6 research outputs found


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    AimThis was a one-year follow-up of families referred to support services after the parents visited the emergency department due to intimate partner violence, substance abuse or a suicide attempt. Its aim was to evaluate the well-being of any children. MethodsData on families identified a year earlier by the Amsterdam protocol were gathered from child protective services and parent and child self-reports in two Dutch regions from 2012-2015. ResultsWe included 399 children (52%) boys with a median age of eight years (range 1-18) in the study using child protective services data. Of the 101 families who participated in the first measurement, 67 responded one year after the parent's emergency department visit. The results showed that 20% of the children had no or minor problems, voluntary support services were involved in 60% of cases and child protective services were involved in 20%. Compared to their first assessment a year earlier, the children's psychosocial problems had not increased, but this could have been an underestimation due to selective responses. ConclusionThe Amsterdam protocol was valuable in referring families to voluntary support services, but given the ongoing problems in some families, professionals need to carefully monitor whether support services are sufficiently effectiv

    Accuracy of the Diagnostic Infant and Preschool Assessment (DIPA) in a Dutch sample

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    Background: To prevent negative effects of early-onset psychiatric disorders on children's development, structured diagnostics are needed. However, validated diagnostic instruments (based on DSM-5) for children aged 7 years and younger are scarce. The Diagnostic Infant and Preschool Assessment (DIPA) is a diagnostic interview developed in the USA for measuring 16 psychiatric disorders in young children. The psychometric properties of the American version of the DIPA have been validated. Here we determined the accuracy of the psychometric properties of the Dutch DSM-5 based version of the DIPA for the corresponding population. Material and methods: Psychometric properties of the DSM-5 based version of the DIPA were determined based on a sample of 136 biological, foster, therapeutic foster and adoptive parents of clinically referred children and children involved in a serious accident (aged 1–7 years). In line with the American validation study, we included the following seven DIPA modules: posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depressive disorder (MDD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), separation anxiety disorder (SAD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). We administered the DIPA, Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children (TSCYC) and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Analyses were conducted with continuous outcomes (number of symptoms) and categorical outcomes (diagnoses). Results: The Dutch DSM-5 based version of the DIPA showed good internal consistency and interrater reliability with both continuous and categorical variables. The concurrent validity was good; we found a good concordance between the DIPA and corresponding questionnaires on both the symptom and diagnoses level. In addition, the divergence on symptom level between the DIPA and non-corresponding questionnaires was adequate, which indicated adequate divergent validity. Due to a limited number of positive cases, we could not draw conclusions regarding its psychometric properties in the GAD and OCD modules. Conclusions: Our study shows promising initial results regarding the reliability and validity of the Dutch version of the DIPA, that is based on the DSM-5. Therefore, we recommend the use of the DIPA in research and clinical practice

    Effects of the video game ‘Mindlight’ on anxiety of children with an autism spectrum disorder: A randomized controlled trial

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    Background and objectives: In the clinical setting, a large proportion of children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience impairing anxiety symptoms. Recently, an applied videogame called Mindlight has been developed that focuses on decreasing anxiety in children. The present study involved a randomized controlled trial (RCT) investigating the effect of Mindlight on (sub)clinical anxiety symptoms in children with an ASD. Methods: In total, 109 children of 8–16 years old with an ASD and (sub)clinical anxiety symptoms were randomly assigned to the experimental (N = 53) or the control (N = 56) condition. Children in the experimental condition played Mindlight, children in the control condition played a commercial game (Triple Town) for 1 h per week, for six consecutive weeks. All children and parents completed assessments at baseline, post-intervention and 3-months follow-up. Results: Results showed no differences in decrease of child-rated anxiety symptoms between both conditions. However, the decrease of parent-rated anxiety symptoms was significantly larger in the experimental condition. Limitations: Mechanisms of change associated with treatment outcomes were not investigated in the present study. Therefore, it remains unclear which specific or non-specific factors contributed to the decrease in anxiety symptoms in both conditions. Conclusions: The present study provided some preliminary evidence that video games are a promising new intervention vehicle for children with an ASD and anxiety, at least according to parents. However, further research on working mechanisms is needed, in order to specify to what extent and for which children with ASD Mindlight could be an effective anxiety treatment

    The Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case: What Scars did it Leave? Long-Term Course of Psychological Problems for Children Who have been Sexually Abused at a Very Young Age, and their Parents

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    Longitudinal research of CSA in infancy and early childhood is scarce. The current study examined the long-term course of psychological outcomes (PTSD, dissociation and internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems) in children who were sexually abused in the early childhood. Additionally, we looked into the outcomes for their parents by assessing PTSD symptoms and negative emotional reactions towards the sexual abuse of their child. We examined the outcomes for five consecutive years in a sample of children (n = 45) who were sexually abused at a very young age (0–3) and their parents (n = 42), included in the Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case-study. We found that outcomes following CSA in early childhood go beyond PTSD symptoms and can manifest in atypical symptoms such as behavioral problems. Parents experienced persistent PTSD in the years following CSA disclosure. CSA in very young children warrants long-term monitoring, as negative outcomes still present 8 years later

    Short and Long-Term Parental Posttraumatic Stress After a Child’s Accident: Prevalence and Associated Factors

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    Studies on the long-term prevalence of parental posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) following child accidental injury are scarce, and findings on risk factors vary. In this follow-up study (T2, n = 69) we determined the prevalence of parental PTSS 2–4 years after accidental injury of their child, compared with 3 months after the accident (T1, n = 135). Additionally, we examined the association between parental and child factors and PTSS severity. Children were 8–18 years old at the time of the accident. Parent and child PTSS was assessed by self-report. Other data were retrieved from medical records and a telephone interview. Parental PTSS was 9.6% at T1 and 5.8% at T2. Acute parental stress as measured within 2 weeks of the child’s accident was significantly associated with parental PTSS severity (T1 and T2), as was the child’s hospitalization of more than 1 day at T1 and the child’s permanent physical impairment at T2. To prevent adverse long-term psychological consequences we recommend identifying and monitoring parents at risk and offering them timely treatment