427 research outputs found

    Rigorous Analytical Model for Metasurface Microscopic Design with Interlayer Coupling

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    We present a semianalytical method for designing meta-atoms in multilayered metasurfaces (MSs), relying on a rigorous model developed for multielement metagratings. Notably, this model properly accounts for near-field coupling effects, allowing reliable design even for extremely small interlayer spacings, verified via commercial solvers. This technique forms an appealing alternative to the common full-wave optimization employed for MS microscopic design to date.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figure

    Towards Assessing Organizational Cybersecurity Risks via Remote Workers’ Cyberslacking and Their Computer Security Posture

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    Cyberslacking is conducted by employees who are using their companies’ equipment and network for personal purposes instead of performing their work duties during work hours. Cyberslacking has a significant adverse effect on overall employee productivity, however, recently, due to COVID19 pandemic move to remote working also pose a cybersecurity risk to organizations networks and infrastructure. In this work-in-progress research study, we are developing, validating, and will empirically test taxonomy to assess an organization’s remote workers’ risk level of cybersecurity threats. This study includes a three-phased developmental approach in developing the Remote Worker Cyberslacking Security Risk Taxonomy. With feedback from cybersecurity Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on the taxonomy and measures, we then plan to use the taxonomy to assess organizational remote workers’ risk level of cybersecurity threats by using actual system indicators of productivity measures to estimate their cyberslacking along with assessing the computer security posture of the remote device being used to access organizational resources. Anticipated results from 125 anonymous employees will then be assessed on the proposed novel taxonomy where recommendation to the organizational cybersecurity leadership will be provided

    Assessing the Impact of Automated Suggestions on Decision Making: Domain Experts Mediate Model Errors but Take Less Initiative

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    Automated decision support can accelerate tedious tasks as users can focus their attention where it is needed most. However, a key concern is whether users overly trust or cede agency to automation. In this paper, we investigate the effects of introducing automation to annotating clinical texts--a multi-step, error-prone task of identifying clinical concepts (e.g., procedures) in medical notes, and mapping them to labels in a large ontology. We consider two forms of decision aid: recommending which labels to map concepts to, and pre-populating annotation suggestions. Through laboratory studies, we find that 18 clinicians generally build intuition of when to rely on automation and when to exercise their own judgement. However, when presented with fully pre-populated suggestions, these expert users exhibit less agency: accepting improper mentions, and taking less initiative in creating additional annotations. Our findings inform how systems and algorithms should be designed to mitigate the observed issues.Comment: Fixed minor formattin

    Judicial Diversity in Israel: an Empirical Study of Judges, Lawyers and Law Students

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    Israel has witnessed both the judicialization of politics and growing criticism that the judiciary does not reflect the diversity of Israeli society. However, no comprehensive analysis of judicial diversity in Israel has existed. In addition, despite substantial changes in legal education and the legal profession in Israel in the past two decades, there has been no research into the demographics of Israeli lawyers and law students who make up the “pool” for future judicial appointments. These factors, along with recent proposals to reform the judicial selection procedure, form the background to this research, the aims of which are: (1) To provide the first comprehensive analysis of judicial diversity in Israel; (2) To provide the first study of diversity amongst Israeli lawyers and law students; (3) To explore perceptions of Israeli lawyers and law students regarding judicial diversity in Israel. To achieve this, three large-scale quantitative empirical studies were carried out. The first study draws on publicly available information to profile the diversity of all judges in the general court system in Israel (covering over 700 judges). The other two studies surveyed lawyers and law students in Israel, profiling the diversity of each group and examining their views about the Israeli judiciary, judicial diversity in general and in Israel, as well as their interest in a judicial career. The three studies therefore provide a unique insight into judicial diversity in Israel as it currently stands as well as the where it may be heading in the immediate and longer-term future. The thesis also places its findings within the continuing debate about judicial diversity in Israel, and it explores how judicial diversity in Israeli fits within the wider scholarship on judicial diversity worldwide

    La incredulidad como canalización y pretexto del asedio acusatorio a los judíos en de Fide Catholica y Chronica Maiora de Isidoro de Sevilla

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    Las acusaciones contra los judíos del Antiguo Testamento emanadas del De fide Catholica probablemente procuraron resquebrajar de manera indirecta cualquier atisbo de acercamiento hacia el otro religioso que pudiera surgir de alguien de la esfera eclesiástica, de los próximos a convertir, o, como sucediera en Chronica Maiora, de los recientemente convertidos. Tal brújula conceptual no estuvo exenta de exhibir toda clase de contradicciones

    Entendimento da Responsabilidade Social Corporativa da Samarco no rompimento da barragem de Fundão

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    O artigo examina a orientação intrínseca que orienta as atividades de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) nos relatórios voluntários de sustentabilidade publicados pela Samarco, mineradora brasileira, identificando como a empresa se percebe em relação ao sério desastre ambiental ocorrido em 2015. Nossa análise aplicou o modelo de Basu e Palazzo (2008) baseado em um processo de entendimento organizacional para explicar como a empresa expressa seu pensamento, como ela o discute e como ela atua para lidar com as expectativas e consequências do acidente.  Analisamos os relatórios que retratam o colapso da barragem de rejeitos, observando em que extensão os riscos e prejuízos ao ecossistema seriam antecipados e mencionados aos stakeholders. Nossas evidências mostram que a empresa não antecipou qualquer informação relevante sobre os perigos reais ou impactos críticos de suas atividades operacionais. Após o acidente, a Samarco parece manter sua postura relacional com a sociedade. Entretanto, as ações práticas indicam estar cuidando de seus próprios interesses.This paper examines the fundamental orientation guiding the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in the voluntary report published by Samarco – a Brazilian mining company, identifying how the company perceives itself regarding a severe environmental disaster occurred in 2015. Our analysis applied Basu and Palazzo (2008)'s model based on an organizational sensemaking process to explain how the organization expresses its thinking, how it discusses and acts to cope with the accident expectancy and its consequences. We analyzed the reports that depict the tailings dam collapse, observing whether the risks and damages to the ecosystem would be mentioned and anticipated to the stakeholders. Our evidence point out that the company had not disclosed beforehand any relevant information about the real hazards or critical impacts of its operating activities. After the accident, Samarco seems to maintain its relational posture towards society.  However, the practical actions signal that the company is after its own business

    Anemia in Children with Down Syndrome

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    Background. Iron deficiency anemia impacts on cognitive development. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of anemia and iron deficiency in children with Down syndrome and identify risk factors for anemia. Methods. We conducted a prolective cross-sectional study of children attending a multidisciplinary Down syndrome medical center. One hundred and forty nine children with Down syndrome aged 0–20 years were enrolled in the study. Information obtained included a medical history, physical and developmental examination, nutritional assessment, and the results of blood tests. Results. Of the patients studied, 8.1% were found to have anemia. Among the 38 children who had iron studies, 50.0% had iron deficiency. In a multivariate analysis, Arab ethnicity and low weight for age were significantly associated with anemia. Gender, height, the presence of an eating disorder, and congenital heart disease were not risk factors for anemia. Conclusions. Children with Down syndrome are at risk for anemia and iron deficiency similar to the general population. Children with Down syndrome should be monitored for anemia and iron deficiency so that prompt intervention can be initiated

    Modelo de fatores para commodities e cenários de preços no curto prazo: o caso da soja

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    This paper analyzes the short-term scenarios for soybeans spot prices. We include a seasonalcomponent while modeling the non-observable variables through stochastic processes. Themodel was estimated using the Kalman filter over observable prices of future contracts termstructure. The results show a more favorable scenario for producers and exporters. However,consumers and importers are indicated to hedge their positions. The analysis is extensible toother commodities dependent on seasonality. Likewise, the model can be used to price derivatives,where the future price is the underline asset.Este artigo analisa os cenários futuros de curto prazo para o preço à vista da soja. A abordagem é feita modelando os fatores não observáveis por processos estocásticos com a inclusão do componente sazonal. As variáveis de observação são os preços futuros (estrutura a termo dos contratos futuros). Procede-se a estimação do modelo pelo filtro de Kalman. Os resultados mostram um cenário de curto mais favorável aos produtores e exportadores. Por outro lado, os consumidores e importadores, têm uma indicação de que medidas de proteção são necessárias para suas posições. A análise pode ser estendida a outras commodities dependentes da sazonalidade. Da mesma forma, o modelo pode empregado no apreçamento de derivativos onde o ativo subjacente é o preço futuro