345 research outputs found

    Allergy to Prolene Sutures in a Dural Graft for Chiari Decompression

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    Allergy to Prolene suture is exceedingly rare with only 5 cases reported in the literature. There have been no such cases associated with neurosurgical procedures. Diagnosis is nearly always delayed in spite of persistent symptomatology. A 27-year-old girl with suspected Ehlers-Danlos, connective tissue disorder, underwent posterior fossa decompression for Chiari Type 1 malformation. One year later, the patient presented with urticarial rash from the neck to chest. Cerebrospinal fluid and blood testing, magnetic resonance imaging, and intraoperative exploration did not suggest allergic reaction. Eventually skin testing proved specific Prolene allergy. After suture material was removed, the patient no longer complained of pruritus or rash. This single case highlights the important entity of allergic reaction to suture material, namely, Prolene, which can present in a delayed basis. Symptomatology can be vague but has typical allergic characteristics. Multidisciplinary approach is helpful with confirmatory skin testing as a vital part of the workup

    Clinical applications of electrical stimulation for peripheral nerve injury: A systematic review

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    INTRODUCTION: Peripheral nerve injuries are common neurologic injuries that are challenging to treat with current therapies. Electrical stimulation has been shown to accelerate reinnervation and enhance functional recovery. This study aims to review the literature on clinical application of electrical stimulation for peripheral nerve injury. METHODS: PubMed and Embase were sourced from 1995 to August 2022. Selection was based on predetermined inclusion/exclusion criteria. Eight hundred and thirty-five articles were screened with seven being included in this review. RESULTS: Two hundred and twenty-nine patients with peripheral nerve injuries were represented. Six of the studies were randomized controlled trials. A variety of nerve injuries were represented with all being in the upper extremity and supraclavicular region. Electrical stimulation protocols and evaluation varied. Electrodes were implanted in four studies with one also implanting the stimulator. Length of stimulation per session was either 20 mins or 1 h. Median stimulation frequency was 20 Hz. Stimulation intensity varied from 3 to 30V; pulse width ranged from 0.1 to 1.007 ms. Three protocols were conducted immediately after surgery. Patients were followed for an average of 13.5 months and were evaluated using electrophysiology and combinations of motor, sensory, and functional criteria. DISCUSSION: Patients who received electrical stimulation consistently demonstrated better recovery compared to their respective controls. Electrical stimulation for peripheral nerve injury is a novel treatment that has not been well-studied in humans. Our review illustrates the potential benefit in implementing this approach into everyday practice. Future research should aim to optimize protocol for clinical use

    Surgical Outcome of Three-Dimensional Correction of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

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    Background: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that appears in late childhood or adolescence. Instead of growing straight, the spine develops a side-to-side curvature, usually in an elongated "S" or "C" shape; the bones of the spine are also slightly twisted or rotated. To prevent further curve progression and obtain a balanced spine, surgery remains the mainstay of treatment for idiopathic scoliosis (IS). Objective: This study aimed to discuss three dimensional surgical techniques used for correction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, evaluating their feasibility, efficacy and safety. Patients and methods: This study was conducted in Mansoura University Hospital and Alexandria University Hospitals between September 2018 and April 2021. 3D surgical correction was performed for 91 patients complaining of idiopathic scoliosis, and not responding to conservative measures and not associated with neurological affection. Results: According to Lenke classification, there were 56 patients (61.5%) with type 1 curve type , 9 patients (9.9%) with type 2, 7 patients (7.7%) with type 3, 7 patients (7.7%) with type 5 and 12 patients (13.2%) with type 6. Mean preoperative height was 1.60 m while mean postoperative height was 1.66 m. with significant increase in height postoperatively (p < 0.001). Mean percentage height gain was 3.91%. Conclusion: We do believe that the posterior only approach 3D correction is an effective method in management of AIS concerning correction of Cobb angle, shoulder balance and spinopelvic parameters and recommend it as the best way nowadays to treat this disease

    Surgical Outcome of Three-Dimensional Correction of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

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    Background: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that appears in late childhood or adolescence. Instead of growing straight, the spine develops a side-to-side curvature, usually in an elongated "S" or "C" shape; the bones of the spine are also slightly twisted or rotated. To prevent further curve progression and obtain a balanced spine, surgery remains the mainstay of treatment for idiopathic scoliosis (IS). Objective: This study aimed to discuss three dimensional surgical techniques used for correction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, evaluating their feasibility, efficacy and safety. Patients and methods: This study was conducted in Mansoura University Hospital and Alexandria University Hospitals between September 2018 and April 2021. 3D surgical correction was performed for 91 patients complaining of idiopathic scoliosis, and not responding to conservative measures and not associated with neurological affection. Results: According to Lenke classification, there were 56 patients (61.5%) with type 1 curve type , 9 patients (9.9%) with type 2, 7 patients (7.7%) with type 3, 7 patients (7.7%) with type 5 and 12 patients (13.2%) with type 6. Mean preoperative height was 1.60 m while mean postoperative height was 1.66 m. with significant increase in height postoperatively (p < 0.001). Mean percentage height gain was 3.91%. Conclusion: We do believe that the posterior only approach 3D correction is an effective method in management of AIS concerning correction of Cobb angle, shoulder balance and spinopelvic parameters and recommend it as the best way nowadays to treat this disease

    Systematic review of the therapeutic use of Schwann cells in the repair of peripheral nerve injuries: Advancements from animal studies to clinical trials

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    ObjectiveTo systematically evaluate the literature on the therapeutic use of Schwann cells (SC) in the repair of peripheral nerve injuries.MethodsThe Cochrane Library and PubMed databases were searched using terms [(“peripheral nerve injury” AND “Schwann cell” AND “regeneration”) OR (“peripheral nerve injuries”)]. Studies published from 2008 to 2022 were eligible for inclusion in the present study. Only studies presenting data from in-vivo investigations utilizing SCs in the repair of peripheral nerve injuries qualified for review. Studies attempting repair of a gap of ≥10 mm were included. Lastly, studies needed to have some measure of quantifiable regenerative outcome data such as histomorphometry, immunohistochemical, electrophysiology, or other functional outcomes.ResultsA search of the PubMed and Cochrane databases revealed 328 studies. After screening using the abstracts and methods, 17 studies were found to meet our inclusion criteria. Good SC adherence and survival in conduit tubes across various studies was observed. Improvement in morphological and functional outcomes with the use of SCs in long gap peripheral nerve injuries was observed in nearly all studies.ConclusionBased on contemporary literature, SCs have demonstrated clear potential in the repair of peripheral nerve injury in animal studies. It has yet to be determined which nerve conduit or graft will prove superior for delivery and retention of SCs for nerve regeneration. Recent developments in isolation and culturing techniques will enable further translational utilization of SCs in future clinical trials

    Effects of Obesity on Cervical Disc Arthroplasty Complications

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    Objective High body mass index is a well-established modifiable comorbidity that is known to increase postoperative complications in all types of surgery, including spine surgery. Obesity is increasing in prevalence amongst the general population. As this growing population of obese patients ages, understanding how they faire undergoing cervical disc arthroplasty (CDA) is important for providing safe and effective evidence-based care for cervical degenerative pathology. Methods Our study used the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project’s National Inpatient Sample to assess patients undergoing CDA comparing patient characteristics and outcomes in nonobese patients to obese patients from 2004 to 2014. Results Our study found a significant increase in the overall utilization of CDA as a treatment modality (p = 0.012) and a statistically significant increase in obese patients undergoing CDA (p < 0.0001) from 2004 to 2014. Obesity was identified as an independent risk factor associated with increased rates of inpatient neurologic complications (odds ratio [OR], 6.99; p = 0.03), pulmonary embolus (OR, 5.41; p = 0.05), and wound infection (OR, 6.97; p < 0.001) in patients undergoing CDA from 2004 to 2014. Conclusion In patients undergoing CDA, from 2004 to 2014, obesity was identified as an independent risk factor with significantly increased rates of inpatient neurologic complications, pulmonary embolus and wound infection. Large prospective trials are needed to validate these findings

    DNA topoisomerases participate in fragility of the oncogene RET

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    Fragile site breakage was previously shown to result in rearrangement of the RET oncogene, resembling the rearrangements found in thyroid cancer. Common fragile sites are specific regions of the genome with a high susceptibility to DNA breakage under conditions that partially inhibit DNA replication, and often coincide with genes deleted, amplified, or rearranged in cancer. While a substantial amount of work has been performed investigating DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint proteins vital for maintaining stability at fragile sites, little is known about the initial events leading to DNA breakage at these sites. The purpose of this study was to investigate these initial events through the detection of aphidicolin (APH)-induced DNA breakage within the RET oncogene, in which 144 APHinduced DNA breakpoints were mapped on the nucleotide level in human thyroid cells within intron 11 of RET, the breakpoint cluster region found in patients. These breakpoints were located at or near DNA topoisomerase I and/or II predicted cleavage sites, as well as at DNA secondary structural features recognized and preferentially cleaved by DNA topoisomerases I and II. Co-treatment of thyroid cells with APH and the topoisomerase catalytic inhibitors, betulinic acid and merbarone, significantly decreased APH-induced fragile site breakage within RET intron 11 and within the common fragile site FRA3B. These data demonstrate that DNA topoisomerases I and II are involved in initiating APH-induced common fragile site breakage at RET, and may engage the recognition of DNA secondary structures formed during perturbed DNA replication

    Human papillomavirus prevalence, viral load and pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix in women initiating highly active antiretroviral therapy in South Africa: a cross-sectional study

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    Background Cervical cancer and infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are both important public health problems in South Africa (SA). The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs), high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV), HPV viral load and HPV genotypes in HIV positive women initiating anti-retroviral (ARV) therapy. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted at an anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment clinic in Cape Town, SA in 2007. Cervical specimens were taken for cytological analysis and HPV testing. The Digene Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) test was used to detect HR-HPV. Relative light units (RLU) were used as a measure of HPV viral load. HPV types were determined using the Roche Linear Array HPV Genotyping test. Crude associations with abnormal cytology were tested and multiple logistic regression was used to determine independent risk factors for abnormal cytology. Results The median age of the 109 participants was 31 years, the median CD4 count was 125/mm3, 66.3% had an abnormal Pap smear, the HR-HPV prevalence was 78.9% (Digene), the median HPV viral load was 181.1 RLU (HC2 positive samples only) and 78.4% had multiple genotypes. Among women with abnormal smears the most prevalent HR-HPV types were HPV types 16, 58 and 51, all with a prevalence of 28.5%. On univariate analysis HR-HPV, multiple HPV types and HPV viral load were significantly associated with the presence of low and high-grade SILs (LSIL/HSIL). The multivariate logistic regression showed that HPV viral load was associated with an increased odds of LSIL/HSIL, odds ratio of 10.7 (95% CI 2.0 – 57.7) for those that were HC2 positive and had a viral load of ≤ 181.1 RLU (the median HPV viral load), and 33.8 (95% CI 6.4 – 178.9) for those that were HC2 positive with a HPV viral load > 181.1 RLU. Conclusion Women initiating ARVs have a high prevalence of abnormal Pap smears and HR-HPV. Our results underscore the need for locally relevant, rigorous screening protocols for the increasing numbers of women accessing ARV therapy so that the benefits of ARVs are not partially offset by an excess risk in cervical cancer

    Can interventions that aim to decrease Lyme disease hazard at non-domestic sites be effective without negatively affecting ecosystem health? A systematic review protocol

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    Background Lyme disease (LD) is the most commonly reported, broadly distributed vector-borne disease of the northern temperate zone. It is transmitted by ticks and, if untreated, can cause skin, cardiac, nervous system and musculoskeletal disease. The distribution and incidence of LD is increasing across much of North America and Western Europe. Interventions to decrease exposure to LD hazard by encouraging behavioural change have low acceptance in high risk groups, and a safe, effective human LD vaccine is not presently available. As a result, habitat level interventions to decrease LD hazard itself (i.e. levels of infected ticks) have been proposed. However, some interventions may potentially negatively affect ecosystem health, and consequentially be neither desirable, nor politically feasible. This systematic review will catalogue interventions that aim to reduce LD hazard at non-domestic sites, and examine the evidence supporting those which are unlikely to negatively affect ecosystem health. Methods The review will be carried out in two steps. First, a screening and cataloguing stage will be conducted to identify and characterise interventions to decrease LD hazard at non-domestic sites. Secondly, the subset of interventions identified during cataloguing as unlikely to negatively affect ecosystem health will be investigated. In the screening and cataloguing step literature will be collected through database searching using pre-chosen search strings, hand-searching key journals and reviewing the websites of public health bodies. Further references will be identified by contacting stakeholders and researchers. Article screening and assessment of the likely effects of interventions on ecosystem health will be carried out independently by two reviewers. A third reviewer will be consulted if disagreements arise. The cataloguing step results will be presented in tables. Study quality will then be assessed independently by two reviewers, using adapted versions of established tools developed in healthcare research. These results will be presented in a narrative synthesis alongside tables. Though a full meta-analysis is not expected to be possible, if sub-groups of studies are sufficiently similar to compare, a partial meta-analysis will be carried out
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