58 research outputs found

    Identifying RNA splicing factors using IFT genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Intraflagellar transport moves proteins in and out of flagella/cilia and it is essential for the assembly of these organelles. Using whole-genome sequencing, we identified splice site mutations in two IFT genes, IFT81 ( fla9 ) and IFT121 ( ift121-2 ), which lead to flagellar assembly defects in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii . The splicing defects in these ift mutants are partially corrected by mutations in two conserved spliceosome proteins, DGR14 and FRA10. We identified a dgr14 deletion mutant, which suppresses the 3ā€² splice site mutation in IFT81 , and a frameshift mutant of FRA10 , which suppresses the 5ā€² splice site mutation in IFT121 . Surprisingly, we found dgr14-1 and fra10 mutations suppress both splice site mutations. We suggest these two proteins are involved in facilitating splice site recognition/interaction; in their absence some splice site mutations are tolerated. Nonsense mutations in SMG1 , which is involved in nonsense-mediated decay, lead to accumulation of aberrant transcripts and partial restoration of flagellar assembly in the ift mutants. The high density of introns and the conservation of noncore splicing factors, together with the ease of scoring the ift mutant phenotype, make Chlamydomonas an attractive organism to identify new proteins involved in splicing through suppressor screening. </jats:p

    Perturbation-based Self-supervised Attention for Attention Bias in Text Classification

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    In text classification, the traditional attention mechanisms usually focus too much on frequent words, and need extensive labeled data in order to learn. This paper proposes a perturbation-based self-supervised attention approach to guide attention learning without any annotation overhead. Specifically, we add as much noise as possible to all the words in the sentence without changing their semantics and predictions. We hypothesize that words that tolerate more noise are less significant, and we can use this information to refine the attention distribution. Experimental results on three text classification tasks show that our approach can significantly improve the performance of current attention-based models, and is more effective than existing self-supervised methods. We also provide a visualization analysis to verify the effectiveness of our approach

    Synthesizing and Salvaging NAD+: Lessons Learned from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    The essential coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) plays important roles in metabolic reactions and cell regulation in all organisms. Bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals use different pathways to synthesize NAD+. Our molecular and genetic data demonstrate that in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas NAD+ is synthesized from aspartate (de novo synthesis), as in plants, or nicotinamide, as in mammals (salvage synthesis). The de novo pathway requires five different enzymes: L-aspartate oxidase (ASO), quinolinate synthetase (QS), quinolate phosphoribosyltransferase (QPT), nicotinate/nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase (NMNAT), and NAD+ synthetase (NS). Sequence similarity searches, gene isolation and sequencing of mutant loci indicate that mutations in each enzyme result in a nicotinamide-requiring mutant phenotype in the previously isolated nic mutants. We rescued the mutant phenotype by the introduction of BAC DNA (nic2-1 and nic13-1) or plasmids with cloned genes (nic1-1 and nic15-1) into the mutants. NMNAT, which is also in the de novo pathway, and nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) constitute the nicotinamide-dependent salvage pathway. A mutation in NAMPT (npt1-1) has no obvious growth defect and is not nicotinamide-dependent. However, double mutant strains with the npt1-1 mutation and any of the nic mutations are inviable. When the de novo pathway is inactive, the salvage pathway is essential to Chlamydomonas for the synthesis of NAD+. A homolog of the human SIRT6-like gene, SRT2, is upregulated in the NS mutant, which shows a longer vegetative life span than wild-type cells. Our results suggest that Chlamydomonas is an excellent model system to study NAD+ metabolism and cell longevity

    CCDC61/VFL3 is a paralog of SAS6 and promotes ciliary functions

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    Centrioles are cylindrical assemblies whose peripheral microtubule array displays a 9-fold rotational symmetry that is established by the scaffolding protein SAS6. Centriole symmetry can be broken by centriole-associated structures, such as the striated fibers in Chlamydomonas that are important for ciliary function. The conserved protein CCDC61/VFL3 is involved in this process, but its exact role is unclear. Here, we show that CCDC61 is a paralog of SAS6. Crystal structures of CCDC61 demonstrate that it contains two homodimerization interfaces that are similar to those found in SAS6, but result in the formation of linear filaments rather than rings. Furthermore, we show that CCDC61 binds microtubules and that residues involved in CCDC61 microtubule binding are important for ciliary function in Chlamydomonas. Together, our findings suggest that CCDC61 and SAS6 functionally diverged from a common ancestor while retaining the ability to scaffold the assembly of basal body-associated structures or centrioles, respectively

    Whole genome sequencing identifies a deletion in protein phosphatase 2A that affects its stability and localization in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Whole genome sequencing is a powerful tool in the discovery of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and small insertions/deletions (indels) among mutant strains, which simplifies forward genetics approaches. However, identification of the causative mutation among a large number of non-causative SNPs in a mutant strain remains a big challenge. In the unicellular biflagellate green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, we generated a SNP/indel library that contains over 2 million polymorphisms from four wild-type strains, one highly polymorphic strain that is frequently used in meiotic mapping, ten mutant strains that have flagellar assembly or motility defects, and one mutant strain, imp3, which has a mating defect. A comparison of polymorphisms in the imp3 strain and the other 15 strains allowed us to identify a deletion of the last three amino acids, Y313F314L315, in a protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit (PP2A3) in the imp3 strain. Introduction of a wild-type HA-tagged PP2A3 rescues the mutant phenotype, but mutant HA-PP2A3 at Y313 or L315 fail to rescue. Our immunoprecipitation results indicate that the Y313, L315, or YFLĪ” mutations do not affect the binding of PP2A3 to the scaffold subunit, PP2A-2r. In contrast, the Y313, L315, or YFLĪ” mutations affect both the stability and the localization of PP2A3. The PP2A3 protein is less abundant in these mutants and fails to accumulate in the basal body area as observed in transformants with either wild-type HA-PP2A3 or a HA-PP2A3 with a V310T change. The accumulation of HA-PP2A3 in the basal body region disappears in mated dikaryons, which suggests that the localization of PP2A3 may be essential to the mating process. Overall, our results demonstrate that the terminal YFL tail of PP2A3 is important in the regulation on Chlamydomonas mating

    New mutations in flagellar motors identified by whole genome sequencing in Chlamydomonas

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    BACKGROUND: The building of a cilium or flagellum requires molecular motors and associated proteins that allow the relocation of proteins from the cell body to the distal end and the return of proteins to the cell body in a process termed intraflagellar transport (IFT). IFT trains are carried out by kinesin and back to the cell body by dynein. METHODS: We used whole genome sequencing to identify the causative mutations for two temperature-sensitive flagellar assembly mutants in Chlamydomonas and validated the changes using reversion analysis. We examined the effect of these mutations on the localization of IFT81, an IFT complex B protein, the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain (DHC1b), and the dynein light intermediate chain (D1bLIC). RESULTS: The strains, fla18 and fla24, have mutations in kinesin-2 and cytoplasmic dynein, respectively. The fla18 mutation alters the same glutamic acid (E(24)G) mutated in the fla10-14 allele (E(24)K). The fla18 strain loses flagella at 32?C more rapidly than the E(24)K allele but less rapidly than the fla10-1 allele. The fla18 mutant loses its flagella by detachment rather than by shortening. The fla24 mutation falls in cytoplasmic dynein and changes a completely conserved amino acid (L(3243)P) in an alpha helix in the AAA5 domain. The fla24 mutant loses its flagella by shortening within 6 hours at 32?C. DHC1b protein is reduced by 18-fold and D1bLIC is reduced by 16-fold at 21?C compared to wild-type cells. We identified two pseudorevertants (L(3243)S and L(3243)R), which remain flagellated at 32?C. Although fla24 cells assemble full-length flagella at 21?C, IFT81 protein localization is dramatically altered. Instead of localizing at the basal body and along the flagella, IFT81 is concentrated at the proximal end of the flagella. The pseudorevertants show wild-type IFT81 localization at 21?C, but proximal end localization of IFT81 at 32?C. CONCLUSIONS: The change in the AAA5 domain of the cytoplasmic dynein in fla24 may block the recycling of IFT trains after retrograde transport. It is clear that different alleles in the flagellar motors reveal different functions and roles. Multiple alleles will be important for understanding structure-function relationships

    Identification of cilia genes that affect cell-cycle progression using whole-genome transcriptome analysis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtti

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    Cilia are microtubule based organelles that project from cells. Cilia are found on almost every cell type of the human body and numerous diseases, collectively termed ciliopathies, are associated with defects in cilia, including respiratory infections, male infertility, situs inversus, polycystic kidney disease, retinal degeneration, and Bardet-Biedl Syndrome. Here we show that Illumina-based whole-genome transcriptome analysis in the biflagellate green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii identifies 1850 genes up-regulated during ciliogenesis, 4392 genes down-regulated, and 4548 genes with no change in expression during ciliogenesis. We examined four genes up-regulated and not previously known to be involved with cilia (ZMYND10, NXN, GLOD4, SPATA4) by knockdown of the human orthologs in human retinal pigment epithelial cells (hTERT-RPE1) cells to ask whether they are involved in cilia-related processes that include cilia assembly, cilia length control, basal body/centriole numbers, and the distance between basal bodies/centrioles. All of the genes have cilia-related phenotypes and, surprisingly, our data show that knockdown of GLOD4 and SPATA4 also affects the cell cycle. These results demonstrate that whole-genome transcriptome analysis during ciliogenesis is a powerful tool to gain insight into the molecular mechanism by which centrosomes and cilia are assembled

    A NIMA-related kinase suppresses the flagellar instability associated with the loss of multiple axonemal structures

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    CCDC39 and CCDC40 were first identified as causative mutations in primary ciliary dyskinesia patients; cilia from patients show disorganized microtubules, and they are missing both N-DRC and inner dynein arms proteins. In Chlamydomonas, we used immunoblots and microtubule sliding assays to show that mutants in CCDC40 (PF7) and CCDC39 (PF8) fail to assemble N-DRC, several inner dynein arms, tektin, and CCDC39. Enrichment screens for suppression of pf7; pf8 cells led to the isolation of five independent extragenic suppressors defined by four different mutations in a NIMA-related kinase, CNK11. These alleles partially rescue the flagellar length defect, but not the motility defect. The suppressor does not restore the missing N-DRC and inner dynein arm proteins. In addition, the cnk11 mutations partially suppress the short flagella phenotype of N-DRC and axonemal dynein mutants, but do not suppress the motility defects. The tpg1 mutation in TTLL9, a tubulin polyglutamylase, partially suppresses the length phenotype in the same axonemal dynein mutants. In contrast to cnk11, tpg1 does not suppress the short flagella phenotype of pf7. The polyglutamylated tubulin in the proximal region that remains in the tpg1 mutant is reduced further in the pf7; tpg1 double mutant by immunofluorescence. CCDC40, which is needed for docking multiple other axonemal complexes, is needed for tubulin polyglutamylation in the proximal end of the flagella. The CCDC39 and CCDC40 proteins are likely to be involved in recruiting another tubulin glutamylase(s) to the flagella. Another difference between cnk11-1 and tpg1 mutants is that cnk11-1 cells show a faster turnover rate of tubulin at the flagellar tip than in wild-type flagella and tpg1 flagella show a slower rate. The double mutant shows a turnover rate similar to tpg1, which suggests the faster turnover rate in cnk11-1 flagella requires polyglutamylation. Thus, we hypothesize that many short flagella mutants in Chlamydomonas have increased instability of axonemal microtubules. Both CNK11 and tubulin polyglutamylation play roles in regulating the stability of axonemal microtubules

    Whole-Genome Sequencing to Identify Mutants and Polymorphisms in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) provides a new platform for the identification of mutations that produce a mutant phenotype. We used Illumina sequencing to identify the mutational profile of three Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant strains. The three strains have more than 38,000 changes from the reference genome. NG6 is aflagellate and maps to 269 kb with only one nonsynonymous change; the V12E mutation falls in the FLA8 gene. Evidence that NG6 is a fla8 allele comes from swimming revertants that are either true or pseudorevertants. NG30 is aflagellate and maps to 458 kb that has six nonsynonomous changes. Evidence that NG30 has a causative nonsense allele in IFT80 comes from rescue of the nonswimming phenotype with a fragment bearing only this gene. This gene has been implicated in Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy. Electron microscopy of ift80-1 (NG30) shows a novel basal body phenotype. A bar or cap is observed over the distal end of the transition zone, which may be an intermediate in preparing the basal body for flagellar assembly. In the acetate-requiring mutant ac17, we failed to find a nonsynonymous change in the 676 kb mapped region, which is incompletely assembled. In these strains, 43% of the changes occur on two of the 17 chromosomes. The excess on chromosome 6 surrounds the mating-type locus, which has numerous rearrangements and suppressed recombination, and the changes extend beyond the mating-type locus. Unexpectedly, chromosome 16 shows an unexplained excess of single nucleotide polymorphisms and indels. Overall, WGS in combination with limited mapping allows fast and accurate identification of point mutations in Chlamydomonas

    The IDA3 adapter, required for intraflagellar transport of I1 dynein, is regulated by ciliary length

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    Axonemal dyneins, including inner dynein arm I1, assemble in the cytoplasm prior to transport into cilia by intraflagellar transport (IFT). How I1 dynein interacts with IFT is not understood. We take advantage of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ida3 mutant, which assembles the inner arm I1 dynein complex in the cytoplasm but fails to transport I1 into the cilium, resulting in I1 dynein-deficient axonemes with abnormal motility. The IDA3 gene encodes an āˆ¼115-kDa coiled-coil protein that primarily enters the cilium during ciliary growth but is not an axonemal protein. During growth, IDA3, along with I1 dynein, is transported by anterograde IFT to the tip of the cilium. At the tip, IDA3 uncouples from IFT and diffuses within the cilium. IFT transport of IDA3 decreases as cilia lengthen and subsides once full length is achieved. IDA3 is the first example of an essential and selective IFT adapter that is regulated by ciliary length. </jats:p
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