15 research outputs found

    Novel Adaptive Photosynthetic Characteristics of Mesophotic Symbiotic Microalgae within the Reef-Building Coral, Stylophora pistillata

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    Photosynthetic coral reef structures extend from the shallow sundrenched waters to the dimly lit, “twilight” mesophotic depths. For their resident endosymbiotic dinoflagellates, primarily from the genus Symbiodinium spp., this represents a photic environment that varies ~15-fold in intensity and also differs in spectral composition. We examined photosynthesis in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata in shallow (3 m) and mesophotic settings (65 m) in the northern Red Sea. Symbiodinium spp. in corals originating from the mesophotic environment consistently performed below their photosynthetic compensation point and also exhibited distinct light harvesting antenna organization. In addition, the non-photochemical quenching activity of Symbiodinium spp. from mesophotic corals was shown to be considerably lower than those found in shallow corals, showing they have fewer defenses to high-light settings. Over a period of almost 4 years, we extensively utilized closed circuit Trimix rebreather diving to perform the study. Phylogenetic analysis showed that shallow corals (3 m) transplanted to a deep reef environment (65 m) maintained their initial Symbiodinium spp. community (clade A), rather than taking on deep low-light clades (clade C), demonstrating that shallow S. pistillata acclimate to low-light mesophotic environments while maintaining their shallow photosynthetic traits. Mesophotic corals exhibited static depth-related chlorophyll content per cell, a decrease in PSI activity and enhanced sigmoidal fluorescence rise kinetics. The sigmoidal fluorescence rise kinetics we observed in mesophotic corals is an indication of energy transfer between photosynthetic units. We postulate that at mesophotic depths, a community of adapted Symbiodinium spp. utilize a unique adaptation to lower light conditions by shifting their light harvesting to a PSII based system, where PSII is structured near PSI, with additional PCP soluble antenna also trapping light that is funneled to the PSI reaction center. In this study, we provide evidence that mesophotic Symbiodinium spp. have developed novel adaptive low-light characteristics consisting of a cooperative system for excitation energy transfer between photosynthetic units that maximizes light utilization

    Understanding how micro-organisms respond to acid pH is central to their control and successful exploitation

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    Microbes from the three domains of life, bacteria, archaea and eukarya, share the need to sense and respond to changes in the external and internal concentrations of protons. When the proton concentration is high, acidic conditions prevail and cells must respond appropriately to ensure that macromolecules and metabolic processes are sufficiently protected to sustain life. While we have learned much in recent decades about the mechanisms that microbes use to cope with acid, including the unique challenges presented by organic acids, there is still much to learn and much to be gained from developing a deeper understanding of the effects and responses to acid in microbes. In this perspective article, we survey the key molecular mechanisms that are known to be important for microbial survival during acid stress. We discuss the research approaches that have been taken to investigate the problem and highlight promising new avenues. We highlight the importance of understanding acid stress in controlling spoilage and pathogenic microbes in the food chain. We discuss the influence of acid on pathogens during the course of infections and highlight the potential of using organic acids in treatments for some types of infection. We explore the influence of acid stress on photosynthetic microbes, and on biotechnological and industrial processes, including those needed to produce organic acids. Finally, we invite colleagues with an interest in microbial responses to low pH to participate in the EU-funded COST Action project called EuroMicropH and contribute to a comprehensive database of literature on this topic that we are making publicly available

    Formulation of a Structural Equation Relating Remotely Sensed Electron Transport Rate Index to Photosynthesis Activity

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    Chlorophyll fluorescence can be remotely sensed in open fields via the Fraunhofer atmospheric absorption lines of oxygen and is termed Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF). SIF has been extensively related to carbon assimilation at global ecology scale and was interpreted as electron transport rate. However, SIF was shown to be unrelated directly to carbon assimilation at finer-scale resolution and may be related to other photosynthetic processes, such as non-photochemical quenching. This raises the question how exactly the SIF relates to actual photosynthetic activity. Based on a recently introduced spectral index that relates the photochemical fraction of SIF to the actual electron transport rate, this study presents the formulation of a structural equation, relating the remotely sensed electron transport rate index to fluorescence yield which considers the various fates of energetic quanta and electron excitation. The proposed structural equations are used to examine and interpret the relation between the novel spectral index and seasonal growth of corn (Z. mays Sh2, ‘super sweet’) on a platform of fertilization concentration gradient. Potential uses, practical and theoretical, for the proposed structural equations are discussed

    Novel adaptive photosynthetic characteristics of mesophotic symbiotic microalgae within the reef-building coral, Stylophora pistillata

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    Photosynthetic coral reef structures extend from the shallow sundrenched waters to the dimly lit, twilight mesophotic depths. For their resident endosymbiotic dinoflagellates, primarily from the genus Symbiodinium spp., this represents a photic environment that varies ~15 fold in intensity and also differs in spectral composition. We examined photosynthesis in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata in shallow (3 m) and mesophotic settings (65m) in the northern Red Sea. Symbiodinium spp. in corals originating from the mesophotic environment consistently performed below their photosynthetic compensation point and also exhibited distinct light harvesting antenna organization. In addition, the non-photochemical quenching activity of Symbiodinium spp. from mesophotic corals was shown to be considerably lower than those found in shallow corals, showing they have fewer defenses to high-light settings. Over a period of almost four years, we extensively utilized closed circuit Trimix rebreather diving to perform the study. Phylogenetic analysis showed that shallow corals (3m) transplanted to a deep reef environment (65 m) maintained their initial Symbiodinium spp. community (clade A), rather than taking on deep low-light clades (clade C), demonstrating that shallow S. pistillata acclimate to low-light mesophotic environments while maintaining their shallow photosynthetic traits. Mesophotic corals exhibited static depth-related chlorophyll content per cell, a decrease in PSI activity and enhanced sigmoidal fluorescence rise kinetics. The sigmoidal fluorescence rise kinetics we observed in mesophotic corals is an indication of energy transfer between photosynthetic units. We postulate that at mesophotic depths, a community of adapted Symbiodinium spp. utilize a unique adaptation to lower light conditions by shifting their light harvesting to a PSII based system, where PSII is structured near PSI, with additional PCP soluble antenna also trapping light that is funneled to the PSI reaction center. In this study, we provide evidence that mesophotic Symbiodinium spp. have developed novel adaptive low-light characteristics consisting of a cooperative system for excitation energy transfer between photosynthetic units that maximizes light utilization

    Abstract Sensors and Actuators B 106 (2005) 76–82 On mappings between electronic noses

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    We consider the task of finding a mapping between two eNoses that employ two different sensor technologies, quartz microbalance and conducting polymers. Such a mapping is a model that predicts the response of one eNose based on the response of the other. eNose mappings are important for odor communication and synthesis, as well as for eNose data integration. We investigated a number of methods for performing this task, including principal components regression, partial least squares, neural networks and tessellation-based linear interpolation. Our measure of success is the percentage of predictions that are correctly classifiable. Using two different techniques for splitting our data set, we achieved success rates of 67 % and 100%. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1

    Comparative Study between the Photosynthetic Parameters of Two Avocado (<i>Persea americana</i>) Cultivars Reveals Natural Variation in Light Reactions in Response to Frost Stress

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    Avocado is a commercially important fruit tree which is sold worldwide. Originating in subtropical regions of the South America, this species is now grown worldwide and is sometimes exposed to cold temperatures. Specifically, frost stress harms the crop yield and its quality. While it is known in general that the photosynthetic apparatus changes in response to cold conditions, there is still not much information regarding the photosynthetic apparatus response to sporadic frost stress. In this study, we tracked the photosynthetic apparatus’ light reaction of ‘Hass’ and ‘Ettinger’ avocado cultivars to frost stress, with Ettinger being known to be more resilient to cold than Hass. We found that in avocado trees, the photosynthetic apparatus’ response to frost occurs at the level of photosystem II (PSII) itself, rather than a photoprotective response to a stress. The Hass apparatus incorrectly interprets the reduction in electron transport rate activity and by that increases its light harvesting complex size at the expense of its reaction centers which then increases the apparatus’ probability to generate reactive oxygen species. The results of this study open opportunities to further research the process which regulates the feedback mechanism that controls the photosynthetic unit’s size in Hass when compared to the Ettinger cultivar, and whether it is part of a feedback regulation from the carbon assimilation step or indirectly from a stomatal limitation which arises in these subtropical species. While corroborating past studies performed on avocados, this study suggests using advanced chlorophyll a fluorescence protocols when researching natural variation in crops

    Random Forest Algorithm Improves Detection of Physiological Activity Embedded within Reflectance Spectra Using Stomatal Conductance as a Test Case

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    Plants transpire water through their tissues in order to move nutrients and water to the cells. Transpiration includes various mechanisms, primarily stomata movement, which controls the rate of CO2 and water vapor exchange between the tissues and the atmosphere. Assessment of stomatal conductance is available for gas exchange techniques at leaf level, yet these techniques are not scalable to the whole plant let alone a large vegetation area. Hyperspectral reflectance spectroscopy, which acquires hundreds of bands in a single scan, may capture a glimpse of the crop&rsquo;s physiological activity and therefore meet the scalability challenge. In this study, classic chemometric analyses are used alongside advanced statistical learning algorithms in order to identify stomatal conductance cues in hyperspectral measurements of cotton plants experiencing a gradient of irrigation. Random forest of regression trees identified 23 wavelengths related to both structural properties of the plant as well as water content. Partial least squares regression succeeded in relating these wavelengths to stomatal conductance, but only partially (R2 &lt; 0.2). An artificial neural network algorithm reported an R2 = 0.54 with an 89% error-free performance on the same data subset. This study discusses implementation of machine learning methodologies as a benchmark for deeper analysis of spectral information, such as required when searching for plant physiology-related attenuations embedded within reflectance spectra