSR as part of their social obligation? Or is it part or their strategy for a sustainable business? No matter what the main motivation is, as long as, the CSR match library needs and it is a continuing p¬rocess, we can make use of it to develop our library
Evaluasi Produktivitas Publikasi Internasional Sivitas Akademika Universitas Diponegoro tahun 1999-2018: Sebuah kajian bibliometri
Perguruan tinggi perlu melakukan evaluasi terhadap kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukannya, baik dari sisi jumlah maupun dampak. Evaluasi ini bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode bibliometri, yang merupakan penerapan analisis kuantitatif dan statistik terhadap publikasi.Evaluasi seperti perlu dilakukan di Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) terutama terkait dengan publikasi internasional terindeks SCOPUS. Penelitian ini bertujuan bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui perkembangan jumlah publikasi dalam kurun waktu tahun 1999 hingga 2018; (2) mengidentifikasi sivitas akademika yang memiliki publikasi terbanyak; (3) mengidentifikasi karya sivitas akademika UNDIP yang paling banyak disitir; (4) mengidentifikasi media publikasi yang paling sering digunakan sivitas akademika UNDIP. Data penelitian berupa data bibliografi yang diperoleh dari pangkalan data SCOPUS. Data dianalisis menggunakan software bibliometri yakni VOSviewer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) terjadi lonjakan jumlah publikasi yang signifikan pada tahun 2017, (2) penulis yang paling produktif berasal dari Fakultas Teknik, (3) karya yang paling banyak disitir berasal dari bidang rekayasa, (4) media publikasi yang paling menerbitkan karya sivitas akademika UNDIP adalah prosiding IOP: Earth And Environmental Scienc
Given the swift currents of globalization and making it easier for foreign cultures to enter and influence the younger generation in Indonesia, especially children. In addition, teaching materials are also needed whose approach is in accordance with the times. Therefore, the researchers developed an elementary school teaching material that was in accordance with the independent era of learning society 5.0 based on local wisdom. The general objective of this research is to produce a product in the form of teaching materials for writing children's stories in the independent era of learning society 5.0 based on local wisdom. The specific objectives of this research are (1) to produce learning materials for writing children's stories in the independent era of learning society 5.0 based on local wisdom, and (2) describing the feasibility of teaching materials to write children's stories in the independent era of learning society 5.0 based on local wisdom that has been developed.The research model used is the Borg and Gall research model. The research model used by Borg and Gall is the Research and Development (R & D) approach. The results obtained from the validation carried out by content (material) experts, namely 87% with the validity level being quite valid with small revisions, and validation by learning media experts, namely 85% with the validity level being quite valid and requiring minor revisions. The results of the development of teaching materials for writing children's stories in the independent era of learning society 5.0 based on local wisdom for elementary school students, especially grades IV until VI in Malang is at 83%, which means that the teaching materials for writing children's stories are suitable for use
Pengembangan Buku Ajar Assesment Pendidikan Berbasis Kontektstual Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
The purpose of this research is to create a context-based textbook on educational assessment. As for the type of research, development research based on the Borg-Gor model is adopted. The research was conducted in his three phases: development, validation, and textbook review. Data collection techniques were performed through documentation, questionnaires, observation sheets, and tests. Based on the research conducted, contextually developed educational assessment textbooks were found to be valid, practical and effective to use in the learning process. Textbooks on contextual educational assessment were validated with 84.3% ratings by linguists and 89.3% ratings by material experts. In addition, the response rate of the evaluation questionnaire from the students of the third examination is 96.7%, and it can be said that the practicality is also high. In addition, it was declared that textbooks would be used effectively in the learning process. This is evident from the fact that 79.8% of observation sheets were used in the previous trial
Riset merupakan kegiatan ilmiah yang menjadi pilar penting dalam penyelenggaraanpendidikan tinggi. Di perguruan tinggi, riset dilaksanakan oleh sivitas akademika, diantaranya oleh mahasiswa doktoral. Riset yang dilakukan mahasiswa doktoral memiliki tingkat kompleksitas lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan riset yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa tingkat sarjana dan tingkat master. Untuk mendukung pelaksanaan riset yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa doktoral perlu dipetakan kebutuhan research support services mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perilaku riset di kalangan mahasiswa doktoral; mengetahui kesulitan yang dihadapi para mahasiswa doktoral dalam melakukan riset dan publikasi serta bantuan yang diharapkan dari perpustakaan. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan sequential mixed method. Pendekatan kualitatif dilakukan dengan mengadakan Focus Group Discussion yang melibatkan 15 mahasiswa doktoral. Pendekatan kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 1.052 mahasiswa doktoral yang saat ini tercatat sebagai mahasiswa aktif. Ditetapkan 270 orang mahasiswa menjadi sampel penelitian dengan mengacu tabel Isaac dan Michael dengan tingkat kesalahan 5%. Dari 270 orang yang ditargetkan menjadi responden, 125 orang yang bersedia mengisi kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa research practices yang dilakukan mahasiswa sesuai dengan research lifecyle framework. Kesulitan yang dihadapi dalam proses riset dan publikasi pada dasarnya bisa dikelompokkan menjadi hambatan internal dan eksternal. Hambatan internal berupa: (1) keterampilan bahasa Inggris; (2) keterampilan menelusur informasi; (3) keterampilan menulis; (4) komunikasi dengan partner dan pembimbing; (5) psikologis; (6) brainstorming. Kesulitan yang dihadapi mahasiswa doktoral yang berasal dari faktor eksternal diantara: (1) terbatasnyafasilitas (perpustakaan, laboratorium, fasilitas printing center, internet, penyediaan software); (2) keterbatasan layanan (layanan penunjang publikasi, layanan konsultasi riset); (3) akses data; (4) hambatan administratif perizinan; (5) hambatan teknis penelitian; (6) biaya riset dan publikasi. Research support services yang diperlukan berupa penyediaan layanan dan fasilitas. Penyediaan layanan: (1) forum ilmiah yang diselenggarakan secara berkala, yang melibatkan supervisor (promotor dan co-promotor), rekan sejawat, tim riset dan pakar non-supervisor dan bila perlu lintas disiplin; (2) pelatihan baik yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan riset maupun publikasi; (3) layanan penyediaan informasi pendukung riset dan publikasi; (4) layanan administratif penunjang riset dan publikasi; (5) layanan penunjang publikasi; (6) layanan konsultasi. Penyediaan fasilitas: (1) penyediaan sumber-sumber informasi berikut aksesnya; (2) penyediaan fasilitas pendukung, berupa software; (3) internet; (4) ruangan yang nyaman dan bisa diakses 24 jam; (5) perpustakaan yang lengkap dengan waktu layanan lebih panjang;(6) laboratorium dengan peralatan memadai. Research support services yang dapat ditawarkan oleh perpustakaan untuk menjawab kebutuhan mahasiswa doktoral dapat dikelompokkan menjadi empat, yaitu: literasi informasi; peningkatan layanan; pengembangan koleksi; dan peningkatan fasilitas
Workshop Bibliometrika: Science Mapping Menggunakan Bibliometrika 3 Agustus 2023
Metode ini digunakan untuk mensintesis hasil-hasil riset terdahulu. bibliometrics dalam penerapan matematika dan metode statistik pada buku dan media komunikasi lainnya. dan digunakan pula untuk menganalisa metadat
Pemberdayaan Kelompok Dasawisma Melalui Pembuatan Teh Daun Kelor Di Dusun Kedungboto Desa Kedungrejo Kecamatan Pakis Kabupaten Malang
Morinaga leaves as a medicine to cure various types of diseases. Some of them also do not understand the efficacy of Moringa scientifically. Therefore, it is necessary to do socialization / counseling about the efficacy of Moringa leaves so that people can have knowledge about the efficacy of Moringa. The target of this service activity is the dasawisma group Puri Bunga Nirwana Rw 08 Kedungrejo hamlet. The target target is 17 people in one dasawisma group. The purpose of this community service is that after participating in the Dasawisma socialization, the group leader is able to understand and be willing to provide motivation to group members about the importance of planting Moringa and the benefits of Moringa leaves to be used as herbal teas to cure various diseases. Moringa is 100% an increase in the knowledge of the participants
Research Support Services: Peran Perpustakaan dalam Pengembangan Riset di Perguruan Tinggi
Tanggung jawab penelitian merupakan salah satu kewajiban yang harus ditunaikan oleh perguruan tinggi. Ini berlaku tidak hanya kepada para dosen, namun juga kepara para mahasiswa. Namun usaha untuk menjalankan riset seringkali menemui berbagai kendala. Kendala yang ada diantaranya adalah terbatasnya sumber daya manusia peniti yang berkualitas dan belum tersedianya jajaran staf pendukung dalam manajemen riset. Perpustakaan bisa mengambil menawarkan alternatif solusi untuk mengatasi kedua hal tersebut. Perpustakaan bisa mengembangkan layanan yang bersifat research support services kepada para peneliti di perguruan tinggi. Praktik serupa telah dijalankan di perpustakaan perguruan tinggi di luar negeri. Dengan menyarikan dari berbagai publikasi, tulisan ini hendak memberikan gambaran tentang best practices pelaksanaan research support services di lingkungan perpustakan perguruan tinggi