4,015 research outputs found

    Galaxy-CMB Cross-Correlation as a Probe of Alternative Models of Gravity

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    Bekenstein's alternative to general relativity, TeVeS, reduces to Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) in the galactic limit. On cosmological scales, the (potential well overdensity) relationship is quite different than in standard general relativity. Here we investigate the possibility of cross-correlating galaxies with the cosmic microwave background (CMB) to probe this relationship. At redshifts of order 2, the sign of the CMB-galaxy correlation differs in TeVeS from that in general relativity. We show that this effect is detectable and hence can serve as a powerful discriminator of these two models of gravity.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, revised version re-submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A New Emergency Law Model for Egypt

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    A New Emergency Law Model for Egypt

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    Gauge-Invariant Quasi-Free States on the Algebra of the Anyon Commutation Relations

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    Let X=R2X=\mathbb R^2 and let qCq\in\mathbb C, q=1|q|=1. For x=(x1,x2)x=(x^1,x^2) and y=(y1,y2)y=(y^1,y^2) from X2X^2, we define a function Q(x,y)Q(x,y) to be equal to qq if x1y1x^1y^1, and to q\Re q if x1=y1x^1=y^1. Let x+\partial_x^+, x\partial_x^- (xXx\in X) be operator-valued distributions such that x+\partial_x^+ is the adjoint of x\partial_x^-. We say that x+\partial_x^+, x\partial_x^- satisfy the anyon commutation relations (ACR) if x+y+=Q(y,x)y+x+\partial^+_x\partial_y^+=Q(y,x)\partial_y^+\partial_x^+ for xyx\ne y and xy+=δ(xy)+Q(x,y)y+x\partial^-_x\partial_y^+=\delta(x-y)+Q(x,y)\partial_y^+\partial^-_x for (x,y)X2(x,y)\in X^2. In particular, for q=1q=1, the ACR become the canonical commutation relations and for q=1q=-1, the ACR become the canonical anticommutation relations. We define the ACR algebra as the algebra generated by operator-valued integrals of x+\partial_x^+, x\partial_x^-. We construct a class of gauge-invariant quasi-free states on the ACR algebra. Each state from this class is completely determined by a positive self-adjoint operator TT on the real space L2(X,dx)L^2(X,dx) which commutes with any operator of multiplication by a bounded function ψ(x1)\psi(x^1). In the case q0\Re q0), we discuss the corresponding particle density ρ(x):=x+x\rho(x):=\partial_x^+\partial_x^-. For q(0,1]\Re q\in(0,1], using a renormalization, we rigorously define a vacuum state on the commutative algebra generated by operator-valued integrals of ρ(x)\rho(x). This state is given by a negative binomial point process. A scaling limit of these states as κ\kappa\to\infty gives the gamma random measure, depending on parameter q\Re q

    Calculating the local-type fNL for slow-roll inflation with a non-vacuum initial state

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    Single-field slow-roll inflation with a non-vacuum initial state has an enhanced bispectrum in the local limit. We numerically calculate the local-type fNL signal in the CMB that would be measured for such models (including the full transfer function and 2D projection). The nature of the result depends on several parameters, including the occupation number N_k, the phase angle \theta_k between the Bogoliubov parameters, and the slow-roll parameter \epsilon. In the most conservative case, where one takes \theta_k \approx \eta_0 k (justified by physical reasons discussed within) and \epsilon\lesssim 0.01, we find that 0 < fNL < 1.52 (\epsilon/0.01), which is likely too small to be detected in the CMB. However, if one is willing to allow a constant value for the phase angle \theta_k and N_k=O(1), fNL can be much larger and/or negative (depending on the choice of \theta_k), e.g. fNL \approx 28 (\epsilon/0.01) or -6.4 (\epsilon/0.01); depending on \epsilon, these scenarios could be detected by Planck or a future satellite. While we show that these results are not actually a violation of the single-field consistency relation, they do produce a value for fNL that is considerably larger than that usually predicted from single-field inflation.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. v2: Version accepted for publication in PRD. Added greatly expanded discussion of the phase angle \theta_k; this allows the possibility of enhanced fNL, as mentioned in abstract. More explicit comparisons with earlier wor

    Estimation of signal parameters in the frequency domain in the presence of harmonic interference: a comparative analysis

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    In this paper, a novel method for the estimation of the parameters of the spectral components of a signal, also in the case of harmonic interference, is characterized and compared to other methods proposed in literature. The comparison criteria include the evaluation of residual errors and uncertainties on estimated parameters for different multicomponent signals

    Factorization in integrable systems with impurity

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    This article is based on recent works done in collaboration with M. Mintchev, E. Ragoucy and P. Sorba. It aims at presenting the latest developments in the subject of factorization for integrable field theories with a reflecting and transmitting impurity.Comment: 7 pages; contribution to the XIVth International Colloquium on Integrable systems, Prague, June 200

    Non Gaussian extrema counts for CMB maps

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    In the context of the geometrical analysis of weakly non Gaussian CMB maps, the 2D differential extrema counts as functions of the excursion set threshold is derived from the full moments expansion of the joint probability distribution of an isotropic random field, its gradient and invariants of the Hessian. Analytic expressions for these counts are given to second order in the non Gaussian correction, while a Monte Carlo method to compute them to arbitrary order is presented. Matching count statistics to these estimators is illustrated on fiducial non-Gaussian "Planck" data.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur