5 research outputs found
Use of Remote Sensing Techniques to Estimate Plant Diversity within Ecological Networks: A Worked Example
As there is an urgent need to protect rapidly declining global diversity, it is important to identify methods to quickly estimate the diversity and heterogeneity of a region and effectively implement monitoring and conservation plans. The combination of remotely sensed and field-collected data, under the paradigm of the Spectral Variation Hypothesis (SVH), represents one of the most promising approaches to boost large-scale and reliable biodiversity monitoring practices. Here, the potential of SVH to capture information on plant diversity at a fine scale in an ecological network (EN) embedded in a complex landscape has been tested using two new and promising methodological approaches: the first estimates α and β spectral diversity and the latter ecosystem spectral heterogeneity expressed as Rao’s Quadratic heterogeneity measure (Rao’s Q). Both approaches are available thanks to two brand-new R packages: “biodivMapR” and “rasterdiv”. Our aims were to investigate if spectral diversity and heterogeneity provide reliable information to assess and monitor over time floristic diversity maintained in an EN selected as an example and located in northeast Italy. We analyzed and compared spectral and taxonomic α and β diversities and spectral and landscape heterogeneity, based on field-based plant data collection and remotely sensed data from Sentinel-2A, using different statistical approaches. We observed a positive relationship between taxonomic and spectral diversity and also between spectral heterogeneity, landscape heterogeneity, and the amount of alien species in relation to the native ones, reaching a value of R2 = 0.36 and R2 = 0.43, respectively. Our results confirmed the effectiveness of estimating and mapping α and β spectral diversity and ecosystem spectral heterogeneity using remotely sensed images. Moreover, we highlighted that spectral diversity values become more effective to identify biodiversity-rich areas, representing the most important diversity hotspots to be preserved. Finally, the spectral heterogeneity index in anthropogenic landscapes could be a powerful method to identify those areas most at risk of biological invasion
Determining plant diversity within interconnected natural habitat remnants (Ecological network) in an agricultural landscape: A matter of sampling design?
In intensively used and human-modified landscapes, biodiversity is often confined to remnants of natural habitats. Thus, identifying ecological networks (ENs) necessary to connect these patches and maintain high levels of biodiversity, not only for conservation but also for the effective management of the landscape, is required. However, ENs are often defined without a clear a-priori evaluation of their biodiversity and are seldom even monitored after their establishment. The objective of this study was to determine the adequate number of replicates to effectively characterize biodiversity content of natural habitats within the nodes of an EN in north-eastern Italy, based on vascular plant diversity. Plant communities within habitat types of the EN’s nodes were sampled through a hierarchical sampling design, evaluating both species richness and compositional dissimi-larity. We developed an integrated method, consisting of multivariate measures of precision (MultSE), rarefaction curves and diversity partitioning approaches, which was applied to estimate the minimum number of replicates needed to characterize plant communities within the EN, evaluating also how the proposed optimization in sampling size affected the estimations of the characteristics of habitat types and nodes of the EN. We observed that reducing the total sampled replicates by 85.5% resulted to sufficiently characterize plant diversity of the whole EN, and by 72.5% to exhaustively distinguish plant communities among habitat types. This integrated method helped to fill the gap regarding the data collection to monitor biodiversity content within existing ENs, considering temporal and economic resources. We therefore suggest the use of this quantitative approach, based on probabilistic sampling, to conduct pilot studies in the context of ENs design and monitoring, and in general for habitat monitoring
Invasion at the edge: The case of Rosa rugosa (Rosaceae) in Italy
The Japanese Rose (Rosa rugosa) is a perennial shrub belonging to the family Rosaceae. It was introduced in Europe from East Asia as an ornamental plant in the XIX century and is now considered an invasive species, especially in northern Europe, colonising the Atlantic and Baltic coastal dune habitats and threatening local biodiversity. However, little is known about its presence and invasion patterns in the Mediterranean area. In Italy, R. rugosa has been classified as naturalised and just a few observations have been recorded in dune habitats in the North Adriatic coast. Here, we review the published data on R. rugosa in Europe and present preliminary data on the invasive pattern of R. rugosa on the Italian North Adriatic coast. We surveyed the coastline in two locations (i.e., Brussa and Bibione, Italy) where we characterised the dimension and structure (i.e., number of ramets and stem height) of the R. rugosa populations and listed the associated floristic composition. No occurrence of R. rugosa was recorded in Bibione, probably due to the success of the restoration project carried out on that site. In contrast, several stands of R. rugosa were found in Brussa, where many other alien species were also found (accounting for 15.28% of the sampled species). Given the strong invasiveness of R. rugosa, it is important to keep data on its distribution up-to-date and investigate its ecology and physiology to promote appropriate management strategies to control its spread and anticipate its future potential distribution
Progetto di riqualificazione della Riserva naturale regionale dei Laghi di Doberd\uf2 e Pietrarossa
La Riserva dei Laghi di Doberd\uf2 e Pietrarossa, collocata nel Carso isontino e inclusa nella rete Natura 2000, comprende uno dei pi\uf9 importanti esempi di idrologia carsica presenti in Italia ed Europa. Gli elementi ambientali principali sono il Lago di Doberd\uf2 e la landa carsica, una prateria illirico-balcanica. In questo lavoro sono stati realizzati la carta della vegetazione del lago ottenuta mediante elaborazione di immagini SAPR (Sistemi Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto), uno studio delle specie esotiche e l\u2019analisi del grado di incespugliamento della landa. Questi ambienti sono gravemente minacciati dalla mancata gestione da parte dell'uomo: il lago \ue8 soggetto ad un naturale impaludamento soprattutto a causa del mancato controllo del canneto, mentre si evidenzia un elevato grado di incespugliamento nella landa come conseguenza dell'abbandono del pascolo. Ad aggravare la situazione \ue8 la diffusione di specie vegetali alloctone invasive. Per contrastare le tendenze in atto sono state individuate alcune linee di intervento
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 10
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1