18 research outputs found


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    O artigo aqui apresentado coloca em análise o confronto de direitos consagrados no mesmo rol de importância, delimitados pela CF/88 como direitos fundamentais individuais, mais especificamente o entrave entre o direito à liberdade religiosa e à vida. Questão que alcançou a Suprema Corte Federal através da ADPF 618 atualmente em tramitação. Através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, baseando-se em obras de diferentes pensadores é feita uma análise sobre o direito à vida enquanto direito natural e positivo, além de um juízo crítico sobre a falsa ideia de disponibilidade desse direito num Estado social-intervencionista, em seguida aborda a questão da liberdade religiosa e demonstra como sua supressão em casos de recusa de transfusão sanguínea por pacientes Testemunhas de Jeová não configura um desrespeito a esse direito, mas o resultado de uma ponderação que visa garantir primeiramente a dignidade da pessoa humana, sem a qual não haveria fundamentos para os demais direito


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    The present work analyzes the way in which religion, when incorporated into the public space, can come to serve for the realization of human rights. To this end, it begins by addressing the hegemonic and non-hegemonic theories of human rights, in an attempt to verify that its nature is to modify the existing social realism to guarantee human dignity, in addition to its theoretical aspects. It proceeds to a historical survey on the role of religion in the public space, which was marked by persecution and intolerance, due to the fact that they aimed at manipulating the truth and establishing a religious and political order, followed by the secular state, in which the religion rested exclusively on the individual's private life. Habermas is used to understand the figure of the post-secular state and how a religion would influence the demonization of others; the article also uses Boaventura de Sousa Santos to support the consequences of religious expression in public life. It is a bibliographic research, based on works of human rights and religious thinkers, and documentary, as it addresses texts present in the archive of the Brazilian Thought Documentation Center (CDPB) about a national religious thinker: Jackson de Figueiredo. The role of religion in public life, depending on how it separates from the state, can guarantee plurality of thought and religious freedom, thus protecting human rights.El presente trabajo analiza la forma en que la religión, incorporada al espacio público, puede llegar a servir para La realización de los derechos humanos. Para ello, comienza abordando lãs teorías hegemónicas y no hegemónicas de los derechos humanos, em un intento de constatar que su naturaleza es modificar la amistad social existente para garantizar La dignidad humana, además de sus aspectos teóricos. Se procede a un relevamiento histórico sobre el papel de la religión en el espacio público, El cual estuvo marcado por La persecución y La intolerancia, debido a que pretendían manipular La verdad y establecer un orden religioso y político, seguido por el estado laico, en el que La religión descansaba exclusivamente em la vida privada Del individuo. Habermas se utiliza para comprender la figura del estado postsecular y cómo una religión influiría em La demonización de los demás; el artículo también utiliza Boaventura de Sousa Santos para apoyar Las consecuencias de la expresión religiosa em la vida pública. Se trata de una investigación bibliográfica, basada em trabajos de pensadores de derechos humanos y religiosos, y documental, ya que aborda textos presentes em El archivo del Centro Brasileño de Documentación Del Pensamiento (CDPB) sobre un pensador religioso nacional: Jackson de Figueiredo. -Secar el papel de La religión em la vida pública, dependiendo de cómo se separe del Estado, puede garantizar La pluralidad de pensamiento y La libertad religiosa, protegiendo así los derechos humanos.O presente trabalho realiza uma análise da maneira pela qual a religião, quando incorporada ao espaço público, pode vir a servir para a concretização dos direitos humanos. Para isso, inicia-se abordando as teorias hegemônicas e não-hegemônicas dos direitos humanos, em busca de constatar que sua natureza é modificar a realidade social existente para garantir a dignidade humana, além de seus aspectos teóricos. Segue para um apanhamento histórico sobre a atuação da religião no espaço público, a qual foi marcada por perseguições e intolerância, devido ao fato de visarem a manipulação da verdade e o estabelecimento de uma ordem religiosa e política, seguido pelo Estado secular, no qual a religião restringiu-se exclusivamente à vida privada do indivíduo. Utiliza-se Habermas para entender a figura do Estado pós-secular e de que maneira uma religião influenciaria na demonização das demais; o artigo também se vale de Boaventura de Sousa Santos para sustentar as consequências da expressão religiosa na vida pública. Trata-se de pesquisa bibliográfica, baseando-se em obras de pensadores dos direitos humanos e religiosos, e documental, pois aborda textos presentes no arquivo do Centro de Documentação do Pensamento Brasileiro (CDPB) acerca de um pensador religioso nacional: Jackson de Figueiredo. Conclui-se que a atuação da religião na vida pública, dependendo da forma como se der a separação dela com o Estado, pode garantir a pluralidade de pensamento e a liberdade religiosa, protegendo assim os direitos humanos


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    The present work analyzes the way in which religion, when incorporated into the public space, can come to serve for the realization of human rights. To this end, it begins by addressing the hegemonic and non-hegemonic theories of human rights, in an attempt to verify that its nature is to modify the existing social realism to guarantee human dignity, in addition to its theoretical aspects. It proceeds to a historical survey on the role of religion in the public space, which was marked by persecution and intolerance, due to the fact that they aimed at manipulating the truth and establishing a religious and political order, followed by the secular state, in which the religion rested exclusively on the individual's private life. Habermas is used to understand the figure of the post-secular state and how a religion would influence the demonization of others; the article also uses Boaventura de Sousa Santos to support the consequences of religious expression in public life. It is a bibliographic research, based on works of human rights and religious thinkers, and documentary, as it addresses texts present in the archive of the Brazilian Thought Documentation Center (CDPB) about a national religious thinker: Jackson de Figueiredo. The role of religion in public life, depending on how it separates from the state, can guarantee plurality of thought and religious freedom, thus protecting human rights.El presente trabajo analiza la forma en que la religión, incorporada al espacio público, puede llegar a servir para La realización de los derechos humanos. Para ello, comienza abordando lãs teorías hegemónicas y no hegemónicas de los derechos humanos, em un intento de constatar que su naturaleza es modificar la amistad social existente para garantizar La dignidad humana, además de sus aspectos teóricos. Se procede a un relevamiento histórico sobre el papel de la religión en el espacio público, El cual estuvo marcado por La persecución y La intolerancia, debido a que pretendían manipular La verdad y establecer un orden religioso y político, seguido por el estado laico, en el que La religión descansaba exclusivamente em la vida privada Del individuo. Habermas se utiliza para comprender la figura del estado postsecular y cómo una religión influiría em La demonización de los demás; el artículo también utiliza Boaventura de Sousa Santos para apoyar Las consecuencias de la expresión religiosa em la vida pública. Se trata de una investigación bibliográfica, basada em trabajos de pensadores de derechos humanos y religiosos, y documental, ya que aborda textos presentes em El archivo del Centro Brasileño de Documentación Del Pensamiento (CDPB) sobre un pensador religioso nacional: Jackson de Figueiredo. -Secar el papel de La religión em la vida pública, dependiendo de cómo se separe del Estado, puede garantizar La pluralidad de pensamiento y La libertad religiosa, protegiendo así los derechos humanos.O presente trabalho realiza uma análise da maneira pela qual a religião, quando incorporada ao espaço público, pode vir a servir para a concretização dos direitos humanos. Para isso, inicia-se abordando as teorias hegemônicas e não-hegemônicas dos direitos humanos, em busca de constatar que sua natureza é modificar a realidade social existente para garantir a dignidade humana, além de seus aspectos teóricos. Segue para um apanhamento histórico sobre a atuação da religião no espaço público, a qual foi marcada por perseguições e intolerância, devido ao fato de visarem a manipulação da verdade e o estabelecimento de uma ordem religiosa e política, seguido pelo Estado secular, no qual a religião restringiu-se exclusivamente à vida privada do indivíduo. Utiliza-se Habermas para entender a figura do Estado pós-secular e de que maneira uma religião influenciaria na demonização das demais; o artigo também se vale de Boaventura de Sousa Santos para sustentar as consequências da expressão religiosa na vida pública. Trata-se de pesquisa bibliográfica, baseando-se em obras de pensadores dos direitos humanos e religiosos, e documental, pois aborda textos presentes no arquivo do Centro de Documentação do Pensamento Brasileiro (CDPB) acerca de um pensador religioso nacional: Jackson de Figueiredo. Conclui-se que a atuação da religião na vida pública, dependendo da forma como se der a separação dela com o Estado, pode garantir a pluralidade de pensamento e a liberdade religiosa, protegendo assim os direitos humanos

    Euthyroid Sick Syndrome and Changes in Thyroid Hormones in Dogs with Hemoparasitosis

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    Background: Hemoparasitoses are extremely important in the clinical routine because they affect a large number of dogs. In spite of the abundance of studies on this topic, hormonal alterations caused by infection with these agents are still poorly known. Therefore, the goal of this work was to assess the serum levels of thyroid hormones of dogs infected with Ehrlichia canis (E. canis) alone, and dogs infected with E. canis and Babesia canis vogeli (B. vogeli) and/or Anaplasma platys (A. platys) before and after treatment with doxycycline chlorohydrate. This study also aimed at checking for presence of euthyroid sick syndrome (ESS) in these animals.Materials, Methods & Results: The concentrations of the thyroid hormones total triiodothyronine (TT3), total tetraiodothyronine (TT4), free tetraiodothyronine (FT4), and canine thyroid-stimulating hormone (cTSH) were assessed by chemiluminescence in 12 dogs. Nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR) was used to confirm diagnoses. The dogs were divided into 2 groups: G1, which comprised animals infected by E. canis alone, and G2, which included animals simultaneously infected by E. canis and B. vogeli and/or A. platys. The serum concentrations of the thyroid hormones were measured at two time points: before (D1) and after (D2) the 28-day treatment with generic doxycycline chlorohydrate (DC) at a dose of 10 mg/kg SID. On D2, another nPCR was carried out to check the efficacy of the treatment. On D2, in both groups, all dogs became negative for E. canis; however, 8 animals remained infected or were reinfected by other hemoparasites. On D1, 4 dogs in G1 exhibited low TT3 in conjunction with low TT4; one of the dogs had increased TT3 alone, and another dog had an increased TT3 accompanied by decreased TT4. In G2, on D1, one dog exhibited high TT3 accompanied by a decreased concentration of TT4; 2 dogs had decreased TT4; 2 dogs had increased TT3; and one dog had both TT3 and TT4 decreased. On D2, with only one exception, the animals in G1 that became negative for all hemoparasites under study exhibited normal serum levels of TT3 and TT4. Three dogs in G1, which were reinfected on D2, sustained decreased TT4 serum concentrations. Whereas, in G1 on D2, only one dog remained with a reduced serum TT4 concentration.Discussion: DC was effective at eliminating infection by E. canis in all dogs on D2. Even though this drug was unable to prevent reinfection of the animals by other hemoparasites, and in spite of divergent results on its efficacy at eliminating babesiosis and anaplasmosis, a clinical improvement was observed in all patients. A decrease in the serum concentrations of thyroid hormones (ESS) may occur in dogs with severe non-thyroid related diseases. Different authors have demonstrated the presence of ESS in dogs with hemoparasitoses; however, this is the first study to provide evidence on the existence of this syndrome in dogs with hemoparasitoses in Brazil, including dogs simultaneously infected by E. canis and B. vogeli and/or A. platys.We observed a reduction in TT3 and/or TT4 in dogs infected by E. canis, B. vogeli, and A. platys. We believe these results may help assessment of prognosis and patient follow-up, as TT4 concentrations returned to normal levels in all dogs that became negative for all hemoparasites after treatment; and only one dog in G1 sustained increased TT3, albeit lower than observed on D1. In animals of G1 that were reinfected after treatment started, TT3 returned to normal, even though TT4 levels remained decreased. In sum, all dogs in G1 and G2 exhibited TT3 and/or TT4 concentrations outside of the reference value ranges on D1, which indicates that alterations in the levels of thyroid hormones were due to infection by the hemoparasites. The animals infected by E. canis alone or simultaneously infected by B. vogeli and/or A. platys exhibited ESS

    Family and Community Health Medical Residency Program for Hypertense Care

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the care provided to patients with systemic arterial hypertension by comparing the basic health units (BHU) of the municipality of Gurupi-TO with and without the family and community health residency program. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective research conducted in twelve BHUs. Project approved by the research ethics committee of the University of Gurupi, in which health servants answered the QualiAB assessment and monitoring instrument and the data were tested by the chi-square test to verify if there is a difference in care considering p≤5%. or 0,05. Of the 21 items analyzed, 14 obtained better levels in UBS with MRPFCH. Therefore, it is concluded that BHU with MRPFCH, as single health system policies, have better quality in the care of hypertension


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    Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil

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    The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (http://fauna.jbrj.gov.br/), made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others

    Euthyroid Sick Syndrome and Changes in Thyroid Hormones in Dogs with Hemoparasitosis

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    Background: Hemoparasitoses are extremely important in the clinical routine because they affect a large number of dogs. In spite of the abundance of studies on this topic, hormonal alterations caused by infection with these agents are still poorly known. Therefore, the goal of this work was to assess the serum levels of thyroid hormones of dogs infected with Ehrlichia canis (E. canis) alone, and dogs infected with E. canis and Babesia canis vogeli (B. vogeli) and/or Anaplasma platys (A. platys) before and after treatment with doxycycline chlorohydrate. This study also aimed at checking for presence of euthyroid sick syndrome (ESS) in these animals.Materials, Methods & Results: The concentrations of the thyroid hormones total triiodothyronine (TT3), total tetraiodothyronine (TT4), free tetraiodothyronine (FT4), and canine thyroid-stimulating hormone (cTSH) were assessed by chemiluminescence in 12 dogs. Nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR) was used to confirm diagnoses. The dogs were divided into 2 groups: G1, which comprised animals infected by E. canis alone, and G2, which included animals simultaneously infected by E. canis and B. vogeli and/or A. platys. The serum concentrations of the thyroid hormones were measured at two time points: before (D1) and after (D2) the 28-day treatment with generic doxycycline chlorohydrate (DC) at a dose of 10 mg/kg SID. On D2, another nPCR was carried out to check the efficacy of the treatment. On D2, in both groups, all dogs became negative for E. canis; however, 8 animals remained infected or were reinfected by other hemoparasites. On D1, 4 dogs in G1 exhibited low TT3 in conjunction with low TT4; one of the dogs had increased TT3 alone, and another dog had an increased TT3 accompanied by decreased TT4. In G2, on D1, one dog exhibited high TT3 accompanied by a decreased concentration of TT4; 2 dogs had decreased TT4; 2 dogs had increased TT3; and one dog had both TT3 and TT4 decreased. On D2, with only one exception, the animals in G1 that became negative for all hemoparasites under study exhibited normal serum levels of TT3 and TT4. Three dogs in G1, which were reinfected on D2, sustained decreased TT4 serum concentrations. Whereas, in G1 on D2, only one dog remained with a reduced serum TT4 concentration.Discussion: DC was effective at eliminating infection by E. canis in all dogs on D2. Even though this drug was unable to prevent reinfection of the animals by other hemoparasites, and in spite of divergent results on its efficacy at eliminating babesiosis and anaplasmosis, a clinical improvement was observed in all patients. A decrease in the serum concentrations of thyroid hormones (ESS) may occur in dogs with severe non-thyroid related diseases. Different authors have demonstrated the presence of ESS in dogs with hemoparasitoses; however, this is the first study to provide evidence on the existence of this syndrome in dogs with hemoparasitoses in Brazil, including dogs simultaneously infected by E. canis and B. vogeli and/or A. platys.We observed a reduction in TT3 and/or TT4 in dogs infected by E. canis, B. vogeli, and A. platys. We believe these results may help assessment of prognosis and patient follow-up, as TT4 concentrations returned to normal levels in all dogs that became negative for all hemoparasites after treatment; and only one dog in G1 sustained increased TT3, albeit lower than observed on D1. In animals of G1 that were reinfected after treatment started, TT3 returned to normal, even though TT4 levels remained decreased. In sum, all dogs in G1 and G2 exhibited TT3 and/or TT4 concentrations outside of the reference value ranges on D1, which indicates that alterations in the levels of thyroid hormones were due to infection by the hemoparasites. The animals infected by E. canis alone or simultaneously infected by B. vogeli and/or A. platys exhibited ESS

    Irmandades, oficiais mecânicos e cidadania no Rio de Janeiro do século XVIII Brotherhood, artisans and citizenship in Eighteenth century Rio de Janeiro

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    O artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre os meios de inserção dos ofícios na comunidade política do Rio de Janeiro no século XVIII. Para tanto, focaliza as irmandades de ofícios, consideradas como formas de socialização que tem como referência a igreja católica e a monarquia. Nelas, o domínio de um ofício constituía um critério de ingresso, fossem os irmãos livres, libertos ou escravos. Analisam-se particularmente os casos da irmandade de São Jorge - que reunia basicamente os ofícios do ferro e do fogo - e da irmandade de São José - que congregava carpinteiros, pedreiros e marceneiros. Em termos gerais, objetiva-se investigar a natureza e as condições da cidadania dos ofícios em uma sociedade do Antigo Regime português, a partir das relações entre as irmandades, os oficiais mecânicos e o Senado da câmara.<br>The article suggests a reflection on the insertion means of the artisans in the Rio de Janeiro political community, during the 18th century. For this purpose it focus the artisan’s brotherhoods, considered as a socialization forms, that has as reference the catholic church and the monarchy. The expertise in the trade was a criterion for the admission, be the brothers free, freed men or slaves. In particular, are analyzed the cases of Saint George’s brotherhood - that joined together basically the iron and fire trades - and Saint Joseph’s brotherhood - that brought together carpenters, masons and joiners. In general terms, the objective is to investigate the nature and the conditions of citizenship of the trades in a society of the old Portuguese regime, from the relations between the brotherhoods, the craftsmen and the municipal council