15 research outputs found

    LuonnetestissÀ mitattujen ominaisuuksien periytyminen rottweilereilla

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    TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli arvioida kuinka hyvin suomalaisen rottweiler-populaation luonnetesteissĂ€ arvioidut ominaisuudet vastaavat rotumÀÀritelmÀÀ, arvioiduissa luonneominaisuuksissa olevaa geneettistĂ€ vaihtelua, ja eri ominaisuuksien vĂ€lisiĂ€ geneettisiĂ€ yhteyksiĂ€. Tutkimusaineisto koostui Suomen Kennelliitto ry:stĂ€ saaduista rottweilereiden rekisteri- ja kasvattajatiedoista sekĂ€ Suomen RottweileryhdistyksestĂ€ saaduista luonnetestituloksista. Rekisteritiedostossa oli yhteensĂ€ 20 597 koiraa, joiden syntymĂ€vuodet ajoittuivat vuosille 1952 - 2003. LuonnetestissĂ€ oli vuosina 1980 – 2003 kĂ€ynyt 1109 rottweilerurosta ja 1204 rottweilernarttua. LuonnetesteissĂ€ kĂ€yneillĂ€ rottweilereilla havaittiin puutteita toimintakyvyssĂ€, taisteluhalussa, hermorakenteessa ja kovuudessa, sekĂ€ jonkin verran puolustushalussa. Koiran iĂ€llĂ€ oli vaikutusta toimintakyvystĂ€, hermorakenteesta, kovuudesta ja luoksepÀÀstĂ€vyydestĂ€ saavutettuihin pisteisiin, jotka kasvoivat iĂ€n myötĂ€. Urokset olivat keskimÀÀrin kovempia, toimintakykyisempiĂ€ ja terĂ€vĂ€mpiĂ€ sekĂ€ puolustus- ja taisteluhaluisempia kuin nartut. Luonnetestituomarilla oli vaikutusta kaikkien tutkittavien muuttujien fenotyyppiseen varianssiin, vaikutuksen vaihdellessa 1 – 4 %:n vĂ€lillĂ€. Testauspaikka vaikutti tutkittavien muuttujien fenotyyppiseen varianssiin, mutta osuudet olivat alhaisia (0 – 3 %) poikkeuksena laukauspelottomuus, jonka osuus oli 12 %. Kaikkien tutkittujen muuttujien periytymisasteiden arviot olivat alhaisia. Korkeimmat periytymisasteet olivat taisteluhalulla (hÂČ = 0.16) ja kovuudella (hÂČ = 0.14). Alhaisimmat periytymisasteet olivat puolustushalulla, hermorakenteella ja luoksepÀÀstĂ€vyydellĂ€ (hÂČ = 0.07). Laukauspelottomuuden periytymisaste oli poikkeuksellisen alhainen (hÂČ = 0.08) verrattuna kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin periytymisasteen arvioihin laukauspelottomuudesta. Geneettiset korrelaatiot olivat tutkittavien muuttujien vĂ€lillĂ€ pÀÀsÀÀntöisesti fenotyyppisiĂ€ korrelaatioita huomattavasti korkeampia. Puolustushalun ja taisteluhalun vĂ€linen geneettinen korrelaatio oli positiivinen ja hyvin korkea. Toimintakyvyn, kovuuden ja hermorakenteen vĂ€liset geneettiset korrelaatiot olivat kaikki positiivisia ja korkeita, mikĂ€ saattaa viitata nĂ€iden ominaisuuksien takana olevaan johonkin laajempaan ominaisuuteen. Korkeimmat negatiiviset geneettiset korrelaatiot havaittiin temperamentin ja luoksepÀÀstĂ€vyyden sekĂ€ terĂ€vyyden ja luoksepÀÀstĂ€vyyden vĂ€lillĂ€. Luonnetestin kehittĂ€misessĂ€ paremmin koirien luonneominaisuuksien jalostustyötĂ€ tukemaan, ensimmĂ€inen ja tĂ€rkein tehtĂ€vĂ€ olisi muokata luonnetestin arviointiasteikko eri ominaisuuksien suhteen yhdenmukaiseksi. Asteikon tulee olla lineaarinen ja ominaisuuden intensiteetin mukaan pienimmĂ€stĂ€ reaktiosta suurimpaan kasvava. Kaikissa luonnetestissĂ€ arvioitavissa luonneominaisuuksissa on rottweilereilla geneettistĂ€ vaihtelua, joten niihin voidaan vaikuttaa jalostusvalinnan kautta. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella jalostuskoiria valittaessa pitĂ€isi erityistĂ€ huomiota kiinnittÀÀ valittavien koirien riittĂ€vĂ€n suureen toimintakykyyn, sillĂ€ rottweileria kĂ€ytetÀÀn ensisijaisesti palveluskoiraharrastukseen. Myös rottweilereiden taistelutahtoon ja kovuuteen olisi syytĂ€ kiinnittÀÀ huomiota, jotta rodun luonneominaisuudet saataisiin keskimÀÀrin lĂ€hemmĂ€ksi ihannerottweileria

    Mental Health in the Workplace: Situation Analyses, Finland

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    [From Introduction] Mental health problems are among the most important contributors to the global burden of disease and disability. Of the ten leading causes of disability worldwide, five are psychiatric conditions: unipolar depression, alcohol use, bipolar affective disorder (manic depression), schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The burden of mental disorders on health and productivity throughout the world has long been profoundly underestimated.2 The impact of mental health problems in the workplace has serious consequences not only for the individuals whose lives are influenced either directly or indirectly, but also for enterprise productivity. Mental health problems strongly influence employee performance, rates of illnesses, absenteeism, accidents, and staff turnover. The workplace is an appropriate environment in which to educate and raise individuals\u27 awareness about mental health problems. For example, encouragement to promote good mental health practices, provide tools for recognition and early identification of the symptoms of problems, and establish links with local mental health services for referral and treatment can be offered. The need to demystify the topic and lift the taboos about the presence of mental health problems in the workplace while educating the working population regarding early recognition and treatment will benefit employers in terms of higher productivity and reduction in direct and in-direct costs. However, it must be recognised that some mental health problems need specific clinical care and monitoring, as well as special considerations for the integration or reintegration of the individual into the workforce

    Epidemiology of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius in guide dogs in Finland

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    Background: Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) and Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are common multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria in dogs. In 2012-2013 three dogs of the Guide Dog School of the Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired were found to be MRSP positive. Guide dogs have regular contact with each other during their first year of life and prolonged contact when in training. Since dogs are placed in different parts of Finland after training, there is a risk for national spread of MDR bacteria. In this study the prevalence of MRSP and MRSA, as well as the risk factors for MRSP were determined in the Finnish guide dog population. MRSP isolates were investigated using molecular methods and compared to the earlier isolates. Results: Out of 132 tested dogs 4 were MRSP positive thus giving the prevalence estimate of 3% (95% CI: 1-8%) for MRSP in the target population. MRSA was not detected (prevalence estimate 0%, 95% CI: 0-3%). Risk factors associated with MRSP were being a breeding bitch (OR = 8.4; 95% CI: 1.1-64.1, P = 0.012), the number of veterinary visits (OR = 1.23; 95% CI: 1.0-1.5, P = 0.025) and number of antimicrobial courses (OR = 1.63; 95% CI: 1.0-2.55; P = 0.035). Identified MRSP isolates belonged to five different sequence types (ST45, 71, 402, 403 and 404). All ST71 isolates carried SCCmec II-III, while the SCCmec type of the ST45 and ST402 (a single locus variant of ST45) isolates were non-typeable with the method used. Conclusions: MRSP and MRSA had low prevalence in the studied dog population despite the close contact between dogs, and the MRSP population was heterogenic. Antimicrobial therapy and veterinary visits are risk factors for MRSP even among a small case group.Peer reviewe

    Introduction and Rapid Spread of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant and Dynamics of BA.1 and BA.1.1 Sublineages, Finland, December 2021

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    Multiple introductions of SARS-COV-2 Omicron variant BA.1 and BA.1.1. lineages to Finland were detected in early December 2021. Within 3 weeks, Omicron overtook Delta as the most common variant in the capital region. Sequence analysis demonstrated the emergence and spread through community transmission of a large cluster of BA.1.1 virus.Peer reviewe

    Mental Health in the Workplace: Situation Analyses, Finland

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    [From Introduction] Mental health problems are among the most important contributors to the global burden of disease and disability. Of the ten leading causes of disability worldwide, five are psychiatric conditions: unipolar depression, alcohol use, bipolar affective disorder (manic depression), schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The burden of mental disorders on health and productivity throughout the world has long been profoundly underestimated.2 The impact of mental health problems in the workplace has serious consequences not only for the individuals whose lives are influenced either directly or indirectly, but also for enterprise productivity. Mental health problems strongly influence employee performance, rates of illnesses, absenteeism, accidents, and staff turnover. The workplace is an appropriate environment in which to educate and raise individuals' awareness about mental health problems. For example, encouragement to promote good mental health practices, provide tools for recognition and early identification of the symptoms of problems, and establish links with local mental health services for referral and treatment can be offered. The need to demystify the topic and lift the taboos about the presence of mental health problems in the workplace while educating the working population regarding early recognition and treatment will benefit employers in terms of higher productivity and reduction in direct and in-direct costs. However, it must be recognised that some mental health problems need specific clinical care and monitoring, as well as special considerations for the integration or reintegration of the individual into the workforce.no_51finland.pdf: 470 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Mental Health in the Workplace: Situation Analyses, United Kingdom

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    [From Introduction] The workplace is an appropriate environment in which to educate and raise individuals' awareness about mental health problems. For example, encouragement to promote good mental health practices, provide tools for recognition and early identification of the symptoms of problems, and establish links with local mental health services for referral and treatment can be offered. The need to demystify the topic and lift the taboos about the presence of mental health problems in the workplace while educating the working population regarding early recognition and treatment will benefit employers in terms of higher productivity and reduction in direct and in-direct costs. However, it must be recognised that some mental health problems need specific clinical care and monitoring, as well as special considerations for the integration or re-integration of the individual into the workforce.no_51uk.pdf: 1271 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020