2,328 research outputs found

    Generalized L\"uscher's Formula in Multichannel Baryon-Baryon Scattering

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    In this paper, L\"uscher's formula is generalized to the case of two spin-12\frac{1}{2} particles in two-channel scattering based on Ref. \cite{Li:2012bi}. This is first done in a non-relativistic quantum mechanics model and then generalized to quantum field theory. We show that L\"uscher's formula obtained from these two different methods are equivalent up to terms that are exponentially suppressed in the box size. This formalism can be readily applied to future lattice QCD calculations.Comment: Introduction expanded and references added. 10 pages, no figure

    Experimentally reducing the quantum measurement back-action in work distributions by a collective measurement

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    In quantum thermodynamics, the standard approach to estimate work fluctuations in unitary processes is based on two projective measurements, one performed at the beginning of the process and one at the end. The first measurement destroys any initial coherence in the energy basis, thus preventing later interference effects. In order to decrease this back-action, a scheme based on collective measurements has been proposed in~[PRL 118, 070601 (2017)]. Here, we report its experimental implementation in an optical system. The experiment consists of a deterministic collective measurement on identically prepared two qubits, encoded in the polarisation and path degree of a single photon. The standard two projective measurement approach is also experimentally realized for comparison. Our results show the potential of collective schemes to decrease the back-action of projective measurements, and capture subtle effects arising from quantum coherence.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    A multi-wavelength observation and investigation of six infrared dark clouds

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    Context. Infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) are ubiquitous in the Milky Way, yet they play a crucial role in breeding newly-formed stars. Aims. With the aim of further understanding the dynamics, chemistry, and evolution of IRDCs, we carried out multi-wavelength observations on a small sample. Methods. We performed new observations with the IRAM 30 m and CSO 10.4 m telescopes, with tracers HCO+{\rm HCO^+}, HCN, N2H+{\rm N_2H^+}, C18O{\rm C^{18}O}, DCO+^+, SiO, and DCN toward six IRDCs G031.97+00.07, G033.69-00.01, G034.43+00.24, G035.39-00.33, G038.95-00.47, and G053.11+00.05. Results. We investigated 44 cores including 37 cores reported in previous work and seven newly-identified cores. Toward the dense cores, we detected 6 DCO+^+, and 5 DCN lines. Using pixel-by-pixel spectral energy distribution (SED) fits of the Herschel\textit{Herschel} 70 to 500 μ\mum, we obtained dust temperature and column density distributions of the IRDCs. We found that N2H+{\rm N_2H^+} emission has a strong correlation with the dust temperature and column density distributions, while C18O{\rm C^{18}O} showed the weakest correlation. It is suggested that N2H+{\rm N_2H^+} is indeed a good tracer in very dense conditions, but C18O{\rm C^{18}O} is an unreliable one, as it has a relatively low critical density and is vulnerable to freezing-out onto the surface of cold dust grains. The dynamics within IRDCs are active, with infall, outflow, and collapse; the spectra are abundant especially in deuterium species. Conclusions. We observe many blueshifted and redshifted profiles, respectively, with HCO+{\rm HCO^+} and C18O{\rm C^{18}O} toward the same core. This case can be well explained by model "envelope expansion with core collapse (EECC)".Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. To be published in A&A. The resolutions of the pictures are cut dow

    Abortive Apoptosis and Its Profound Effects on Radiation, Chemical, and Oncogene-Induced Carcinogenesis

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    Traditionally apoptosis and the apoptotic machinery have been deemed as anticarcinogenic because of their presumed roles in eliminating damaged or unwanted cells. However, recent work from our laboratory and others have shown that the established paradigm is deeply flawed. The fundamental flaw is the assumption that apoptosis, once initiated, is irreversible and invariably leads to cell death. However, there is increasing evidence that cells can survive activation of the apoptotic cascade. This new revelation about abortive apoptotic cells can dramatically change our assessment of the biological roles of apoptosis. In this brief review, we will cover some of the original studies that report the "undead" apoptotic cells and how they lead to unexpected new roles for apoptotic factors in space radiation and other stress induced genetic instability and carcinogenesis. We will also review exciting new discoveries on the association among abortive apoptosis, spontaneous DNA double strand breaks, DNA damage response, and stemness of cancer cells

    Deterministic realization of collective measurements via photonic quantum walks

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    Collective measurements on identically prepared quantum systems can extract more information than local measurements, thereby enhancing information-processing efficiency. Although this nonclassical phenomenon has been known for two decades, it has remained a challenging task to demonstrate the advantage of collective measurements in experiments. Here we introduce a general recipe for performing deterministic collective measurements on two identically prepared qubits based on quantum walks. Using photonic quantum walks, we realize experimentally an optimized collective measurement with fidelity 0.9946 without post selection. As an application, we achieve the highest tomographic efficiency in qubit state tomography to date. Our work offers an effective recipe for beating the precision limit of local measurements in quantum state tomography and metrology. In addition, our study opens an avenue for harvesting the power of collective measurements in quantum information processing and for exploring the intriguing physics behind this power.Comment: Close to the published versio