224 research outputs found

    Better Than a Dream

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    Att bygga broar - Om delaktighet och inflytande i det mångkulturella samhället

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    This thesis deals with the issues of participation and influence in the multicultural society. The aim with the study is twofold, first to identify determinants improving participation and influence in this context, and second to see if the ecouragement of a strong civil society in ethnic segregated areas is a possible way forward to a multicultural democracy. This is conducted through a case study of brobyggarna in Malmo, Sweden, and how they as an integration policy is working with these questions. Six qualitative interviews have been conducted with seven persons workning as brobyggare or in close connection with them. Toghether with readings of earlier research this material is analysed through an eclectic model with theories put together in five analythic dimensions, Multicultural democracy, Social milieu, Unequal possibillities to participate and influence and Local powerstructures. The conclusion points at the importance of buildning networks and of the active construction of dialouge with citizens based on trust and informality. The results also stress the meaning of the organisations in civil society as mediators between the citizens and the desicionmakers, but with the caution that this is not unproblematic and the possibility of reproduced local power structures is constantly present

    Hur har nationsbyggande projekt i Iran bidragit till att forma kvinnans roll, och hur har kvinnor svarat mot detta?

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    I början av förra sekelskiftet hade Iran sitt möte med moderniteten vilket genererade en samhällomvandling. År 1921 tog shahen makten, som med influenser från väst, strävade efter att modernisera landet. Detta formulerades i ett nationsprojekt där kvinnan kom att konstitueras som representant för det moderna. Den konservativa religiösa eliten, liksom stora delar av befolkningen vände sig starkt emot inflytandet av den västerländska kulturen och shahens diktatur, vilket utmynnade i revolutionen 1979. Detta blev starten på ett nytt nationsprojekt, där kvinnor åter blev ett verktyg i nationsbyggandet, denna gång som symbol för en islamisering av samhället. Genom en teorianvändande fallstudie har vi analyserat den iranska kvinnans roll i nationsbyggande projekt. I enlighet med Yuval-Davis teorier har vi tittat på tre olika dimensioner Volknation, Kulturnation och Staatnation som kan urskiljas i respektive nationsprojekt. De nationsbyggande projekten har bidragit till att förstärka dikotomiseringen mellan sekulära och religiösa kvinnor, vilket förklarar tudelningen av kvinnorörelsen i Iran mellan sekulära respektive islamistiska feminister. Kvinnors svar på den marginalisering de har fått uppleva främst genom lagstiftning, samt den börda de har fått axla genom att vara symbolen för nationen, har under det islamistiska nationsbyggandet kunnat höras från en allt bredare krets

    Methodology of the SORENTO clinical trial:a prospective, randomised, active-controlled phase 3 trial assessing the efficacy and safety of high exposure octreotide subcutaneous depot (CAM2029) in patients with GEP-NET

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    Background: The current standard of care (SoC) for the initial treatment of unresectable or metastatic well-differentiated gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (GEP-NET) requires initiation of first-generation somatostatin receptor ligand (SRL) therapy, octreotide and lanreotide, which provide safe and efficacious tumour/symptom control in most patients. However, disease progression can occur with SoC SRL treatment and the optimal dose response of SRL remains unknown. Octreotide subcutaneous depot (CAM2029) is a novel, long-acting, high-exposure formulation that has shown greater bioavailability and improved administration than octreotide long-acting release (LAR) with a well-tolerated safety profile. Retrospective data have highlighted a potential benefit of high-exposure SRL for improved disease control in patients who did not adequately respond to the current SoC SRL treatment. This trial will investigate the efficacy and tolerability of CAM2029 compared to the current SoC, including octreotide LAR and lanreotide autogel (ATG). Methods: SORENTO is a prospective, multicentre, randomised, active-controlled, open-label phase 3 trial aiming to demonstrate superiority of treatment with 20 mg octreotide subcutaneous depot (CAM2029) every 2 weeks (Q2W) compared to treatment with the Investigator’s choice of SRL therapy at standard doses for tumour control (octreotide LAR 30 mg or lanreotide ATG 120 mg every 4 weeks [Q4W]) as assessed by progression-free survival (PFS) in approximately 300 patients with unresectable/metastatic and well-differentiated GEP-NET. Upon confirmation of disease progression (determined by a Blinded Independent Review Committee [BIRC] and defined as per RECIST 1.1), patients may enter an open-label extension treatment period with once weekly dosing, to investigate the effects of higher frequency dosing. Overall survival follow-up will end a maximum of 2 years after primary analysis. The primary endpoint will be analysed after 194 confirmed PFS events. Discussion: This is the first trial investigating the efficacy of CAM2029 versus SoC SRL therapy using a head-to-head, superiority trial design. It is expected to be the first trial to investigate the efficacy of increased dosing frequency of a high-exposure SRL. A BIRC will limit bias and measurement variability and ensure high-quality efficacy data. Additionally, inclusion of patients with well-differentiated Grade 3 NET may elucidate treatment strategies for this rarely investigated patient population. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05050942. Registered on 21st September 2021.</p

    Methodology of the SORENTO clinical trial:a prospective, randomised, active-controlled phase 3 trial assessing the efficacy and safety of high exposure octreotide subcutaneous depot (CAM2029) in patients with GEP-NET

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    Background: The current standard of care (SoC) for the initial treatment of unresectable or metastatic well-differentiated gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (GEP-NET) requires initiation of first-generation somatostatin receptor ligand (SRL) therapy, octreotide and lanreotide, which provide safe and efficacious tumour/symptom control in most patients. However, disease progression can occur with SoC SRL treatment and the optimal dose response of SRL remains unknown. Octreotide subcutaneous depot (CAM2029) is a novel, long-acting, high-exposure formulation that has shown greater bioavailability and improved administration than octreotide long-acting release (LAR) with a well-tolerated safety profile. Retrospective data have highlighted a potential benefit of high-exposure SRL for improved disease control in patients who did not adequately respond to the current SoC SRL treatment. This trial will investigate the efficacy and tolerability of CAM2029 compared to the current SoC, including octreotide LAR and lanreotide autogel (ATG). Methods: SORENTO is a prospective, multicentre, randomised, active-controlled, open-label phase 3 trial aiming to demonstrate superiority of treatment with 20 mg octreotide subcutaneous depot (CAM2029) every 2 weeks (Q2W) compared to treatment with the Investigator’s choice of SRL therapy at standard doses for tumour control (octreotide LAR 30 mg or lanreotide ATG 120 mg every 4 weeks [Q4W]) as assessed by progression-free survival (PFS) in approximately 300 patients with unresectable/metastatic and well-differentiated GEP-NET. Upon confirmation of disease progression (determined by a Blinded Independent Review Committee [BIRC] and defined as per RECIST 1.1), patients may enter an open-label extension treatment period with once weekly dosing, to investigate the effects of higher frequency dosing. Overall survival follow-up will end a maximum of 2 years after primary analysis. The primary endpoint will be analysed after 194 confirmed PFS events. Discussion: This is the first trial investigating the efficacy of CAM2029 versus SoC SRL therapy using a head-to-head, superiority trial design. It is expected to be the first trial to investigate the efficacy of increased dosing frequency of a high-exposure SRL. A BIRC will limit bias and measurement variability and ensure high-quality efficacy data. Additionally, inclusion of patients with well-differentiated Grade 3 NET may elucidate treatment strategies for this rarely investigated patient population. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05050942. Registered on 21st September 2021.</p

    Математична модель маршрутизації в ТКМ

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    In this paper, drawing on the work of Michel Foucault, I argue that academics are enmeshed in power relations in which confession operates, both on and through academics. Drawing on Foucault’s genealogy of confession, I illustrate how academics are not only invited to reflect on performance, faults, temptations and desires in their work and private life, but as teachers they mobilise the same kind of technology in relation to students. These power relations are connected to wider changes in society, where discourses on New Public Management have become all pervasive in organising and governing public institutions. The examples of the use of appraisal interviews and logbooks as governing techniques illustrate how government currently operates through the freedom of the individual. The paper ends with a discussion on how books of life could introduce a different relation of the self to the self in academia, and thus provide opportunities to live the present otherwise.

    Autonomy and caring: towards a Marxist understanding of nursing work

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    The aim of this paper is to re‐examine nursing work from a Marxist perspective by means of a critique of two key concepts within nursing: autonomy and caring. Although Marx wrote over 150 years ago, many see continuing relevance to his theories. His concepts of capital, ideology and class antagonism are employed in this paper. Nursing's historical insertion into the developing hospital system is seen in terms of a loss of autonomy covered over by the development of cults of loyalty toward those institutions, while the concept of emotional labour is used to re‐examine nursing's high valuing of “caring” and to understand it as potentially exploitative of nurses. Raising awareness of this alternative way of understanding nursing work can become a first step toward change