71 research outputs found

    Query complexity of unitary operation discrimination

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    Discrimination of unitary operations is fundamental in quantum computation and information. A lot of quantum algorithms including the well-known Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, Simon algorithm, and Grover algorithm can essentially be regarded as discriminating among individual, or sets of unitary operations (oracle operators). The problem of discriminating between two unitary operations UU and VV can be described as: Given X∈{U,V}X\in\{U, V\}, determine which one XX is. If XX is given with multiple copies, then one can design an adaptive procedure that takes multiple queries to XX to output the identification result of XX. In this paper, we consider the problem: How many queries are required for achieving a desired failure probability ϵ\epsilon of discrimination between UU and VV. We prove in a uniform framework: (i) if UU and VV are discriminated with bound error ϵ\epsilon , then the number of queries TT must satisfy T≥⌈21−4ϵ(1−ϵ)Θ(U†V)⌉T\geq \left\lceil\frac{2\sqrt{1-4\epsilon(1-\epsilon)}}{\Theta (U^\dagger V)}\right\rceil, and (ii) if they are discriminated with one-sided error ϵ\epsilon, then there is T≥⌈21−ϵΘ(U†V)⌉T\geq \left\lceil\frac{2\sqrt{1-\epsilon}}{\Theta (U^\dagger V)}\right\rceil, where Θ(W)\Theta(W) denotes the length of the smallest arc containing all the eigenvalues of WW on the unit circle

    Deterministic quantum search with adjustable parameters: implementations and applications

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    Grover's algorithm provides a quadratic speedup over classical algorithms to search for marked elements in an unstructured database. The original algorithm is probabilistic, returning a marked element with bounded error. There are several schemes to achieve the deterministic version, by using the generalized Grover's iteration G(α,β):=Sr(β) So(α)G(\alpha,\beta):=S_r(\beta)\, S_o(\alpha) composed of phase oracle So(α)S_o(\alpha) and phase rotation Sr(β)S_r(\beta). However, in all the existing schemes the value range of α\alpha and β\beta is limited; for instance, in the three early schemes α\alpha and β\beta are determined by the proportion of marked states M/NM/N. In this paper, we break through this limitation by presenting a search framework with adjustable parameters, which allows α\alpha or β\beta to be arbitrarily given. The significance of the framework lies not only in the expansion of mathematical form, but also in its application value, as we present two disparate problems which we are able to solve deterministically using the proposed framework, whereas previous schemes are ineffective.Comment: The title and the abstract have been slightly revise

    Super-exponential quantum advantage for finding the center of a sphere

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    This article considers the geometric problem of finding the center of a sphere in vector space over finite fields, given samples of random points on the sphere. We propose a quantum algorithm based on continuous-time quantum walks that needs only a constant number of samples to find the center. We also prove that any classical algorithm for the same task requires approximately as many samples as the dimension of the vector space, by a reduction to an old and basic algebraic result -- Warning's second theorem. Thus, a super-exponential quantum advantage is revealed for the first time for a natural and intuitive geometric problem
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