22 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jenis-jenis profaniti yang ditemukan dalam film Tony Kaye "American History X" berdasarkan teori Patridge. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari Film 'American History X' dalam bentuk kata, frasa, dan kalimat. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara menonton film secara intensif, mengidentifikasi ujaran yang mengandung profaniti yang digunakan oleh karakter dan menulis kata-kata yang ditemukan dalam film. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam film "American History X" oleh Tony Kaye terdapat ada lima tipe yang ditemukan, yaitu seven dirty words, strong other words, excretory words, sexual words, dan mild other words

    Association mapping of resistance to Verticillium wilt in Gossypium hirsutum L. germplasm

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    Verticillium wilt is a major disease affecting the growth of cotton. For screening the resistant genes, 320 Gossypium hirsutum germplasms were evaluated in Verticillium nursery, and association mapping was used to detect the markers associated with the Verticillium wilt resistance. 106 microsatellite marker primer pairs were used to estimate the genetic diversity, population structure and linkage disequilibrium (LD) of the germplasm. Polymorphism (PIC) was found to be 0.53, and population structure were detected to be three subgroups (K=3). LD decay rates were estimated to be 13 to 15cM (r2 ≄0.20). Significant associations between polymorphic markers and Verticillium wilt resistance traits were observed using the general linear model (GLM) and mixed linear model (MLM). Four loci showed positive effects on the phenotype which meant that these loci could promote the Verticillium wilt resistance of cotton, and thirteen loci showed negative effects in GLM. The results displayed that association mapping could complement and enhance quantitative loci (QTLs) information for marker-assisted selection in cotton breeding.Keywords: Cotton germplasm, verticillium wilt, simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers, linkage disequilibrium (LD), association analysisAfrican Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 13(31) 3165-317

    The Regulation of Microtubule Dynamics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by Three Interacting Plus-End Tracking Proteins

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    Microtubule plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs) are a diverse group of molecules that regulate microtubule dynamics and interactions of microtubules with other cellular structures. Many +TIPs have affinity for each other but the functional significance of these associations is unclear. Here we investigate the physical and functional interactions among three +TIPs in S. cerevisiae, Stu2, Bik1, and Bim1. Two-hybrid, coimmunoprecipitation, and in vitro binding assays demonstrate that they associate in all pairwise combinations, although the interaction between Stu2 and Bim1 may be indirect. Three-hybrid assays indicate that these proteins compete for binding to each other. Thus, Stu2, Bik1, and Bim1 interact physically but do not appear to be arranged in a single unique complex. We examined the functional interactions among pairs of proteins by comparing cytoplasmic and spindle microtubule dynamics in cells lacking either one or both proteins. On cytoplasmic microtubules, Stu2 and Bim1 act cooperatively to regulate dynamics in G1 but not in preanaphase, whereas Bik1 acts independently from Stu2 and Bim1. On kinetochore microtubules, Bik1 and Bim1 are redundant for regulating dynamics, whereas Stu2 acts independently from Bik1 and Bim1. These results indicate that interactions among +TIPS can play important roles in the regulation of microtubule dynamics