44 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Isolated Atrial Amyloidosis in Young Patients Affected by Congestive Heart Failure

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    Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), whose amyloid is responsible of isolated atrial amyloidosis (IAA), is known to play an important role in the pathophysiology of congestive heart failure (CHF). We provide here the microscopic examination of atrial biopsies from 36 young (mean 40 years) CHF patients distinguished in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DC) affected and hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HC) affected, endorsing the presumptive association of early CHF with IAA. We utilized a multiple method, using Congo red (CR) staining, CR fluorescence (CRF), and immunohistochemistry to assess the presence of IAA in CHF. Immunostaining showed a moderate deposition of IAA in the atrium surrounding working myocardium with small intracellular deposits. Our findings suggest a monitoring of young CHF cases for the development of IAA. Our study also demonstrated how the concurrent use of immunohistochemistry, CR, and CRF may greatly enhance the detection of low-grade amyloid deposits

    Machine learning application for development of a data-driven predictive model able to investigate quality of life scores in a rare disease.

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    BACKGROUND:Alkaptonuria (AKU) is an ultra-rare autosomal recessive disease caused by a mutation in the homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (HGD) gene. One of the main obstacles in studying AKU, and other ultra-rare diseases, is the lack of a standardized methodology to assess disease severity or response to treatment. Quality of Life scores (QoL) are a reliable way to monitor patients' clinical condition and health status. QoL scores allow to monitor the evolution of diseases and assess the suitability of treatments by taking into account patients' symptoms, general health status and care satisfaction. However, more comprehensive tools to study a complex and multi-systemic disease like AKU are needed. In this study, a Machine Learning (ML) approach was implemented with the aim to perform a prediction of QoL scores based on clinical data deposited in the ApreciseKUre, an AKU- dedicated database. METHOD:Data derived from 129 AKU patients have been firstly examined through a preliminary statistical analysis (Pearson correlation coefficient) to measure the linear correlation between 11 QoL scores. The variable importance in QoL scores prediction of 110 ApreciseKUre biomarkers has been then calculated using XGBoost, with K-nearest neighbours algorithm (k-NN) approach. Due to the limited number of data available, this model has been validated using surrogate data analysis. RESULTS:We identified a direct correlation of 6 (age, Serum Amyloid A, Chitotriosidase, Advanced Oxidation Protein Products, S-thiolated proteins and Body Mass Index) out of 110 biomarkers with the QoL health status, in particular with the KOOS (Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score) symptoms (Relative Absolute Error (RAE) 0.25). The error distribution of surrogate-model (RAE 0.38) was unequivocally higher than the true-model one (RAE of 0.25), confirming the consistency of our dataset. Our data showed that inflammation, oxidative stress, amyloidosis and lifestyle of patients correlates with the QoL scores for physical status, while no correlation between the biomarkers and patients' mental health was present (RAE 1.1). CONCLUSIONS:This proof of principle study for rare diseases confirms the importance of database, allowing data management and analysis, which can be used to predict more effective treatments

    Different Factors Affecting Human ANP Amyloid Aggregation and Their Implications in Congestive Heart Failure

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    Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)-containing amyloid is frequently found in the elderly heart. No data exist regarding ANP aggregation process and its link to pathologies. Our aims were: i) to experimentally prove the presumptive association of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and Isolated Atrial Amyloidosis (IAA); ii) to characterize ANP aggregation, thereby elucidating IAA implication in the CHF pathogenesis.A significant prevalence (85\%) of IAA was immunohistochemically proven ex vivo in biopsies from CHF patients. We investigated in vitro (using Congo Red, Thioflavin T, SDS-PAGE, transmission electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy) ANP fibrillogenesis, starting from α-ANP as well as the ability of dimeric β-ANP to promote amyloid formation. Different conditions were adopted, including those reproducing β-ANP prevalence in CHF. Our results defined the uncommon rapidity of α-ANP self-assembly at acidic pH supporting the hypothesis that such aggregates constitute the onset of a fibrillization process subsequently proceeding at physiological pH. Interestingly, CHF-like conditions induced the production of the most stable and time-resistant ANP fibrils suggesting that CHF affected people may be prone to develop IAA.We established a link between IAA and CHF by ex vivo examination and assessed that β-ANP is, in vitro, the seed of ANP fibrils. Our results indicate that β-ANP plays a crucial role in ANP amyloid deposition under physiopathological CHF conditions. Overall, our findings indicate that early IAA-related ANP deposition may occur in CHF and suggest that these latter patients should be monitored for the development of cardiac amyloidosis

    Redox proteomics gives insights into the role of oxidative stress in alkaptonuria.

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    Alkaptonuria (AKU) is an ultra-rare metabolic disorder of the catabolic pathway of tyrosine and phenylalanine that has been poorly characterized at molecular level. As a genetic disease, AKU is present at birth, but its most severe manifestations are delayed due to the deposition of a dark-brown pigment (ochronosis) in connective tissues. The reasons for such a delayed manifestation have not been clarified yet, though several lines of evidence suggest that the metabolite accumulated in AKU sufferers (homogentisic acid) is prone to auto-oxidation and induction of oxidative stress. The clarification of the pathophysiological molecular mechanisms of AKU would allow a better understanding of the disease, help find a cure for AKU and provide a model for more common rheumatic diseases. With this aim, we have shown how proteomics and redox proteomics might successfully overcome the difficulties of studying a rare disease such as AKU and the limitations of the hitherto adopted approaches

    Conformations and biological activities of Amyloid Beta Peptide 25-35

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    Amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide is commonly found in human Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain and is the main component of Alzheimer amyloid plaques. The predominant forms of Aβ in the human brain are Aβ(1-40) and Aβ(1-42), but Aβ(25-35) fragment, physiologically present in elderly people, is the more toxic region and has been recently found to play a relevant role in AD, due to its peculiar aggregation properties. In this work, we review the current understanding on the conformations and biological activity of Aβ(25-35) exploring aggregation, cytotoxic and neurodegenerative properties of this fundamental Aβ fragment, in order to provide an effective starting point to better approach a pathology spread and problematic as AD

    Foodomics for human health: current status and perspectives

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    Introduction: In the post-genomic era, the opportunity to combine and integrate cutting-edge analytical platforms and data processing systems allowed the birth of foodomics, ‘a discipline that studies the Food and Nutrition domains through the application of advanced omics technologies to improve consumer’s well-being, health, and confidence’. Since then, this discipline has rapidly evolved and researchers are now facing the daunting tasks to meet consumers’ needs in terms of food traceability, sustainability, quality, safety and integrity. Most importantly, today it is imperative to provide solid evidence of the mechanisms through which food can promote human health and well-being. Areas covered: In this review, the complex relationships connecting food, nutrition and human health will be discussed, with emphasis on the relapses for the development of functional foods and nutraceuticals, personalized nutrition approaches, and the study of the interplay among gut microbiota, diet and health/diseases. Expert commentary: Evidence has been provided supporting the role of various omic platforms in studying the health-promoting effects of food and customized dietary interventions. However, although associated to major analytical challenges, only the proper integration of multi-omics studies and the implementation of bioinformatics tools and databases will help translate findings from clinical practice into effective personalized treatment strategies. © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Oxidative stress and mechanisms of ochronosis in alkaptonuria

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    Alkaptonuria (AKU) is a rare metabolic disease due to a deficient activity of the enzyme homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (HGD), involved in Phe and Tyr catabolism. Due to such a deficiency, AKU patients undergo accumulation of the metabolite homogentisic acid (HGA), which is prone to oxidation/polymerization reactions causing the production of a melanin-like pigment. Once the pigment is deposited onto connective tissues (mainly in joints, spine, and cardiac valves), a classical bluish-brown discoloration is imparted, leading to a phenomenon known as "ochronosis", the hallmark of AKU. A clarification of the molecular mechanisms for the production and deposition of the ochronotic pigment in AKU started only recently with a range of in vitro and ex vivo human models used for the study of HGA-induced effects. Thanks to redox-proteomic analyses, it was found that HGA could induce significant oxidation of a number of serum and chondrocyte proteins. Further investigations allowed highlighting how HGA-induced proteome alteration, lipid peroxidation, thiol depletion, and amyloid production could contribute to oxidative stress generation and protein oxidation in AKU. This review briefly summarizes the most recent findings on HGA-induced oxidative stress in AKU, helping in the clarification of the molecular mechanisms of ochronosis and potentially providing the basis for its pharmacological treatment. Future work should be undertaken in order to validate in vivo the results so far obtained in in vitro AKU models

    Rapid aggregation and assembly in aqueous solution of A beta (25-35) peptide

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    The highly toxic Aβ(25-35) is a peculiar peptide that differs from all the other commonly studied β-amyloid peptides because of its extremely rapid aggregation properties and enhanced neurotoxicity. We investigated Aβ(25-35) aggregation in H2O at pH 3.0 and at pH 7.4 by means of in-solution analyses. Adopting UV spectroscopy, Congo red spectrophotometry and thiofl avin T fl uorimetry, we were able to quantify, in water, the very fast assembling time necessary for Aβ(25-35) to form stable insoluble aggregates and their ability to seed or not seed fi bril growth. Our quantitative results, which confi rm a very rapid assembly leading to stable insoluble aggregates of Aβ(25-35) only when incubated at pH 7.4, might be helpful for designing novel aggregation inhibitors and to shed light on the in vivo environment in which fi bril formation takes place