3,055 research outputs found

    Optimization of cholesterol removal, growth and fermentation patterns of Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4962 in the presence of mannitol, fructo-oligosaccharide and inulin: a response surface methodology approach

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    Aims: To optimize cholesterol removal by Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4962 in the presence of prebiotics, and study the growth and fermentation patterns of the prebiotics. Methods and Results: Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4962 was screened in the presence of six prebiotics, namely sorbitol, mannitol, maltodextrin, hi-amylose maize, fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) and inulin in order to determine the best combination for highest level of cholesterol removal. The first-order model showed that the combination of inoculum size, mannitol, FOS and inulin was best for removal of cholesterol. The second-order polynomial regression model estimated the optimum condition of the factors for cholesterol removal by L. acidophilus ATCC 4962 to be 2.64% w/v inoculum size, 4.13% w/v mannitol, 3.29% w/v FOS and 5.81% w/v inulin. Analyses of growth, mean doubling time and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production using quadratic models indicated that cholesterol removal and the production of SCFA were growth associated. Conclusions: Optimum cholesterol removal was obtained from the fermentation of L. acidophilus ATCC 4962 in the presence of mannitol, FOS and inulin. Cholesterol removal and the production of SCFA appeared to be growth associated and highly influenced by the prebiotics. Significance and Impact of the Study: Response surface methodology proved reliable in developing the model, optimizing factors and analysing interaction effects. The results provide better understanding on the interactions between probiotic and prebiotics for the removal of cholesterol

    Soft Gluons in Logarithmic Summations

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    We demonstrate that all the known single- and double-logarithm summations for a parton distribution function can be unified in the Collins-Soper resummation technique by applying soft approximations appropriate in different kinematic regions to real gluon emissions. Neglecting the gluon longitudinal momentum, we obtain the kTk_T (double-logarithm) resummation for two-scale QCD processes, and the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (single-logarithm) equation for one-scale processes. Neglecting the transverse momentum, we obtain the threshold (double-logarithm) resummation for two-scale processes, and the Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi (single-logarithm) equation for one-scale processes. If keeping the longitudinal and transverse momenta simultaneously, we derive a unified resummation for large Bjorken variable xx, and a unified evolution equation appropriate for both intermediate and small xx.Comment: 14 pages in Latex, 1 figure in postscript fil

    Relationship Between Snail Shell Size and Distance on Substrate

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    The intertidal zones of Hawai‘i are an ever-changing environment where habitating organisms are subject to highly variable conditions. Due to such changes, these organisms have been forced to evolve to keep up with the environment over time. Despite the many beaches and intertidal zones that are easily accessible in Hawai‘i, little is known about the snails of the genus Littorina and Nerita picea living on the substrate in these areas. The shells of snails serve as protection against predators in the intertidal area and have varying sizes and shapes. This research examined whether the size of snail shells are connected to the location of a snail in the intertidal zone, and whether snails that experience stronger wave action have different shell types. With a sample of these snails found on a rocky substrate, the distance between the base of a cliff and the observed location of the snails was measured in relation to the size of the snail shell. After conducting a correlation test and checking the statistical significance of the data, no significant relationship was observed between the two variables. In addition, there was little variance observed in the sizes of the snail shells measured. The findings suggest that shell size does not change in respect to where snails live in the intertidal zone. Further research could be conducted with an increased sample size and measuring other variables such as the snail shell thickness or height to observe if other relationships are present between the size of snail shells and their habitat

    Performance of Malaysian Wooden Furniture Industry Against Global Exporters

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    This study attempts to investigate export direction and growth of Malaysian wooden furniture compared to five world's leading exporters, China and selected countries from Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia). These countries were chosen because they are of great potential of their steadily increasing export of superior quality wooden furniture. Four categories of wooden furniture were focused on for the analyses which were wooden furniture used in (1) office, (2) kitchen, (3) bedroom and (4) other wooden furniture. The statistical data for import and export from 1994 - 1998 were collected from the International Trade Center (COMTRADE). A share structural analysis was employed to analyze the export trend whilst the export performance was examined using constant market share (CMS) approach. In 1998, Malaysia ranked fifth and seventh in the world ranking of wooden furniture export leaders for office and other wooden furniture, respectively. The United States (US), Japan, Singapore and the United Kingdom (UK) were among the largest destination for Malaysian wooden furniture. In contrast, most of the exports of woode

    Application of Electrical Resistivity Imaging Technique in Slope Stability Study of Granitic Residual Soils in the Cameron Highlands, Pahang

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    This thesis reports on the result of an empirical study to use electrical resistivity imaging technique in the assessment of ultimate shear strength (USS) and the dynamic cone penetration resistance (DCPR) of residual soil derived from the weathering product of granitic rock. The study also attempts to identify the depth and lateral extent of possible slip surface of sloping ground in Main Range Granite especially on the cut slope, bordering the federal road in Cameron Highlands. Soil samples were taken from the field and its petrophysical, electrical resistivity, USS and DCPR were studied in laboratory. In the field, electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) survey, USS and DCPR probing have also been carried out. The result of cross-correlation between USS and resistivity and the ERI- USS and DCPR from laboratory and field investigations were integrated to obtain relationships, which were applied to determine the USS and the DCPR of residual soil from the electrical resistivity inversion data obtained from the study area. The residual soil was derived from the weathering of Main Range granitic rock, Cameron Highlands. Soil classification results show that the soil in the study area comprised of mainly sandy soil. This study shows that the resistivity, x and the USS, y was related by an equation y = 2.81Ln(x) + 30.29. The DCPR is related to the USS by; DCPR = 0.07(USS) + 6.88. The present work is applicable for soil at moisture content between 6% and 30%. Result of field survey and 2-D subsurface ERI and subsequence translation of ERI into USS and DCPR also indicated that the depth of the sliding surface of the failed slopes were about 1 m – 1.5 m below ground surface. The boundary between the translated and intact soil was at the USS of about 200 kPa and DCPR value of 30 J cm-2 per 10 cm penetration. The present study have shown that it is possible to estimate the USS and DCPR of the residual soil and to predict the depth and lateral extent of the possible slip surface using electrical resistivity imaging survey at lower cost and wider coverage of survey are

    The Status of Computer Assisted School Administration and Strategies for its Further Development in Negeri Sembilan Secondary Schools

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    The tangible advantages of computer use in terms of efficiency and effectiveness have led to an increasing number of schools in Malaysia using computers in administration. Schools, however, are only working on their own initiative. There is as yet no central support or policy for computer assisted school administration (CASA). Experiences in countries more advanced in CASA development almost invariably attest that if schools are left to venture on their own, they are most unlikely to reap the full benefits of CASA . The need for definite strategies for CASA development is apparent. This study presents a descriptive account of the extent of school administrative computing in secondary schools in the state of Negeri Sembilan. In addition, school principals' perception of factors regarded as important for implementing school administrative computing were sought. These findings, together with insights gained from relevant literature reviews on CASA implementation successes in other countries, formed the basis for recommending strategies for further development of CASA in secondary schools in Negeri Sembilan. Such strategies should also be of relevance to other states as well as to CASA development nationwide.The data were gathered by a survey questionnaire sent to all secondary schools in Negeri sembilan and also through visits and interview sessions conducted in four selected schools. A descriptive account of the computer installations and applications used is given. Also, the relationships that exist between the five "blocks" as depicted in Visscher' s Framework for Analysis of School Information System is discussed in the context of CASA development in Negeri sembilan secondary schools. These "blocks" refer to five aspects of a school information system viz. design and development, quality, use, other factors affecting use and impact of use

    Aplikasi Theory of Constraint sebagai Alat Manajemen dalam Cost Reduction untuk Menunjang Peningkatan Efisiensi Biaya Produksi pada PT X di Surabaya

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    Perkembangan dunia usaha yang semakin kompetitif dewasa ini menuntut badan usaha untuk menghasilkan produk sesuai dengan keinginan konsumen, pengiriman produk yang tepat dengan memperhatikan efisiensi biaya yang dikeluarkan. Dalam industri manufaktur, aktivitas produksi adalah salah satu aktivitas yang penting karena proses pengolahan sumber daya menjadi produk yang siap dijual. Produk inilah yang nantinya akan menghasilkan profit yang maksimum. Oleh karena itu diperlakukan informasi akuntansi manajemen agar dapat mengarabkan proses pengambilan putusan dalam menetapkan output yang harus dihasilkan dengan penghematan biaya produksi yang mendukung peningkatan efisiensi biaya produksi. ..

    The Methods for Efficient Transverse Vibration of Structural Dynamics: a Historical Point of View

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    The different assumptions and corresponding theories of transverse vibrations of beams are presented. Eight mathematical models, namely Euler-Bernoulli, Rayleigh, Euler-Bernoulli modified, Bress, Volterra, Ambartsumyan, Timoshenko and Love theory are firstly discussed. Then, different theories of dynamic behaviours of beams can be obtained from the equations of the theory of elasticity, which are presented with respect to average values. Nowadays, beam elements are usually based on two theories, i.e Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theory. One of the recent developments pointed out is the computer program ABAQUS, a finite element based cross- sectional and non-linear analysis for beam. Finally, several examples are presented as numerical validations in which FE results are compared with those from the theories in the literature where available and appropriate.

    Application of the cohesive zone model to the analysis of rotors with a transverse crack

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    Ein Riss im Rotor ruft eine lokale Steifigkeitsänderung hervor. Die vorliegende Arbeit ermittelt die Steifigkeitsänderung einer angerissenen Welle. Dazu wird ein Kohäsivzonenmodell eingesetzt. Das Modell wurde für die erste Rissöffnungsmode bei ebenem Verzerrungszustand in Abhängigkeit der Mehrachsigkeit des Spannungszustandes (Triaxialität) entwickelt. Außerdem wird das Kohäsivzonenmodell bei einem eindimensionalen Kontinuumsrotor als FE Modell ausgeführt