101 research outputs found

    Revaluation of the labor theories and the Central-Eastern-European labor market trends

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    The author assumes that globalization and its regional and local impacts have an important role in nowadays' economics. Paradoxically, challenges arising from the unification of the world have made the necessity for regional and local answers stronger. The transformation of the labor market calls for the revaluation of the notion of labor; it puts the issue of employment in another perspective. The solution for globally existing lack of employment is more and more frequently sought focusing on sustainability and social inclusion at regional and local levels. This study consists of three main themes: (1) An overview is given about the main findings of the economic theories associated with employment and labor / paid work; reinterpretation of the concept of labor is also provided, divided into pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial periods, which the author aligns with the periods of the economic thought. The author interprets globalization as a factor influencing the transition between industrial and post-industrial periods; and she elaborately introduces its economic-social and labor market impacts. Among the potential alternatives of employment of the future, this thesis investigates the atypical forms of employment, public employment and social (solidarity) economy. (2) Central-Eastern European countries and regions are analyzed, as the territorial unit of the research, from labor market and employment aspects. Afterwards, the author evaluates the employment situation in this region. (3) Afterwards, she contributes suggestions to the criteria of creating a more efficient regional employment policy. The aim of this research was analysed the regional labor market situation by the Central-Eastern European countries and regions, in particular by the North Hungarian region and was gave some proposals for a possible, efficient regional employment policy. „This research was realized in the frames of TÁMOP 4.2.4. A/2-11-1-2012-0001. National Excellence Program - Elaborating and operating an inland student and researcher personal support system convergence program. The project was subsidized by the European Union and co-financed by the European Social Fund.


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    To interpret social innovation, it is possible to attribute the specialty of employment to the peripheral regions. Yet, the latest development of new products, services and new methodologies, driven by social values, initiated and implemented by social players, which interprets new social interactions as a backward process of social development, places social innovation as the main point of employment. Competitiveness is a particular importance not only in terms of world economic but also regional economic and local economic development. In this paper, it was examined the values of the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) in Hungary and the best-known social innovations in these regions. The second aim of the research is to explore and compare the relationship between competitiveness and social innovations at regional level in Hungary. As a result of this research it can be stated that the social innovations presented will contribute to improving the quality of life of people living in rural areas and people with disabilities in urban areas through employment

    The necessity of the regional employment policy

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    I assume that globalization and its regional and local impacts have an important role in nowadays' economics. Paradoxically, challenges arising from the unification of the world have made the necessity for regional and local answers stronger. The transformation of the labour market calls for the revaluation of the notion of labour; it puts the issue of employment in another perspective. The solution for globally existing lack of employment is more and more frequently sought focusing on sustainability and social inclusion at regional and local levels.</jats:p

    A kisgyermekes nők foglalkoztatási helyzete és lehetőségeik

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    Az elmúlt években bár növekszik hazánkban a nők munkaerő-piaci szerepe, de a nők foglalkoztatási rátája tartósan alacsonyabb a férfiakénál és alacsonyabb a női EU-átlagnál is. Ezt nagyrészt az okozza, hogy hazánkban a kisgyermekes nők nem vagy nagyon nehezen tudnak visszatérni a munka világába, még akkor is, ha számos család- és foglalkoztatáspolitikai eszközzel segíti őket a kormányzat és a munkáltatók a munkaerő-piaci reintegrációban. A kisgyermekes anyák elhelyezkedési esélyei jelentősen nem javulnak, ha egy nő több gyermeket vállal, ez sok esetben a saját munkaerő-piaci kirekesztődéséhez vezet. Minél több gyermek van a családban, az anya foglalkoztatási rátája annál alacsonyabb. Hogyan lehet ezen javítani, milyen lehetőségek vannak az esélyhátrányok csökkentésére? Ezt vizsgálják a szerzők beavatkozó módszerrel, fókuszcsoportos vizsgálattal kisgyermekes szülők és HR-szakemberek bevonásával. Kutatási kérdésként az alábbit fogalmazták meg: Hogyan ítélik meg a kisgyermekes anyák saját munkaerő-piaci visszatérésüket és lehetőségeiket

    The forecast of unemployment in Hungary and the role of social innovation in employment expansion

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    A V4 országok régióinak vizsgálata munkaerő-piaci szempontból

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    The problem of the labour market had increased after the regime change not only in Hungary, but also in neighbouring countries. “The heritage” of the regime change and their effects are observed well in the Central-Eastern European region. The focus of this presentation is the disadvantageous labour market and economical situation after the world economic crisis. I tried to present the change of the Visegrad Four NUTS 2 regions. I make calculations using factor analysis and cluster analysis in the year of 2011 and 2015 in order to show the changes of spatial structure which become much more marked, the effect of the world economic crisis is observed not only on the labour market

    Néhány gondolat a magyarországi vidéki térségekről

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    Magyarországon a vidéki térségek fejlesztése kulcsfontosságú, hiszen a lakosság közel 30%-a nem városi övezetben él. A vidék valódi értékeket őriz, ezeket a marketing segítségével még ismertebbé kell tenni és a vidéki turizmusban rejlő lehetőségeket is támogatni kell. A vidéki társadalom tagjainak fokozottan szüksége van a fennálló, kedvezőtlen gazdasági és társadalmi folyamatokat csillapító újszerű megoldások alkalmazására. Azokat a helyi fejlesztéseket, amelyek helyben születnek, helyi lakosok bevonásával, helyi kontroll alatt valósulnak meg és a fennálló szükségleteket igyekeznek kielégíteni, segíteni és támogatni kell. Ezeket a helyi fejlesztéseket a szolidáris gazdaság keretei között, a civil szervezetek együttműködésével vagy kezdeményező képességével célszerű megvalósítani

    A v4 országok régióinak vizsgálata munkaerő-piaci szempontból

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    The problem of the labour market had increased after the regime change not only in Hungary, but also in neighbouring countries. “The heritage” of the regime change and their effects are observed well in the Central-Eastern European region. The focus of this presentation is the disadvantageous labour market and economical situation after the world economic crisis. I tried to present the change of the Visegrad Four NUTS 2 regions. I make calculations using factor analysis and cluster analysis in the year of 2011 and 2015 in order to show the changes of spatial structure which become much more marked, the effect of the world economic crisis is observed not only on the labour market.The problem of the labour market had increased after the regime change not only in Hungary, but also in neighbouring countries. “The heritage” of the regime change and their effects are observed well in the Central-Eastern European region. The focus of this presentation is the disadvantageous labour market and economical situation after the world economic crisis. I tried to present the change of the Visegrad Four NUTS 2 regions. I make calculations using factor analysis and cluster analysis in the year of 2011 and 2015 in order to show the changes of spatial structure which become much more marked, the effect of the world economic crisis is observed not only on the labour market


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    This study consists of three main themes: (1) An overview is given about the main findings of the economic theories associated withemployment and labour / paid work; reinterpretation of the concept of labour is also provided, divided into pre-industrial, industrialand post-industrial periods, which the author aligns with the periods of the economic thought. The author interprets globalizationas a factor influencing the transition between industrial and post-industrial periods; and she elaborately introduces its economicsocialand labour market impacts. Among the potential alternatives of employment of the future, this thesis investigates the atypicalforms of employment, public employment and social (solidarity) economy. (2) Central-Eastern European countries and regions areanalyzed, as the territorial unit of the research, from labour market and employment aspects. Afterwards, the author evaluates theemployment situation of her closer environment, Northern Hungary. (3) Afterwards, she contributes suggestions to the criteria ofcreating a more efficient regional employment policy. The aim of this research was analysed the regional labour market situation bythe Central-Eastern European countries and regions, in particular by the North Hungarian region and was gave some proposals for apossible, efficient regional employment policy. Therefore through the multiple transformation of work concept, the demand for alternativeemployment forms has increased along with the significant change of the content. The author believes that these alternativefields and the regional employment policy can provide the answer for global labour market problems in the future. At the beginningof her research, she hypothesised that the position of the North Hungarian region is significantly determined by its special economicand social context which can be derived from the end of communism. The author used Hoover-index, tested the Okun’s law inCentral-Eastern European countries and regions, calculated the Markov-chain model and used factor analysis methods.Keywords: globalization, regional employment, labour market.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/rfds.v11i3.61

    Analysis of the Employment Situation by the Visegrad Four Countries

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    My paper presents the employment situation by the Visegrad Four (V4) countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) in the recent years. I have chosen the analysis of the employment policy, unemployment and the regional disparities because they have been more and more used in the economy and can be considered an actual question. The extensive economic literature deals with the role of the state it plays in the area of employment and revitalising demand in order to treat economic crisis; it also includes the probable benefi ts and drawbacks of the measures. My hypothesis states that the employment position of the Visegrad Four is different in the European Union relation, and in the V4 relations, its human resource position is weak, the level of employment is low, which is infl uenced by several factors and the four countries have different employment trends. The methodology of the paper is the analysis of available statistical data, the study and critical analysis of the situation