22 research outputs found

    Opportunities for increased conflict management : a cross-case study at the Department of Policy Implementation at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

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    Managing conflicts within natural resource management is important for sustainable development, and one of the issues within this research area concerns key relationships between agential and structural factors, desk officer’s space of action, and competence. Based on Hay’s Strategic Rational Approach, this study analyses the opportunities and challenges in the management of natural resources at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The analysis is based in a qualitative and abductive methodology with 13 interviews from purposively sampled cross cases. Key conclusions include that desk officers perceive expert knowledge as the key competence for successful natural resource conflict management; how an experienced gap between hierarchical levels and horizontal functions results in non-optimal communication and inhibited learning; how strategic actors can influence structure and how structure influence the decisions of strategic actors

    ¿Un dulce futuro? : un ánalisis del agroecosistema de cultivo de fresas en el norte de Nicaragua

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    Nicaragua is severely challenged by poverty and the country was hit hard by the coffee crisis in the beginning of the year 2000. The situation forced farmers to find other ways to earn their livelihood and strawberries were identified as a possible cash crop. One geographical area with promise for strawberry cultivation was Las Sabanas in northern Nicaragua. There, the farmers have now founded a cooperative, DeliFresa, and the berries are introduced on the market. Simultaneously, more farmers begin to cultivate strawberries with new demands and needs for development arising. The main objective of our study is to describe and analyse the farming system for the farms constitutingthe cooperative DeliFresa, in order to identify challenges for development of their strawberry production. Specific objectives are to describe the role of strawberries within the farming system and evaluate its potential for development, with focus on social and economical perspectives, and to investigate processes and actors included in the value chain for strawberries produced by DeliFresa. We analyse the farming system by performing anagroecosystem analysis and a value chain analysis. Our data consist of 18 qualitative interviews, three participatory observations and four group meetings, taken with theoretical sampling. Our results show that the strawberries now arean important cash cropand they are sold in a short value chain consisting of four key actors; the farmer, the cooperative DeliFresa, supporting organisations and final customers. The most important process is logistical difficulties of getting the strawberries to the customers. We identify five main challenges for development: (1) The lack of goals (2) Division of labour (3) The functioning of the cooperative (4) Productivity losses (5) The unstable market.Nicaragua es un país severamente impactado por la pobreza, especialmente a comienzos del año 2000, cuando la baja en los precios del café afectó al país. La mala situación de los agricultores les forzó a encontrar otras maneras de ganarse su sustento y el cultivo de fresas fue identificado como un posible cultivo comercial. Una de las áreas aptas para el cultivo de fresa era Las Sabanas en el norte de Nicaragua. En este caso, los agricultores han fundado una cooperativa, DeliFresa, y las fresas se han introducido en el mercado. Al mismo tiempo, más agricultores empiezan a cultivar fresas y nuevas demandas y necesidades de desarrollo están surgiendo. Encontrar estos puntos es, por tanto, una cuestión clave para el desarrollo de la vida de los agricultores. El objetivo principal de nuestro estudio es describir y analizar el sistema de producción de las fincas miembros de la cooperativa DeliFresa para identificarlos desafíos para el desarrollo de la producción de fresas. Los objetivosespecíficos son describir la función del cultivo de fresas en el sistema de producción y evaluar su potencial de desarrollo, con énfasis en perspectivas sociales y económicas y para investigar los procesos y agentes incluidos en la cadena de valor de las fresas producidas por DeliFresa. Las teorías elegidas son el Análisis del Agroecosistema y el Análisis de Cadena de Valor. Un muestreo teórico se ha aplicado y los empíricos recogidos por 18 entrevistas cualitativas, tres observaciones participativas y dos reuniones de grupo. Los resultados muestran que las fresas ahora son un cultivo comercial importante para el agroecosistema.Nuestros resultados muestran que las fresas son ahora un importante cultivo comercial y se venden en una cadena de valor corta, formada por cuatro actores claves, el agricultor, la cooperativa DeliFresa, organizaciones de apoyo y los clientes. El proceso más importante es las dificultades logísticas de conseguir las fresas a los clientes. Identificamos cinco retos principales para el desarrollo: (1) La falta de objetivos (2) La división del trabajo (3) El funcionamiento de la cooperativa (4) Las pérdidas de productividad (5) El mercado inestable

    BALANCE 4P: Balancing decisions for urban brownfield redevelopment. Technical report of the BALANCE 4P project of the SNOWMAN Network coordinated call IV.

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    Land take as a result of urbanization is one of the major soil threats in Europe. One of the key measures to prevent further urban sprawl and additional land take, is redevelopment of urban brownfields: underused urban areas with, in many cases, soil and groundwater pollution. The latter issue can be a bottleneck for redevelopment of brownfields instead of green fields. A difficulty for brownfield redevelopments is that in urban projects the responsibilities, tools and knowledge of subsurface engineering and urban planning and design are not integrated; they depend heavily on each other but work in sectors. The urban designer usually deals with opportunities for socio-economic benefits while the subsoil engineer deals with the technical challenges of the site. Balance 4P suggests a holistic approach to brownfield redevelopment that (i) recognizes all phases of the urban redevelopment process which are influenced by the planning conditions set by laws, regulations, policy and institutions; (ii) acknowledges multiple subsurface qualities in the brownfield redevelopment project; (iii) promotes knowledge exchange between the surface and the subsurface sectors, across disciplines within each sector, and over time, about the subsurface qualities of the specific project; (iv) focus on the urban redevelopment project by identifying strategies for redevelopment that can fulfil a good quality of the built environment; (v) assesses the three P’s (People, Planet, Profit/Prosperity) in each urban redevelopment phase; and (vi) puts the Process in focus rather than specific instruments by focusing on identification of WHO should be involved in the knowledge exchange process and HOW it can be mediated. The developed decision support framework is aimed to guide project teams willing to implement a more holistic approach in practice. The framework includes four steps carried out in iterative manner: (1) stakeholder analysis, (2) generation of redevelopment alternatives, (3) sustainability assessment of the alternatives, and (4) synthesis of the assessment results, including uncertainty analysis. The guidance describing the steps in the decision support framework and activities within each step can help to structure the decision process and provide support to project teams. The anticipated advantages of the holistic approach are redevelopment plans that allow for smart, cost-effective and sustainable solutions in the implementation process by making explicit use of subsurface information and knowledge in the planning process, and possibilities for more long-term sustainable planning with regard to the subsurface by increased awareness of the subsurface as a resource and the associated risks and possibilities

    Owner-Level Taxes and Business Activity

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    Practise what you preach? : a social psychological study about the interplay between the private and professional role of the environmental manager and the expectations one encounter.

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    I arbetet mot en hållbar samhällsutveckling spelar näringslivet en viktig roll. Nyckelaktörer i processen är personer med ansvar för frågorna inom företagen, ett ansvar som återfinns i befattningen miljöchef. Syftet med studien är att undersöka samspelet mellan miljöchefernas privata och professionella roll samt vilka förväntningar de möts av och hur dessa hanteras. Ingen liknande tidigare publicerad studie som har en utgångspunkt i samspelet mellan miljöchefernas privata och professionella roll och förväntningarna miljöcheferna möts av har identifierats. Avsnittet om tidigare forskning fokuserar därför på tre närliggande forskningsområden. Valda teorier är Erving Goffman och det dramaturgiska perspektivet, Björn Eriksson och den sociala interaktionen samt Leon Festinger och den kognitiva dissonansen. Ett teoretiskt urval tillämpas i studien och empirin har samlats in genom tio semistrukturerade, kvalitativa intervjuer med miljöchefer i Sverige. Samtliga var medlemmar i den ideella föreningen Näringslivets Miljöchefer. Resultatet visar att samtliga miljöchefer har någon form av flytande roll, det vill säga ingen distinktion återfinns mellan den privata och professionella rollen. Framförallt strukturella faktorer framkommer som avgörande för rollfördelningen. Samtliga miljöchefer möter ett brett spektrum av förväntningar kopplat till deras yrkesval. Hantering av förväntningarna sker huvudsakligen genom: icke-acceptans och ingen förändring av beteende samt acceptans och förändring av beteende. Förväntningarna och hanteringen av dessa ser inga gränser, utan flyter fritt mellan den privata och den professionella rollen.In the transition towards a sustainable development the private sector plays an important role. Key actors in this process are environmental managers. The purpose of the study is to examine the interplay between environmental managers' private and professional role, the expectations they encounter and how these are managed. This research area is previously unexplored and the environmental manager is rarely in focus of academic studies. To bridge this gap, our chapter on previous research focuses on adjacent findings. Our theoretical framework is Goffman and the dramaturgical perspective, Eriksson and social interaction, and Festinger and cognitive dissonance. Empirical data was collected through ten semi-structured interviews with theoretically sampled environmental managers in Sweden. We found that all managers have some type of undistinguishable roles and structural factors emerge as crucial for the interplay of roles. All managers in the study face a wide range of expectations related to their career choice. The expectations are mainly managed through: non-acceptance and no change in behaviour, or acceptance and change of behaviour. Expectations and how they are managed sees no boundaries, flowing freely between the private and the professional role

    Practise what you preach? : a social psychological study about the interplay between the private and professional role of the environmental manager and the expectations one encounter.

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    I arbetet mot en hållbar samhällsutveckling spelar näringslivet en viktig roll. Nyckelaktörer i processen är personer med ansvar för frågorna inom företagen, ett ansvar som återfinns i befattningen miljöchef. Syftet med studien är att undersöka samspelet mellan miljöchefernas privata och professionella roll samt vilka förväntningar de möts av och hur dessa hanteras. Ingen liknande tidigare publicerad studie som har en utgångspunkt i samspelet mellan miljöchefernas privata och professionella roll och förväntningarna miljöcheferna möts av har identifierats. Avsnittet om tidigare forskning fokuserar därför på tre närliggande forskningsområden. Valda teorier är Erving Goffman och det dramaturgiska perspektivet, Björn Eriksson och den sociala interaktionen samt Leon Festinger och den kognitiva dissonansen. Ett teoretiskt urval tillämpas i studien och empirin har samlats in genom tio semistrukturerade, kvalitativa intervjuer med miljöchefer i Sverige. Samtliga var medlemmar i den ideella föreningen Näringslivets Miljöchefer. Resultatet visar att samtliga miljöchefer har någon form av flytande roll, det vill säga ingen distinktion återfinns mellan den privata och professionella rollen. Framförallt strukturella faktorer framkommer som avgörande för rollfördelningen. Samtliga miljöchefer möter ett brett spektrum av förväntningar kopplat till deras yrkesval. Hantering av förväntningarna sker huvudsakligen genom: icke-acceptans och ingen förändring av beteende samt acceptans och förändring av beteende. Förväntningarna och hanteringen av dessa ser inga gränser, utan flyter fritt mellan den privata och den professionella rollen.In the transition towards a sustainable development the private sector plays an important role. Key actors in this process are environmental managers. The purpose of the study is to examine the interplay between environmental managers' private and professional role, the expectations they encounter and how these are managed. This research area is previously unexplored and the environmental manager is rarely in focus of academic studies. To bridge this gap, our chapter on previous research focuses on adjacent findings. Our theoretical framework is Goffman and the dramaturgical perspective, Eriksson and social interaction, and Festinger and cognitive dissonance. Empirical data was collected through ten semi-structured interviews with theoretically sampled environmental managers in Sweden. We found that all managers have some type of undistinguishable roles and structural factors emerge as crucial for the interplay of roles. All managers in the study face a wide range of expectations related to their career choice. The expectations are mainly managed through: non-acceptance and no change in behaviour, or acceptance and change of behaviour. Expectations and how they are managed sees no boundaries, flowing freely between the private and the professional role

    Practise what you preach? : a social psychological study about the interplay between the private and professional role of the environmental manager and the expectations one encounter.

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    I arbetet mot en hållbar samhällsutveckling spelar näringslivet en viktig roll. Nyckelaktörer i processen är personer med ansvar för frågorna inom företagen, ett ansvar som återfinns i befattningen miljöchef. Syftet med studien är att undersöka samspelet mellan miljöchefernas privata och professionella roll samt vilka förväntningar de möts av och hur dessa hanteras. Ingen liknande tidigare publicerad studie som har en utgångspunkt i samspelet mellan miljöchefernas privata och professionella roll och förväntningarna miljöcheferna möts av har identifierats. Avsnittet om tidigare forskning fokuserar därför på tre närliggande forskningsområden. Valda teorier är Erving Goffman och det dramaturgiska perspektivet, Björn Eriksson och den sociala interaktionen samt Leon Festinger och den kognitiva dissonansen. Ett teoretiskt urval tillämpas i studien och empirin har samlats in genom tio semistrukturerade, kvalitativa intervjuer med miljöchefer i Sverige. Samtliga var medlemmar i den ideella föreningen Näringslivets Miljöchefer. Resultatet visar att samtliga miljöchefer har någon form av flytande roll, det vill säga ingen distinktion återfinns mellan den privata och professionella rollen. Framförallt strukturella faktorer framkommer som avgörande för rollfördelningen. Samtliga miljöchefer möter ett brett spektrum av förväntningar kopplat till deras yrkesval. Hantering av förväntningarna sker huvudsakligen genom: icke-acceptans och ingen förändring av beteende samt acceptans och förändring av beteende. Förväntningarna och hanteringen av dessa ser inga gränser, utan flyter fritt mellan den privata och den professionella rollen.In the transition towards a sustainable development the private sector plays an important role. Key actors in this process are environmental managers. The purpose of the study is to examine the interplay between environmental managers' private and professional role, the expectations they encounter and how these are managed. This research area is previously unexplored and the environmental manager is rarely in focus of academic studies. To bridge this gap, our chapter on previous research focuses on adjacent findings. Our theoretical framework is Goffman and the dramaturgical perspective, Eriksson and social interaction, and Festinger and cognitive dissonance. Empirical data was collected through ten semi-structured interviews with theoretically sampled environmental managers in Sweden. We found that all managers have some type of undistinguishable roles and structural factors emerge as crucial for the interplay of roles. All managers in the study face a wide range of expectations related to their career choice. The expectations are mainly managed through: non-acceptance and no change in behaviour, or acceptance and change of behaviour. Expectations and how they are managed sees no boundaries, flowing freely between the private and the professional role