35 research outputs found

    Bacterial communities in penile skin, male urethra, and vaginas of heterosexual couples with and without bacterial vaginosis

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Microbiome 4 (2016): 16, doi:10.1186/s40168-016-0161-6.The epidemiology of bacterial vaginosis (BV) suggests it is sexually transmissible, yet no transmissible agent has been identified. It is probable that BV-associated bacterial communities are transferred from male to female partners during intercourse; however, the microbiota of sexual partners has not been well-studied. Pyrosequencing analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rDNA was used to examine BV-associated bacteria in monogamous couples with and without BV using vaginal, male urethral, and penile skin specimens. The penile skin and urethral microbiota of male partners of women with BV was significantly more similar to the vaginal microbiota of their female partner compared to the vaginal microbiota of non-partner women with BV. This was not the case for male partners of women with normal vaginal microbiota. Specific BV-associated species were concordant in women with BV and their male partners. In monogamous heterosexual couples in which the woman has BV, the significantly higher similarity between the vaginal microbiota and the penile skin and urethral microbiota of the male partner, supports the hypothesis that sexual exchange of BV-associated bacterial taxa is common.This work was supported by National Institute of Health Grant R01 AI079071-01A1

    A novel Gardnerella, Prevotella, and Lactobacillus standard that improves accuracy in quantifying bacterial burden in vaginal microbial communities

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    Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal dysbiosis. In this condition, a polymicrobial biofilm develops on vaginal epithelial cells. Accurately quantifying the bacterial burden of the BV biofilm is necessary to further our understanding of BV pathogenesis. Historically, the standard for calculating total bacterial burden of the BV biofilm has been based on quantifying Escherichia coli 16S rRNA gene copy number. However, E. coli is improper for measuring the bacterial burden of this unique micro-environment. Here, we propose a novel qPCR standard to quantify bacterial burden in vaginal microbial communities, from an optimal state to a mature BV biofilm. These standards consist of different combinations of vaginal bacteria including three common BV-associated bacteria (BVAB) Gardnerella spp. (G), Prevotella spp. (P), and Fannyhessea spp. (F) and commensal Lactobacillus spp. (L) using the 16S rRNA gene (G:P:F:L, G:P:F, G:P:L and 1G:9L). We compared these standards to the traditional E. coli (E) reference standard using known quantities of mock vaginal communities and 16 vaginal samples from women. The E standard significantly underestimated the copy numbers of the mock communities, and this underestimation was significantly greater at lower copy numbers of these communities. The G:P:L standard was the most accurate across all mock communities and when compared to other mixed vaginal standards. Mixed vaginal standards were further validated with vaginal samples. This new G:P:L standard can be used in BV pathogenesis research to enhance reproducibility and reliability in quantitative measurements of BVAB, spanning from the optimal to non-optimal (including BV) vaginal microbiota

    Infective juveniles of entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernema and Heterorhabditis) secrete ascarosides and respond to interspecific dispersal signals.

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    Ascarosides are a modular series of signalling molecules that are widely conserved in nematodes where they function as pheromones with both behavioural and developmental effects. Here we show that the developmentally arrested infective juvenile (IJ) stage of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) secrete ascarosides into the surrounding medium. The exometabolome of Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis megidis was examined at 0, 1, 7 and 21 days of storage. The concentration of several ascarosides (ascr#11, ascr#9, ascr#12, ascr#1 and ascr#14 for both species, plus ascr#10 for H. megidis) showed a progressive increase over this period, while the concentration of longer chain ascarosides increased up to day 7, with an apparent decline thereafter. Ascr #9 was the main ascaroside produced by both species. Similar ascarosides were found over a 7-day period for Steinernema longicaudum and S. feltiae. Ascaroside blends have previously been shown to promote nematode dispersal. S. carpocapsae and H. megidis IJs were stored for up to 12 weeks and assayed at intervals. IJs where exometabolome was allowed to accumulate showed higher dispersal rates than those where water was changed frequently, indicating that IJ exometabolome maintained high dispersal. Infectivity was not affected. IJ exometabolome accumulated over 7 days promoted dispersal of freshly harvested IJs, both of their own and other EPN species. Similarly, extracts of nematode-infected cadavers promoted dispersal of con- and heterospecific IJs. Thus, IJs are encouraged to disperse from a source cadaver or from other crowded conditions by public information cues, a finding that may have application in enhancing biocontrol. However, the complexity of the ascaroside blend produced by IJs suggests that it may have ecological functions other than dispersal

    A novel whole-bacterial enzyme linked-immunosorbant assay to quantify Chlamydia trachomatis specific antibodies reveals distinct differences between systemic and genital compartments.

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    Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) is the leading sexually transmitted bacterial infection. The continued global burden of CT infection strongly predicates the need for a vaccine to supplement current chlamydial control programs. The correlates of protection against CT are currently unknown, but they must be carefully defined to guide vaccine design. The localized nature of chlamydial infection in columnar epithelial cells of the genital tract necessitates investigation of immunity at the site of infection. The purpose of this study was to develop a sensitive whole bacterial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to quantify and compare CT-specific IgG and IgA in sera and genital secretions from CT-infected women. To achieve this, elementary bodies (EBs) from two of the most common genital serovars (D and E) were attached to poly-L-lysine-coated microtiter plates with glutaraldehyde. EB attachment and integrity were verified by the presence of outer membrane antigens and the absence of bacterial cytoplasmic antigens. EB-specific IgG and IgA standards were developed by pooling sera with high titers of CT-specific antibodies from infected women. Serum, endocervical and vaginal secretions, and endocervical cytobrush specimens from CT-infected women were used to quantify CT-specific IgG and IgA which were then normalized to total IgG and IgA, respectively. Analyses of paired serum and genital samples revealed significantly higher proportions of EB-specific antibodies in genital secretions compared to sera. Cervical and vaginal secretions and cytobrush specimens had similar proportions of EB-specific antibodies, suggesting any one of these genital sampling techniques could be used to quantify CT-specific antibodies when appropriate normalization methodologies are implemented. Overall, these results illustrate the need to investigate genital tract CT antibody responses, and our assay provides a useful quantitative tool to assess natural immunity in defined clinical groups and CT vaccine trials

    Optimal timing for Trichomonas vaginalis test of cure using nucleic acid amplification testing

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    BackgroundThe optimal timing for nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) posttreatment for Trichomonas vaginalis has not been fully established. Testing too soon posttreatment may detect remnant nucleic acid that is not from viable organisms, falsely misclassifying person as infected. The purpose of this study was to examine how long T. vaginalis nucleic acid is detectable postmetronidazole (MTZ) treatment.MethodsWomen diagnosed with T. vaginalis treated with MTZ (2 g single-dose or 500 mg twice daily for 7 days multidose) self-collected a vaginal swab for NAAT at baseline and each week postcompletion of treatment through test of cure (TOC) at week 4, when a culture was also performed. Women who reported interim sexual exposure or who were culture positive at 4 weeks were excluded. Time to first negative NAAT was examined using Kaplan Meier analysis.ResultsAll women receiving multidose metronidazole were NAAT-negative by 21 days and those receiving single dose by 28 days postcompletion of treatment. Though over half (60.7%) of the cohort reinitiated sex during follow-up¸ all reported using condoms during sex or that they and their partner were treated before sex. Six (6.7%) of 89 had a positive NAAT following their first negative NAAT.ConclusionsThe optimal timing for T. vaginalis retesting after completion of treatment is 3 weeks for those receiving multidose MTZ and 4 weeks for those receiving single-dose, though sexual reexposure and false negatives should be considered