298 research outputs found

    Use of Wheat Distiller Grains in Ruminant Diets

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    Wheat grain is commonly used to produce ethanol in Canada and Europe. During ethanol production processing, starch in the grain is fermented almost completely, and the remaining protein, fibre, fat, minerals and vitamins increase approximately 3-fold in concentration compared to the original grain. By-product derived from the ethanol production is named distiller grain and primarily used in feeding livestock animals. Wheat-based distiller grain is high in energy, protein and fibre. These properties give wheat distiller grain unique feeding opportunities for various classes of livestock as both energy and protein supplements as well as fibre source. This chapter summarizes some recent research findings published in peer reviewed and extension chapter on the use of wheat distiller grain in ruminant diets. Substantial variation in chemical composition exists among the distiller grain samples, which are mainly influenced by inherent original grain and technology used in ethanol plant. Wheat distiller grain can be used to partly replace grain or forage portion at moderate levels to meet energy and fibre requirements of cattle. A manure management plan needs to be developed that considers the fact that inclusion of wheat distiller grain in the diet will dramatically increase the nitrogen and phosphorus content in manure

    Public service facilities implantation mode research for existing communities based on ArcGIS analysis

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    China's urban construction has come to the stage of refined regeneration after a period of decades of rapid urbanization. While the existing communities' regeneration is facing more competitions. As one of the most important subjects in city regeneration, to perfect public service facilities' distribution and to improve its quality are two main jobs. However, there is no surplus land to construct big facilities' buildings, besides, inhabitants' needs tend to be diversified. The discrepancy between these two aspects has become one important problem in existing communities' regeneration. Based on it, this paper proposes a mode of implanting public service facilities into the existing communities which mainly contains two aspects. In terms of function, filter and classify the public facilities which can activate communities' vitality, then analysis different kinds of current facilities' deficiency by ArcGIS to make a decision of facilities' types. In terms of space, there mainly contains three parts. First of all, do typological analysis of existing communities' space, then, design corresponding implantation strategy for each type, taking facilities' function, such as restaurant and retail business, beauty salon, small theatre, tea house, etc. into consideration. At last, combing the existing communities' structure, make sure these public facilities open to the city rather than the residents only, and open to all ages. As result, create a public place shared by the whole city. This study's final goal is to try to offer a new mode of existing communities' regeneration and to provide a reference for making and revising related norms

    ARF-BP1/Mule Is a Critical Mediator of the ARF Tumor Suppressor

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    SummaryAlthough the importance of the ARF tumor suppressor in p53 regulation is well established, numerous studies indicate that ARF also suppresses cell growth in a p53/Mdm2-independent manner. To understand the mechanism of ARF-mediated tumor suppression, we identified a ubiquitin ligase, ARF-BP1, as a key factor associated with ARF in vivo. ARF-BP1 harbors a signature HECT motif, and its ubiquitin ligase activity is inhibited by ARF. Notably, inactivation of ARF-BP1, but not Mdm2, suppresses the growth of p53 null cells in a manner reminiscent of ARF induction. Surprisingly, in p53 wild-type cells, ARF-BP1 directly binds and ubiquitinates p53, and inactivation of endogenous ARF-BP1 is crucial for ARF-mediated p53 stabilization. Thus, our study modifies the current view of ARF-mediated p53 activation and reveals that ARF-BP1 is a critical mediator of both the p53-independent and p53-dependent tumor suppressor functions of ARF. As such, ARF-BP1 may serve as a potential target for therapeutic intervention in tumors regardless of p53 status

    Replication stress affects the fidelity of nucleosome-mediated epigenetic inheritance

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    The fidelity of epigenetic inheritance or, the precision by which epigenetic information is passed along, is an essential parameter for measuring the effectiveness of the process. How the precision of the process is achieved or modulated, however, remains largely elusive. We have performed quantitative measurement of epigenetic fidelity, using position effect variegation (PEV) in Schizosaccharomyces pombe as readout, to explore whether replication perturbation affects nucleosome-mediated epigenetic inheritance. We show that replication stresses, due to either hydroxyurea treatment or various forms of genetic lesions of the replication machinery, reduce the inheritance accuracy of CENP-A/Cnp1 nucleosome positioning within centromere. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that excessive formation of single-stranded DNA, a common molecular abnormality under these conditions, might have correlation with the reduction in fidelity of centromeric chromatin duplication. Furthermore, we show that replication stress broadly changes chromatin structure at various loci in the genome, such as telomere heterochromatin expanding and mating type locus heterochromatin spreading out of the boundaries. Interestingly, the levels of inheritable expanding at sub-telomeric heterochromatin regions are highly variable among independent cell populations. Finally, we show that HU treatment of the multi-cellular organisms C. elegans and D. melanogaster affects epigenetically programmed development and PEV, illustrating the evolutionary conservation of the phenomenon. Replication stress, in addition to its demonstrated role in genetic instability, promotes variable epigenetic instability throughout the epigenome

    Tree-ring stable carbon isotope-based April-June relative humidity reconstruction since AD 1648 in Mt. Tianmu, China

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    Based on accurate dating, we have determined the stable carbon isotope ratios (delta C-13) of five Cryptomeria fortunei specimens from Mt. Tianmu, a subtropical area in southern China. The five delta C-13 time series records are combined into a single representative delta C-13 time series using a "numerical mix method." These are normalized to remove temporal variations of delta(13) C in atmospheric CO2 to obtain a carbon isotopic discrimination (Delta C-13) time series, in which we observe a distinct correlation between Delta C-13 and local April to June mean relative humidity (RH (AMJ) ) (n = 64, r = 0.858, p < 0.0001). We use this relationship to reconstruct RH (AMJ) variations from ad 1648 to 2014 at Mt. Tianmu. The reconstructed sequence show that over the past 367 years, Mt. Tianmu area was relatively wet, but in the latter part of the twentieth century, under the influence of increasing global warming, it has experienced a sharp reduction in relative humidity. Spatial correlation analysis reveals a significant negative correlation between RH (AMJ) at Mt. Tianmu and Sea Surface Temperature (SSTs) in the western equatorial Pacific and Indian Ocean. In other words, there is a positive correlation between tree-ring delta C-13 in Mt. Tianmu and SSTs. Both observed and reconstructed RH (AMJ) show significant positive correlations with East Asian and South Asian monsoons from 1951 to 2014, which indicate that RH (AMJ) from Mt. Tianmu reflects the variability of the Asian summer monsoon intensity to a great extent. The summer monsoon has weakened since 1960. However, an increase in relative humidity since 2003 implies a recent enhancement in the summer monsoon