44 research outputs found


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    Agriculture is an essential human activity with a social function that shapes civilization; and is vital to the survival and well-being of humanity. This idea forms the cornerstone for the Facultad de Agronomía with its 50 years of pursuing the mission of preserving, assimilating, developing and sharing universal agronomic knowledge through its continuous research, teachings, continuing education and interactions with the global academic community and the national production sectors for the benefit of the university, society and the government. Thanks to the combined endeavor of many people, especially the joint efforts of teachers, students, graduates and administrators, the Facultad has graduated 3251 individuals in 55 classes since the creation of its Ingeniería Agronómica program in 1963 and has offered postgraduate programs since 1969, initially as master programs in conjunction with the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario ICA and, starting in 1983, through the Escuela de Posgrados. In 1995, the doctorate program was opened with a basis in high-level research. Furthermore, its journal Agronomía Colombiana has been sharing knowledge since 1983 and, in that time, has published 783 technical-scientific articles that were produced by the research of students and professors of the Departamento de Agronomía and by domestic and international entities


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    Fifty years ago, the Facultad de agronomía  de la universidad nacional de Colombia was created by acuerdo 048 of 12 june 1963, and has contributed to great achievements in the agricultural engineering profession and v ita lly suppor ted the  development of the country through vocational training in agronomy, changes in agricultural  production systems, generation of research on crops and agricultural disciplines, which were  strengthened 30 years ago with the start of Master’s programs in phytotechnology, plant protection  and soils with grants from acuerdo 175 of 1983 of the Consejo su- perior universitario; and the  dissemination of knowledge throughout the scientific community and the rural sector with different  types of publications such as books, infor- mative newsletters and, especially, through the  Agronomía Colombiana journal, a scientific and technical publication that is celebrating its 30th  year on the domestic and inter- national stage, with its first edition issued on the occasion of  the 20th  anniversary of the Facultad de agronomía in Bogota in august, 1983


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    El Centro Editorial de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia continúa incentivando la publicación del conocimiento científico derivado de las investigaciones realizadas en agricultura tropical por las entidades gubernamentales y el sector privado; nuestro interés no es otro que el de mejorar la difusión y la calidad de estos productos de investigación para su aprovechamiento por parte de las comunidades científica, académica y la de los productores agrícolas. En tal sentido, la revista Agronomía Colombiana busca optimizar su visibilidad internacional presentando todos sus contenidos en inglés; se espera que esta estrategia permita generar la opción de ingresar a Journal Citation Reports, así como a índices bibliográficos con estrictos comités de selección y medición de factores bibliográficos, como ISI y Scopus, bases de referencias internacionales de alto nivel.  En este número de Agronomía Colombiana se presentan a la comunidad científica y demás actores de la ciencia y tecnología agrícola, reportes en el área de fitomejoramiento, recursos genéticos y biología molecular: una aproximación al conocimiento de la huella genómica en genotipos élite de mora (Rubus glaucus Benth.), la evaluación de una colección de referencia de fríjol andino para selección de genotipos con adaptación a sequía en Colombia y una revisión sobre la estrategia de defensa vegetal contra infecciones virales con la aplicación en yuca; la aplicación de esta investigaciones permite apoyar a los programas de mejora genética de cultivares de alto valor para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición humana


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    El Centro Editorial de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia continúa incentivando la publicación del conocimiento científico derivado de las investigaciones realizadas en agricultura tropical por las entidades gubernamentales y el sector privado; nuestro interés no es otro que el de mejorar la difusión y la calidad de estos productos de investigación para su aprovechamiento por parte de las comunidades científica, académica y la de los productores agrícolas. En tal sentido, la revista Agronomía Colombiana busca optimizar su visibilidad internacional presentando todos sus contenidos en inglés; se espera que esta estrategia permita generar la opción de ingresar a Journal Citation Reports, así como a índices bibliográficos con estrictos comités de selección y medición de factores bibliográficos, como ISI y Scopus, bases de referencias internacionales de alto nivel.  En este número de Agronomía Colombiana se presentan a la comunidad científica y demás actores de la ciencia y tecnología agrícola, reportes en el área de fitomejoramiento, recursos genéticos y biología molecular: una aproximación al conocimiento de la huella genómica en genotipos élite de mora (Rubus glaucus Benth.), la evaluación de una colección de referencia de fríjol andino para selección de genotipos con adaptación a sequía en Colombia y una revisión sobre la estrategia de defensa vegetal contra infecciones virales con la aplicación en yuca; la aplicación de esta investigaciones permite apoyar a los programas de mejora genética de cultivares de alto valor para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición humana


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    Fifty years ago, the Facultad de agronomía  de la universidad nacional de Colombia was created by acuerdo 048 of 12 june 1963, and has contributed to great achievements in the agricultural engineering profession and v ita lly suppor ted the  development of the country through vocational training in agronomy, changes in agricultural  production systems, generation of research on crops and agricultural disciplines, which were  strengthened 30 years ago with the start of Master’s programs in phytotechnology, plant protection  and soils with grants from acuerdo 175 of 1983 of the Consejo su- perior universitario; and the  dissemination of knowledge throughout the scientific community and the rural sector with different  types of publications such as books, infor- mative newsletters and, especially, through the  Agronomía Colombiana journal, a scientific and technical publication that is celebrating its 30th  year on the domestic and inter- national stage, with its first edition issued on the occasion of  the 20th  anniversary of the Facultad de agronomía in Bogota in august, 1983


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    Agriculture is an essential human activity with a social function that shapes civilization; and is vital to the survival and well-being of humanity. This idea forms the cornerstone for the Facultad de Agronomía with its 50 years of pursuing the mission of preserving, assimilating, developing and sharing universal agronomic knowledge through its continuous research, teachings, continuing education and interactions with the global academic community and the national production sectors for the benefit of the university, society and the government. Thanks to the combined endeavor of many people, especially the joint efforts of teachers, students, graduates and administrators, the Facultad has graduated 3251 individuals in 55 classes since the creation of its Ingeniería Agronómica program in 1963 and has offered postgraduate programs since 1969, initially as master programs in conjunction with the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario ICA and, starting in 1983, through the Escuela de Posgrados. In 1995, the doctorate program was opened with a basis in high-level research. Furthermore, its journal Agronomía Colombiana has been sharing knowledge since 1983 and, in that time, has published 783 technical-scientific articles that were produced by the research of students and professors of the Departamento de Agronomía and by domestic and international entities

    Analysis of genetic effects of major genes on yield traits of a pea (pisum sativum l.) cross between the santa isabel x wsu 31 varieties

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    Análisis de efectos de genes mayores sobre rasgos de rendimiento en arveja (Pisum Generation means and heritability analyses were conducted to estimate dominance, additive, maternal and gene interaction effects controlling eleven agronomic characteristics related with production in the pea. Ten generations (P1, P2, F1, F2, RC1, RC2 and each reciprocal generation) from a cross between the Santa Isabel and WSU 31 varieties were sown in two different environments for the present study. Eleven characteristics were evaluated: the time between sowing and flowering (I), the time between sowing and pod formation in the first reproductive node (FPod) and the height of the first reproductive node (H1RN), which were used as earliness indicators; as components of yield, the number of pods per plant (PxP), number of seeds per plant (SxP), number of seeds per pods (SxPod) and 100-seed weight (W100) were evaluated; and as variables associated to the yield, the pod width (PW), pod length (PL), lateral branch number (LBN) and plant height (PH) were evaluated. The results did not show maternal gene effects for the evaluated traits; environmental effects were found in PxP, SxP, SxPod, SFl, FPod and PL; genotype x environment effects were found in PW and W100. All characteristics except SxP and PxP had additive gene effects. The results showed that W100, PW and PL were the characteristics with the highest values for selection

    Biomass, yield and competitiveness of maize and bean crops in an association system

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    ABSTRACT Polycultures are of great importance in conventional agriculture in the tropical zone, where they are a sustainable source of food production. In this study, the biomass distribution, crop yield and competition were determined in the maize and bean association. The total dry biomass accumulation of maize plants of the monoculture Simijaca SM(o) was higher than that of beans of monocultures cultivars Iraca IB(o) and Hunza HB(o). In monoculture, cultivar Iraca obtained the highest bean yields reaching 2744.0 kg ha-1 in the municipality of Gama, whereas cultivar Simijaca had the highest yields with a value of 7766.7 kg ha-1. In the association, the best environment was the municipality of Simijaca for the SMxIB treatment, which showed a total yield of 9767.5 kg ha-1. The total land equivalent ratio (LERt) was higher than 3.65, showing the advantage of this association. Additionally, the competitive ratio (CR) of the crops showed the high competition effect between maize and the two bean cultivars. The study generated new knowledge about the genetic resources of maize and climbing beans grown at the same time and in the same place, in the search for sustainable and resilient production

    Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Common Bush Bean to Drought

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    Agriculture has been adversely affected by the low water availability resulting from climate change, creating environmental stress for the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). A growth room experiment was performed to evaluate the physiological and biochemical responses of the several bush bean genotypes to water deficit conditions. Plants in soil with 20 g∙L-1 polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG) were subjected to drought for 15 d. The levels of photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration in all genotypes decreased by approximately 65% under water deficit conditions compared with the corresponding values in the controls. Water use efficiency was enhanced by water deficit conditions, with ʻBiancaʼ plants exhibiting the highest values (28.08 µmol∙mol-1), followed by ʻNUA35ʼ, ʻBachueʼ and ʻCerinzaʼ (20.46, 20.11 and 18.21 µmol∙mol-1, respectively). The ʻBiancaʼ plants exhibited a lower relative tolerance index (50%), and water deficit increased the levels of leaf photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll and carotenoids in this genotype by approximately 100%. The photosynthetic efficiency, which was evaluated using the Fv/Fm ratio and rapid light-derived parameters (the maximum electron transport rate and a light saturation parameter), decreased due to water deficit conditions, particularly in the ʻBiancaʼ plants, in which these parameters were reduced by approximately 60%. The proline and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents were increased by the addition of PEG, primarily in the ʻBacatáʼ and ʻBiancaʼ plants. In conclusion, our results suggest that rapid light-response curves can be useful for characterizing genotypes because they represent an easy and non-destructive tool for understanding acclimatization mechanisms under water deficit conditions. In addition, all genotypes exhibited susceptibility to water deficit conditions, and the most susceptible genotype was ʻBiancaʼ, as reflected by a significant reduction in the electron transport rate and the presence of oxidative damage (high MDA content and electrolyte leakage), suggesting that this cultivar could not adapt well to landscaping situations in which periods of extreme water deficit can be expected