7 research outputs found
Factors of the epidemiological triad that influence the persistence of human papilloma virus infection in women with systemic lupus erythematosus
We studied the epidemiologic triad-related factors influencing human papilloma virus (HPV) persistence in Mexican women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Patients aged ?18 years with SLE (American College of Rheumatology criteria), with and without HPV persistence, were selected. Groups were analyzed by (1) host: clinical disease characteristics; (2) agent: (I) infectious (prevalence, incidence, HPV genotype and co-infections (?2 HPV genotypes or mycoplasmas)), (II) chemical (contraceptives and immunosuppressive drugs) and (III) physical (vitamin D deficiency) and (3) environment. A total of 121 SLE patients were selected over a two-year period. (1) Host: mean age 45.8 years and disease duration 12.7 years. (2) Agent: (I) infectious. HPV infection prevalence in the second sample was 26.4%, high-risk HPV genotypes 21.5% and co-infections 7.4%. HPV infection incidence was 13.2%, persistence 13.2% and clearance 15.7%. (II) Chemical: use of oral hormonal contraceptives 5% and immunosuppressive treatment 97.5%. (III) Physical: Vitamin D levels were similar in both groups. (3) Environment: (I) natural. A total of 60.6% of patients were residents of Puebla City. (II) Social: The mean education level was 10.9. Poverty levels were: III degree 52.4%, IV degree 28% and II degree 17%. (III) Cultural behavioral: Onset of sexual life was 20.5 years, 10% had ?3 sexual partners and 51.2% were postmenopausal. In conclusion, no factor of the epidemiologic triad was associated with HPV infection prevalence. © The Author(s) 2018
Carbono secuestrado en suelos de la sub-cuenca del río Coicoyan, Alcozauca de Guerrero, Gro. Región Hidrológica Balsas
"El secuestro o captura de carbono es el proceso por el cual el CO2 de la atmósfera se incorpora en formas almacenadas (fundamentalmente en el suelo y la biomasa en los ecosistemas terrestres), quedando temporalmente inmovilizado respecto a la circulación biogeoquímica durante largos periodos de tiempo. Ciertas estimaciones sugieren que el conjunto de suelos del planeta constituyen la principal reserva de carbono de los ecosistemas terrestres. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la cantidad de carbono secuestrado en los diferentes tipos de vegetación forestal, de suelos de la sub cuenca del río Coicoyan, Alcozauca de Guerrero, Gro. Región Hidrológica Balsas y compararlos con suelos en los que ya ha sido modificado su uso de forestal a agrícola. Entre los aspectos de interés de este trabajo se destaca el de la profundización del comportamiento del carbono orgánico del suelo, según las diferentes formaciones vegetales de la zona de las cuales destacan el Bosque de Pino Encino y la Selva Baja Caducifolia. Con el análisis Clúster, los resultados muestran el proceso de aglomeración, la tendencia clara de agrupar a las muestras de suelo del Bosque de Pino-Encino y a las de la Selva Baja Caducifolia en función de sus propiedades físicas y químicas"
Factores de mayor influencia en el riesgo cardiovascular y su relación con magnesio sérico y su ingesta
"En este estudio se caracterizaron 66 sujetos clínica-antropométrica y bioquímicamente. Los factores con mayor influencia identificados fueron: triglicéridos (TG), lipoproteínas de muy baja densidad (VLDL), lipoproteínas de baja densidad (LDL) y colesterol total (CT); Mg sérico (MgS) correlacionó con TG (Rho = 0.270, p = 0.028), CT (Rho = 0.349, p = 0.004), LDL (Rho = 0.251, p = 0.042) y VLDL (Rho = 0.270, p = 0.028), MgS correlacionó con CT ajustado para índice de masa corporal (IMC), glucosa y edad (Rho = 0.303, p = 0.016). Los sujetos sin antecedentes familiares de enfermedad cardiovascular (AF_ECV) presentaron mayor ingesta de Mg (p = 0.023) que aquellos con AF_ECV y los hombres tuvieron mayor ingesta de Mg que las mujeres (p = 0.005). En conclusión, los factores de mayor influencia en el riesgo CV son TG, LDL, VLDL y CT, los cuales correlacionan positiva y significativamente con MgS, CT aún ajustado para IMC, glucosa y edad; además la ingesta de magnesio es mayor en sujetos sin AF_ECV y en los hombres"
Factors of the epidemiological triad that influence the persistence of human papilloma virus infection in women with systemic lupus erythematosus
We studied the epidemiologic triad-related factors influencing human papilloma virus (HPV) persistence in Mexican women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Patients aged ?18 years with SLE (American College of Rheumatology criteria), with and without HPV persistence, were selected. Groups were analyzed by (1) host: clinical disease characteristics; (2) agent: (I) infectious (prevalence, incidence, HPV genotype and co-infections (?2 HPV genotypes or mycoplasmas)), (II) chemical (contraceptives and immunosuppressive drugs) and (III) physical (vitamin D deficiency) and (3) environment. A total of 121 SLE patients were selected over a two-year period. (1) Host: mean age 45.8 years and disease duration 12.7 years. (2) Agent: (I) infectious. HPV infection prevalence in the second sample was 26.4%, high-risk HPV genotypes 21.5% and co-infections 7.4%. HPV infection incidence was 13.2%, persistence 13.2% and clearance 15.7%. (II) Chemical: use of oral hormonal contraceptives 5% and immunosuppressive treatment 97.5%. (III) Physical: Vitamin D levels were similar in both groups. (3) Environment: (I) natural. A total of 60.6% of patients were residents of Puebla City. (II) Social: The mean education level was 10.9. Poverty levels were: III degree 52.4%, IV degree 28% and II degree 17%. (III) Cultural behavioral: Onset of sexual life was 20.5 years, 10% had ?3 sexual partners and 51.2% were postmenopausal. In conclusion, no factor of the epidemiologic triad was associated with HPV infection prevalence. © The Author(s) 2018