11 research outputs found

    Cosmological Topologically Massive Gravitons and Photons

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    We study topologically massive (2+1)-dimensional gravity with a negative cosmological constant. The masses of the linearized curvature excitations about AdS_3 backgrounds are not only shifted from their flat background values but, more surprisingly, split according to chirality. For all finite values of the topological mass, we find a single bulk degree of freedom with positive energy, and exhibit a complete set of normalizable, finite-energy wave packet solutions. This model can also be written as a sum of two higher-derivative SL(2,R) Chern--Simons theories, weighted by the central charges of the boundary conformal field theory. At two particular "critical" values of the couplings, one of these central charges vanishes, and linearized topologically massive gravity becomes equivalent to topologically massive electromagnetism; however, the physics of the bulk wave packets remains unaltered here.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figure. v2: Expanded; exhibits localized normalizable wave packets and exact chiral pp-wave solutions. v3: Added references; clarification on bulk vs. boundary chirality. v4: Published version; changes include discussion of bulk solutions' asymptotic acceptability at all m

    The General Supersymmetric Solution of Topologically Massive Supergravity

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    We find the general fully non-linear solution of topologically massive supergravity admitting a Killing spinor. It is of plane-wave type, with a null Killing vector field. Conversely, we show that all solutions with a null Killing vector are supersymmetric for one or the other choice of sign for the Chern-Simons coupling constant \mu. If \mu does not take the critical value \mu=\pm 1, these solutions are asymptotically regular on a Poincar\'e patch, but do not admit a smooth global compactification with boundary S^1\times\R. In the critical case, the solutions have a logarithmic singularity on the boundary of the Poincar\'e patch. We derive a Nester-Witten identity, which allows us to identify the associated charges, but we conclude that the presence of the Chern-Simons term prevents us from making a statement about their positivity. The Nester-Witten procedure is applied to the BTZ black hole.Comment: Minor correction

    Topologically Massive Gravity and Ricci-Cotton Flow

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    We consider Topologically Massive Gravity (TMG), which is three dimensional general relativity with a cosmological constant and a gravitational Chern-Simons term. When the cosmological constant is negative the theory has two potential vacuum solutions: Anti-de Sitter space and Warped Anti-de Sitter space. The theory also contains a massive graviton state which renders these solutions unstable for certain values of the parameters and boundary conditions. We study the decay of these solutions due to the condensation of the massive graviton mode using Ricci-Cotton flow, which is the appropriate generalization of Ricci flow to TMG. When the Chern-Simons coupling is small the AdS solution flows to warped AdS by the condensation of the massive graviton mode. When the coupling is large the situation is reversed, and warped AdS flows to AdS. Minisuperspace models are constructed where these flows are studied explicitly

    Warped AdS_3 Black Holes

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    Three dimensional topologically massive gravity (TMG) with a negative cosmological constant -\ell^{-2} and positive Newton constant G admits an AdS_3 vacuum solution for any value of the graviton mass \mu. These are all known to be perturbatively unstable except at the recently explored chiral point \mu\ell=1. However we show herein that for every value of \mu\ell< 3 there are two other (potentially stable) vacuum solutions given by SL(2,R)x U(1)-invariant warped AdS_3 geometries, with a timelike or spacelike U(1) isometry. Critical behavior occurs at \mu\ell=3, where the warping transitions from a stretching to a squashing, and there are a pair of warped solutions with a null U(1) isometry. For \mu\ell>3, there are known warped black hole solutions which are asymptotic to warped AdS_3. We show that these black holes are discrete quotients of warped AdS_3 just as BTZ black holes are discrete quotients of ordinary AdS_3. Moreover new solutions of this type, relevant to any theory with warped AdS_3 solutions, are exhibited. Finally we note that the black hole thermodynamics is consistent with the hypothesis that, for \mu\ell>3, the warped AdS_3 ground state of TMG is holographically dual to a 2D boundary CFT with central charges c_R={15(\mu\ell)^2+81\over G\mu((\mu\ell)^2+27)} and c_L={12 \mu\ell^2\over G((\mu\ell)^2+27)}.Comment: 29 page

    Black holes with a null Killing vector in three-dimensional massive gravity

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    We investigate solutions of new massive gravity with two commuting Killing vectors, one of which is null, with a special emphasis on black hole solutions. Besides extreme BTZ black holes and, for a special value of the coupling constant, massless null warped black holes, we also obtain for a critical coupling a family of massive "log" black holes. These are asymptotic to the extreme BTZ black holes in the sense of log gravity.Comment: 16 pages; v2: title changed; v3: section 4 reworked; version to be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Holographic Entanglement Entropy: An Overview

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    In this article, we review recent progresses on the holographic understandings of the entanglement entropy in the AdS/CFT correspondence. After reviewing the general idea of holographic entanglement entropy, we will explain its applications to confinement/deconfinement phase transitions, black hole entropy and covariant formulation of holography.Comment: 52 pages, Invited review article for a special issue "Entanglement entropy in extended quantum systems" in Journal of Physics A, edited by P.Calabrese, J. Cardy and B. Doyon; (v2) references adde