76 research outputs found
A section in Quaternary sediments was opened on the eastern slope of Červený kopec Hill (Brno) during engineering works. In the upper part of the section, a body of windblown sand was identified. Its genesis was classified based on grainsize analysis, macro description and position. Sand provenance was deciphered from the composition of translucent heavy minerals and microfabric of quartz grains. Stratigraphic position of the sediments is determined on the basis of the underlying fluvial terrace and overlying loess. The presence of colluvium in the body of windblown sand reflects stratigraphic position in the humid part of the last glacial (anaglacial)
Příklad sedimentace v malých antropogenně ovlivněných tocích: petrografie a mineralogie jemnozrnných fluviálních sedimentů v prostoru Libeň-Klecany
Petrography and mineralogy of sediments from tributaries of the Vltava River between Libeň and Klecany reflect an example of sedimentation in a small stream influenced by anthropogenic activity. Nevertheless, the studied material mostly corresponds to the rocks of the bedrock. The concentration of heavy minerals depends on their stability, petrology and anthropogenic influence. The grain size of stream sediments ranges from gravel to clay. The amount of individual components depends on the site and conditions of origin. Changes in the grain size are controlled by channel morphology and anthropogenic influence. Petrography, mineralogy and the grain size of sediments along the stream course depend on many factors and do not fit the classic idea of sediment distribution in streams. They rather show sedimentation typical for a rejuvenated part of the stream course with relicts of older sedimentation
During the construction and salvage works in the area of the Staré Brno, two interesting localities were exposed. In the case of the Hybešova locality sediments of the Svratka flood plain were exposed. The presence of these sediments evidences the reach of the innundation of the Svratka River to the area of the Staré Brno. The second locality is called Jircháře. Sedimentation in a small reservoir near the Svratka River can be presumed based on palynology and study of the heavy transparent mineral fraction. Hillsides above this locality were covered by plant and wood vegetation. A marked anthropogenic influence during sedimentation can be observed. The composition of pollen spectra evidences the Late Medieval Age to modern age of the studied sediments. This environment was not directly related to fluvial activity of the Svratka River and was not supplied by its sediments
During the construction and salvage works in the area of the Staré Brno, two interesting localities were exposed. In the case of the Hybešova locality sediments of the Svratka flood plain were exposed. The presence of these sediments evidences the reach of the innundation of the Svratka River to the area of the Staré Brno. The second locality is called Jircháře. Sedimentation in a small reservoir near the Svratka River can be presumed based on palynology and study of the heavy transparent mineral fraction. Hillsides above this locality were covered by plant and wood vegetation. A marked anthropogenic influence during sedimentation can be observed. The composition of pollen spectra evidences the Late Medieval Age to modern age of the studied sediments. This environment was not directly related to fluvial activity of the Svratka River and was not supplied by its sediments
Motivation to succeed is not enough: motivated students need to know how to plan/organize their steps on their way to success
The study is based on dispositional (career motivation) and social-cognitive (generalized self-efficacy) theories of personality, further on the expectancy-value theory of achievement motivation and future time perspective theory (task value, time, and study environment). The study aimed to explain the mechanism of the prediction relationship between motivation and students’ performance. It was assumed that skills of planning and organizing (operationalized as generalized self-efficacy and learning strategies) mediate the prediction of motivation (career motivation and task value) on students’ success (operationalized as academic achievement and employability). In two studies (N = 313, N = 219), the hypotheses of the mediation models were supported by structural equation modeling. Generally, the skills of organizing/planning fully mediated the students’ performance, measured as academic achievement and employability (number of employers). The results show the importance of combining dispositional motivation characteristics with dynamic planning skills on the way to students’ success. Traditional psychological predictors of performance, like general mental ability and conscientiousness, were not controlled. Higher education institutions could support motivated students on their way to success by teaching them how to plan and organize specific steps on their way to success
There was studied the infilling of a sunken house from Modřice near Brno, dated to the Hallstatt period. On the base of geoarchaeological approach, the more precise interpretations were made concerning the way the house was built, used and abandoned. The methods of micromorphology, magnetic susceptibility, simple chemical analyses and palynological determination were applied
Investigating the complex story of one ditch — A multidisciplinary study of ditch infill provides insight into the spatial organisation within the oppidum of Bibracte (Burgundy, France)
Seemingly empty spaces in various archaeological settings have left many unanswered questions. This paper focuses on the appearance, maintenance and possible function of a large empty area situated at the summit plateau of the Iron Age oppidum Bibracte in France. Multidisciplinary research of the infill of the ditch that delimited this area in the 1st century BC has provided evidence on the primary function and the formation processes of the structure itself, and for the reconstruction of the appearance, maintenance and function of the area it enclosed. The results allow us to gain insight into a variety of topics, including the role of trees, hygiene measures and waste management strategies at this urbanised hilltop centre. This paper demonstrates that multi-proxy analyses provide detailed insight into the function of archaeological features in a local environmental context and the potential of such approaches in archaeology.U domněle prázdných(nezastavěných) míst v archeologickém kontextu je řada nezodpovězených otázek. Článek se zaměřuje na vzhled, způsob udržování a možnou funkci velkého prázdného prostoru v době železné v rámci vrcholového plateau oppida Bibracte ve Francii. Multidisciplinární přístup k výzkumu výplně příkopu, který tento prostor vymezoval v 1. století př. Kr., poskytl doklady o primárním využití a vzniku výplně v příkopu a dále k rekonstrukci vzhledu, managementu a funkce území, které jej obklopovalo. Výsledky nám umožňují vhled do řady témat, včetně role stromů, úrovně hygieny a nakládání s odpadem v urbanizovaném prostředí oppida. Článek prokazuje důležitost multi-proxy přístupu pro řešení funkce archeologických objektů v lokálním environmentálním kontextu a potenciál tohoto přístupu v archeologii
Bat urea-derived minerals in arid environment. First identification of allantoin, C4H6N4O3, in Kahf Kharrat Najem Cave, United Arab Emirates
Kahf Kharrat Najem Cave is a small cave in United Arab Emirates (UAE) that hosts a bat colony which is the source of guano deposits and peculiar centimeter-long yellowish stalactites. The mineralogy and geochemistry of these deposits were analyzed using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopic microanalysis (EDX), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and stable isotope composition (δ13C and δ15N). Urea CO(NH2)2 was found to be the main compound of these stalactites, while allantoin C4H6N4O3 was found to be an accessory urea byproduct. This paper is the first to mention allantoin in a cave environment. We also identified rare sulfate minerals (aphthitalite, alunite) and phosphates that probably correspond to the archerite-biphosphammite series. The occurrence of these rare bat-related minerals is due to the extremely dry conditions in the cave, which accounts for the extraordinary preservation of the guano deposits and allows for the crystallization of these very soluble minerals.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
Mikromorfologické zhodnocení sedimentů Labského dolu : závěrečná zpráva
V roce 2007 byly metodou studia povrchu křemenných zrn zpracovávány vzorky z vrtných jader z lokality Labský důl v Krkonoších. Cílem posouzení studovaných sedimentů je zjištění míry vlivu glacigenního typu transportu v dané oblasti. Současně s posouzením mikrostruktur povrchů křemenných zrn byly studovány mikromorfologické vztahy v rámci jednotlivých vrstev. Podle nich pak byly vyčleněny rozdílné typy sedimentace
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