468 research outputs found

    Backwards in Heels: Partnering for Learner-centered Pedagogy in Online Modules

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    Originally presented at EDUCAUSE 2015.This poster describes the process by which librarians at the University of Houston collaborated with one another and with teaching faculty in the English department to develop and pilot a learner-centered online learning module on research question development with first-year composition students. It describes the various roles played by collaborators, the software used to develop the module, the content of the completed module, and the results of assessment and student feedback.Librarie

    Partners in Graduate Student Retention: A Library-Led Outreach Collaboration

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    Past research has indicated that social connection with their community is an important factor in the retention of graduate students. To help address this need, a Rowan University librarian led an interdepartmental team of collaborators from across campus in developing a series of outreach events specifically for graduate students, which evolved over time to include more and richer programming and opportunities for socialization. This article describes the evidence basis for these events’ inception, the essential components of each iteration of the event and its programming, and the results of holding these events, including both their successes and their failures. Recommendations are included for other professionals who may be considering similar outreach efforts for their graduate and professional student populations, so that others can learn from these experiences

    Morphological survival of twice-cryopreserved human embryos

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    Textbook Alternative Program (TAP) Grant Support Workshop

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    This workshop is for TAP applicants interested in learning more about free or low-cost textbook alternatives. We will discuss the benefits of using affordable and accessible materials even beyond saving students money, and bust some common myths about alternatives to traditional textbooks. We will also provide practical strategies for multiple methods of implementing alternatives, with realistic estimations of the time and effort required for each, and demonstrate how to find and evaluate pre-existing materials using library resources and on the open web. If you provide the subject area you are looking to choose or make an alternative for, we can provide targeted resources for your project. Please join us for ideas to get started with replacing the textbook for your course

    No-fault law on medical accidents in Belgium : an evaluation after six years

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    After many years of criticism of the medical malpractice system based on negligence, Belgium introduced a law on medical accidents in March 2010. This law created a Medical Accidents Fund. Under this two-track system the victim of a medical accident has the choice to file a claim before the court or to seek compensation from the Fund. The Law on Medical Accidents has four objectives: (1)to createaFundwithasimpleandfastprocedurethatiscost-freetoaccess,(2) to channel and centralise all medical accident claims to the Fund, and to develop a prevention strategy, (3) to compensate more victims by introducing a personal right to compensation for medical accident victims without the need to consider liability,andfinally,(4)toachieveabalancedbudget.Amedicalaccidentwithout liability can be defined as an accident caused by healthcare which does not lead to the liability of a caregiver, does not result from the patientu8217s health condition andcausesabnormaldamagetothepatient.Thedamageisabnormalifitwasnot supposed to occur given the current state of scientific knowledge, the patientu8217s health condition and its objectively predictable evolution. Following analysis of the new law, this study shows that it has created a single, central point of contact thatiseasilyaccessibleandgenerallyunderstoodbymedicalaccidentvictims.On average fifty new cases a month are submitted to the Fund. In a reasonable number of cases to date, liability of the caregiver has been accepted by the Fund. However, the Fund is rather strict in awarding no-fault compensation for medical accidents without liability. It remains to be seen whether this interpretation can resist the test of judicial review

    Testing for Transition

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    This article describes multiple stages of usability testing that were conducted before and after a large research library’s transition to a new platform for its research guides. A large interdepartmental team sought user feedback on the design, content, and organization of the guide homepage, as well as on individual subject guides. This information was collected using an open-card-sort study, two face-to-face, think-aloud testing protocols, and an online survey. Significant findings include that users need clear directions and titles that incorporate familiar terminology, do not readily understand the purpose of guides, and are easily overwhelmed by excess information, and that many of librarians’ assumptions about the use of library resources may be mistaken. This study will be of value to other library workers seeking insight into user needs and behaviors around online resources

    Facing the Future: New directions for the reference desk based on findings from mixed-methods survey of United States academic libraries

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    This interactive program will give attendees the opportunity to think critically about the future of the physical reference desk while challenging their own assumptions about reference. The presenters will lead a discussion based on their results from a national, mixed-methods survey of 239 academic libraries from the United States. The survey focused on reference desk models and librarian perceptions of the value of a physical reference desk as well as their opinions on the future of the desk. Attendees will have the opportunity to collaborate in a Google Doc brainstorming ideas for the future
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