65 research outputs found

    Research in Sport and Exercise Psychology Between 2003 and 2013 : an Analysis of the English-Speaking Publication Trends Before the Field's 50th Anniversary

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    Sports and exercise psychology as a scholastic field was officially inaugurated in 1965 in Rome on the occasion of the first World Congress on Sports Psychology. As it nears its 50th anniversary in 2015, we have conducted a content analysis of the existing six subject specific English-speaking international journals in the field to obtain an overview of research and publication trends. Articles (n = 2276) published between 1 January 2003 and 1 January 2013 were examined. The type of publications, subject of the articles, institutional and national origin, and authors' gender were examined. Results revealed that the subject matter of the articles could be grouped into 45 areas. The majority (79.6%) of the work was empirical. Articles originated from 725 institutions located in 43 nations. Most publications (75%) over the decade reviewed stemmed from only five, mainly Anglophone, nations. First and second authorships were largely by male scholars (64.7% vs. 68.2%). Compared to 2003, in 2012 significant changes took place in authorships and the subject areas of the articles. It is concluded that research and publications in the field of sport and exercise psychology are dynamic and growing. At present, the work is largely dominated by English-speaking contributions and male scholars. However, input from British and German scholars was nearly three times higher in 2012 than in 2003.La psicología de la actividad física y del deportees inauguró oficialmente como un campo académico en 1965 en Roma, con ocasión del primer Congreso Mundial de Psicología del Deporte. Se acerca su 50 aniversario en 2015, por lo que se ha realizado un análisis de contenido de las seis revistas internacionales específicas existentes en el campo para obtener una visión general de las tendencias de investigación y publicación. Se han analizado un total de 2276 artículos publicados entre el 01 de enero de 2003 y 01 de enero 2013, examinando el tema de los artículos, el origen institucional y nacional, así como el género de los autores. Los resultados revelan que las temáticas tratadas podrían agruparse en 45 áreas temáticas. La mayoría de los trabajos son de naturaleza empírica (79.6%). Los artículos se originaron a partir de 725 instituciones ubicadas en 43 países distintos. La mayoría de las publicaciones (75%) durante la década revisada provenían de sólo cinco países, principalmente de habla inglesa. Respecto a los autores, los dos primeros firmantes son hombres (64.7% vs. 68.2%). En comparación con 2003, en 2012 tuvieron lugar cambios significativos en la autoría y en las áreas temáticas de los artículos. Se concluye que la investigación y publicaciones en el ámbito de la psicología de la actividad física y del deporte se encuentra en crecimiento, manifestando en la actualidad un dominio preponderante de publicaciones en lengua inglesa y por varones. En la comparación de 2013 y 2012, destaca que la aportación de autores británicos y alemanes se ha triplicado.A psicologia da actividade física e do desporto foi inaugurada oficialmente como um campo académico em 1965 em Roma, por ocasião do primeiro Congresso Mundial de Psicologia do Desporto. Aproxima-se o seu 50 aniversário em 2015, pelo que se realizou uma análise de conteúdo das seis revistas internacionais específicas existentes na área para obter uma visão geral das tendências de investigação e publicação. Foram analisados um total de 2276 artigos publicados entre 01 de Janeiro de 2003 e 01 de Janeiro de 2013, analisando os temas dos artigos, a origem institucional e nacional, assim como o género dos autores. Os resultados revelam que as temáticas tratadas poderiam ser agrupadas em 45 áreas temáticas. A maioria dos trabalhos são de natureza empírica (79.6%). Os artigos são originários de 725 instituições sediadas em 43 países distintos. A maioria das publicações (75%) durante a década revista provinham apenas de cinco países, principalmente de língua inglesa. A respeito dos autores, os primeiros dois autores são homens (64.7% vs. 68.2%). Comparativamente com 2003, em 2012 ocorreram mudanças significativas na autoria e nas áreas temáticas dos artigos. Pode então concluir-se que a investigação e as publicações no âmbito da psicologia da actividade física e do desporte se encontra em crescimento, manifestando na actualidade um domínio preponderante de publicações em língua inglesa e por homens. Com base na comparação entre 2013 e 2012, é destacada a contribuição de autores britânicos e alemães que triplicou

    T sejt rekonstitúciós vizsgálatok ZAP-70 deficiens egerekben

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    A ZAP-70 kináz (70kDa-os zéta lánc aszociált kináz) központi szerepet tölt be a T sejtek antigén receptoron keresztüli aktivációjának jeltovábbításában. A molekula fontosságát jól jelzi, hogy hiányában számos jelátviteli folyamat gátolt, illetve egérben és emberben is súlyos T sejtes immundeficiencia alakul ki. Ez utóbbi oka, hogy a ZAP-70 kináz a T sejt differenciáció során is kritikus szerepet tölt be, hiányában a T sejtek fejlődése blokkolódik a thymusban a kettős pozitív (CD4+CD8+) stádiumban, aminek következtében a perifériás nyirokszervekben nem találhatunk érett T sejteket. Munkánk során ZAP-70 deficiens egerekben tanulmányoztuk a T sejt hiány helyreállítás lehetőségeit. Ehhez adoptív transzfer vizsgálatokat hajtottunk végre, melyek során a ZAP-70-/- egereket vad típusú (azaz ZAP-70-et expresszáló) tetvéreik csontvelő illetve thymus sejtjeivel rekonstituáltuk intrahepatikus ill. intraperitonealis utakon. Eredményeink szerint mindkét transzfer technika hatékonynak bizonyult a T sejtek helyreállítátban. A sejtek transzferét követően 2 hetenként vérvétellel igazoltuk a T sejtek megjelenését a vérben. Azon állatok túlélése, melyekben T sejtek jelentek meg szignifikánsan meghaladta, az immundeficiens egerekét. A kísérletek végén (a transzfert követő végzett áramlási citometriás vizsgálatok illetve immunhisztokémia is azt igazolta, hogy T sejtek jelentek meg a transzferált egerek lépében, nyirokcsomóiban illetve a bélhez aszociált nyirokszövetekben. Továbbá a thymus sejt összetételének vizsgálata során megállapítottuk, hogy szignifikánsan emelkedett az érett CD4- vagy CD8 egyszeresen pozitív sejtek aránya, amely a T sejt érés normalizálódását jelezte. Sikerült kétféle transzfer módszerrel stabil kimérizmust létrehoznunk ZAP-70 hiányos egerekben. Bizonyítottuk, hogy mind a thymus mind a csontvelői eredetű sejtek képesek voltak a T sejt fejlődés helyreállítására

    A T sejt képzés helyreállításának kinetikai vizsgálata ZAP-70 deficiens egerekben.

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    A ZAP-70 kináz (70kDa zéta lánc aszociált kináz) központi szerepet tölt be a T sejtek antigén receptoron keresztüli aktivációjának jeltovábbításában. A ZAP-70 kináz a T sejt differenciáció során is kritikus szerepet tölt be, hiányában a T sejtek fejlődése leáll a thymusban a kettős pozitív (CD4+CD8+) stádiumban, aminek következtében a perifériás nyirokszervekben nincsenek érett αβ T sejtek, így súlyos immundeficiencia alakul ki. Előzetesen már kimutattuk, hogy ZAP-70 deficiens egerekben, vad típusú (azaz ZAP-70-et expresszáló) tetvéreikből izolált csontvelő vagy thymus sejtek adoptív transzferével stabilan helyreállítható a T sejt fejlődés. A transzferált állatok vérében ill. nyirokszerveiben T sejtek jelentek meg az egészségesekhez hasonló módon, továbbá az immundeficiencia megszűnésére utalt a szignifikánsan meghosszabodott élettartam is. Jelen vizsgálataink célja a T sejt képzés helyreállítás kinetikájának ill. korai eseményeinek pontosabb megismerése volt. Ehhez 15-20 ZAP-70-/- egér egyidejű transzferét követően rendszeresen ellenőriztük a thymus összetételét ill. a T sejtek megjelenését a periférián. Áramlási citometriás eredményeink szerint, intraperitonealis thymocyta transzfert követően 3 héttel jelentek meg szignifikáns mennyiségben az αβ T sejtek a vérben, a nyirokcsomókban illetve a lépben. Ezt valamivel megelőzve, már a transzfert követő második héten a thymusban is megjelentek CD4+ ill CD8+ érett sejtek. Kvantitatív immunhisztológia segítségével igazoltuk, hogy a thymusban megnövekedett a medulláris állomány, amely szintén a T sejt érés fokozódására utalt. Intrahepatikus csontvelő sejt transzfer után hasonlóképpen megnövekedett medulláris állomány volt detektálható. Transzfer kísérleteink segítségével sikerült a ZAP-70 deficiencia által okozott T sejt hiányos immundeficienciát korrigálnunk. Eredményeink szerint a bejuttatott normális ZAP-70 expressziójú T sejt progenitorok a recipiensben megtapadva képesek stabilan fokozni a T sejt képzést. Munkánkat az OTKA-K101493. sz pályázata támogatta. Boldizsár Ferenc MTA, Bolyai János Kutatói Ösztöndíjban részesül


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    The ZAP-70 kinase (70kDa Zeta-Chain Associated Protein) plays a central role in signal transduction through the antigen receptor during T cell activation. The importance of the molecule is clearly demostrated when it is absent: several signaling pathways are inhibited, and severe T-cell immunodeficiency appears both in humans and mice. The reason of the latter is that ZAP-70 is indispensable in T cell differentiation: in its absence the maturation of T cells in the thymus is blocked in the double positive (CD4+CD8+) stage, and, as a consequence no mature T-cells can be found in the peripheral lymphoid organs. In our work we studied the possibilities of T cell reconstitution in ZAP-70 deficient mice. We performed adoptive transfer experiments, where ZAP-70-/- mice were reconstituted with bone marrow or thymus cells from their wild type (ZAP-70 expressing) siblings intrahepatically or intraperitoneally. According to our results both transfer techniques were effective in restoring T cells. After the cell transfers, blood was taken every 2 weeks to detect the presence of T cells in the blood. The survival of those animals which had T cells reconstituted exceeded significantly those which were immunodeficient. Both flow cytometric measurements and immunohistochemistrical staining performed after the experiments (following the transfers) proved that T cells appeared in the spleen, lymph nodes and gut associated lymphoid tissues of the animals. Furthermore, during the investigation of cell constitution of the thymus, we have found that the ratio of CD4+ or CD8+ single positive cells increased significantly, which indicated the normalisation of T-cell maturation. Thus, we managed to establish stable chimerism in ZAP-70 deficient mice with two methods. We proved that both thymus and bone marrow originated cells were able to restore the development of T-cells. This work was supported by the OTKA-K101493 research grant to Ferenc Boldizsár. Ferenc Boldizsár recieves Bolyai János Research Scholarship from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


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    The ZAP-70 kinase (70kDa Zeta-Chain Associated Protein) plays a critical role in both T cell signalling and maturation. In its absence, the development of thymocytes is blocked in the double positive (CD4+CD8+) stage, thus no mature T cells can be found in the peripheral lymphoid organs, which results in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) in both humans and mice. In our work we wanted to investigate the effect of ZAP-70 deficiency upon the lymphoid structures of the thymi, spleens and lymph nodes of wild type, heterozygous and homozygous ZAP-70 knockout mice using immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. During the investigation of thymic structure we have observed that no single positive (CD4+ or CD8+) thymocytes are present in samples from homozygous knockout animals. This change was accompanied with the disappearance of mature medullary epithelial cells. According to our results heterozygous knockout animals do have single positive thymocytes and medullary regions, but in diminished number and size, respectively. In spleens and lymph nodes of homozygous knockout animals the T cell zones completely disappeared, which was coupled with an increased size of B cell zones. In heterozygous knockout animals similar, but not so fundamental changes were observable. Some scattered CD3 positivity was detectable in ZAP-70-/- animals’ lymph nodes, which were identified as γδ T cells. All of our immunohistochemical results were supported by quantitative, flow cytometric measurements. Our results support the theory that there is a mutual cross-talk between the stromal- and lymphoid cells in the thymus during T cell development. ZAP-70 deficiency inhibits the formation of T cell zones in the peripheral lymphoid organs, however it has less effect on the development of γδ T cells. This work was supported by the OTKA-K101493 research grant to Ferenc Boldizsár. Ferenc Boldizsár recieves Bolyai János Research Scholarship from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

    Inhaler Competence and Patient Satisfaction with Easyhaler: Results of Two Real-Life Multicentre Studies in Asthma and COPD.

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate patients' inhaler competence and satisfaction with the Easyhaler(R) dry powder inhaler. DESIGN: Two open, uncontrolled, non-randomised studies. SETTING: Real life based on patients attending 56 respiratory clinics in Hungary. PARTICIPANTS: Patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (n = 1016). INTERVENTION: In a 3-month study, adult patients (age range 18-88 years; n = 797) received twice-daily inhalations of formoterol via Easyhaler(R), and in a consequential study (from one visit to another, with 3-12 months in-between) children and adolescents (age range 4-17 years; n = 219) received salbutamol via Easyhaler(R) as needed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Control of six Easyhaler(R) handling steps and patients' satisfaction with Easyhaler(R) based on questionnaires. RESULTS: Correct performances (minimum and maximum of the six steps) were noticed after one demonstration in 92-98 % of the adults, 87-99 % of the elderly, 81-96 % of the children and 83-99 % of the adolescents. These figures had markedly increased at the last visit. Repeat instructions were necessary in 26 % of the cases. Investigators found Easyhaler(R) easy to teach in 87 % of the patients and difficult in only 0.5 %. Patients found Easyhaler(R) easy to learn and use, and the patients' (and parents') satisfaction with the inhaler was very high. Lung function values [forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), peak expiratory flow (PEF)] improved statistically significantly during the studies, indicating good inhaler competence and treatment adherence. CONCLUSION: Investigators found Easyhaler(R) easy to teach and patients found it easy to use, and their satisfaction with the device was high