38,835 research outputs found

    Tunable Quantum Fluctuation-Controlled Coherent Spin Dynamics

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    Temporal evolution of a macroscopic condensate of ultra cold atoms is usually driven by mean field potentials, either due to scattering between atoms or due to coupling to external fields; and coherent quantum dynamics have been observed in various cold-atom experiments. In this article, we report results of studies of a class of quantum spin dynamics which are purely driven by zero point quantum fluctuations of spin collective coordinates. Unlike the usual mean-field coherent dynamics, quantum fluctuation-controlled spin dynamics or QFCSD studied here are very sensitive to variation of quantum fluctuations and can be tuned by four to five order of magnitude using optical lattices. They have unique dependence on optical lattice potential depths and quadratic Zeeman fields. QFCSD can be potentially used to calibrate quantum fluctuations and investigate correlated fluctuations and various universal scaling properties near quantum critical points.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures included; including detailed discussions on thermal effects, trapping potentials and spin exchange losses. (To appear in PRA

    The Growth in Size and Mass of Cluster Galaxies since z=2

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    We study the formation and evolution of Brightest Cluster Galaxies starting from a z=2z=2 population of quiescent ellipticals and following them to z=0z=0. To this end, we use a suite of nine high-resolution dark matter-only simulations of galaxy clusters in a Λ\LambdaCDM universe. We develop a scheme in which simulation particles are weighted to generate realistic and dynamically stable stellar density profiles at z=2z=2. Our initial conditions assign a stellar mass to every identified dark halo as expected from abundance matching; assuming there exists a one-to-one relation between the visible properties of galaxies and their host haloes. We set the sizes of the luminous components according to the observed relations for z∼2z\sim2 massive quiescent galaxies. We study the evolution of the mass-size relation, the fate of satellite galaxies and the mass aggregation of the cluster central. From z=2z=2, these galaxies grow on average in size by a factor 5 to 10 of and in mass by 2 to 3. The stellar mass growth rate of the simulated BCGs in our sample is of 1.9 in the range 0.3<z<1.00.3<z<1.0 consistent with observations, and of 1.5 in the range 0.0<z<0.30.0<z<0.3. Furthermore the satellite galaxies evolve to the present day mass-size relation by z=0z=0. Assuming passively evolving stellar populations, we present surface brightness profiles for our cluster centrals which resemble those observed for the cDs in similar mass clusters both at z=0z=0 and at z=1z=1. This demonstrates that the Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology does indeed predict minor and major mergers to occur in galaxy clusters with the frequency and mass ratio distribution required to explain the observed growth in size of passive galaxies since z=2z=2. Our experiment shows that Brightest Cluster Galaxies can form through dissipationless mergers of quiescent massive z=2z=2 galaxies, without substantial additional star formation.Comment: submitted to MNRAS, 10 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Quantum Phase Transition in Finite-Size Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model

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    Lipkin model of arbitrary particle-number N is studied in terms of exact differential-operator representation of spin-operators from which we obtain the low-lying energy spectrum with the instanton method of quantum tunneling. Our new observation is that the well known quantum phase transition can also occur in the finite-N model only if N is an odd-number. We furthermore demonstrate a new type of quantum phase transition characterized by level-crossing which is induced by the geometric phase interference and is marvelously periodic with respect to the coupling parameter. Finally the conventional quantum phase transition is understood intuitively from the tunneling formulation in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 4 figure

    Aharonov-Casher phase and persistent current in a polyacetylene ring

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    We investigate a polyacetylene ring in an axially symmetric, static electric field with a modified SSH Hamiltonian of a polyacetylene chain. An effective gauge potential of the single electron Hamiltonian due to spin-field interaction is obtained and it results in a Fr\"{o}hlich's type of superconductivity equivalent to the effect of travelling lattice wave. The total energy as well as the persistent current density are shown to be a periodic function of the flux of the gauge field embraced by the polyacetylene ring.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Heavy-to-light scalar form factors from Muskhelishvili-Omn\`es dispersion relations

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    By solving the Muskhelishvili-Omn\`es integral equations, the scalar form factors of the semileptonic heavy meson decays D→πℓˉνℓD\to\pi \bar \ell \nu_\ell, D→KˉℓˉνℓD\to \bar{K} \bar \ell \nu_\ell, Bˉ→πℓνˉℓ\bar{B}\to \pi \ell \bar\nu_\ell and Bˉs→Kℓνˉℓ\bar{B}_s\to K \ell \bar\nu_\ell are simultaneously studied. As input, we employ unitarized heavy meson-Goldstone boson chiral coupled-channel amplitudes for the energy regions not far from thresholds, while, at high energies, adequate asymptotic conditions are imposed. The scalar form factors are expressed in terms of Omn\`es matrices multiplied by vector polynomials, which contain some undetermined dispersive subtraction constants. We make use of heavy quark and chiral symmetries to constrain these constants, which are fitted to lattice QCD results both in the charm and the bottom sectors, and in this latter sector to the light-cone sum rule predictions close to q2=0q^2=0 as well. We find a good simultaneous description of the scalar form factors for the four semileptonic decay reactions. From this combined fit, and taking advantage that scalar and vector form factors are equal at q2=0q^2=0, we obtain ∣Vcd∣=0.244±0.022|V_{cd}|=0.244\pm 0.022, ∣Vcs∣=0.945±0.041|V_{cs}|=0.945\pm 0.041 and ∣Vub∣=(4.3±0.7)×10−3|V_{ub}|=(4.3\pm 0.7)\times10^{-3} for the involved Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements. In addition, we predict the following vector form factors at q2=0q^2=0: ∣f+D→η(0)∣=0.01±0.05|f_+^{D\to\eta}(0)|=0.01\pm 0.05, ∣f+Ds→K(0)∣=0.50±0.08|f_+^{D_s\to K}(0)|=0.50 \pm 0.08, ∣f+Ds→η(0)∣=0.73±0.03|f_+^{D_s\to\eta}(0)|=0.73\pm 0.03 and ∣f+Bˉ→η(0)∣=0.82±0.08|f_+^{\bar{B}\to\eta}(0)|=0.82 \pm 0.08, which might serve as alternatives to determine the CKM elements when experimental measurements of the corresponding differential decay rates become available. Finally, we predict the different form factors above the q2−q^2-regions accessible in the semileptonic decays, up to moderate energies amenable to be described using the unitarized coupled-channel chiral approach.Comment: includes further discussions and references; matches the accepted versio

    The Hard X-ray emission of the blazar PKS 2155--304

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    The synchrotron peak of the X-ray bright High Energy Peaked Blazar (HBL) PKS 2155−-304 occurs in the UV-EUV region and hence its X-ray emission (0.6--10 keV) lies mostly in the falling part of the synchrotron hump. We aim to study the X-ray emission of PKS 2155−-304 during different intensity states in 2009−-2014 using XMM−-Newton satellite. We studied the spectral curvature of all of the observations to provide crucial information on the energy distribution of the non-thermal particles. Most of the observations show curvature or deviation from a single power-law and can be well modeled by a log parabola model. In some of the observations, we find spectral flattening after 6 keV. In order to find the possible origin of the X-ray excess, we built the Multi-band Spectral Energy distribution (SED). We find that the X-ray excess in PKS 2155--304 is difficult to fit in the one zone model but, could be easily reconciled in the spine/layer jet structure. The hard X-ray excess can be explained by the inverse Comptonization of the synchrotron photons (from the layer) by the spine electrons.Comment: 14 pages, 7 Figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Probing the Inflow/Out-flow and Accretion Disk of Cyg X-1 in the High State with HETG/Chandra

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    Cyg X-1 was observed in the high state at the conjunction orbital phase (0) with HETG/Chandra. Strong and asymmetric absorption lines of highly ionized species were detected, such as Fe XXV, Fe XXIV, Fe XXIII, Si XIV, S XVI, Ne X, and etc. In the high state the profile of the absorption lines are composed of an extended red wing and a less extended blue wing. The red wings of higher ionized species are more extended than that of lower ionized species. The detection of these lines provides a way to probe the properties of the flow around the companion and the black hole in Cyg X-1 during the high state. A broad emission feature around 6.5 keV was significantly detected from the both spectra of HETG/Chandra and PCA/RXTE. This feature appears to be symmetric and can be fitted with a Gaussian function rather than the Laor disk line model of fluorescent Fe Kα_\alpha line from an accretion disk. The implications of these results on the structure of the accretion flow of Cyg X-1 in the high state are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 4 fiugres. accepted for publication in the v597 n2 ApJ November 10, 2003 issu

    Polarization Induced Switching Effect in Graphene Nanoribbon Edge-Defect Junction

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    With nonequilibrium Green's function approach combined with density functional theory, we perform an ab initio calculation to investigate transport properties of graphene nanoribbon junctions self-consistently. Tight-binding approximation is applied to model the zigzag graphene nanoribbon (ZGNR) electrodes, and its validity is confirmed by comparison with GAUSSIAN03 PBC calculation of the same system. The origin of abnormal jump points usually appearing in the transmission spectrum is explained with the detailed tight-binding ZGNR band structure. Transport property of an edge defect ZGNR junction is investigated, and the tunable tunneling current can be sensitively controlled by transverse electric fields.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure
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