11 research outputs found

    Biocompatibility of Dental Adhesives

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    The accomplishment of developing a truly adhesive bond between a restorative material and the natural tooth structures is the goal of adhesive dentistry. Dentine adhesive systems come into close contact with dental and oral tissue, especially the pulp and gingival cells. Due to this close and long-term contact, adhesives should exhibit a high degree of biocompatibility. Biocompatibility is one of the most important properties of dental materials, and adhesives are no exception. It has been long demonstrated that different components of adhesives can be released. Numerous in vitro investigations have shown that released monomers and other components can cause damage to cultured cells. In addition, many in vivo studies have shown that uncured components which reach the pulpal space cause inflammatory response and tissue disorganization. Only a combination of various in vitro and in vivo tests can provide an overview of the interaction of biomaterials with the host. Therefore, it is necessary on a regular basis to carry out and re-verify the biological compatibility of the increasing number of new dental materials. Adhesives should be biofunctional, protective, and preventive, with health-promoting effects that contribute to a better prognosis for restorative treatments and its biocompatibility

    Procjena citotoksičnosti i genotoksičnosti materijala za pečaćenje fisura na epitelnim stanicama bukalne sluznice

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    Aim: The main purpose of this study was to assess the genotoxic and cytotoxic effect of fissure sealants on buccal epithelial cells. Material and methods: The study was conducted on 45 patients (27 girls and 18 boys), seven to 16 years of age (age mean 12.09 Ā± 2.20). Buccal swabs were collected before (T0), seven (T1), 30 (T2) and 90 days (T3) consequently after fissure sealant placement (Heli-oseal FĀ®, Equia FilĀ®, ConsticĀ®). Patients or legal guardians filled in the questionnaire regarding the demographic data (age, gender), dietary habits, health status, medication usage, and recent X-ray exposure. DNA damage was analyzed using the micronucleus test. Results: Statistically significant difference in the number of buccal cells with condensed chromatin was found between T0 (time before fissure sealant placement) and T3 (90 days after fissure sealant placement) period for Helioseal FĀ® (P = 0.025). For the other two analyzed materials, no difference was observed during the tested period. There was no difference between materials in the same sampling time. Conclusion: Apart from an increase in cells with condensed chromatin 90 days after the placement of Helioseal FĀ®, no other nuclear abnormalities were observed for tested fissure sealants. Although these sealants have now largely been used, it is of high importance that their biocompatibility is checked continuously, especially in in vivo clinical studiesCilj: Glavni cilj studije bila je procjena genotoksičnog i citotoksičnog učinka materijala za pečaćenje na epitelne stanice bukalne sluznice. Materijal i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 45 pacijenata (27 djevojčica i 18 dječaka) u dobi između 7 i 16 godina (srednja dob 12,09 Ā± 2,20). Brisevi bukalne sluznice uzeti su prije postupka (T0) te sedam (T1), 30 (T2) i 90 dana (T3) poslije postavljanja materi-jala za pečaćenje (Helioseal FĀ®, Equia FilĀ®, ConsticĀ®). Pacijenti i/ili njihovi zakoniti skrbnici ispunili su upitnik o demografskim podatcima (dob, spol), prehrambenim navikama, zdravstvenom statusu, koriÅ”tenju lijekova i nedavnoj izloženosti rendgenskom zračenju. Rezultati: Zabilježena je statistički značajna razlika u broju epitelnih stanica bukalne sluznice s kondenziranim kromatinom između vre-mena T0 (prije postavljanja materijala za pečaćenje) i T3 (90 dana poslije postavljanja materijala za pečaćenje) za materijal Helioseal FĀ® (P = 0,025). Za druga dva analizirana materijala nije zabilježe-na statistički značajna razlika tijekom istraživanja. Nije zabilježena statistički značajna razlika među materijalima u istom vremenu uzorkovanja. Zaključak: Osim porasta u broju stanica s kondenziranim kromatinom 90 dana nakon postavljanja materijala Helioseal FĀ®, za testirane materijale nije zabilje-žena ni jedna druga morfoloÅ”ka promjena jezgre. Iako se navedeni materijali za pečaćenje svakod-nevno primjenjuju, iznimno je važno kontinuirano provjeravati njihovu biokompatibilnost, posebno u kliničkim studijamain vivo

    Knowledge and Attitudes about Dental Trauma Among the Students of the University of Split

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    Svrha rada: Traume zuba kod djece čest su problem i svatko tko s njima radi trebao bi imati dovoljno znanja i vjeÅ”tina da u slučaju traume može osigurati odgovarajuću pomoć na mjestu nezgode. Cilj rada bio je procijeniti znanje studenata o hitnim terapijskim postupcima u slučaju dentalnih trauma kako bi u svojoj budućoj karijeri znali zbrinuti takve ozljede. Materijal i metode: Presječno istraživanje o hitnim terapijskim postupcima u slučaju dentalnih trauma provedeno je na temelju upitnika koji je ispunilo 679 studenata s pet različitih studija. Dobiveni podatci analizirani su Studentovim t-testom ili jednosmjernom analizom varijance (ANOVA), Tukeyijevim post-hoc testom te viÅ”estrukom linearnom regresijskom analizom (p < 0,05). Rezultati: Ukupna srednja vrijednost znanja studenata o hitnom liječenju dentalnih trauma bila je 4,32 Ā± 2,25 (maksimalno 10). Uočena je pozitivna povezanost znanja s dobi studenta (Ī² = 0,722, P ā‰¤ 0,001), ovisno o tome jesu li tijekom akademskog obrazovanja dobili neki oblik edukacije o zbrinjavanju dentalnih trauma (Ī² = 2,365, P ā‰¤ 0,001) te o njihovoj osobnoj procjeni o važnosti znanja kad je riječ o hitnim terapijskim postupcima (Ī² = 0,433, P ā‰¤ 0,001). Zaključak: Može se zaključiti da ispitani studenti posjeduju ograničeno znanje o traumama zuba te o postupcima njihova zbrinjavanja. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju koliko je važna dodatna izobrazba svih koji bi se mogli susretati s traumama zuba tijekom svojega rada kako bi se postigli Å”to bolji rezultati u liječenju dentalnih trauma.Objectives: Dental trauma among children is a common problem, and everyone who works with them needs to possess appropriate knowledge and skills to provide proper care at the site of the accident. The aim was to evaluate the knowledge of emergency management of dental trauma among students who should be capable of managing such injuries in their future career. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional survey regarding dental trauma emergency management was conducted on 679 stu-dents from five different studies using a questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed by the Student t-test or one - way ANOVA using the Tukeyā€™s post-hoctest and multiple linear regression analysis (p<0.05). Results: The total knowledge score regarding the emergency management of dental trauma among examined student was 4.32Ā±2.25 (max 10). The positive association of the knowledge score was observed with the age of student (Ī²=0.722, pā‰¤0.001). A similar relation was observed depending on whether they received dental injuries training during their academic education (Ī²=2.365, pā‰¤0.001), as well as studentsā€™ assessment of the importance of knowledge regarding dental trauma emergency management (Ī²=0.433, pā‰¤0.001). Conclusions: It can be concluded that the surveyed students have limited knowledge regarding dental injuries and their emergency management procedures. The obtained data emphasized the importance of additional education of all professions that may encounter dental trauma injuries to improve the outcomes of dental trauma treatment

    Procjena genotoksičnosti i citotoksičnosti dentalnih implantata na gingivnim epitelnim stanicama

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    Objectives: Although titanium-based implants are considered bioinert, it has been found that they are subject to corrosion and wear. This study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of two implant systems in gingival epithelial cells. Material and methods: Gingival swabs were taken three times from 91 subjects. The first swab was taken before dental implant placement, the second swab 90 days after dental implant placement and the third swab 21 days following the healing abutment placement. DNA damage was analyzed using the micronucleus test. Tested dental implants with corresponding healing abutments were Ankylos and Dentium SuperLine. Results: Of all scored forms of cytogenetic damage in gingival cells of individuals after implementation of tested dental implant systems, only an increase in the number of binucleated cells (P ā‰¤ 0.001) was significant in contrast to control values for both tested implant systems, 90 days after dental implant placement and 21 days following the healing abutment placement. Conclusion: It may be concluded that there are no titanium-based implant dependent cytogenetic damage in gingival epithelial cells. A slight increase in cytogenetic damage has been observed but it is of no biological relevance and might be associated with healing abutment induced effect.Cilj istraživanja: Iako se titanijevi dentalni implantati smatraju bioinertnima, potvrđeno je da su podložni koroziji i troÅ”enju. Cilj ovog istraživanja jest procjena citotoksičnoga i genotoksičnoga potencijala dviju vrsta implantoloÅ”kih sustava na gingivnim epitelnim stanicama. Materijal i metode: Uzorci oljuÅ”tenih gingivnih stanica uzeti su od 91 ispitanika u trima razdobljima. Prvi bris uzet je prije postavljanja implantata, drugi 90 dana poslije njegove ugradnje, a treći 21 dan poslije postavljanja nadogradnje za oblikovanje gingive, tj. gingivnoga formera. OÅ”tećenje DNK procijenjeno o je mikronukleusnim testom. Ispitivani dentalni implantati s gingivnim formerima bili su Ankylos i Dentium SuperLine. Rezultati: Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da se poslije postavljanja obiju vrsta ispitivanih dentalnih implantata (Ankylos i Dentium) znatno povećava broj binuklearnih stanica (P ā‰¤ 0,001) u odnosu prema početnim vrijednostima i to 90 dana poslije postavljanja implantata i 21 dan poslije postavljanja gingivnoga formera. Zaključak: Na temelju dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da titanijevi dentalni implantati nakon postavljanja ne izazivaju citotoksične i genotoksične učinke na gingivnim stanicama. Uočeni blagi učinci ne mogu se smatrati bioloÅ”ki relevantnima

    Comparison of Different Methods of Education in the Adoption of Oral Health Care Knowledge

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    Aim: The scope of this study was to determine if there is a critical distinction in the usage of lectures, videos, and pamphlets as educational material utilized in the adoption of oral health care knowledge. Materials and methods: Three-hundred and thirty children from ages 11 to 13 from the city of Split, Croatia completed the questionnaire on oral health care knowledge. Consequently, they were educated by randomly using a method: lecture, pamphlet, or video. Finally, after education, their knowledge was tested again. Results: Different statistical tests were used for comparison of different sets of data. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed a statistically significant difference (p Ė‚ 0.001) compared to the results before and after education. The Kruskalā€“Wallis test comparing knowledge outcomes after three different types of education: video, lecture, and pamphlet, showed a statistically significant difference in the final knowledge between groups (p Ė‚ 0.05). A pairwise comparison between different types of education showed a significant statistical difference between education conducted by pamphlet and video material (p = 0.003) and pamphlet and lecture (p = 0.006). No difference was observed between the level of knowledge acquired through video material education and lectures (p = 0.928). Conclusion: Videos and lectures as means of education showed equal effectiveness in the adoption of oral health care knowledge, while the pamphlet was a method that proved to be less effective

    Maternal dental anxiety and early childhood caries development

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    Purpose: Poor oral hygiene and dietary habits can lead to the formation of early childhood caries (ECC). Can maternal dental anxiety impact a childā€™s oral health habits? The study aimed to determine if there is a correlation between the level of dental anxiety in mothers and the development of ECC and also between socio-economic status and formation of ECC. Methods: Study was conducted among 60 mothers whose children were undergoing treatment at the Department of Paediatric Dentistry of Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka (observed group (N = 30)-without ECC; control group (N = 30)-with ECC). Participants were questioned on their socio-economic status and they filled in the Short version-Dental Anxiety Inventory. Data were analyzed using a studentā€™s t-test and logistic regression. Results: No significant difference (p = 0.353) was found in the S-DAI total scores for the observed group (M = 18.100, SD = 8.138) and control group (M = 18.933, SD = 8.870). Regarding the socioeconomic status, a significant correlation was found between the motherā€™s age, educational level of the mother, employment of father, and the number of family members with the presence of ECC in children (p < 0.05). Ā© 2022

    The Attitude of the General Dentist in the Republic of Croatia toward Treating Children

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    The aim of this study was to determine the attitude of general dentists in the Republic of Croatia toward working with children. The questionnaire survey involved 361 general dentists. The questionnaire was divided into three parts and contained 34 questions. The first part of the questionnaire survey contained demographic data questions. In the second part, dentists answered questions about the characteristics of the dental offices where they work, the materials that they mostly use, and how they work with children. The third part of the questionnaire referred to attitudes about working and treating young children and consisted of 12 statements, to which the answers were offered on a Likert scale from one to five. This study showed that only 12.46% of dentists have a positive attitude toward treating children and 30.19% of dentists have a negative attitude toward treating children. In addition, the attitude toward working with children correlates with both the knowledge they acquired during dental studies (R = 0.355; p &le; 0.001) and gender (R = &minus;0.103; p = 0.035). This study confirmed that women have a more often positive attitude toward treating young children. There was a major correlation between the level of education and positive attitudes toward treating children. The child&rsquo;s non-cooperative behavior was the main reason why general dentists refuse to work with children

    Procjena citogenetskih oÅ”tećenja u oljuÅ”tenim gingivnim stanicama u bolesnika s kroničnim generaliziranim parodontitisom

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    The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the occurrence of chromosomal abnormalities through the frequency of micronuclei and other genomic damage markers in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis and without periodontal disease. Micronucleus assay was performed in exfoliated gingival epithelial cells of 35 patients with generalized chronic periodontitis and 30 control subjects with healthy periodontium. Full mouth clinical examination was performed to define periodontal condition. The mean number of cells with micronuclei observed in chronic periodontitis and control groups was 1.8 (Ā±1.49) and 2.0 (Ā±1.34), respectively. Differences between the groups were not significant (p=0.574). Compared to control subjects, patients with chronic periodontitis showed a significant increase in the number of binucleated cells (pā‰¤0.001) and number of cells with nucleoplasmic bridges (p=0.042). Study results indicated that chronic periodontitis was not associated with higher occurrence of chromosomal damage in gingival cells compared to individuals with healthy periodontium.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati pojavu citogenetskih abnormalnosti kroz učestalost mikronukleusa i drugih genomskih oÅ”tećenja u pacijenata s generaliziranim kroničnim parodontitisom i ispitanika s klinički zdravim parodontom. Mikronukleus test je proveden u oljuÅ”tenim gingivnim epitelnim stanicama 35 pacijenata s kroničnim generaliziranim parodontitisom i 30 kontrolnih ispitanika sa zdravim parodontom. Svakom ispitaniku je napravljen klinički pregled kako bi se utvrdio parodontoloÅ”ki status. Prosječan broj stanica s mikronukleusom kod pacijenata s kroničnim generaliziranim parodontitisom i kontrolne skupine bio je 1,8 (Ā±1,49) i 2,0 (Ā±1,34). Razlike među skupinama nisu bile statistički značajne (p=0,574). Pacijenti s kroničnim parodontitisom pokazali su značajno povećanje broja binuklearnih stanica (pā‰¤0,001) i broja stanica s nukleoplazmatskim mostovima (p=0,042) u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Rezultati su pokazali kako kronična parodontna bolest nije povezana s povećanom pojavom kromosomskih oÅ”tećenja u gingivnim stanicama u usporedbi s osobama sa zdravim parodontom

    Povezanost indeksa tjelesne mase i pojave komplikacija poslije operacijskog uklanjanja donjega trećeg kutnjaka

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    Objectives: Swelling, pain and trismus after the surgical removal of the mandibular third molars are the most common and expected postoperative complications. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess the association of those postoperative complications and BMI after surgical removal of the mandibular third molars. Material and methods: 84 patients who required the surgical removal of their lower third molar were enrolled in this study and were divided into 4 groups dependent on their BMI. Data were tested by one-way analysis of variance (Welchā€™s ANOVA). The differences were tested by the intragroup using the Games-Howell test. Results: The effect of BMI on pain had a statistically significant difference within the first 24 postoperative hours: 4 hours (p=0.014), 6 hours (p=0.034, p=0.049), 12 hours (p= 0.00.P=0.023), and 24 hours (p=0.010). For swelling and trismus in the exception on first postoperative day between underweight and normal weight groups (p=0.026), and underweight and overweight groups (p=0.014) no statistically significant correlation was found Conclusion: BMI has an impact on a patientā€™s early postoperative recovery.Cilj: Oteklina, bol i trizmus najčeŔće su, ali i očekivane, komplikacije nakon operacijskoga uklanjanja donjega trećeg kutnjaka. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti povezanost spomenutih postoperativnih komplikacija i BMI nakon kirurÅ”koga uklanjanja donjih trećih kutnjaka. Materijali i metode: U ovo su istraživanje bila uključena 84 ispitanika kojima je bilo potrebno kirurÅ”ki ukloniti donje treće kutnjake. Bili su podijeljeni u četiri skupine, ovisno o izračunatom BMI-ju. Za ispitivanje dobivenih rezultata koriÅ”tena je jednosmjerna analiza varijance (Welchova ANOVA), a razlike između grupa testirane su Games-Howellovim testom.Rezultati: Učinak BMI-ja na bol dokazan je statistički značajnom razlikom unutar prva 24 postoperativna sata: 4 sata (p = 0,014), 6 sati (p = 0,034, p = 0,049), 12 sati (p = 0,00, p = 0,023) i 24 sata (p = 0,010). S druge strane, nije pronađena statistički značajna povezanost za oteklinu i trizmus, s iznimkom otežanoga otvaranja usta prvoga postoperativnoga dana kod skupine pothranjenih u usporedbi s ispitanicima s normalnom tjelesnom masom (p = 0,026) i prekomjernom tjelesnom masom (p = 0,014). Zaključak: BMI utječe na pacijentov rani postoperativni oporavak