4 research outputs found

    Description, Host-specificity, and Strain Selectivity of the Dinoflagellate Parasite Parvilucifera sinerae sp.nov. (Perkinsozoa)

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    17 pages, 7 figures, 2 tablesA new species of parasite, Parvilucifera sinerae sp. nov., isolated froma bloomof the toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum in the harbor of Arenys de Mar (Mediterranean Sea, Spain), is described. This species is morphologically, behaviourally, and genetically (18S rDNA sequence) different from Parvilucifera infectans, until now the only species of the genus Parvilucifera to be genetically analyzed. Sequence análisis of the 18S ribosomal DNA supported P. Sinerae as a new species placed within the Perkinsozoa and close to P. infectans. Data on the seasonal occurrence of P. sinerae, its infective rates in natural and laboratory cultures, and intra-species strain-specific Resistance are presented. Life-cycle studies in field simples showed that the dinoflagellate resting zygote (restingcyst) was resistant to infection, but the mobile zygote (planozygote) orpelli clestage (temporary cyst) became infected. The effects of Light and salinity level son the growth of P. sinerae were examined, and the results showed that low salinity levels promote both sporangial germination and higher rates of infection. Our findings on this newly described parasite point to a complex host—parasite interaction and provide valuable information that leads to a reconsideration of the biological strategy to control dinoflagellate blooms by jeans of intentional parasitic infectionsThis research was funded by the EU Project SEED (GOCE-CT-2005-003875). R.I. Figueroa work is supported by a I3P contract and E. Garcés’ work is supported by a Ramon y Cajal grant, both from the Spanish Ministry of Education and SciencePeer reviewe

    Notas sobre pesquisa como princípio educativo

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    Reflexão sobre o processo educativo com vistas a proporcionar aos educandos a capacidade de questionamento, problematização e intervenção crítico-criativa na realidade. Analisa-se a pesquisa como princípio educativo, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, a partir da necessidade gerada nas experiências dos autores no campo de formação em programas de ensino e extensão universitária. Os argumentos básicos são que a aprendizagem é um produto “fenomenológico” resultado da atividade questionadora do sujeito, que ocorre por meio do significado que as coisas têm para as pessoas envolvidas. Resultante da reflexão teórico-prática considera-se a pesquisa como elemento curricular capaz de articular teoria e prática, cotidiano e saber escolar, como meio de construir aprendizagens que resultem em atitude ativa sobre a realidade pesquisada, reflexo da apreensão do sentido do conhecimento.CRUZ, C. R. F.; ESTUMANO, E. M.; MEDEIROS, E. C. Universidade Federal do Par

    Neuromodulation in Psychiatric Disorders

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    Psychiatric disorders are worldwide a common cause of severe and long-term disability and socioeconomic burden. The management of patients with psychiatric disorders consists of drug therapy and/or psychotherapy. However, in some patients, these treatment modalities do not produce sufficient therapeutic effects or induce intolerable side effects. For these patients, neuromodulation has been suggested as a potential treatment modality. Neuromodulation includes deep brain stimulation, vagal nerve stimulation, and transcranial magnetic and electrical stimulation. The rationale for neuromodulation is derived from the research identifying neurobiologically localized substrates for refractory psychiatric symptoms. Here, we review the clinical data on neuromodulation in the major psychiatric disorders. Relevant data from animal models will also be discussed to explain the neurobiological basis of the therapy. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex