6 research outputs found

    Optimal maintenance time for imperfect maintenance actions on repairable product

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    [[abstract]]This paper develops a maintenance strategy for repairable products that combines imperfect maintenance actions at pre-scheduled times and minimal repair actions for failures. Under a power law process of failures, an expected total cost is developed that involves the sum of the total cost of imperfect preventive maintenances and the expected total cost of minimal repairs. Moreover, a searching procedure is provided to determine the optimal maintenance schedule within a finite time span of warranty. When the parameters of the power law process are unknown, the accuracy of the estimated maintenance schedule is evaluated based on data through an asymptotic upper bound for the difference of the true expected total cost and its estimate. The proposed method is applied to an example regarding the maintenance of power transformers and the performance of the proposed method is investigated through a numerical study. Numerical results show that the proposed maintenance strategy could save cost whether an imperfect maintenance action or the perfect maintenance action is implemented.[[journaltype]]國外[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]GB

    Parâmetros fotossintéticos e crescimento em mudas de bertholletia excelsa e carapa guianensis em resposta a pré-aclimatação a pleno sol e estresse hídrico moderado

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    Light and water are important factors that may limit the growth and development of higher plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate photosynthetic parameters and growth in seedlings of Bertholletia excelsa and Carapa guianensis in response to pre-acclimation to full sunlight and mild water stress. I used six independent pre-acclimation treatments (0, 90 (11h15-12h45), 180 (10h30-13h30), 360 (09h00-15h00), 540 (07h30-16h30) and 720 min (06h00-18h00)) varying the time of exposure to full sunlight (PFS) during 30 days, followed by whole-day outdoor exposure for 120 days. Before PFS, the plants were kept in a greenhouse at low light levels (0.8 mol m-2 day-1). The PFS of 0 min corresponded to plants constantly kept under greenhouse conditions. From the beginning to the end of the experiment, each PFS treatment was submitted to two water regimesmoderate water stress (MWS, pre-dawn leaf water potential (ΨL) of -500 to -700 kPa) and without water stress (WWS, ΨL of -300 kPa, soil kept at field capacity). Plants under MWS received only a fraction of the amount of water applied to the well-watered ones. At the end of the 120-day-period under outdoor conditions, I evaluated light saturated photosynthesis (Amax), stomatal conductance (g s), transpiration (E) and plant growth. Both Amax and g s were higher for all plants under the PFS treatment. Stem diameter growth rate and Amax were higher for C. guianensis subjected to MWS than in well-watered plants. The contrary was true for B. excelsa. The growth of seedlings was enhanced by exposure to full sunlight for 180 minutes in both species. However, plants of B. excelsa were sensitive to moderate water stress. The higher photosynthetic rates and faster growth of C. guianensis under full sun and moderate water stress make this species a promissory candidate to be tested in reforestation programs.A luz e a água são importantes fatores que limitam o crescimento e o desenvolvimento das plantas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os paâmetros fotossintéticos e o crescimento em mudas de Bertholletia excelsa e Carapa guianensis em resposta a pré-aclimatação à luz solar plena e estresse hídrico moderado. Foram usados seis independentes tratamentos de pré-aclimatação a pleno sol (PFS), sendo estes de (0, 90 (11h15-12h45), 180 (10h30-13h30), 360 (09h00-15h00), 540 (07h30-16h30) e 720 min (06h00-18h00)) durante 30 dias seguidos por um período de exposição a pleno sol de 120 dias durante o dia todo. Antes da PFS, as plantas foram mantidas em casa de vegetação a baixos níveis de luz (0,8 mol m-2 dia-1). O PFS de 0 min correspondeu às plantas mantidas constatemente na casa de vegetação. Cada tratamento de PFS foi submetido desde o início até o final do experimento a dois regimes hídricos, denominado de estresse hídrico moderado (MWS, potencial hidrico da folha medido antes do amanhecer (ΨL) de -500 a -700 kPa) e sem estresse hídrico (WWS , ΨL de -300 kPa, solo mantido na capacidade de campo). As plantas do tratamento MWS receberam apenas uma fração do volume de água fornecido para aquelas do tratamento WWS. No final do período de 120 dias foi avaliada a fotossíntese saturada por luz (Amax), a condutância estomática (g s), transpiração (E) e o crescimento. Amax e g s foram maiores em todas as plantas sob o tratamento de PFS. A taxa de crescimento em diâmetro e Amax foram maiores em plantas de C. guianensis submetidas à MWS. O contrário foi observado em B. excelsa. O crescimento das mudas foi maior nas plantas expostas à luz solar em 180 minutos em ambas as espécies. Entretanto, as plantas de B. excelsa foram mais sensíveis ao estresse hídrico moderado. C. guianensis foi à especie que teve melhor desempenho fotossintético e crescimento sob estresse hídrico moderado e luz solar plena. Portanto, essa espécie tem grande potencialidade para ser testada em programas de reflorestamento

    Estimation of δ=P(X<Y) for Burr XII distribution based on the progressively first failure-censored samples

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    [[abstract]]Let X and Y have two-parameter Burr XII distributions. The maximum-likelihood estimator of δ=P(X<Y) is studied under the progressively first failure-censored samples. Three confidence intervals of δ are constructed by using an asymptotic distribution of the maximum-likelihood estimator of δ and two bootstrapping procedures, respectively. Some computational results from intensive simulations are presented. An illustrative example is provided to demonstrate the application of the proposed method.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]GB

    Parameter estimations for generalized exponential distribution under progressive type-I interval censoring

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    The estimates, via maximum likelihood, moment method and probability plot, of the parameters in the generalized exponential distribution under progressive type-I interval censoring are studied. A simulation is conducted to compare these estimates in terms of mean squared errors and biases. Finally, these estimate methods are applied to a real data set based on patients with plasma cell myeloma in order to demonstrate the applicabilities.Maximum likelihood estimate Method of moments EM algorithm Type-I interval censoring

    Biochemistry of eukaryotic homologous recombination

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