9 research outputs found

    The effect of gravitational recoil on black holes forming in a hierarchical universe.

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    Galactic bulges are known to harbour central black holes whose mass is tightly correlated with the stellar mass and velocity dispersion of the bulge. In a hierarchical universe, galaxies are built up through successive mergers of subgalactic units, a process that is accompanied by the amalgamation of bulges and the likely coalescence of galactocentric black holes. In these mergers, the beaming of gravitational radiation during the plunge phase of the black hole collision can impart a linear momentum kick or ‘gravitational recoil’ to the remnant. If large enough, this kick will eject the remnant from the galaxy entirely, and populate intergalactic space with wandering black holes. Using a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation, we investigate the effect of black hole ejections on the scatter of the relation between black hole and bulge mass. We find that while not being the dominant source of the measured scatter, they do provide a significant contribution and may be used to set a constraint, vkick≲ 500 km s−1, on the typical kick velocity, in agreement with values found from general relativistic calculations. Even for the more modest kick velocities implied by these calculations, we find that a substantial number of central black holes are ejected from the progenitors of present-day galaxies, giving rise to a population of wandering intrahalo and intergalactic black holes whose distribution we investigate in high-resolution N-body simulations of the Milk Way mass haloes. We find that intergalactic black holes make up only ∼2–3 per cent of the total galactic black hole mass but, within a halo, wandering black holes can contribute up to about half of the total black hole mass orbiting the central galaxy. Intrahalo black holes offer a natural explanation for the compact X-ray sources often seen near the centres of galaxies and for the hyperluminous non-central X-ray source in M82

    How common is the Milky Way-satellite system alignment?

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    The highly flattened distribution of satellite galaxies in the Milky Way (MW) presents a number of puzzles. First, its polar alignment stands out from the planar alignments commonly found in other galaxies. Secondly, recent proper-motion measurements reveal that the orbital angular momentum of at least three, and possibly as many as eight, of the MW's satellites points (within 30°) along the axis of their flattened configuration, suggesting some form of coherent motion. In this paper, we use a high-resolution cosmological simulation to investigate whether this pattern conflicts with the expectations of the cold dark matter model of structure formation. We find that this seemingly unlikely setup occurs often: approximately 35 per cent of the time, we find systems in which the angular momentum of three individual satellites points along, or close to, the short axis of the satellite distribution. In addition, in 30 per cent of the systems we find that the net angular momentum of the six best-aligned satellites lies within 35° of the short axis of the satellite distribution, as observed for the MW

    Galaxy properties and the cosmic web in simulations

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    We seek to understand the relationship between galaxy properties and their local environment, which calls for a proper formulation of the notion of environment. We analyse the Galaxies-Intergalactic Medium Interaction Calculation suite of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations within the framework of the cosmic web as formulated by Hoffman et al., focusing on properties of simulated dark matter haloes and luminous galaxies with respect to voids, sheets, filaments, and knots – the four elements of the cosmic web. We find that the mass functions of haloes depend on environment, which drives other environmental dependence of galaxy formation. The web shapes the halo mass function, and through the strong dependence of the galaxy properties on the mass of their host haloes, it also shapes the galaxy-(web) environment dependence

    Mismatch and misalignment: dark haloes and satellites of disc galaxies

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    We study the phase-space distribution of satellite galaxies associated with late-type galaxies in the GIMIC suite of simulations. GIMIC consists of resimulations of five cosmologically representative regions from the Millennium Simulation, which have higher resolution and incorporate baryonic physics. Whilst the disc of the galaxy is well aligned with the inner regions (r∼ 0.1r200) of the dark matter halo, both in shape and angular momentum, there can be substantial misalignments at larger radii (r∼r200). Misalignments of >45° are seen in ∼30 per cent of our sample. We find that the satellite population aligns with the shape (and angular momentum) of the outer dark matter halo. However, the alignment with the galaxy is weak owing to the mismatch between the disc and dark matter halo. Roughly 20 per cent of the satellite systems with 10 bright galaxies within r200 exhibit a polar spatial alignment with respect to the galaxy – an orientation reminiscent of the classical satellites of the Milky Way. We find that a small fraction (∼10 per cent) of satellite systems show evidence for rotational support which we attribute to group infall. There is a bias towards satellites on prograde orbits relative to the spin of the dark matter halo (and to a lesser extent with the angular momentum of the disc). This preference towards co-rotation is stronger in the inner regions of the halo where the most massive satellites accreted at relatively early times are located. We attribute the anisotropic spatial distribution and angular momentum bias of the satellites at z= 0 to their directional accretion along the major axes of the dark matter halo. The satellite galaxies have been accreted relatively recently compared to the dark matter mass and have experienced less phase-mixing and relaxation – the memory of their accretion history can remain intact to z= 0. Understanding the phase-space distribution of the z= 0 satellite population is key for studies that estimate the host halo mass from the line-of-sight velocities and projected positions of satellite galaxies. We quantify the effects of such systematics in estimates of the host halo mass from the satellite population

    The Phantom Dark Matter Halos of the Local Volume in the Context of Modified Newtonian Dynamics

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    International audienceWe explore the predictions of Milgromian gravity (MOND) in the local universe by considering the distribution of the “phantom” dark matter (PDM) that would source the MOND gravitational field in Newtonian gravity, allowing an easy comparison with the dark matter framework. For this, we specifically deal with the quasi-linear version of MOND (QUMOND). We compute the “stellar-to-(phantom)halo mass relation” (SHMR), a monotonically increasing power law resembling the SHMR observationally deduced from spiral galaxy rotation curves in the Newtonian context. We show that the gas-to-(phantom)halo mass relation is flat. We generate a map of the Local Volume in QUMOND, highlighting the important influence of distant galaxy clusters, in particular Virgo. This allows us to explore the scatter of the SHMR and the average density of PDM around galaxies in the Local Volume, ΩPDM_{PDM} ≈ 0.1, below the average cold dark matter density in a ΛCDM universe. We provide a model of the Milky Way in its external field in the MOND context, which we compare to an observational estimate of the escape velocity curve. Finally, we highlight the peculiar features related to the external field effect in the form of negative PDM density zones in the outskirts of each galaxy, and test a new analytic formula for computing galaxy rotation curves in the presence of an external field in QUMOND. While we show that the negative PDM density zones would be difficult to detect dynamically, we quantify the weak-lensing signal they could produce for lenses at z ∼ 0.3

    Galaxy Alignments: Theory, Modelling & Simulations

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    Galaxy Alignments: An Overview

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