198 research outputs found

    Gene-to-metabolite network for biosynthesis of lignans in MeJA-elicited Isatis indigotica hairy root cultures.

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    Root and leaf tissue of Isatis indigotica shows notable anti-viral efficacy, and are widely used as "Banlangen" and "Daqingye" in traditional Chinese medicine. The plants' pharmacological activity is attributed to phenylpropanoids, especially a group of lignan metabolites. However, the biosynthesis of lignans in I. indigotica remains opaque. This study describes the discovery and analysis of biosynthetic genes and AP2/ERF-type transcription factors involved in lignan biosynthesis in I. indigotica. MeJA treatment revealed differential expression of three genes involved in phenylpropanoid backbone biosynthesis (IiPAL, IiC4H, Ii4CL), five genes involved in lignan biosynthesis (IiCAD, IiC3H, IiCCR, IiDIR, and IiPLR), and 112 putative AP2/ERF transcription factors. In addition, four intermediates of lariciresinol biosynthesis were found to be induced. Based on these results, a canonical correlation analysis using Pearson's correlation coefficient was performed to construct gene-to-metabolite networks and identify putative key genes and rate-limiting reactions in lignan biosynthesis. Over-expression of IiC3H, identified as a key pathway gene, was used for metabolic engineering of I. indigotica hairy roots, and resulted in an increase in lariciresinol production. These findings illustrate the utility of canonical correlation analysis for the discovery and metabolic engineering of key metabolic genes in plants

    The heritability of Type D personality by an extended twin-pedigree analysis in the Netherlands twin register

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    Type D (Distressed) personality combines negative affectivity (NA) and social inhibition (SI) and is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. We aimed to (1) validate a new proxy based on the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) for Type D personality and its NA and SI subcomponents and (2) estimate the heritability of the Type D proxy in an extended twin-pedigree design in the Netherlands Twin Register (NTR). Proxies for the dichotomous Type D classification, and continuous NA, SI, and NAxSI (the continuous measure of Type D) scales were created based on 12 ASEBA items for 30,433 NTR participants (16,449 twins and 13,984 relatives from 11,106 pedigrees) and sources of variation were analyzed in the ‘Mendel’ software package. We estimated additive and non-additive genetic variance components, shared household and unique environmental variance components and ran bivariate models to estimate the genetic and non-genetic covariance between NA and SI. The Type D proxy showed good reliability and construct validity. The best fitting genetic model included additive and non-additive genetic effects with broad-sense heritabilities for NA, SI and NAxSI estimated at 49%, 50% and 49%, respectively. Household effects showed small contributions (4–9%) to the total phenotypic variation. The genetic correlation between NA and SI was .66 (reflecting both additive and non-additive genetic components). Thus, Type D personality and its NA and SI subcomponents are heritable, with a shared genetic basis for the two subcomponents

    Analysis on the interactions between the first introns and other introns in mitochondrial ribosomal protein genes

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    It is realized that the first intron plays a key role in regulating gene expression, and the interactions between the first introns and other introns must be related to the regulation of gene expression. In this paper, the sequences of mitochondrial ribosomal protein genes were selected as the samples, based on the Smith-Waterman method, the optimal matched segments between the first intron and the reverse complementary sequences of other introns of each gene were obtained, and the characteristics of the optimal matched segments were analyzed. The results showed that the lengths and the ranges of length distributions of the optimal matched segments are increased along with the evolution of eukaryotes. For the distributions of the optimal matched segments with different GC contents, the peak values are decreased along with the evolution of eukaryotes, but the corresponding GC content of the peak values are increased along with the evolution of eukaryotes, it means most introns of higher organisms interact with each other though weak bonds binding. By comparing the lengths and matching rates of optimal matched segments with those of siRNA and miRNA, it is found that some optimal matched segments may be related to non-coding RNA with special biological functions, just like siRNA and miRNA, they may play an important role in the process of gene expression and regulation. For the relative position of the optimal matched segments, the peaks of relative position distributions of optimal matched segments are increased during the evolution of eukaryotes, and the positions of the first two peaks exhibit significant conservatism

    Pingmu Decoction Induces Orbital Preadipocytes Apoptosis In Vitro

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    Pingmu Decoction is the Traditional Chinese Medicine which has treated Graves’ Ophthalmopathy (GO) in the inactive stage for more than ten years. This study was to explore the mechanism of Pingmu Decoction of inhibiting preadipocytes in GO patients from differentiating into mature adipocytes. Human orbital preadipocytes were isolated and cultured through tissue explant method. Orbital preadipocytes were induced into mature adipocytes. The medicinal serum was prepared from rats. The cells were treated with medicinal serum which were divided into three groups, low dose group (5%), medium dose group (10%), and high dose group (20%). The cells viabilities were observed by Oil Red O staining, MTT method, and Annexin V/propidium iodide (PI) double staining. Effect of Pingmu Decoction on cell apoptosis rate of orbital matured adipocytes was measured by flow cytometry. The genes Fas and Fas L from cell groups were tested by RT-PCR and Western blotting. The expression of master adipogenic transcription factors, including peroxisome proliferation-activity receptor (PPAR) γ and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) α, was tested by Western blotting. Pingmu Decoction could reduce orbital preadipocytes viability and induce apoptosis of mature adipocyte via Fas/Fas L signaling pathway. Pingmu Decoction reduced lipid accumulation and downregulated the expression of PPAR γ and C/EBP α. Pingmu Decoction may play a therapeutic effect by reducing the accumulation of orbital adipocytes

    The R2R3-MYB Factor FhMYB5 From Freesia hybrida Contributes to the Regulation of Anthocyanin and Proanthocyanidin Biosynthesis

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    The flavonoids are important and nourishing compounds for plants and human. The transcription regulation of anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin (PA) biosynthesis was extensively studied in dicot compared with monocot plants. In this study, we characterized the functionality of an R2R3-MYB gene FhMYB5 from the monocotyledonous flowering plant of Iridaceae, Freesia hybrida. Multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis implied that FhMYB5 was clustered into grapevine VvMYB5b subclade. Correlation analysis indicated that the spatio-temporal expression patterns of FhMYB5 coincided well with anthocyanin and PA accumulations in Freesia per se. Furthermore, transient transfection assays in Freesia protoplasts revealed that the late flavonoid biosynthetic genes (e.g., DFR and LDOX) were slightly up-regulated by FhMYB5 alone, whereas both early and late biosynthetic genes were significantly activated when FhMYB5 were co-infected with either of the two IIIf clade bHLH genes, FhTT8L and FhGL3L. Moreover, these results were further confirmed by co-transfection of FhMYB5 with either of the bHLH genes aforementioned into protoplasts expressing GUS reporter gene driven by Freesia promoters. In addition, the overexpression of FhMYB5 in tobacco and Arabidopsis could also significantly up-regulate the expression of genes participating in the general flavonoid pathway. In conclusion, FhMYB5 was proved to function in the general flavonoid pathway in Freesia. The results implied a function conservation of flavonoid biosynthesis related MYB regulators in angiosperm plants

    Design of Efficient Exciplex Emitters by Decreasing the Energy Gap Between the Local Excited Triplet (3LE) State of the Acceptor and the Charge Transfer (CT) States of the Exciplex

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    A series of thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) exciplex based on the TX-TerPy were constructed. The electronic coupling between the triplet local excited states (3LE) of the donors and acceptor and the charge transfer states had a great influence on the triplet exciton harvesting and ΦPL. Herein, based on this strategy, three donor molecules TAPC, TCTA, and m-MTDATA were selected. The local triplet excited state (3LE) of the three donors are 2.93, 2.72 and 2.52 eV in pure films. And the 3LE of TX-TerPy is 2.69 eV in polystyrene film. The energy gap between the singlet charge transfer (1CT) states of TAPC:TX-TerPy (7:1), TCTA:TX-TerPy (7:1) and the 3LE of TX-TerPy are 0.30 eV and 0.20 eV. Finally, the ΦPL of TAPC:TX-TerPy (7:1) and TCTA:TX-TerPy (7:1) are 65.2 and 69.6%. When we changed the doping concentration of the exciplex from 15% to 50%, the ratio of the triplet decreased, and ΦPL decreased by half, perhaps due to the increased energy gap between 1CT and 3LE. Therefore, optimizing the 1CT, 3CT, and 3LE facilitated the efficient exciplex TADF molecules

    PFKFB4 Promotes Breast Cancer Metastasis via Induction of Hyaluronan Production in a p38-Dependent Manner

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    Background/Aims: The bi-functional enzyme 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2, 6-biphosphatase-4 (PFKFB4) is highly expressed in many types of cancer and its requirement for tumor survival has been demonstrated in glioma, lung, and prostate cancers. However, whether PFKFB4 plays a role in the tumor metastasis remains uncertain. This study explores the role of PFKFB4 in tumor metastasis and its underlying mechanisms in breast cancer cells. Methods: The expression of PFKFB4 was first analyzed using the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) dataset, and confirmed by immunohistochemical staining of tissue microarray and breast cancer tissues from patient samples. Gain- and loss-of- function approaches were used to investigate the effects of PFKFB4 on breast cancer cell migration in vitro. Orthotopic xenograft model and experimental metastasis model were used to assess the effects of PFKFB4 on breast cancer cell metastasis in vivo. ELISA and immunofluorescence staining were used to examine HA production. Quantitative RT-PCR and western blotting were used to explore the mRNA and protein levels of HAS2, respectively. Results: We found that PFKFB4 enhances the migration/invasiveness of breast cancer cells in vitro as well as in vivo. Notably, the effects of PFKFB4 on migration are mediated by induction of HAS2 expression and HA production. Moreover, PFKFB4-induced HAS2 up-regulation depends upon the activation of p38 signaling. Conclusion: PFKFB4 promotes the metastasis of breast cancer cells via induction of HAS2 expression and HA production in a p38-dependent manner. Therefore, the PFKFB4/p38/HAS2 signaling pathway may serve as a potential therapeutic target for metastatic breast cancer

    Mendelian randomization reveals unexpected effects of CETP on the lipoprotein profile

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    According to the current dogma, cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) decreases high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol (C) and increases low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-C. However, detailed insight into the effects of CETP on lipoprotein subclasses is lacking. Therefore, we used a Mendelian randomization approach based on a genetic score for serum CETP concentration (rs247616, rs12720922 and rs1968905) to estimate causal effects per unit (mu g/mL) increase in CETP on 159 standardized metabolic biomarkers, primarily lipoprotein subclasses. Metabolic biomarkers were measured by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in 5672 participants of the Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity (NEO) study. Higher CETP concentrations were associated with less large HDL (largest effect XL-HDL-C, P = 6 x 10(-22)) and more small VLDL components (largest effect S-VLDL cholesteryl esters, P = 6 x 10(-6)). No causal effects were observed with LDL subclasses. All these effects were replicated in an independent cohort from European ancestry (MAGNETIC NMR GWAS; n similar to 20,000). Additionally, we assessed observational associations between ELISA-measured CETP concentration and metabolic measures. In contrast to results from Mendelian randomization, observationally, CETP concentration predominantly associated with more VLDL, IDL and LDL components. Our results show that CETP is an important causal determinant of HDL and VLDL concentration and composition, which may imply that the CETP inhibitor anacetrapib decreased cardiovascular disease risk through specific reduction of small VLDL rather than LDL. The contrast between genetic and observational associations might be explained by a high capacity of VLDL, IDL and LDL subclasses to carry CETP, thereby concealing causal effects on HDL.Peer reviewe
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