16 research outputs found

    Choice modelling embedded in marketing relationships

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    Continuation versus defection decisions are rarely a neutral process for consumers. Although previous research has recognized the key role of emotions in such process, it has not directly formulated models of choice based on affective constructs. This dissertation develops and empirically tests such model using discrete choice experimental data. The conceptual model incorporates sellers’ extra effort and work (e.g., adaptation of policies, provision of small favors or considerations) into a traditional choice model, and shows how such efforts unfold in consumer black box as well as influences behavioral outcomes. Specifically, I propose that benefits received throughout interpersonal interactions create a self-other trade-off, which is processed by a specific social-emotional process. Across three studies, the dissertation demonstrates that the social-emotional process mediates the effect of seller efforts on defection utility, and such process is activated only when benefits are received thought interpersonal interactions. Also, the current results demonstrate that the role of emotions on preferences is highly malleable, that is, the same social emotion can both promote or inhibit defection behaviors. Overall, the work offers theoretical insights and methodological guidelines for research on the role of emotions on choice situations. In particular, marketing research should avoid claiming fixed relations between discrete emotions and consumer preferences or prioritize more valenced-based approaches in discrete choice frameworks.Decisões que envolvem continuação versus deserção raramente são um processo neutro para os consumidores. Embora pesquisas anteriores tenham reconhecido o papel fundamental das emoções em tal processo, elas não formularam diretamente modelos de escolha baseados em construtos afetivos. Esta tese desenvolve e testa empiricamente tal modelo usando dados experimentais de escolha discreta. O modelo conceitual incorpora o esforço e trabalho extra dos vendedores (p.ex., adaptação de políticas, provisão de pequenos favores ou considerações) em um modelo de escolha tradicional, e mostra como tais esforços se desdobram dentro da caixa preta do consumidor, bem como influenciam os resultados comportamentais. Especificamente, é proposto que os benefícios recebidos ao longo das interações interpessoais criam um trade-off entre “Eu” e “Outro”, o qual é avaliado por um processo socioemocional específico. Através de três estudos, a dissertação demonstra que o processo socioemocional medeia o efeito dos esforços do vendedor na utilidade da deserção, e tal processo é ativado apenas quando os benefícios são recebidos por meio de interações interpessoais. Além disso, os resultados demonstram que o papel das emoções nas preferências em situações de escolha é altamente maleável, ou seja, a mesma emoção social pode promover ou inibir comportamentos de deserção. No geral, o trabalho oferece insights teóricos e diretrizes metodológicas para a pesquisa sobre o papel das emoções em situações de escolha. Em particular, a pesquisa em marketing deve evitar alegar relações fixas entre emoções específicas e preferências do consumidor ou priorizar abordagens mais baseadas em valência em análises de escolha discreta

    Consumer Market for Functional Foods in South Brazil

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    This study aims at investigating the consumer market for functional foods (FF) in Porto Alegre, South Brazil. Functional food is any healthy food claimed to have a health-promoting or disease-preventing property beyond the basic function of supplying nutrients. Health has been named as the most significant trend and innovation driver in the global food and drinks market. Brazil is one of the leading countries in food production and consumption, and the market for functional foods have been growing 10% per year, three times more than the market for conventional foods. Although this food category is considered mature in some developed markets (such as in Japan, in the Nordic countries and in the U.S), it is still unknown for many consumers, especially those located in developing countries. On the other hand, functional foods has been attracting the attention of multinationals and local food industries in Brazil, since innovation can significantly impact on their competitive advantages. Therefore, in this study, first we are going to identify the availability of functional food products in the local retail market, through observation techniques. Our aim is to confront consumers’ needs with local food companies’ market supply. Secondly, we investigate consumers’ motivations, attitudes and intention to buy functional foods, since the market demands a better understanding of this trend. A survey with 450 consumers was conducted and provided quantitative insights. Results indicate that the market for functional foods in Rio Grande do Sul is incipient, but it is developing fast. There are few local functional food products in the market, but those are attractive to consumers and indicate promising opportunities. The survey shows that interviewed consumers presented positive attitudes towards functional foods and enough purchasing power to buy it. Dieticians, nutritionists and other health professionals have high credibility and could help inform consumers about the benefits of particular categories of functional foods. Food industry itself is not regarded as the most trustworthy source, what indicates the need of more attention to this fact from a corporate point of view. Finally, this study shows that the understanding of Brazilian consumers is fundamental to help food companies define their strategies. To map the most accepted categories of functional foods is also important, aiming to avoid the "tentative and error" approach

    Valuation and devaluation effects in a context of social need

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    O efeito de devaluation, proposto por Brendl et al. (2003), foi encontrado apenas diante de um contexto de necessidade fisiológica, e o efeito de valuation não foi encontrado por esses autores. No presente estudo, por meio do método experimental, tem-se os seguintes objetivos: (1) estender as condições nas quais o efeito de devaluation por ser observado por meio da aplicação em um contexto de necessidade de pertencimento a um grupo; (2) investigar a existência do efeito de valuation nesse mesmo contexto; (3) investigar a existência de assimetria entre os efeitos de valuation (menor) e devaluation (maior). Os resultados evidenciam a existência dos efeitos de devaluation e de valuation em um contexto de necessidade social. Em relação à assimetria entre esses efeitos, o resultado não comprovou a existência de diferença estatisticamente significante.The devaluation effect proposed by Brendl et al. (2003), was found only in the context of physiological need and the effect of valuation was not found by these authors. In the present study, using the experimental method, we have the following objectives: (1) extend the conditions under which the effect of devaluation may be observed by applying it in a context of need to belong to a group; (2) to investigate the existence of the valuation effect in that context; (3) to investigate the existence of asymmetry between the effects of valuation (lower) and devaluation (higher). The results show the existence of the effects of both devaluation and valuation in a context of social need. Regarding the asymmetry between these effects, the results failed to demonstrate a statistically significant difference

    Pricing strategy in multi-channel retailing and fairness perception: An examination of boundary conditions

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    This article aims to examine the boundary conditions that influence the relationship between pricing strategy in multi-channel retailing and fairness perception, since past research has found controversial results concerning this subject. In experiments 1 and 2, we show that differential pricing is perceived as fairer for products in comparison to services. In experiment 3, we show that when the price difference is justified by an explanation based on costs, it is perceived as fairer than an explanation based on channel benefits. These studies help to elucidate the controversial relationship between price strategy and perceived fairness, addressing boundary conditions that have not been tested before. We suggest that product retailers should consider differential pricing strategy, since many benefits have been reported in the literature, such as higher profitability. However, service managers should be careful about using this strategy, because fairness perception influences returning intentions. Additionally, whenever possible, the price difference should be justified by an explanation based on costs.</p

    O cliente noturno de restaurantes de Porto Alegre : uma pesquisa sobre a segmentação deste mercado consumidor

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    Esta monografia apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento do consumidor, com foco em segmentação de mercado. O objetivo é segmentar os consumidores que costumam sair para jantar em restaurantes de Porto Alegre, tendo em vista o modelo sobre as tendências atitudinais em alimentação, apresentado por Barbosa, Madi, Toledo e Rego (2010). Hábitos de consumo também foram analisados. Este estudo contou com uma etapa qualitativa, com pesquisa em fonte de dados secundários e entrevista com empresários do setor, e uma etapa quantitativa, quando um survey foi aplicado a uma amostra por conveniência, por meio da técnica de bola de neve. Foi firmada uma parceria com o Pólo Gastronômico de Porto Alegre, a fim de otimizar os resultados dessa pesquisa. Os dados quantitativos passaram por análise estatística; utilizou-se a Análise de Agrupamentos para a formação dos clusters. A amostra reuniu homens e mulheres, com nível elevado de escolaridade, totalizando 612 observações. Os resultados demonstram que as tendências observadas por Barbosa et al (2010) ainda não estão completamente consolidadas no mercado consumidor noturno de restaurantes de Porto Alegre. Identificou-se a existência de três clusters distintos, os quais foram caracterizados segundo suas atitudes, hábitos e dados sociodemográficos (com significância estatística). Os resultados também indicam que as tendências de sensorialidade e prazer estão fortemente relacionadas ao ato de jantar fora.This monograph is on consumer behavior, focusing on market segmentation. The goal is to segment the customers who usually go to dinner in Porto Alegre’s restaurants, according to the model of Barbosa, Madi, Toledo e Rego (2010). Consumption habits were also investigated. This research involved a qualitative stage, with research into a source of secondary data and interviews with restaurateurs, and a quantitative stage, when a survey was administered to a convenience sample, through the snowball technique. A partnership was made with the Gastronomic Center of Porto Alegre, in order to optimize the results of this search. The quantitative data underwent statistical analysis; it was used cluster analysis to the formation of clusters. The sample met men and women with a high level of education, totaling 612 observations. The results show that the trends observed by Barbosa et al (2010) are still not fully consolidated in the consumer market for restaurants in Porto Alegre. The study identified the existence of three distinct clusters, which were characterized according to their attitudes, habits, and sociodemographic data (with statistical significance). The results also indicate that the trends of sensoriality and pleasure are closely related to the act of dining out

    Fatores da qualidade dos serviços prestados via internet e seus consequentes : uma revisão metanalítica

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    Apesar de a qualidade ser considerada um dos principais determinantes da sobrevivência e prosperidade de prestadores de serviços via internet (eg, ZEITHAML; PARASURAMAM; MALHOTRA, 2000, 2002), existem muitas divergênciasna literatura a respeito da conceptualização, composição e consequências desse construto. A fim de ajudar no preenchimento dessa lacuna, este trabalho integrou os resultados quantitativos de 87 amostras independentes, reportados em 74 estudos (=35935), em um modelo metanalítico dos fatores da qualidade dos serviços prestados via internet (QSEI). Utilizando Rust e Oliver (1994) como referência teórica, os 10 fatores encontrados na literatura com frequência suficiente para análise (≥4) foram agrupados em 3 dimensões (qualidade do ambiente, do processo e do resultado) e associados à qualidade geral percebida, satisfação do cliente e intenção comportamental.Das 30 relações propostas, 25 alcançaram o ponto de corte estipulado (≥4) e puderam ser analisadas por meio da metanálise, quando se constatou que as relações eram significantes ao nível de 5%, bem como eram robustas no que diz respeito ao fail safe N. Com relação à magnitude dos efeitos observados, encontrou-se que o benefício funcional possui o maior efeito sobre a satisfação do cliente e a intenção comportamental, enquanto que a qualidade da informação possui o maior efeito sobre a qualidade geral percebida. O efeito do benefício funcional é maior do que o do benefício emocional tanto na satisfação do cliente quanto na intenção comportamental, sugerindo que as avaliações do cliente são mais cognitivas do que emocionais em contextos eletrônicos. O efeito do benefício funcional é maior do que o do benefício emocional tanto na satisfação do cliente quanto na intenção comportamental, sugerindo que as avaliações do cliente são mais cognitivas do que emocionais em contextos eletrônicos. Além disso, o benefício emocional, o benefício funcional e a confiabilidade estão entre os quatro fatores com maior efeito sobre a intenção comportamental, sugerindo que as intenções de comportamento do consumidor online são mais influenciadas pelos fatores associados ao final da experiência (dimensão qualidade do resultado).Although quality has been recognizedas a major determinant of long-term performance and success for service providers on the internet (eg, ZEITHAML; PARASURAMAM; MALHOTRA, 2000, 2002), there are many divergences in the literature regarding the conceptualization, dimensionality and consequences of this construct. In order to help to fill this gap, it was integrated the quantitative results of 87 independent samples reported in 74 studies (N = 35935) in a meta-analytic model of service quality delivered through the Internet. Using Rust and Oliver (1994) as theoretical framework, the 10 factors found in the literature were grouped into 3 dimensions (environmental, process, and outcome quality) and associated to perceived quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intention. Thirty relationships were proposed, but only 25 of them reached the cutoff point (≥4)and were analyzed through the meta-analysis. These 25 relationships are significant at the 5% level and robust with regard to the fail safe N.The results indicate that the information quality is the most influential factor on the overall perceived quality, while the functional benefit is the most influential factor both on the customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. The functional benefit effect both on the customer satisfaction and behavioral intention is greater than that of emotional benefit, suggesting that the customer ratings are more cognitive than emotional in electronic contexts. Furthermore, the behavioral intention is most influenced by the outcome dimension factors (emotional benefit, functional benefit, and the reliability), demonstrating that the end of experience is very important for consumers at the internet

    Consumer Market for Functional Foods in South Brazil

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    This study aims at investigating the consumer market for functional foods (FF) in Porto Alegre, South Brazil. Functional food is any healthy food claimed to have a health-promoting or disease-preventing property beyond the basic function of supplying nutrients. Health has been named as the most significant trend and innovation driver in the global food and drinks market. Brazil is one of the leading countries in food production and consumption, and the market for functional foods have been growing 10% per year, three times more than the market for conventional foods. Although this food category is considered mature in some developed markets (such as in Japan, in the Nordic countries and in the U.S), it is still unknown for many consumers, especially those located in developing countries. On the other hand, functional foods has been attracting the attention of multinationals and local food industries in Brazil, since innovation can significantly impact on their competitive advantages. Therefore, in this study, first we are going to identify the availability of functional food products in the local retail market, through observation techniques. Our aim is to confront consumers&rsquo; needs with local food companies&rsquo; market supply. Secondly, we investigate consumers&rsquo; motivations, attitudes and intention to buy functional foods, since the market demands a better understanding of this trend. A survey with 450 consumers was conducted and provided quantitative insights. Results indicate that the market for functional foods in Rio Grande do Sul is incipient, but it is developing fast. There are few local functional food products in the market, but those are attractive to consumers and indicate promising opportunities. The survey shows that interviewed consumers presented positive attitudes towards functional foods and enough purchasing power to buy it. Dieticians, nutritionists and other health professionals have high credibility and could help inform consumers about the benefits of particular categories of functional foods. Food industry itself is not regarded as the most trustworthy source, what indicates the need of more attention to this fact from a corporate point of view. Finally, this study shows that the understanding of Brazilian consumers is fundamental to help food companies define their strategies. To map the most accepted categories of functional foods is also important, aiming to avoid the "tentative and error" approach.</p

    Consumer Market for Functional Foods in South Brazil

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    This study aims at investigating the consumer market for functional foods (FF) in Porto Alegre, South Brazil. Functional food is any healthy food claimed to have a health-promoting or disease-preventing property beyond the basic function of supplying nutrients. Health has been named as the most significant trend and innovation driver in the global food and drinks market. Brazil is one of the leading countries in food production and consumption, and the market for functional foods have been growing 10% per year, three times more than the market for conventional foods. Although this food category is considered mature in some developed markets (such as in Japan, in the Nordic countries and in the U.S), it is still unknown for many consumers, especially those located in developing countries. On the other hand, functional foods has been attracting the attention of multinationals and local food industries in Brazil, since innovation can significantly impact on their competitive advantages. Therefore, in this study, first we are going to identify the availability of functional food products in the local retail market, through observation techniques. Our aim is to confront consumers’ needs with local food companies’ market supply. Secondly, we investigate consumers’ motivations, attitudes and intention to buy functional foods, since the market demands a better understanding of this trend. A survey with 450 consumers was conducted and provided quantitative insights. Results indicate that the market for functional foods in Rio Grande do Sul is incipient, but it is developing fast. There are few local functional food products in the market, but those are attractive to consumers and indicate promising opportunities. The survey shows that interviewed consumers presented positive attitudes towards functional foods and enough purchasing power to buy it. Dieticians, nutritionists and other health professionals have high credibility and could help inform consumers about the benefits of particular categories of functional foods. Food industry itself is not regarded as the most trustworthy source, what indicates the need of more attention to this fact from a corporate point of view. Finally, this study shows that the understanding of Brazilian consumers is fundamental to help food companies define their strategies. To map the most accepted categories of functional foods is also important, aiming to avoid the “tentative and error” approac

    Proselytism and Word-of-Mouth in Constemporary Sport Consumption

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    The need for social interaction is one of the most basic units of fanship and communication is one of its important tool. When fans interact with people who do not cheer for your club, communication naturally occurs in two ways: positive (mouth to mouth), which is related to the suggestion and recommendation of the club and; negative (proselytism), which refers to ostensive defense, sometimes even in a malign way. The literature on the distinction between the two constructs is lacking and this study aims to analyze the relationship between word-of-mouth and proselytism, specifically in football fans. The results indicate that the constructs differ significantly and have different impacts on spending with the club and attending games.</p