84 research outputs found

    Hidden-symmetry-protected topological phases on a one-dimensional lattice

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    We demonstrate the existence of topologically nontrivial phase in a one-dimensional fermionic lattice system subjected to synthetic gauge fields, which is beyond the standard Altland-Zirnbauer classification of topological insulators. The topological phase can be characterized by the presence of degenerate zero-mode edge states or a quantized Berry phase of the occupied Bloch band. By analyzing symmetries of the system, we identify that the topological phase and zero-mode edge states are protected by two hidden symmetries. An extended model with hidden symmetry breaking is also studied in order to reveal the effect of hidden symmetries on the symmetry protected topological phase.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Topological invariants for phase transition points of one-dimensional Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 topological systems

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    We study topological properties of phase transition points of two topologically non-trivial Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 classes (D and DIII) in one dimension by assigning a Berry phase defined on closed circles around the gap closing points in the parameter space of momentum and a transition driving parameter. While the topological property of the Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 system is generally characterized by a Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 topological invariant, we identify that it has a correspondence to the quantized Berry phase protected by the particle-hole symmetry, and then give a proper definition of Berry phase to the phase transition point. By applying our scheme to some specific models of class D and DIII, we demonstrate that the topological phase transition can be well characterized by the Berry phase of the transition point, which reflects the change of Berry phases of topologically different phases across the phase transition point.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Winding numbers of phase transition points for one-dimensional topological systems

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    We study topological properties of phase transition points of one-dimensional topological quantum phase transitions by assigning winding numbers defined on closed circles around the gap closing points in the parameter space of momentum and a transition driving parameter, which overcomes the problem of ill definition of winding numbers on the transition points. By applying our scheme to the extended Kitaev model and extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, we demonstrate that the topological phase transition can be well characterized by winding numbers of transition points, which reflect the change of the winding number of topologically different phases across the phase transition points.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
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