21 research outputs found

    Cellulose Synthase Complexes: Composition and Regulation

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    Live cell imaging has greatly advanced our knowledge on the molecular mechanism by which cellulose is deposited. Both the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton are involved in assuring the proper distribution, organization, and dynamics of cellulose synthase complexes (CSCs). This review is an update on the most recent progress on the characterization of the composition, regulation, and trafficking of CSCs. With the newly identified cellulose synthase interactive protein 1 (CSI1) on hand, we begin to unveil the mystery of an intimate relationship between cellulose microfibrils and microtubules

    A Rho family GTPase controls actin dynamics and tip growth via two counteracting downstream pathways in pollen tubes.

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    Tip growth in neuronal cells, plant cells, and fungal hyphae is known to require tip-localized Rho GTPase, calcium, and filamentous actin (F-actin), but how they interact with each other is unclear. The pollen tube is an exciting model to study spatiotemporal regulation of tip growth and F-actin dynamics. An Arabidopsis thaliana Rho family GTPase, ROP1, controls pollen tube growth by regulating apical F-actin dynamics. This paper shows that ROP1 activates two counteracting pathways involving the direct targets of tip-localized ROP1: RIC3 and RIC4. RIC4 promotes F-actin assembly, whereas RIC3 activates Ca(2+) signaling that leads to F-actin disassembly. Overproduction or depletion of either RIC4 or RIC3 causes tip growth defects that are rescued by overproduction or depletion of RIC3 or RIC4, respectively. Thus, ROP1 controls actin dynamics and tip growth through a check and balance between the two pathways. The dual and antagonistic roles of this GTPase may provide a unifying mechanism by which Rho modulates various processes dependent on actin dynamics in eukaryotic cells

    Cellulose-derived oligomers act as damage-associated molecular patterns and trigger defense-like responses

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    The plant cell wall, often the site of initial encounters between plants and their microbial pathogens, is composed of a complex mixture of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin polysaccharides as well as proteins. The concept of damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) was proposed to describe plant elicitors like oligogalacturonides (OGs), which can be derived by the breakdown of the pectin homogalacturon by pectinases. OGs act via many of the same signaling steps as pathogen- or microbe-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) to elicit defenses and provide protection against pathogens. Given both the complexity of the plant cell wall and the fact that many pathogens secrete a wide range of cell wall-degrading enzymes, we reasoned that the breakdown products of other cell wall polymers may be similarly biologically active as elicitors and may help to reinforce the perception of danger by plant cells. Our results indicate that oligomers derived from cellulose are perceived as signal molecules in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), triggering a signaling cascade that shares some similarities to responses to well-known elicitors such as chitooligomers and OGs. However, in contrast to other known PAMPs/DAMPs, cellobiose stimulates neither detectable reactive oxygen species production nor callose deposition. Confirming our idea that both PAMPs and DAMPs are likely to cooccur at infection sites, cotreatments of cellobiose with flg22 or chitooligomers led to synergistic increases in gene expression. Thus, the perception of cellulose-derived oligomers may participate in cell wall integrity surveillance and represents an additional layer of signaling following plant cell wall breakdown during cell wall remodeling or pathogen attack

    Two complexes at the site of microtubule nucleation

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    A Genome-Wide Analysis of Arabidopsis Rop-Interactive CRIB Motif–Containing Proteins That Act as Rop GTPase Targets

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    The plant-specific Rop family GTPases are versatile molecular switches in many processes during plant growth, development, and responses to the environment. To understand how Rop achieves its functional versatility in signaling, we performed a genome-wide identification of putative Rop targets using a combination of the yeast two-hybrid method, bioinformatic tools, and a robust functional assay in pollen. In this study, we have identified 11 Arabidopsis genes encoding novel proteins, termed RICs (for Rop-interactive CRIB motif–containing proteins), that contain a CRIB (for Cdc42/Rac-interactive binding) motif required for their specific interaction with GTP-bound Rop1. RICs are divergent and classified into five groups that share little sequence homology outside of the conserved Rop-interactive domain. Overexpression in tobacco pollen tubes of the nine Ric genes that are expressed in Arabidopsis pollen causes distinct phenotypes, implying distinct functions for various RICs. RIC3 (group III) and RIC4 (group V) both cause depolarized growth like Rop1 and display Rop1-enhanced localization to the tip of pollen tubes, suggesting that these RICs may be two distinct targets of Rop1. In contrast, RIC10 (group I) promotes pollen tube elongation but does not affect pollen tube growth polarity and shows Rop1-independent localization to the cytoplasm, suggesting that RIC10 may participate in a Rop1-independent pathway probably controlled by a different Rop. Expression of all other RICs causes various degrees of growth inhibition in pollen tubes. Furthermore, these inhibitory RICs also exhibit distinct patterns of localization in pollen tubes. Our results suggest that various RICs have evolved to interact with Rops differentially and to perform distinct functions in pollen tubes. Reverse transcriptase–mediated polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that six of the nine RICs are expressed in various parts of Arabidopsis plants. On the basis of these observations, we propose that RICs function as Rop GTPase targets that control various Rop-dependent signaling pathways in plants

    Members of a novel class of Arabidopsis Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors control Rho GTPase-dependent polar growth.

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    Rho family small GTPases are signaling switches controlling many eukaryotic cellular processes. Conversion from the GDPto GTP-bound form is catalyzed by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). Rho GEFs in animals fall into two structurally distinct classes containing DH and DOCKER catalytic domains. Using a plant Rho GTPase (ROP1) as bait in yeast two-hybrid screens, we identified a family of Rho GEFs, named RopGEFs. The Arabidopsis thaliana RopGEF family of 14 members contains a conserved central domain, the domain of unknown function 315 (DUF315), and variable N-and C-terminal regions. In vitro GEF assays show that DUF315 but not the full-length version of RopGEF1 has high GEF activity toward ROP1. Our data suggest that the variable regions of RopGEF1 are involved in regulation of RopGEF through an autoinhibitory mechanism. RopGEF1 overexpression in pollen tubes produced growth depolarization, as does a constitutively active ROP1 mutant. The RopGEF1 overexpression phenotype was suppressed by expression of a dominant-negative mutant of ROP1, probably by trapping RopGEF1. Deletion mutant analysis suggested a requirement of RopGEF activity for the function of RopGEF1 in polar growth. Green fluorescent protein-tagged RopGEF1 was localized to the tip of pollen tubes where ROP1 is activated. These results provide strong evidence that RopGEF1 activates ROP1 in control of polar growth in pollen tubes

    Members of a Novel Class of Arabidopsis

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