27 research outputs found

    Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome presenting with neurological symptoms: a case report

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    Morgagni-Stewart-Morel (MSM) syndrome is characterized by the thickening of the frontal bone of the skull (hyperostosis frontalis interna) obesity, neurological symptoms, and hypertrichosis. We present the case of a 76-year-old patient who complained of confusion, extreme irritability, and headache and was diagnosed with MSM based on examination, imaging, and test results

    Retospective analysis of risk factors, etiological factors and treatment options in patients with cerebral venous thrombosis

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    PURPOSE: Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is not a common disease. It is known to have a varied clinical spectrum. There is too much cause of the etiology of disease. In this manuscript we discussed our patients initial symptoms, cause of CVT and our patients' prognosis. MATERIALS and METHODS: This study was a retrospective database analysis of 29 patients who had CVT followed from 2004 to 2010. All of the patients had cranial magnetic resonans imaging (MR) and Mr /Computarized Tomography (CT) venography. RESULTS: There were 27 female, 2 male in this study. Mean age of the patients was 34.97 ±12.79 years old. Only eight patients had abnormal neurological examination (4 patients papilloedema, 2 patients confusion, 1 patient cerebellar dysfunction, 1 patient homonymous hemianopsia). Initial symptoms of patients were headache(n=19), epileptic seizures (n=6), blurred vision (n=1), diplopia (n=2) and one of the patient had vertigo. Ten patients had only one sinus thrombosis however 19 patients had more than one sinus thrombosis. Thrombotic risk factors were found in 21 patients. Most important risc factor were pregnancy, postpartum condition, oral contraceptive usage and acquired hypercoagulable disease. CONCLUSION: CVT is rare but important condition. Sometimes non specific headache is a herald of this condition. Especially pregnancy and postpartum period are susceptibility of this condition

    Comparision of clinical and electrophysiological staging in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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    Amaçlar: Karpal tünel sendromu teshis edilen hastalarda klinik ve elektrofizyolojik evrelemeler arasındaki iliskinin arastırılmasıdır. Gereç ve yöntemler: Karpal tünel sendromu saptanan 127 el (90 hasta) incelendi. Hastalar klinik olarak ve elektrofizyolojik olarak evrelendi. Her iki evreleme arasındaki iliski incelendi. Karpal tünel sendromu tanısı, medyan sinir trasesindeki, parestezi, agrı, medyan sinir innervasyonlu alanlarda duyu kaybı, medyan sinir innervasyonlu kaslarda motor güçsüzlük ve atrofi olması, Phalen testi veTinel testi pozitifligi ile konuldu. Bulgular: Hastaların klinik evrelemesi ile elektrofizyolojik evrelemesi arasında anlamlı bir iliski saptandı (p=0.000). Hastaların klinik evreleri arttıkça elektrofizyolojik olarak da agır derecelerde karpal tünel sendromu ile uyumlu bulgular elde edilmekteydi. Sonuç: Pratikte klinik ve elektrofizyolojik olarak uyumsuz vakalara rastlansa da hastaların medyan sinir kompresyonunun derecesi klinik muayeneler ile tahmin edilebilir düsüncesindeyiz.Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between the clinical and electrophysiological stages in patients diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. Material and methods: One hundered twentyeight hands (90 patients) with carpal tunnel syndrome were investigated. Patients were staged clinically and electrophysiologically. The relationship between these stages was investigated. Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome was made according to the presence of paresthesia, pain in the innervation area of the median nerve, weakness and atrophy in the median nerve innervated muscles, positive Phalen and Tinnel tests. Results: A significant correlation was found between clinical and electrophysiological staging of patients. The electrophysiological findings were more severe as the clinical stage progressed. Conclusions: We suggest that although there may sometimes be a discordance between clinical and electrophysiological stages in clinical practice, the severity of the compression of the median nerve can usually be estimated by clinical examination

    Obsessive- compulsive disorder in the parkinson disease

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    Purpose: Obsessive disorder assessment using Leyton Obsessional Inventory was done in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's Disease. Materials and Methods: Fifty patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease according to United Kingdom Parkinson's Disease Society Brain Bank (UK-PDSBB) criteria and 37 healty individuals were included in the study.All subjects were assesed by the same psychiatrist using the Leyton obsessional inventory. Results: The Leyton obssesional scores were higher in the Parkinson's disease group than in the control group (p<0,001). In addition, correlation was found between the severity of disease and degree of obsession (p:0,771). Conclusion: Parkinson's disease is a neurodejenerative disorder with predominant motor symptoms but with progression , nonmotor symptoms also emerge. The patient's qualty of life may be much affected by these nonmotor symptoms. Diagnosis and treatment of the pyschiatric symptoms in Parkinson's disease may help improve life quality

    Intravenous Lidocain in SUNCT Treatment

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    SUNCT/SUNA are rare, severe, neuralgiform headaches with high frequency. They are often considered as a primary headache type. It is called episodic or chronic according to the peridiocity. At the time of attack, it can affect the daily life of the patient such that it can keep the patient from oral feeding. Therefore, it is specifically important to relieve the pain of the patient during the headache episode. Here, we present a patient treated with IV lidocaine during an acute episode that gained sustained remission

    Neck Tongue Syndrome; Started During Childhood and Still Existing

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    A sydrome, unilateral upper nuchal or occipital pain with or without numbness in these areas, accompanied by simultaneous ipsilateral numbness of the tongue is explicable by compresion of the second cervical root in the atlantoaxial space on sharp rotation of the neck as published justly by Lance JW and Anthony M in 1980. Since then totaly few papers were published about this syndrome. The patient is 15 years old girl and she has been suffering from ipsilateral numbness and pain on the neck and tongue during sharp rotation of the neck for ten years. She has no history of neck travma. In this case report we discussed rarely seen neck tongue syndrome patien

    Obstructive Sleep Apne Syndrome and Neurology

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    Obstrüktif Uyku Apne Sendromu (OUAS) nörolojik hastalar arasında sık görülen ciddi bir durumdur. OUAS’ın etyolojisinde, ayırıcı tanısında ve sonuçlarında nörolojik hastalıklar bulunmaktadır. OUAS’ın nörolojik hastalıklarla birlikteliği daima dikkat çekmiştir. OUAS birçok nörolojik semptomu içinde barındıran bir sendromdur. OUAS tanınmaz ve tedavi edilmezse, birçok nörolojik hastalığa sebep olabilir , potansiyel olarak birbirlerini daha da kötüleştirebilirler ve sonuçta ölüme yol açabilir. Bu derlemede, nörolojik hastalıklarla OUAS ilişkisi ele alınmıştır.Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is a common condition in neurological patients. Neurological diseases are present in the etiology, differential diagnosis and outcomes of OSAS. The association of OSAS with neurological diseases has always attracted attention. OSAS is a syndrome that contains many neurological symptoms. If OSAS is unrecognized and untreated, it can lead to many neurological diseases, potentially worsening each other and ultimately leading to death. In this review, the relation between OSAS and neurological diseases has been mentioned