4,722 research outputs found

    Stability of small amplitude normal modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate with a singly quantized vortex confined in an optical lattice

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    We study the dynamics of a BEC with a singly quantized vortex, placed in the combined potential of a 1-D (2-D) optical lattice and an axi-symmetric harmonic trap. A time-dependent variational Lagrangian analysis shows that an optical lattice helps to stabilize the vortex which in absence of the optical lattice is unstable. We find that the normal modes are stable only if the depth of the optical potential is more than a certain critical value. This critical value of the optical potential depends on the interaction parameter.In general higher the interaction parameter,lower the value of the optical potential required to stabilize the vortex. The BEC with the singly quantized vortex is found to be relatively more unstable in a 2-D optical lattice compared to a 1-D optical lattice.Comment: Revised version with 11 pages including 1 figur

    Effect of ripening temperature on the chemical composition of lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) of northern and southern origin

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    Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) from two locations, northern (69â—¦N, 18â—¦E) and southern (59â—¦N, 10â—¦E) Norway, were grown under controlled conditions in a phytotron at two temperatures (9 and 15 â—¦C) to study the effects of the ripening temperature and origin on the chemical composition of the berries. The concentrations of phenolic compounds, sugars, and organic acids as well as the profile of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were determined using chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods. Five anthocyanins, eleven flavonols, eight cinnamic acid derivatives, three flavan-3-ols, three sugars, three organic acids, and 77 VOCs were identified, of which 40 VOCs had not previously been reported in lingonberries. Berries from both locations, were found to have higher contents of anthocyanins and cinnamic acid derivatives when ripened at lower temperature (9 â—¦C), compared to the higher temperature (15 â—¦C). Lingonberries of northern origin had a different VOC profile and higher contents of anthocyanins and organic acids than berries originating from the south. Lingonberries from the northern location also had higher proportions of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside and cyanidin-3-O-arabinoside than lingonberries from the southern location. The results show that the composition of lingonberries is influenced by both the environment and the origin of the plants, with phenolic compounds mainly influenced by the growth temperature and VOCs mainly influenced by plant origin

    Exploring the association of Brownfield remediation status with socioeconomic conditions in Wayne County, MI

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    Urban neighborhoods with locations of environmental contamination, known as brownfields, impact entire neighborhoods, but corrective environmental remedial action on brownfields is often tracked on an individual property basis, neglecting the larger neighborhood-level impact. This study addresses this impact by examining spatial differences between brownfields with unmitigated environmental concerns (open site) and sites that are considered fully mitigated or closed in urban neighborhoods (closed site) on the US census tract scale in Wayne County, MI. Michigan’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s leaking underground storage tank (LUST) database provided brownfield information for Wayne County. Local indicators of spatial association (LISA) produced maps of spatial clustering and outliers. A McNemar’s test demonstrated significant discordances in LISA categories between LUST open and closed sites (p\u3c0.001). Geographically weighted regressions (GWR) evaluated the association between open and closed site spatial density (open-closed) with socioeconomic variables (population density, proportion of White or Black residents, proportion of college educated populations, the percentage of owner-occupied units, vacant units, rented units, and median household value). Final multivariate GWR showed that population density, being Black, college education, vacant units, and renter occupied units were significantly associated (p\u3c0.05) with open-closed, and that those associations varied across Wayne County. Increases in Black population was associated with increased open-closed. Increases in vacant units, renter-occupied units, and college education were associated with decreased open-closed. These results provide input for environmental justice research to identify inequalities and discover the distribution of environmental hazards among urban neighborhoods

    Dynamics of a Vortex in a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We consider a large condensate in a rotating anisotropic harmonic trap. Using the method of matched asymptotic expansions, we derive the velocity of an element of vortex line as a function of the local gradient of the trap potential, the line curvature and the angular velocity of the trap rotation. This velocity yields small-amplitude normal modes of the vortex for 2D and 3D condensates. For an axisymmetric trap, the motion of the vortex line is a superposition of plane-polarized standing-wave modes. In a 2D condensate, the planar normal modes are degenerate, and their superposition can result in helical traveling waves, which differs from a 3D condensate. Including the effects of trap rotation allows us to find the angular velocity that makes the vortex locally stable. For a cigar-shape condensate, the vortex curvature makes a significant contribution to the frequency of the lowest unstable normal mode; furthermore, additional modes with negative frequencies appear. As a result, it is considerably more difficult to stabilize a central vortex in a cigar-shape condensate than in a disc-shape one. Normal modes with imaginary frequencies can occur for a nonaxisymmetric condensate (in both 2D and 3D). In connection with recent JILA experiments, we consider the motion of a straight vortex line in a slightly nonspherical condensate. The vortex line changes its orientation in space at the rate proportional to the degree of trap anisotropy and can exhibit periodic recurrences.Comment: 19 pages, 6 eps figures, REVTE

    Vortex stabilization in a small rotating asymmetric Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We use a variational method to investigate the ground-state phase diagram of a small, asymmetric Bose-Einstein condensate with respect to the dimensionless interparticle interaction strength γ\gamma and the applied external rotation speed Ω\Omega. For a given γ\gamma, the transition lines between no-vortex and vortex states are shifted toward higher Ω\Omega relative to those for the symmetric case. We also find a re-entrant behavior, where the number of vortex cores can decrease for large Ω\Omega. In addition, stabilizing a vortex in a rotating asymmetric trap requires a minimum interaction strength. For a given asymmetry, the evolution of the variational parameters with increasing Ω\Omega shows two different types of transitions (sharp or continuous), depending on the strength of the interaction. We also investigate transitions to states with higher vorticity; the corresponding angular momentum increases continuously as a function of Ω\Omega

    Is a Trapped One-Dimensional Bose Gas a Luttinger Liquid?

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    The low-energy fluctuations of a trapped, interacting quasi one-dimensional Bose gas are studied. Our considerations apply to experiments with highly anisotropic traps. We show that under suitable experimental conditions the system can be described as a Luttinger liquid. This implies that the correlation function of the bosons decays algebraically preventing Bose-Einstein condensation. At significantly lower temperatures a finite size gap destroys the Luttinger liquid picture and Bose-Einstein condensation is again possible.Comment: 4 pages (revtex), 1 figure (eps file

    Anomalous modes drive vortex dynamics in confined Bose-Einstein condensates

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    The dynamics of vortices in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates are investigated both analytically and numerically. In axially symmetric traps, the critical rotation frequency for the metastability of an isolated vortex coincides with the largest vortex precession frequency (or anomalous mode) in the Bogoliubov excitation spectrum. As the condensate becomes more elongated, the number of anomalous modes increases. The largest frequency of these modes exceeds both the thermodynamic critical frequency and the nucleation frequency at which vortices are created dynamically. Thus, anomalous modes describe not only the critical rotation frequency for creation of the first vortex in an elongated condensate but also the vortex precession in a single-component spherical condensate.Comment: 4 pages revtex, 3 embedded figure

    In-situ characterization of the Hamamatsu R5912-HQE photomultiplier tubes used in the DEAP-3600 experiment

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    The Hamamatsu R5912-HQE photomultiplier-tube (PMT) is a novel high-quantum efficiency PMT. It is currently used in the DEAP-3600 dark matter detector and is of significant interest for future dark matter and neutrino experiments where high signal yields are needed. We report on the methods developed for in-situ characterization and monitoring of DEAP's 255 R5912-HQE PMTs. This includes a detailed discussion of typical measured single-photoelectron charge distributions, correlated noise (afterpulsing), dark noise, double, and late pulsing characteristics. The characterization is performed during the detector commissioning phase using laser light injected through a light diffusing sphere and during normal detector operation using LED light injected through optical fibres
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