38 research outputs found

    Anwendung und Optimierung des Schweizer Interprofessionalitäts-Evaluations-Instrumentariums SIPEI

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    Das Schweizer Interprofessionalitäts-Evaluations-Instrumentarium SIPEI wurde entwickelt, um die in der Praxis umgesetzte interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit (IPZ) an Institutionen des Gesundheitswesens zu evaluieren. Das Instrumentarium wurde als Teil des Förderprogramms «Interprofessionalität» des Bundesamts für Gesundheit erarbeitet und sollte im Rahmen dieses Projekts erstmalig eingesetzt werden. Ziel des Projekts war es, das Instrumentarium SIPEI durch den Einsatz in verschiedenen Settings auf Validität und Reliabilität zu prüfen. Ferner sollten Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung des Instrumentariums aufgezeigt werden

    Independence in Old Age - Older German Women Living Alone : the development of a substantive theory about the maintenance of independence in old age

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    Maintaining the ability to live independently is critical for older people who desire to do so for long as possible. This Grounded Theory study explored the experiences and perceptions of independent living among older German women living alone. Twenty-four women, aged 68 to 88, living in three cities in Germany were interviewed. Findings include three dimensions that characterize the perceptions of independence: being able to be -- the internal and mental factors that support independence; being able to do the physical or external factors in the women s environment, and individual background factors and current states of well-being. Findings support the assumption that independent living is a multi-layered concept. In contrast to the published literature which emphasizes physical functioning, it was clear that being able to be was more important to older German women than being able to do. In addition, many facilitating factors and constraining factors , as well as coping strategies, were identified, several of which have not been discussed in the literature to date

    NANDA International, Inc. Pflegediagnosen: Definitionen und Klassifikation 2015-2017

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    Midwifery diagnoses: A means to give midwifery care a voice

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    Hintergrund Standardisierte diagnostische Klassifikationssysteme haben wesentlich zu Vereinheitlichung der Fachsprache in der Medizin und Pflege beigetragen. Sie können auch für den diagnostischen Prozess in der Hebammentätigkeit hilfreich sein. Klassifikationssysteme und Eignung für die Hebammentätigkeit Zu den im deutschen Sprachraum etablierten Klassifikationssystemen der Pflege gehören die Internationale Klassifikation der Pflegepraxis (ICNP®), die PraxisOrientierte Pflegediagnostik (POP) und die NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses. Letztere wurde über viele Jahre entwickelt und literatur- gestützt peer-reviewed überarbeitet. Zahlreiche Diagnosen von NANDA-I sind zugleich als „Hebammendiagnosen“ relevant. Evidenz zu Pflegediagnosen Es gibt wenig Forschung zur Anwendung von Pflegediagnosen in der Hebammentätigkeit. Jedoch wurden die Diagnosen „Labor pain“ oder „Imbalanced nutrition: more than body requirements during pregnancy“ bzgl. ihrer Validität und klinischen Indikatoren untersucht. Exemplarische Bearbeitung der Diagnose „labor pain“ Die Arbeitsgruppe Hebammendiagnosen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hebammenwissenschaft (DGHWi) e.V. präzisierte und ergänzte 2019 die hebammenrelevante Diagnose „labor pain“, die von Seiten der NANDA-I als überarbeitungsbedürftig eingestuft worden war. Relevanz Die von Hebammen überarbeiteten NANDA-I Pflegediagnosen können zur Beschreibung des diagnostischen Prozesses in der Hebammentätigkeit beitragen. Schlüsselwörter: Hebammendiagnose, Klassifikationssystem, Taxonomie, NANDA-I, WehenBackground Standardised diagnostic classification systems have significantly contribut- ed to the harmonisation of professional language in medicine and nursing. They may also be helpful in the diagnostic process in midwifery care. Classification systems and applicability for midwifery care The nursing classification systems established in the German speaking countries are the International Classification of Nursing Practice (ICNP®), the PraxisOrientierte Pflegediagnostik (POP) and the NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses. The latter were developed over the course of many years and reworked using existing evidence and in a peer-review process. Many diagnoses of NANDA-I are equally relevant as ‘midwifery diagnoses’. Evidence on nursing diagnoses There is limited research on the utilisation of nursing diagnoses in midwifery care. However, the diagnoses ‘Labor pain’ and ‘imbalanced nutrition: more than body requirements during pregnancy’ have been tested regarding their validity and clinical indicators. Exemplary reworking of the diagnosis ‘Labor pain’ In 2019, the study group of the German Society of Midwifery Science (DGHWi) e.V. refined and supplemented the diagnosis of ‘Labor pain’ which is relevant to midwifery and was classified by NANDA-I as needing revision. Significance NANDA-I nursing diagnoses revised by midwives have the potential to contribute to the description of diagnostic processes in midwifery care. Key words Midwifery diagnosis, classification system, taxonomy, NANDA-I, labor pai

    Hebammendiagnosen: Der Hebammenarbeit eine Sprache verleihen

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    Standardisierte diagnostische Klassifikationssysteme haben wesentlich zu Vereinheitlichung der Fachsprache in der Medizin und Pflege beigetragen. Sie können auch für den diagnostischen Prozess in der Hebammentätigkeit hilfreich sein. Die Autorinnen präzisierten und ergänzten 2019 die hebammenrelevante Diagnose «labor pain», die vonseiten der NANDA International als überarbeitungsbedürftig eingestuft worden war

    Deciding about the use of a Personal Safety Alerting Device-The need for a legitimation process: A qualitative study

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    Aims To explore reasons, thoughts, motives, and influencing factors regarding the use or non-use of Personal Safety Alerting Devices (PSADs) in the daily lives of community-dwelling older persons. Design A qualitative descriptive study design was used. Methods Six focus groups were conducted with a total of 32 older persons between February-August 2016. Data analysis followed the Qualitative Analysis Guide of Leuven. Results The participants described the use or non-use of PSADs as a decision resulting from a "legitimation process". This process implies that a person needs to perceive the necessity for a PSAD and then determine the right moment at which to start using it. During this process, each person weighs her or his "ageing self" and "perception of technology" then decides whether to start using a device or to delay its use. "Critical events" initiate this process, compelling the person to consider their own safety and their possible need for assistance. Conclusion The legitimation process suggests that the initiation of PSAD use represents a turning point in life. Using a PSAD is not simply a matter of obtaining one. It is a complex decision-making process establishing legitimation for its use, which is interwoven with one's individual ageing, self-perception, and the meaning attributed to the device. Impact Older persons need to be supported; in particular, they require time to go through the legitimation process for PSAD use. Nurses can empower them in this process, such that they perceive using a PSAD as a means to restore their frailty balance and feel enabled to (re)gain control over their own life and thus to preserve their independence

    Deciding about the use of a Personal Safety Alerting Device-The need for a legitimation process:A qualitative study

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    Aims To explore reasons, thoughts, motives, and influencing factors regarding the use or non-use of Personal Safety Alerting Devices (PSADs) in the daily lives of community-dwelling older persons. Design A qualitative descriptive study design was used. Methods Six focus groups were conducted with a total of 32 older persons between February-August 2016. Data analysis followed the Qualitative Analysis Guide of Leuven. Results The participants described the use or non-use of PSADs as a decision resulting from a "legitimation process". This process implies that a person needs to perceive the necessity for a PSAD and then determine the right moment at which to start using it. During this process, each person weighs her or his "ageing self" and "perception of technology" then decides whether to start using a device or to delay its use. "Critical events" initiate this process, compelling the person to consider their own safety and their possible need for assistance. Conclusion The legitimation process suggests that the initiation of PSAD use represents a turning point in life. Using a PSAD is not simply a matter of obtaining one. It is a complex decision-making process establishing legitimation for its use, which is interwoven with one's individual ageing, self-perception, and the meaning attributed to the device. Impact Older persons need to be supported; in particular, they require time to go through the legitimation process for PSAD use. Nurses can empower them in this process, such that they perceive using a PSAD as a means to restore their frailty balance and feel enabled to (re)gain control over their own life and thus to preserve their independence