7 research outputs found

    Slaughter traits of "Sarda" and "Nero Siciliano" pigs reared outdoors: preliminary results

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    The evaluation of the carcasses and the percentage effect of the cuts can provide useful data for establishing breeding techniques which can improve the productive performance of autochthonous pigs. The aim of the study was to evaluate some post mortem performances of Sarda and Nero Siciliano pigs, reared outdoors. The study was carried out on 30 male, castrated pigs over the age of 2 years and with a live weight at slaughtering of 106.4± 4.2 kg for the “Sarda” (15 subjects) and 107.2 ± 3.6 kg for the “Nero Siciliano” (15 subjects) pigs. The Sarda pigs were reared in a wooded area in the Ogliastra mountains (Sardinia-Italy) and the Nero Siciliano pigs in the Nebrodi mountains (Sicily-Italy), at an altitude of 550 ± 50m a.s.l., where they fed on underwood vegetation consisting mainly of acorns. After being slaughtered, which for both groups took place in March 2006, we determined the productivity for each subject, the thickness of dorsal fat located at the first (1T) and the last (UT) thoracic vertebra and at the top of the middle gluteus (GM). Subsequently, on the right side of each subject, we carried out the dissection of the lean cuts (loin, ham, shoulder and neck), adipose cuts (belly, backfat, jowl, flare fat) and bone cuts (head and feet). The data obtained were submitted to variance analyses using the procedure GLM of SAS (2001). The pigs belonging to the two genetic types registered top yield, both hot (Sarda 82.1% vs. Nero Siciliano 82.9%; P=0.37) and cold (Sarda 80.5% vs. Nero Siciliano 80.8%; P=0.76), while the Nero Siciliano subjects demonstrated a higher thickness of dorsal fat at 1T (Sarda 4.1cm vs. Nero Siciliano 5.2cm; P=0.0002), UT (Sarda 3.2cm vs. Nero Siciliano 4.7cm; P35=0.0001) and GM (Sarda 2.8cm vs. 4.6cm; P=0.0001). The composition of the side cuts highlighted a major incidence of loin (Sarda13.7% vs. Nero Siciliano 14.6%; P=0.017), ham (Sarda 26.6% vs. Nero Siciliano 30.5%; P=0.0001) and shoulder (Sarda 16.7% vs. Nero Siciliano 17.4%; P=0.23) for the Nero Siciliano pig, while no significant difference emerged between the two genetic types for the adipose cuts such as belly (Sarda 11.4% vs. Nero Siciliano 10.7%; P=0.23), backfat (Sarda 7.6% vs. Nero Siciliano 8.5%; P=0.29), jowl (Sarda 4.01% vs. Nero Siciliano 4.28%; P=0.27) and flare fat (Sarda 5.29% vs. Nero Siciliano 6.01%; P=0.052), the same as for the bone cuts, head (Sarda 5.7% vs. Nero Siciliano 5.6%; P=0.48) and feet (Sarda 0.9% vs. Nero Siciliano 0.99%; P=0.18). Therefore, the Nero Siciliano pigs demonstrated a higher incidence of meat cuts, a probable expression of a different process of selection of this genetic type. This study has contributed to the supply of useful information for the eventual trends of fresh use and/or the transformation of carcasses, contributing to the zootechnic protection of this population of pigs, both for the quality of their production and the profitable use of marginal areas

    Physical characteristics of <i>Longissimus lumborum</i> muscle of "Sarda" and "Nero Siciliano" pigs reared outdoor: preliminary results

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    It is known that the sensory properties, i.e. smell, taste, colour, juiciness, texture and tenderness represent the principal factors able to condition drastically the choices of the consumers at the moment of purchase, therefore, they have a role of primary importance regarding the qualification of the product. The physical characteristics of the meat are influenced by different factors such as: age, sex, breed, breeding system and transport, slaughtering and ripeness; the aim of this study was to evaluate some physical characteristics of pig meat derived from two different autochthonous Italian genetic types. The trial was carried out on 30 castrated males pigs, 15 Sarda and 15 Nero Siciliano, reared outdoor respectively in the Ogliastra (Sardinia-Italy) and in the Nebrodi (Sicily-Italy) mountain area at 550±50 m above sea level. Animals fed spontaneous fruits, acorn principally, of undergrowth variable in relation to the seasons. In March 2006, at the age of 2 years and live weight of 106.4±4.2 kg for the Sarda and 107.2±3.6 kg for the Nero Siciliano, the pigs were slaughtered. At 45’ post mortem the pH1 value of each half-carcass was determined (Hanna Instrument HI 9023). After 24 hours of refrigeration at 4° C from the right half-carcass of each animal, one sample of Longissimus lumborum muscle (L2-L5) was taken and the pHu, Colour (CIEL*a*b* system; Minolta CR – 400), Cooking loss and Warner-Bratzler shear force (INSTRON 5542) analysed. Data were subjected to the statistical analysis of variance by the GLM procedure of SAS. The pH1 (Sarda 6.07 vs. Nero Siciliano 6.06; P=0.29) and pHu (Sarda 5.98 vs. Nero Siciliano 5.45; P=0.06) values indicate a bad progress of meat acidification for the Sarda pigs; this could be due to the typical extensive breeding system of these animals, therefore to the difficulties of their capture and transportation to the slaughterhouse. Significant differences were observed for the colour parameters of the meat with the lowest values of L* (Sarda 39.91 vs. Nero Siciliano 50.88; P=0.001), a* (Sarda 11.21 vs. Nero Siciliano 15.70; P=0.001), b* (Sarda 4.03 vs. Nero Siciliano 4.63; P=0.031) and Chroma (Sarda 11.85 vs. Nero Siciliano 16.39; P=0.001) in the Sarda pigs; these data are related to the highest pHu values. The Cooking loss has shown no significant differences between two genetic types (Sarda 27.79% vs. Nero Siciliano 27.80%; P=0.50). As regards the tenderness, the values of WBS (Sarda 4.29 kg f/cm2 vs. Nero Siciliano 3.57 kg f/cm2; P=0.02) were significantly lowest in the meat of Nero Siciliano pigs, in relation to the best acidification of the muscle of these animals, testifying a meat more tender than that of Sarda pigs. Data show that, for improving the meat quality and its aptitude to the transformation, it need to modify, at least during the finishing period, the breeding system of these autochthonous pigs in a “plein air” system

    ValiditĂ  agronotnica e sostenibilitĂ  di un pascolo migliorato con specie autoriseminanti in alternativa all'erbaio autunno-vernino nei sistemi foraggeri asciutti mediterranei

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    The results of a three year trial run in Sardinia within a larger experiment on rainfed forage systems for dairy sheep are reported. The agronomic, zootechnic and economic validity of an improved pasture (sod seeding of Lolium rigidum ecotype «Nurra» and Trifolium brachycalycinum «Clare») as an alternative to the grazing of short term forage crops (oats) were evaluated. The forage production and consumption of the improved pasture were higher than those of the oats in two years out of three and on average in the three years. The seasonal distribution of the forage production was better in the improved pasture for the quicker establishment in Autumn. The sowing date of the oats was delayed in the second year because of the abundant and frequent rainfall in the early Autumn. The subclover showed a slow establishment and was less competitive than annual ryegrass in the first year. Its self-reseeding was affected by the damage of Bruchidius trifolii. Annual ryegrass gradually established a thick and persistent sward through a seed yield over than 50000 seeds m-2. The milk yield of ewes grazing the improved pasture resulted 20% higher than that of the ewes grazing oats. The average annual costs ofthe oats were about two times higher and the agronomie and zootechnic results lower than those of the improved pasture. Taking into account the environmental aspects (soil protection from erosion in the Autumn) and the management aspects, it was concluded that the self-reseeding improved pasture is an effective alternative to short term forage crops in the dairy sheep forage farming systems of the Mediterranean environment. Vengono riportati i risultati di una prova triennale svolta in Sardegna nell'ambito di un confronto tra sistemi foraggeri asciutti per ovini da latte. E’ stata valutata la validità in termini agronomici, zootecnici ed economici di un pascolo migliorato con la semina su sodo di un miscuglio di Lolium rigidum ecotipo «Nurra» e Trifolium brachycalycinum «Clare» come possibile soluzione alternativa al pascolamento degli erbai di cereali autunno vernini. La disponibilità foraggera e i consumi alimentari rilevati sul pascolo migliorato sono risultati superiori a quelli dell'erbaio in due annate su tre e nella media del triennio. La distribuzione stagionale della produzione è risultata più favorevole nel pascolo migliorato per il più rapido reinsediamento in autunno. L'epoca di semina dell'erbaio nella seconda annata è stata ritardata per le abbondanti e frequenti precipitazioni autunnali che hanno impedito la preparazione del letto di semina. Il trifoglio brachicalicino ha mostrato un più lento insediamento e minore competitività rispetto al loglio rigido, e la risemina naturale è stata fortemente limitata dall'attacco di un coleottero (Bruchidius trifolii). Il loglio rigido ha invece progressivamente costituito un cotico fitto e persistente, attraverso produzioni di seme sempre superiori a 50000 semi m-2. Le produzioni di latte ottenute sul pascolo migliorato sono risultate mediamente superiori del 20% rispetto a quelle ottenute con il pascolamento dell'avena. I costi colturali medi annui dell’erbaio sono risultati circa doppi rispetto a quelli del pascolo migliorato, e i risultati agronomici e zootecnici nettamente inferiori. E’ stato concluso che il pascolo migliorato con autori seminanti costituisce un'efficace alternativa al pascolamento degli erbai di cereali nei sistemi foraggeri per ovini da latte in ambiente mediterraneo, in linea con l'esigenza di tutela ambientale (protezione del suolo dall'erosione in autunno)

    A Survey on the characteristics of sausage made from Sicilian and Sardinian native pigs

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    Four different mixtures were prepared using meat from native pigs. Mixtures 1 and 2 were made in Sardinia using meat from pigs of Sarda breed, mixtures 3 and 4 in Sicily, using meat from the Nera Siciliana breed. The manufacturing were different not only for the typology of the meat but also for the meat cuts used and the ingredients. Batches 1 and 3 were made in non conditioned natural environments, while batches 2 and 4 in conditioned environments. Chemical-physical and microbiological analyses were carried out on the fresh mixture, after 7 days of ripening (end of drying in conditioned environment and at the end of seasoning (28 days). The thermoigrometric environmental parameters and the variation in the weight of the production were measured during ripening. Regarding the Lactic Acid Bacteria and the Micrococcaceae, microorganisms of normal maturation, a rapid development, except for batch 1, was observed for all batches at 7 days of ripening. In batches 2 and 4 an increase of Enterobacteriaceae in the drying phase and a their decrease in the seasoning phase were noticed. In batch 3 their inactivation resulted slow. Such occurrences were probably due to the hygienic conditions and non inhibiting technological parameters. The initial humidity was less than 60% with the exception of batch 3; the quantity of NaCl ranged between 2 and 2.8%. The amount of fat varied between 14 and 24% at the beginning of the ripening, then reached values ranging between of 20 and 38% at the end of the seasoning phase. All the batches showed a decrease of aw included between 0.97 (mixture) and 0.87 (final product); the highest value of aw recorded in test 1 was attributable to the lower T recorded both during the drying and seasoning phase. The pH reached the lowest values at the end of the 7 days and then increased, with the exception of batch 3, which decreased during the whole seasoning phase

    Confronto fra sistemi foraggero-zootecnici per ovini da latte in ambiente asciutto: nota III: analisi della convenienza economica

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    The results on the economic evaluation of three different rainfed forage systems for dairy sheep are reported. The research, aimed at individualize the more convenient system, was carried out with interdisciplinary approach during 1990-93. Each system was 5 ha in size and grazed by 30 mature Sarda ewes, but it was characterized by a different level of crop intensification. A traditionai cereal farming system (C) in which 80% of the surface was ploughed and cultivated with winter cereal each year. Two low input systems (EPM, EPMP) by a reduction of the surface yearly ploughed and by using minimum tillage and self reseeding and perennial pasture species. The economie evaluation was made using the Gross income. It was ca1culated as difference between Gross production and Variable costs obtained in the three systems. The total, per ewe and per ha Gross income resulted higher in the EPM system, being the milk production very important. The crops of this system allowed forage availability quality and distribution more favourable with lower costs, when compared to those of the other systems. The introduction of the EPM system can be an effective opportunity for the farmers. Si riportano i risultati relativi alla valutazione tecnico-economica di tre differenti sistemi foraggeri asciutti per ovini da latte, effettuata nell'ambito di una ricerca interdisciplinare durante il triennio 1990-93 e finalizzata all'individuazione del sistema di massima convenienza. Ciascun sistema era realizzato su una superficie agricola di 5 ha e utilizzato da 30 pecore da latte di razza sarda, ma caratterizzato da un diverso livello di intensificazione colturale. Un sistema «cerealicolo-zootecnico» tradizionale (sistema cereali, C), nel quale ogni anno veniva destinata a cereali, coltivati con tecniche tradizionali, 1'80% della superficie totale. Due sistemi (Erbaio - Pascolo migliorato, EPM; Erbaio - Pascolo migliorato – Prato, EPMP), a minore intensità, che prevedevano la riduzione della superficie annualmente coltivata con tecniche tradizionali, rispettivamente al 20 e 30% del totale, il ricorso alla minima lavorazione e l'impianto di foraggere annue autoriseminanti e perenni. II confronto in termini economici è stato effettuato in base all'entità del reddito lordo, ottenuto dalla differenza tra la produzione vendibile ed i costi variabili, relativi all'allevamento attuato nei tre sistemi foraggeri. II reddito lordo complessivo, per capo e per ha, alla cui formazione ha concorso in particolare la produzione di latte, è risultato più elevato nel meno intensivo sistema EPM. Infatti le colture introdotte in questo sistema hanno assicurato disponibilità foraggere quanti-qualitativamente superiori e con una distribuzione più continua nel corso dell'anno. Inoltre vengono sostenuti minori costi per l'impianto delle colture, grazie all'impiego di specie di durata pluriennale. L'introduzione del sistema EPM può costituire pertanto una valida opportunità di scelta per l'imprenditore zootecnico

    Confronto fra sistemi foraggero-zootecnici per ovini da latte in ambiente asciutto: nota II: risultati zootecnici del triennio 1990-93

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    Three 5 ha dairy sheep systems with different input levels were compared during three years. The percentage oftotal system area conventionally cultivated each year was equal to 80%, 20% and 30% in systems C, EPM and EPMP respectively. Each system was rotationally grazed by 30 dairy ewes. Milk yield was significantly higher in EPM group, the total annual yield for each system being equal to 1.10 (C), 1.33 (EPM) and 1.17 (EPMP) t ha-1 of milk. Hay consumption tended to be lower in the system EPM in comparison with system C and EPMP averaging to 0.30 (EPM), 0.34 (C) and 0.36 t ha-1 of DM (EPMP). On the basis of overall results, the EPM system showed the best performances. Nel triennio 1990-93 sono stati confrontati tre sistemi foraggero zootecnici C (Cereali), EPM (Erbaio Pascolo Migliorato) e EPMP (Erbaio Pascolo Migliorato Prati), caratterizzati da una percentuale di SAU coltivata rispettivamente pari all'80, 20 e 30%. Ciascun sistema è stato pascolato da 30 pecore da latte di razza Sarda. La produzione di latte è stata significativamente più elevata nel sistema EPM e la produzione totale media annua è stata di 1,10 (C), 1,33 (EPM) e 1,17 (EPMP) t ha-1. Il consumo di fieno è stato in media 0,30 (EPM), 0,34 (C) e 0,36 (EPMP) t ha-1 di sostanza secca. In conclusione il sistema EPM, fra quelli a confronto, ha mostrato i migliori risultati sia in termini di produzione di latte e di carne e nel contempo di un minore consumo di supplementi

    Effet de la disponibilité en herbe et de la structure du couvert herbacé sur l'ingestion et la production de brebis au pâturage

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    Ce papier rapporte les résultats de trois ans d'études menées en Sardaigne entre 1992 et 1994 avec l'objectif de vérifier l'effet de l'intensité du pâturage et de la supplémentation sur les performances de brebis laitières et sur la structure d'une prairie de ray-grass d'Italie (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Lors des deux essais de pâturage de printemps et des deux d’hiver ont été comparées différentes intensités de pâturage identifiées par des objectifs de maintien de la hauteur d'herbe (HH) à des niveaux différents. Chaque lot était divisé en deux sous-lots qui recevaient 0 ou 500 g/b/j de maïs grain. Les résultats montrent que la différence d’intensité de pâturage a influencé la production de biomasse aérienne du ray-grass d'Italie, sa répartition en différents composants et les performances des animaux. HH est corrélée positivement avec la disponibilité en matière sèche. L'intensité de pâturage a influencé la structure de la prairie. La disponibilité en matière sèche et sa composition ont influencé également l'ingestion d'herbe (HI) qui s’accroît avec l'augmentation de HH. De plus, HI a été plus faible pour les brebis qui consommaient du maïs; le taux de substitution a été compris entre 56 et 211% en hiver et entre 50 et 150% au printemps. En hiver comme au printemps, le temps de pâturage augmente lorsque HH diminue. La production laitière individuelle des brebis s’élève avec HH, mais la quantité de lait produite par hectare est plus élevée lorsque HH est faible. Les meilleures situations, en termes de production par hectare, ont été celles où le compromis entre production individuelle et chargement était bien établi. En pâturage continu, la hauteur optimale du ray-grass pour les brebis laitières se situe autour de 60 mm jusqu'à la fin du printemps. Il est alors conseillé de réduire la hauteur en augmentant le chargement pour retarder le début de la phase reproductive de l'herbe. La supplémentation avec du maïs produit une substitution très importante. La hauteur de l'herbe ne doit pas descendre en dessous de 40 mm. This paper reports the results of a three year study conducted in Sardinia during 1992-94 with the objective of evaluating the effects of grazing intensity and feed supplementation on dairy ewe performances and on sward structure of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam). Two grazing experiments in spring and two in winter compared different grazing intensities according to target sward heights (HH). Each group was split into two subgroups, receiving either nil or 500 g/e/d of whole com grain. The results showed that the different grazing management influenced the above ground Italian ryegrass biomass production, its partitioning and the animal performance: HH being positively correlated with dry matter availability. Grazing intensity influenced the sward structure. Dry matter availability and its partitioning influenced herbage intake (HI), being higher as the HH increased. HI was lower in supplemented than unsupplemented ewes grazing on high HH plots. However the milk yield per ha was higher in low HH plots. The best situation in terms of milk production per ha occurred when a good compromise is achieved between requirements of the ewe stocking rate. Under continuous grazing, optimal sward height for an Italian ryegrass is about 60 mm until late spring, thereafter it is better to decrease the HH, by an increment of the stocking rate, to delay the reproductive phase of the grass. Com grain supplementation gives a dramatic substitution effect. The sward height should never fall below 40 mm