2,652 research outputs found

    翻译研究中的后殖民女性主义视角 : 自我反思的立场

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    女性主义和后殖民理论已于20 世纪80 年代介入翻译研究,并成为“效忠 取向”的翻译研究中的两大流派。但是,主流女性主义翻译研究和主流后殖民 翻译研究在缺乏自我反思立场的同时,在很大程度上分别体现了对种族维度和 性别维度的漠视,从而忽视了一些重要的研究问题。尽管已有极少数学者,从 结合性别和种族的后殖民女性主义视角看待了有关翻译现象,她们并没有考虑 将后殖民女性主义理论体系性地纳入翻译研究,同时也在很大程度上没有体现 自我反思。有鉴于此,本研究一方面以提出研究问题的方式,尝试体系性地将 后殖民女性主义理论纳入翻译研究,另一方面则以个案研究的方式,尝试如何 进行自我反思的后殖民女性主义翻译研究,并审视在很大程度上未被其他后殖 民女性主义学者所具体分析过的翻译现象。 在从后殖民女性主义视角提出一系列翻译研究问题之后,本研究继而选择 其中的两个问题作为个案研究对象,即考察西方女性主义出版社在出版第三世 界女性文本方面的翻译选材政治,以及西方女译者在处理第三世界女性主义文 本方面的翻译政治。在有关后殖民女性主义观点的启发下,以及在保持自我反 思立场的同时,本研究首先审视了美国女性主义出版社Aunt Lute Books 以及英 国女性主义出版社Virago Press,在翻译出版中国女性文本方面所体现的选材特 点。接着,本研究考察了美国白人女译者,在处理美籍华裔女作家严歌苓所著 《扶桑》中体现道家思想和佛教内涵的严歌苓式女性主义方面,所采用的翻译 方式。本研究表明,西方女性主义的话语殖民,西方女性主义与第三世界女性 主义之间及其背后文化理据之间的权力差异,以及相关主体所具有的白人女性 身份,以颇为复杂的形式,体现于涉及第三世界女性文本的翻译选材和翻译方 式。此外,通过上述讨论,本研究也展示了如何进行自我反思的后殖民女性主 义翻译研究,并凸显自我反思的翻译研究话语的内部冲突和暧昧之处

    An alternative development model in Africa inspired by China?

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    Cette thèse de doctorat cherche à savoir s’il existe un modèle de développement alternatif inspiré par la Chine en Afrique, et dans l’affirmative, comment et pourquoi il est diffusé dans certains pays et moins dans d’autres. Cette recherche contribue à combler une lacune dans la littérature sur l’effet des engagements de la Chine en Afrique en matière de modèle de développement. Mon argument principal qu’un tel modèle a plus de chances d’émerger dans un État autoritaire disposant de la marge de manœuvre permettant de mettre un accent particulier sur les infrastructures et l’industrialisation. Je suppose que les pays avec un État développemental, des héritages marxistes et une influence coloniale relativement faible ont tendance à adopter davantage le modèle de développement alternatif, alors que les États neoliberaux sur lesquels l’ancienne puissance coloniale a toujours la mainmise est moins à même de prendre le modèle. J'élucide mes hypothèses à travers une comparaison entre l’Éthiopie et le Sénégal. L’Éthiopie est un pays qui produit ce modèle de développement de manière volontaire et globale, tandis que le Sénégal l’adopte de manière modérée, voire minimale. Les hypothèses sont finalement testées avec plusieurs autres cas de pays africains. Cette recherche est principalement basée sur la méthode comparative et le traçage des processus. Le premier chapitre comporte mon cadre théorique et ma méthodologie. Je présente les caractéristiques de ce modèle de développement alternatif sur la base de mes observations et la revue de littérature dans le deuxième chapitre. J'expose deux études de cas principales au chapitre trois, suivi de mes explications de leurs situations différentes au chapitre quatre. Le chapitre cinque propose brièvement plusieurs autres études de cas tests et finalement synthétise les résultats de mes recherches, tout en rappelant le contexte international et les contraintes de la diffusion du modèle en question.This Ph.D. dissertation seeks to verify if an alternative development model inspired by China is emerging in Africa and if so, how and why it is diffused in some countries. This dissertation helps to fill a gap in the literature on the effect that China’s engagement in Africa has had regarding development model. I argue that countries with a developmental state, Marxist legacies and relatively weak colonial heritages tend to embrace more the alternative development model because the state, often authoritarian, is able to devise autonomous development, with special emphasis on infrastructure and industrialization. I theorize that the neoliberal state still under control of the former colonial master someway is less apt to take the model. I assess my arguments on the intrinsic and external conditions facilitating the diffusion of the alternative development model through a comparison of Ethiopia and Senegal. Ethiopia is a country on the path of this development model in a voluntary and comprehensive way while Senegal adopts it in a moderate, if not minimal way. Later, the hypotheses are tested with more cases of African countries. This research is mainly based on the comparative method and process-tracing. The first chapter is my theoretical framework and methodology. I present the alternative development model based on my observations and literature review in the second chapter. I expose two main case studies in chapter 3, followed by my explanation of the different situations of the two cases in chapter 4. In chapter 5, I make several more cases studies briefly with a regional vision and finally synthesize my research findings

    Cooperation Behavior Optimization of Chinese Regional Local Government Geared to the Needs of National Governance Modernization: Value Orientation and Path Arrangement

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    Local government as the important executive main body of pushing on the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability, should be taken the initiative in the whole system framework been constructed of national governance modernization. To promote the cooperative behavior optimization between the local government and the subjects such as the central government, non-governmental organizations and civil as a breakthrough point, and the public interest as the highest value goal, so that to build up a cooperation pattern of plural pattern. under the guidance of the principles of voluntary equality, mutual benefit, complementary advantages, mutual coordination, overall planning and scientific development, strive to build crisscrossed network cooperation agencies. On the basis of the rigid frame, to promote the cultural idea, system of laws and regulations, and policies into coordination and identity as its flexible cooperation mechanism

    Positive Periodic Solutions of Nicholson-Type Delay Systems with Nonlinear Density-Dependent Mortality Terms

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    This paper is concerned with the periodic solutions for a class of Nicholson-type delay systems with nonlinear density-dependent mortality terms. By using coincidence degree theory, some criteria are obtained to guarantee the existence of positive periodic solutions of the model. Moreover, an example and a numerical simulation are given to illustrate our main results

    Can pragmatic inference benefit from topic prominence? ERP evidence from Mandarin Chinese

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    This study investigated how pragmatic inference making is modulated by information structure in preceding text. We created three types of two-clause structures in which the interpretation of a critical word in the second clause was dependent on the engagement of pragmatic inference as well as a successful establishment of a referential relation between the target word and an intended antecedent in the preceding text. An enhanced P600 response was elicited by target words when the intended referent was in non-topic position compared to topic position or sub-topic position. Moreover, a reduced N400 was elicited by the target word when the intended referent in the preceding clause was in non-topic position, compared to topic position. These findings suggest that the process of building an inferential relation can benefit from information structural prominence of topicality