2,397 research outputs found

    Digital mixing consoles: parallel architectures and taskforce scheduling strategies

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    This thesis is concerned specifically with the implementation of large-scale professional DMCs. The design of such multi-DSP audio products is extremely challenging: one cannot simply lash together n DSPs and obtain /7-times the performance of a sole device. M-P models developed here show that topology and IPC mechanisms have critical design implications. Alternative processor technologies are investigated with respect to the requirements of DMC architectures. An extensive analysis of M-P topologies is undertaken using the metrics provided by the TPG tool. Novel methods supporting DSP message-passing connectivity lead to the development of a hybrid audio M-P (HYMIPS) employing these techniques. A DMC model demonstrates the impact of task allocation on ASP M-P architectures. Five application-specific heuristics and four static-labelling schemes are developed for scheduling console taskforces on M-Ps. An integrated research framework and DCS engine enable scheduling strategies to be analysed with regard to the DMC problem domain. Three scheduling algorithms — CPM, DYN and AST — and three IPC mechanisms — FWE, NSL and NML — are investigated. Dynamic-labelling strategies and mix-bus granularity issues are further studied in detail. To summarise, this thesis elucidates those topologies, construction techniques and scheduling algorithms appropriate to professional DMC systems

    Is Radiation of Quantized Black Holes Observable?

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    If primordial black holes (PBH) saturate the present upper limit on the dark matter density in our Solar system and if their radiation spectrum is discrete, the sensitivity of modern detectors is close to that necessary for detecting this radiation. This conclusion is not in conflict with the upper limits on the PBH evaporation rate.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure (reproduced properly in pdf file

    Observational Evidence for Coronal Twisted Flux Rope

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    Multi-instrument data sets of NOAA AR10938 on Jan. 16, 2007, (e.g., {\emph{Hinode}}, {\it{STEREO}}, {\it{GOES}}, {\it{MLSO}} and {\it{ISOON}} Hα\alpha) are utilized to study the fine structure and evolution of a magnetic loop system exhibiting multiple crossing threads, whose arrangement and individual shapes are very suggestive of individual field lines in a flux rope. The footpoints of the magnetic threads are closely rooted into pores and plage areas. A C-class flare recorded by {\it{GOES}} at approximately 2:35 UT near one of the footpoints of the multi-thread system (along with a wisp of loop material shown by EUV data) led to the brightening of the magnetic structure revealing its fine structure with several threads that indicate a high degree of linking (suggesting a left-handed helical pattern as shown by the filament structure formed later-on). EUV observations by {\emph{Hinode}}/EIS of hot spectral lines at 2:46 UT show a complex structure of coronal loops. The same features were observed about 20 minutes later in X-ray images from {\emph{Hinode}}/XRT and about 30 minutes further in EUV images of {\it{STEREO}}/SECCHI/EUVI with much better resolution. Hα\alpha and 304 {\AA} images revealed the presence of several filament fibrils in the same area. They evolved a few hours later into a denser structure seemingly showing helical structure, which persistently lasted for several days forming a segment of a larger scale filament. The present observations provide an important indication for a flux robe as a precursor of a solar filament.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic Flux Tube Reconnection: Tunneling Versus Slingshot

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    The discrete nature of the solar magnetic field as it emerges into the corona through the photosphere indicates that it exists as isolated flux tubes in the convection zone, and will remain as discrete flux tubes in the corona until it collides and reconnects with other coronal fields. Collisions of these flux tubes will in general be three dimensional, and will often lead to reconnection, both rearranging the magnetic field topology in fundamental ways, and releasing magnetic energy. With the goal of better understanding these dynamics, we carry out a set of numerical experiments exploring fundamental characteristics of three dimensional magnetic flux tube reconnection. We first show that reconnecting flux tubes at opposite extremes of twist behave very differently: in some configurations, low twist tubes slingshot while high twist tubes tunnel. We then discuss a theory explaining these differences: by assuming helicity conservation during the reconnection one can show that at high twist, tunneled tubes reach a lower magnetic energy state than slingshot tubes, whereas at low twist the opposite holds. We test three predictions made by this theory. 1) We find that the level of twist at which the transition from slingshot to tunnel occurs is about two to three times higher than predicted on the basis of energetics and helicity conservation alone, probably because the dynamics of the reconnection play a large role as well. 2) We find that the tunnel occurs at all flux tube collision angles predicted by the theory. 3) We find that the amount of magnetic energy a slingshot or a tunnel reconnection releases agrees reasonably well with the theory, though at the high resistivities we have to use for numerical stability, a significant amount of magnetic energy is lost to diffusion, independent of reconnection.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Ap

    On uniqueness and trapped modes in the water-wave problem for vertical barriers

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    Uniqueness in the linearised water-wave problem is considered for a fluid layer of constant depth containing two, three or four vertical barriers. The barriers are parallel, of infinite length in a horizontal direction, and may be surface-piercing and/or bottom mounted and may have gaps. The case of oblique wave incidence is included in the theory. A solution for a particular geometry is unique if there are no trapped modes, that is no free oscillations of finite energy. Thus, uniqueness is established by showing that an appropriate homogeneous problem has only the trivial solution. Under the assumption that at least one barrier does not occupy the entire fluid depth, the following results have been proven: for any configuration of two barriers the homogeneous problem has only the trivial solution for any frequency within the continuous spectrum: for an arbitrary configuration of three barriers the homogeneous problem has only the trivial solution for certain ranges of frequency within the continuous spectrum; for three-barrier configurations symmetric about a vertical line, it is shown that there are no correspondingly symmetric trapped modes for any frequency within the continuous spectrum; for four-barrier configurations symmetric about a vertical line, the homogeneous problem has only the trivial solution for certain ranges of frequency within the continuous spectrum. The symmetric four-barrier problem is investigated numerically and strong evidence is presented For the existence of trapped modes in both finite and infinite depth. The trapped mode frequencies are found for particular geometries that are in agreement with the uniqueness results listed above

    Institutional Factors for Supporting Electronic Learning Communities

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    This study was designed to explore how the electronic learning community (eLC) process at an established state virtual high school (SVHS) supported new and veteran online high school teachers through the communities of practice (CoP) framework. Specifically, this study focused on the institutionally-driven nature of the eLC process, using Wenger’s CoP framework to analyze institutional factors that influenced the eLC process. Case study methods, including observation, interviews, and document analysis, were used to provide a rich and dynamic analysis of the eLC process in light of what research says about preparation and support for quality online teaching. While the institutionally-driven nature of the eLC process posed some barriers to alignment with the domain and community elements of the CoP framework, case study participants expressed that the eLC process impacted their practice and connected them to colleagues with which they could collaborate and problem solve. The use of strategies such as valuing the work of eLCs, removing barriers, and connecting the eLC process to the organizational strategy served to facilitate alignment with the CoP framework and overcome some of the potential disadvantages of an institutionally-driven eLC process

    Evaluation of work-related psychosocial factors and regional musculoskeletal pain: results from a EULAR Task Force

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    Objectives: to establish whether review articles provide consistent conclusions on associations between workplace psychosocial factors and musculoskeletal pain and, if differences exist, to explore whether this is related to the methods used.Methods: reviews, reported up to February 2007, that included consideration of workplace psychosocial factors and upper limb, back or knee pain were identified through searches of multiple databases. The specific work-related psychosocial factors considered were job demands, support, job autonomy and job satisfaction. The conclusions of each review on one or more of the psychosocial/musculoskeletal pain associations were extracted.Results: 15 review articles were identified that considered one or more of the regional pain syndromes included in the study. For back pain, the most consistent conclusions (four reviews positive out of six) were with high job demands and low job satisfaction. The studies of upper limb pain were exclusively related to shoulder and/or neck pain, and the most consistent positive conclusions were with high and low job demands (four reviews positive out of six and two reviews positive out of three, respectively). For knee pain, only a single review was identified. For individual reviews of back and upper limb pain, there were marked differences in the number of associations concluded to be positive between reviews.Conclusions: the reasons for reviews coming to different conclusions included that they were often evaluating different bodies of evidence (according to their search criteria, the year when the review was conducted, the role that quality assessment played in whether studies contributed to evidence, and the combination of risk factors addressed in individual studies), but more important was whether the review specified explicit criteria for making conclusions on strength of evidence. These conclusions emphasise the importance of developing standardised methods for conducting such evaluations of existing evidence and the importance of new longitudinal studies for clarifying the temporal relationship between psychosocial factors and musculoskeletal pain in the workplac

    Effects of urbanisation and a wastewater treatment plant on microplastic densities along a subtropical river system

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    Global freshwaters are increasingly threatened by pollutants emanating from human activities around watersheds. Microplastic pollution is an increasing problem for rivers worldwide, potentially threatening ecological integrity, ecosystem services and human health. We present quantifications and characterisations of sediment microplastic pollution in a subtropical river system in southern Africa, and relate distributions to wastewater treatment works, abiotic variables and urban environments. We additionally apply several diversity indices to decipher how microplastic types differ across the river system seasonally. Over two thousand microplastic particles were found across five sites and three seasons in the river system, comprising microbeads of various colours and microfibres. Microplastic concentrations were highest and most diverse in the hot–wet (mean range 76.0 ± 10.0–285.5 ± 44.5 microplastic kg−1) season as compared to the cool–dry (16.5 ± 4.5–27.0 ± 5.0 microplastic kg−1) and hot–dry (13.0 ± 4.0–29.0 ± 10.0 microplastic kg−1) seasons, and were mostly dominated by microfibres. However, no clear patterns were found in relation to wastewater treatment operations spatially, or in relation to abiotic variables in the river system. This study therefore finds a diverse range of microplastic types widely distributed in the river system that differ across seasons. Our results provide important, novel insights into plastic pollution in an understudied area of the Global South, and point to extensive pollution from sources outside of wastewater treatment works

    The historical relationship between inflation and political rebellion, and what it might teach us about neoliberalism

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    Chronic inflation is argued to be politically destabilizing. We examine data on inflation and political instability that goes as far back as 500 years. Although the behavior of both prices and political rebellion have changed over these five centuries, and enduring relationship between price and political destabilization appears in our analyses. This relationship may provide insight into the context from which neoliberalism emerged, potential reasons for its failure, and some of the key dilemmas upon which the post-2008 global economic order may hing
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