809 research outputs found


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    The Siberian craton consists of Archean blocks, which were welded up into the same large unit by ca 1.9 Ga [Gladkochub et al., 2006; Rojas-Agramonte et al., 2011]. The history of the constituent Archean blocks is mosaic because of limited number of outcrops, insufficient sampling coverage because of their location in remote regions and deep forest and difficulties with analytical studies of ancient rocks, which commonly underwent metamorphic modifications and secondary alterations. In this short note, we report data on discovery of unusual for Archean mafic rocks of ultimate fresh appearance. These rocks were discovered within southwestern Siberian craton in a region near a boundary between Kitoy granulites of the Sharyzhalgai highgrade metamorphic complex and Onot green-schist belt (Fig. 1). Here we present preliminary data on geochronology of these rocks and provide their geochemical characterization.The Siberian craton consists of Archean blocks, which were welded up into the same large unit by ca 1.9 Ga [Gladkochub et al., 2006; Rojas-Agramonte et al., 2011]. The history of the constituent Archean blocks is mosaic because of limited number of outcrops, insufficient sampling coverage because of their location in remote regions and deep forest and difficulties with analytical studies of ancient rocks, which commonly underwent metamorphic modifications and secondary alterations. In this short note, we report data on discovery of unusual for Archean mafic rocks of ultimate fresh appearance. These rocks were discovered within southwestern Siberian craton in a region near a boundary between Kitoy granulites of the Sharyzhalgai highgrade metamorphic complex and Onot green-schist belt (Fig. 1). Here we present preliminary data on geochronology of these rocks and provide their geochemical characterization

    Effect of dietary fats on endogenous oleic acid biosynthesis in rat liver

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    Aim: Determine the effect of dietary fats with different fatty acid composition on the biosynthesis of oleic acid and its metabolic precursors in the liver . Methods: High linoleic sunflower oil (HLSO), high oleic sunflower oil (HOSO) and palm oil (PO) were used. Rats were fed a semi-synthetic fat-free diet (FFD) and fat diets containing 5 % of the above oils (instead of starch) for 30 days. Liver lipids were divided into 3 fractions: neutral lipids (NL), phospholipids (PL) and free fatty acids (FFA). The fatty acid composition of the fractions was determined by gas chromatography. The “activity” of fatty acid synthase was determined from the total content of the products of this reaction (C16:0 and C16:1). The “activity” of palmitic acid elongase was determined by the ratio С18:0/С16:0, as well as by the formula (С18:0+С18:1)/(С16:0–С16:1). The “activity” of stearic acid desaturase (SCD1) was determined by the ratio C16:1/C16:0 (SCD16) and by the ratio C18:1/C18:0 (SCD18). Results: In rats treated with fat diets, the content of palmitic and oleic acids is reduced only in the NL fraction, and to the greatest extent when consuming the diet with HLSO. The “activity” of palmitic acid elongase increases significantly with the consumption of a diet with HLSO. SCD16 desaturase “activity” decreases with fat diet, while SCD18 desaturase “activity” increases. The level of SCD18 is significantly higher than the level of SCD16. Consumption of HLSO reduces the content of ω-3 PUFA in rat liver lipids, while the intake of HOSO increases it. Conclusions: HLSO diet reduces the endogenous biosynthesis of oleic and palmitic acids, as determined by the analysis of the rat liver NL fraction. A fat diet reduces SCD16 “activity” but increases SCD18 “activity”, especially when fed a diet with HOSO. The diet with HLSO reduces the content of ω-3 PUFA in liver lipids

    Mineralizing activity of periodontal bone tissue of rats with experimental diabetes

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    Background. To determine the effect of diabetes on the state of periodontal bone tissue. Methods. In rats, diabetes mellitus of the first type (DM1) was reproduced with the help of alloxan and diabetes mellitus of the second type (DM2) with the help of protamine. The activity of alkaline (ALP) and acid (ACP) phosphatases, calcium content, protein and elastase activity were determined in periodontal bone tissue. The level of biochemical markers of inflammation and protective systems was determined in the blood serum and in the gums. The mineralizing activity of bone tissue was determined by the ALP/ACP ratio. Results. It was established that the mineralizing activity of periodontal bones is significantly higher in males and increases with age. The reproduction of DM1 and DM2 in rats caused a significant decrease in the mineralizing activity of periodontal bone tissue and insignificant changes in the level of calcium and protein. In rats with diabetes, an inflammatory process develops in the gums (increase in the level of elastase) against the background of a decrease in the level of markers of protective systems (catalase and lysozyme). Conclusion. A decrease in the level of mineralizing activity of periodontal bone tissue under conditions of diabetes can be the reason for the development of diabetic periodontitis

    Hypolipidemic action of oral applications of edible fats

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    Levitsky A. P., Dvulit I. P., Khodakov I. V. Hypolipidemic action of oral applications of edible fats. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018;8(11):600-605. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2535711 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/6454 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part b item 1223 (26/01/2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author(s) 2018; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 19.11.2018. Revised: 22.11.2018. Accepted: 30.11.2018. UDK 616.153:588.152:616.633:612.31 HYPOLIPIDEMIC ACTION OF ORAL APPLICATIONS OF EDIBLE FATS A. P. Levitsky 1, I. P. Dvulit2, I. V. Khodakov1 1SE «The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillofacial surgery of the National academy of medical science of Ukraine» (Odessa) 2Lviv National Medical University [email protected] Abstract Background. To determine the effect of oral fatty applications on the content of triglycerides in the serum and liver of rats. Methods. As edible fats, ordinary sunflower oil, high-oleic sunflower oil “Olivka” and butter, as well as the same oils after heat treatment, were used. Application of oils (0.5 g) on the oral mucosa was carried out once a day for 3 days. After euthanasia on the 4th day, the content of triglycerides (TG) in the serum and in the liver was determined. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) was also determined in the liver. The ratio of the level of TG in serum and in the liver was calculated fat-incretory function of the liver. Results. Oral fatty applications cause a decrease in serum TG and increase them in the liver. In the liver, the content of MDA and the fat-incretory function decreases. Conclusion. Oral fatty applications cause hypotriglyceridemia, reduce the level of peroxidation in the liver and cause hepatosteatosis. Keywords: fat diet, oral cavity, liver, serum

    Anti-inflammatory action on kidneys of rats of the preparation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)

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    Background. To determine the renoprotective effect of PUFA. Methods. The preparation of essential PUFA “Liposan-C” was used, which was administered to rats on a fat-free diet in an amount of 1% of the diet weight for 32 days. The activity of elastase, urease, lysozyme, catalase and the content of MDA were determined in the homogenate of the kidneys. According to these indicators, the degree of dysbiosis and intensity of inflammation were calculated. Results. A decrease in the activity of urease, elastase and the degree of dysbiosis in rats treated with Liposan-C was established. Conclusion. The drug PUFA "Liposan-C" has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-disbiotic effect on the kidneys

    Thermal Denaturation and Aggregation of Myosin Subfragment 1 Isoforms with Different Essential Light Chains

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    We compared thermally induced denaturation and aggregation of two isoforms of the isolated myosin head (myosin subfragment 1, S1) containing different “essential” (or “alkali”) light chains, A1 or A2. We applied differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to investigate the domain structure of these two S1 isoforms. For this purpose, a special calorimetric approach was developed to analyze the DSC profiles of irreversibly denaturing multidomain proteins. Using this approach, we revealed two calorimetric domains in the S1 molecule, the more thermostable domain denaturing in two steps. Comparing the DSC data with temperature dependences of intrinsic fluorescence parameters and S1 ATPase inactivation, we have identified these two calorimetric domains as motor domain and regulatory domain of the myosin head, the motor domain being more thermostable. Some difference between the two S1 isoforms was only revealed by DSC in thermal denaturation of the regulatory domain. We also applied dynamic light scattering (DLS) to analyze the aggregation of S1 isoforms induced by their thermal denaturation. We have found no appreciable difference between these S1 isoforms in their aggregation properties under ionic strength conditions close to those in the muscle fiber (in the presence of 100 mM KCl). Under these conditions kinetics of this process was independent of protein concentration, and the aggregation rate was limited by irreversible denaturation of the S1 motor domain

    The comparative estimation of influence of higholeic sunflower and palm oils consumption on the fatty acids content of rat liver lipids

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    Aim: To determine of influence of higholeic sunflower and palm oils consumption on the fatty acids content of rat liver lipids.Materials and methods: The content of liver lipids and fatty acid levels in 2 lipid fractions were determined in 3 groups of rats: 1 – fat fee ration, 2 – ration with 15 % higholeic sunflower oil and 3 – ration with 15 % palm oil. The duration of feeding was 40 days. First lipid fraction was triglycerides (TG) + ester cholesterine (EC). Second lipid fraction was free fatty acids (FFA).Results: Increase of weight was the largest for third group, and the least for second group. The content of lipids in liver was the largest for third group, and the last for first group. The content of FFA was the largest for third group. The content of ω-6 PUSFA was the largest for third group. The content ω-3 PUSFA was the largest for second group.Conclusion: Palm oil consumption leact to increase sueight, the content of lipids and ω-6 PUSFA or decrease the content of ω-3 PUSFA on liver. Higholeic acid sunflower oil increase the content of ω-3 PUSFA

    Development of dysbiosis in the organism of rats receiving a high-fat diet

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    Background. To determine the effect on the degree of dysbiosis in the organs and tissues of rats treated with high-fat diet (HFD) using fats with various fatty acid compositions.Methods. We used ordinary (high-linoleic) sunflower oil, high-oleic sunflower oil, butter, palm and coconut oils. Rats were fed with 15 % of each of the fats for 64 days. In the blood serum from v.cava and v. porta, in the liver, heart, brain, skeletal muscles and intestinal mucosa, urease activity (an indicator of bacterial insemination), lysozyme activity (a factor of non-specific immunity) were determined, and the degree of dysbiosis was calculated from the ratio of relative urease and lysozyme activities. Results. The activity of urease in the blood of v. porta increased in rats treated with HFD, and was significantly higher than in the blood of v.cava. In most of the studied tissues, urease activity increased after HFD, with the exception of rats receiving high-oleic sunflower oil (HOSO). In contrast, lysozyme activity was reduced in most tissues, with the exception of rats treated with HOSO. The degree of dysbiosis increased after HFD with the exception of rats treated with HOSO.Conclusion. HFD increases the translocation of bacteria from the intestine. The liver partially neutralizes the microflora coming from the intestines. In blood serum from v. cava and v. porta, urease activity (an indicator of bacterial contamination), lysozyme activity (nonspecific immunity factor) were determined in the liver, heart, brain, skeletal muscle and intestinal mucosa, and the degree of dysbiosis was calculated by the ratio of the relative activities of urease and lysozyme.Results. Blood urease activity v. porta was elevated in rats treated with HFD and was significantly higher than in blood v. cava. In most of the tissues studied, urease activity increased after HFD with the exception of rats treated with high oleic sunflower oil (HOSO), the development of dysbiosis in all tissues of the body. The exception is HOSO, which does not cause the development of dysbiosis and inflammation

    Prevention of colitis in rats receiving palm oil on the background of dysbiosis by using quertulin

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    Aim: Identify the possibility of preventing colitis that develops in rats when consuming palm oil against dysbiosis. Materials and Methods: Antidysbiosis agent "Quertulin" (Quercetin + Inulin + Citrate Ca) was used. Biological experiments were performed on rats receiving a non-fat diet (NFD). The second group of rats received a diet in which 15% of starch was replaced with 15% palm oil containing 42% palmitic acid (C16:0). The third group of rats received a diet of palm oil and, in addition, received quertulin 400 mg / kg daily for 38 days. Rats of the 2nd and 3rd groups for development of dysbiosis from the first day of the experiment received lincomycin (60 mg / kg) with drinking water for 5 days. The activity of elastase, catalase, urease, lysozyme and the content of malodialdehyde (MDA) was determined in the gut mucosal homogenates. The ratio of catalase and MDA was calculated by the antioxidant-prooxidant index of API, according to the ratio of relative activity of urease and lysozyme – the degree of dysbiosis. Results: In rats receiving palm oil on the background of dysbiosis, the activity of elastase, urease, MDA content and the degree of dysbiosis increases in the mucosa of the colon, but the activity of catalase, lysozyme, and index API decreases. In rats receiving quertulin, the level of elastase, MDA, catalase, urease and lysozyme normalized, the API index increased and the degree of dysbiosis decreased. Conclusions: Consumption of palm oil on the background of dysbiosis causes the development of colitis and dysbiosis by reducing the level of nonspecific immunity and antioxidant protection. Antidysbiotic mean Quertulin has mucosoprotective action

    Therapeutic and preventive effect of feed additives on the state of periodonts of rats with experimental dysbiosis

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    Aim. Determine the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of feed additives on the condition of the periodontium in case of dysbiosis. Methods. As feed additives, we used flour from pea straw (FPS), oilcake from ordinary (high-linoleic) sunflower seeds (OOS) and oilcake from high-oleic sunflower seeds (OHOS), which were added to the composition of feed for rats in an amount of 10% instead of the same amount of grain wheat. The duration of feeding was 18 days. Experimental dysbiosis was reproduced using the antibiotic lincomycin. The activity of urease, lysozyme, catalase, elastase and the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) were determined in the gums of rats. Results. An increase in the level of urease, elastase, MDA and a slight decrease in the activity of lysozyme and catalase were found in rats with dysbiosis. The consumption of FPS and OOS had little effect on the biochemical parameters of the gums; however, the consumption of OHOS significantly reduced the activity of elastase, the level of MDA and normalized the level of urease. Conclusion. Under conditions of dysbiosis, periodontitis develops, which can be prevented by consuming high-oleic sunflower oilcake