1 research outputs found

    Widespread occurrence of the American Bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianus\ud (Shaw, 1802) (Anura: Ranidae), in Brazil

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    We report new records of Lithobates catesbeianus feral populations in Brazil. Data were based on fieldwork, natural \ud history collection records, and literature and electronic database searches. Lithobates catesbeianus occurs in 130 municipalities of \ud Brazil, including 55 presented for the first time in this work. Most records are from south and southeastern Brazil in the Atlantic\ud Forest biome with climatic conditions that are favorable to the establishment of bullfrog populations. The wide and possibly \ud expanding distribution of feral L. catesbeianus populations in Brazil poses a major conservation challenge and demands research \ud on the invasion patterns.We are grateful to all the curators and researchers who provided bullfrog records: A. Camargo, A. A. Gedoz, A. F. Sabbag, A. J. S. Argôlo, B. M. Souza, C. Zank, C. E. Conte, C. F. B. Haddad, D. C. Rossa-Feres, F. Dallacorte, F. Faraco, L. F. Toledo, G. Athayde, G. Pacelli, G. M. F. Pontes, L. C. L. Lot, M. Borges-Martins, M. Napoli, M. A. Carvalho, N. Zanella, P. S. Bernarde, P. Colombo, P. V. Marinho, R. P. Bastos, R. N. Feio, R. R. Santos, S. P. Carvalho-e-Silva, S. Z. Cechin. We also thank M. Crossland for comments on the manuscript, the PARNA Itajaí staff for logistical support, as well all rural owners who authorized the samplings. IBAMA granted a collection permit for this study (Proc. 23009-1). This study was supported by IGRE Associação Sócio Ambientalista and received grants from: Fundação o Boticário de Proteção a Natureza (0835_20092), FAPESP (Proc. 2008/50928-1) and Rufford Small Grants Foundation. CB received a CNPq student fellowship and TG a CNPq grant (Proc. 476789/2009-5) and fellowship (Proc. 305473/2008-5)