432 research outputs found

    Fate Of Abstracts Published In The Proceedings Of The First Annual Perinatal Society Of Australia And New Zealand Congress In 1997

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    Objectives: To examine the fate of research presented at the first annual Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ) Congress in 1997, by determining: the rate of publication in peer-reviewed biomedical journals; publication rate by discipline; journals in which work was published; concordance for aims, conclusions, authors and number of study subjects; and time from presentation to publication. Methods: A MEDLINE search was conducted for any publication in a peer-reviewed journal resulting from a publishable abstract from the proceedings of the first annual PSANZ Congress in 1997. Searching was completed 42 months postcongress. The concordance of aims, conclusions, authors and number of subjects between abstract and published paper was determined. Results: There were 172 publishable abstracts in the proceedings of the PSANZ Congress in 1997, and 78 (45%) were published as 83 articles. Basic sciences had the highest publication rate (67%) and midwifery the lowest (20%). Articles were published in 41 journals, with one-third of the articles in three paediatric journals. There was a match with aims in 75%, and with conclusions in 65%. There were 47/77 with the same number of subjects, 20/77 with more and 10/77 with fewer. There were 22 articles with one author added, 12 had more than one author added, 11 had one author removed and five had more than one author removed. Median time-to-publication was 18 months (interquartile range 9-26 months). Conclusions: A publication rate of 45% is comparable to other conferences. Basic science and neonatology had the highest publication rates. There were considerable differences between abstract and published article in terms of aims, conclusions, number of subjects and authors

    Reconstituted B cell receptor signaling reveals carbohydrate-dependent mode of activation

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    Activation of immune cells (but not B cells) with lectins is widely known. We used the structurally defined interaction between influenza hemagglutinin (HA) and its cell surface receptor sialic acid (SA) to identify a B cell receptor (BCR) activation modality that proceeded through non-cognate interactions with antigen. Using a new approach to reconstitute antigen-receptor interactions in a human reporter B cell line, we found that sequence-defined BCRs from the human germline repertoire could be triggered by both complementarity to influenza HA and a separate mode of signaling that relied on multivalent ligation of BCR sialyl-oligosaccharide. The latter suggested a new mechanism for priming naïve B cell responses and manifested as the induction of SA-dependent pan-activation by peripheral blood B cells. BCR crosslinking in the absence of complementarity is a superantigen effect induced by some microbial products to subvert production of antigen-specific immune responses. B cell superantigen activity through affinity for BCR carbohydrate is discussed

    Real-time intermembrane force measurements and imaging of lipid domain morphology during hemifusion

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    Membrane fusion is the core process in membrane trafficking and is essential for cellular transport of proteins and other biomacromolecules. During protein-mediated membrane fusion, membrane proteins are often excluded from the membrane-membrane contact, indicating that local structural transformations in lipid domains play a major role. However, the rearrangements of lipid domains during fusion have not been thoroughly examined. Here using a newly developed Fluorescence Surface Forces Apparatus (FL-SFA), migration of liquid-disordered clusters and depletion of liquid-ordered domains at the membrane-membrane contact are imaged in real time during hemifusion of model lipid membranes, together with simultaneous force-distance and lipid membrane thickness measurements. The load and contact time-dependent hemifusion results show that the domain rearrangements decrease the energy barrier to fusion, illustrating the significance of dynamic domain transformations in membrane fusion processes. Importantly, the FL-SFA can unambiguously correlate interaction forces and in situ imaging in many dynamic interfacial systems.open0

    Interactions of Shiga-like toxin with human peripheral blood monocytes

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    The cytotoxic effect of Shiga-like toxin (Stx; produced by certain Escherichia coli strains) plays a central role in typical hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). It damages the renal endothelium by inhibiting the cellular protein synthesis. Also, the monocyte has a specific receptor for Stx but is not sensitive for the cytotoxic effect. In this work, monocytes were studied as a potential transporter for Stx to the renal endothelium. Coincubation of isolated human monocytes loaded with Stx and target cells (vero cells and human umbilical vascular endothelial cells) were performed. Transfer was determined by measuring the protein synthesis of target cells and by flow cytometry. Furthermore, the effect of a temperature shift on loaded monocytes was investigated. Stx-loaded monocytes reduced the protein synthesis of target cells. After adding an antibody against Stx, incomplete recovery occurred. Also, adding only the supernatant of coincubation was followed by protein synthesis inhibition. Stx detached from its receptor on the monocyte after a change in temperature, and no release was detected without this temperature shift. Although the monocyte plays an important role in the pathogenesis of HUS, it has no role in the transfer of Stx

    Pathogen Specific, IRF3-Dependent Signaling and Innate Resistance to Human Kidney Infection

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    The mucosal immune system identifies and fights invading pathogens, while allowing non-pathogenic organisms to persist. Mechanisms of pathogen/non-pathogen discrimination are poorly understood, as is the contribution of human genetic variation in disease susceptibility. We describe here a new, IRF3-dependent signaling pathway that is critical for distinguishing pathogens from normal flora at the mucosal barrier. Following uropathogenic E. coli infection, Irf3−/− mice showed a pathogen-specific increase in acute mortality, bacterial burden, abscess formation and renal damage compared to wild type mice. TLR4 signaling was initiated after ceramide release from glycosphingolipid receptors, through TRAM, CREB, Fos and Jun phosphorylation and p38 MAPK-dependent mechanisms, resulting in nuclear translocation of IRF3 and activation of IRF3/IFNβ-dependent antibacterial effector mechanisms. This TLR4/IRF3 pathway of pathogen discrimination was activated by ceramide and by P-fimbriated E. coli, which use ceramide-anchored glycosphingolipid receptors. Relevance of this pathway for human disease was supported by polymorphic IRF3 promoter sequences, differing between children with severe, symptomatic kidney infection and children who were asymptomatic bacterial carriers. IRF3 promoter activity was reduced by the disease-associated genotype, consistent with the pathology in Irf3−/− mice. Host susceptibility to common infections like UTI may thus be strongly influenced by single gene modifications affecting the innate immune response

    Quantitative Multicolor Super-Resolution Microscopy Reveals Tetherin HIV-1 Interaction

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    Virus assembly and interaction with host-cell proteins occur at length scales below the diffraction limit of visible light. Novel super-resolution microscopy techniques achieve nanometer resolution of fluorescently labeled molecules. The cellular restriction factor tetherin (also known as CD317, BST-2 or HM1.24) inhibits the release of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) through direct incorporation into viral membranes and is counteracted by the HIV-1 protein Vpu. For super-resolution analysis of HIV-1 and tetherin interactions, we established fluorescence labeling of HIV-1 proteins and tetherin that preserved HIV-1 particle formation and Vpu-dependent restriction, respectively. Multicolor super-resolution microscopy revealed important structural features of individual HIV-1 virions, virus assembly sites and their interaction with tetherin at the plasma membrane. Tetherin localization to micro-domains was dependent on both tetherin membrane anchors. Tetherin clusters containing on average 4 to 7 tetherin dimers were visualized at HIV-1 assembly sites. Combined biochemical and super-resolution analysis revealed that extended tetherin dimers incorporate both N-termini into assembling virus particles and restrict HIV-1 release. Neither tetherin domains nor HIV-1 assembly sites showed enrichment of the raft marker GM1. Together, our super-resolution microscopy analysis of HIV-1 interactions with tetherin provides new insights into the mechanism of tetherin-mediated HIV-1 restriction and paves the way for future studies of virus-host interactions

    Mechanisms Underlying the Confined Diffusion of Cholera Toxin B-Subunit in Intact Cell Membranes

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    Multivalent glycolipid binding toxins such as cholera toxin have the capacity to cluster glycolipids, a process thought to be important for their functional uptake into cells. In contrast to the highly dynamic properties of lipid probes and many lipid-anchored proteins, the B-subunit of cholera toxin (CTxB) diffuses extremely slowly when bound to its glycolipid receptor GM1 in the plasma membrane of living cells. In the current study, we used confocal FRAP to examine the origins of this slow diffusion of the CTxB/GM1 complex at the cell surface, relative to the behavior of a representative GPI-anchored protein, transmembrane protein, and fluorescent lipid analog. We show that the diffusion of CTxB is impeded by actin- and ATP-dependent processes, but is unaffected by caveolae. At physiological temperature, the diffusion of several cell surface markers is unchanged in the presence of CTxB, suggesting that binding of CTxB to membranes does not alter the organization of the plasma membrane in a way that influences the diffusion of other molecules. Furthermore, diffusion of the B-subunit of another glycolipid-binding toxin, Shiga toxin, is significantly faster than that of CTxB, indicating that the confined diffusion of CTxB is not a simple function of its ability to cluster glycolipids. By identifying underlying mechanisms that control CTxB dynamics at the cell surface, these findings help to delineate the fundamental properties of toxin-receptor complexes in intact cell membranes

    Sialyllactose in Viral Membrane Gangliosides Is a Novel Molecular Recognition Pattern for Mature Dendritic Cell Capture of HIV-1

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    An accessible sialyllactose moiety on viral membrane gangliosides is shown to be essential for HIV-1 uptake into mature dendritic cells, thereby promoting viral transfer and infection of bystander CD4+ T lymphocytes

    Confining Domains Lead to Reaction Bursts: Reaction Kinetics in the Plasma Membrane

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    Confinement of molecules in specific small volumes and areas within a cell is likely to be a general strategy that is developed during evolution for regulating the interactions and functions of biomolecules. The cellular plasma membrane, which is the outermost membrane that surrounds the entire cell, was considered to be a continuous two-dimensional liquid, but it is becoming clear that it consists of numerous nano-meso-scale domains with various lifetimes, such as raft domains and cytoskeleton-induced compartments, and membrane molecules are dynamically trapped in these domains. In this article, we give a theoretical account on the effects of molecular confinement on reversible bimolecular reactions in a partitioned surface such as the plasma membrane. By performing simulations based on a lattice-based model of diffusion and reaction, we found that in the presence of membrane partitioning, bimolecular reactions that occur in each compartment proceed in bursts during which the reaction rate is sharply and briefly increased even though the asymptotic reaction rate remains the same. We characterized the time between reaction bursts and the burst amplitude as a function of the model parameters, and discussed the biological significance of the reaction bursts in the presence of strong inhibitor activity

    Trypanosoma cruzi Epimastigotes Are Able to Store and Mobilize High Amounts of Cholesterol in Reservosome Lipid Inclusions

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    Reservosomes are lysosome-related organelles found in Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes. They represent the last step in epimastigote endocytic route, accumulating a set of proteins and enzymes related to protein digestion and lipid metabolism. The reservosome matrix contains planar membranes, vesicles and lipid inclusions. Some of the latter may assume rectangular or sword-shaped crystalloid forms surrounded by a phospholipid monolayer, resembling the cholesterol crystals in foam cells.Using Nile Red fluorimetry and fluorescence microscopy, as well as electron microscopy, we have established a direct correlation between serum concentration in culture medium and the presence of crystalloid lipid inclusions. Starting from a reservosome purified fraction, we have developed a fractionation protocol to isolate lipid inclusions. Gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis revealed that lipid inclusions are composed mainly by cholesterol and cholesterol esters. Moreover, when the parasites with crystalloid lipid-loaded reservosomes were maintained in serum free medium for 48 hours the inclusions disappeared almost completely, including the sword shaped ones.Taken together, our results suggest that epimastigote forms of T. cruzi store high amounts of neutral lipids from extracellular medium, mostly cholesterol or cholesterol esters inside reservosomes. Interestingly, the parasites are able to disassemble the reservosome cholesterol crystalloid inclusions when submitted to serum starvation